Stunning God

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Xue Wuhen stared at the door that had been closed long ago, feeling as uncomfortable as thousands of ants gnawed on her. Xue Wuxie behind her could only sigh silently when she saw such a third brother.

Gong Tianshou saw it, this is not good, the evil king and the third prince are not good enough, now how can he get rid of this evil obstacle?

"Xie Wang, do you see this???" Gong Tianshou pointed to the closed door, halfway through the sentence, the meaning was very clear, just asking him, what should we do next?
"This is your palace family's housework. This king has no right to interfere. You can do it yourself, third brother, we should go," after finishing speaking, no matter whether Xue Wuhen wanted to or not, he took his arm and walked out.

Seeing the situation, Gong Tianshou finally made up his mind to do it tonight, either he will die or that evil person will die, otherwise, he will not be able to live comfortably in the future.

"Let's go, go back." The mobilizing crowd came, and they left in disgrace.

Looking at the people walking away, Mo Linger laughed out of nowhere, "Hahaha"

"Gong Tianshou's expression is simply, hahaha, it's so funny, you can even sing a song."

"It will take a hundred years to fight Miss." Although Gong Yanzi said seriously, there was a bit of humor in her tone.

"Okay, you all pack up, we should go out" She hasn't visited the Charming Snake Organization yet, and now is the time, guess, the thief has already started to act, right?
"Xu Yan, we've packed up, when are we going?" After a while, Mo Ling'er had already come out of the room, and asked the concubine Xu Yan excitedly.

"Gong Li, when will the third elder arrive?"

"Return to the master, right away." As soon as Gong Li's voice fell, the figure of the third elder had already appeared at the gate of Chengguangyuan.

He rushed to the front of the concubine Xuyan in a hurry, and saluted very respectfully, "This subordinate has seen the master."

"Forget it, take me to meet the members of the Charming Snake." Uncle Hua told her when she was in the Demon Realm that the Charming Snakes are actually the Gong family, that is, a group of subordinates trained by her father. They are loyal to her father, Never mind.

And Ling Tian is also one of her father's personal bodyguards, but Mei Snake has always let him take care of him. Ling Zhi, who is now the third elder of the Gong family, is Ling Tian's younger brother and one of her father's subordinates.

"Yes, please, master." The third elder walked beside Gongfei Xuyan to lead the way for her, and the rest followed behind.

Gong Tianshou arranged to monitor their eyeliner, and when he saw Gongfei Xuyan and the others leaving Chengguangyuan, he immediately turned around to report, but he fell to the ground before taking a few steps, breathless, and he didn't know until his death. Why did I die?

In fact, when Gong Tianshou left with a gloomy face, she knew what it meant with a casual look in her eyes, so she asked Ye Xingyu's secret guard to look around for suspicious people. Kill without hesitation.

After they walked out of the gate of Gong's house, Gong Li had already arranged a horned carriage there, the purpose was to deceive people's eyes and not be followed by those followers.

"Master, how about sitting in the carriage for a while, and then flying in Yujian?" Gong Li thought it was more thoughtful, after all, this is still the imperial capital, and the people who stare at the master are not as simple as a family.

"Well, that's it. You can arrange it in the future. You don't need to ask for instructions. If it's not suitable, I will let you know. I'm very relieved that you are doing things now."

"Okay, I see." Gong Li was very happy in his heart, such a picky master actually approved of his actions, it seems that he must behave well in the future.

"Let's go" Following Gongfei Xuyan's order, Gong Li picked up the whip and whipped the wildebeest's buttocks, and the carriage drove out immediately.

After two hours of travel, they finally arrived at a remote and uninhabited area. The concubine Xuyan jumped out of the carriage, and Ling Yue looked around. After finding no strangers, he nodded to concubine Xuyan.

"Everyone take out your weapons and start flying." Concubine Gong Xuyan took out the silver wand first, and pulled Lian An and Long Ze up, Ling Yue followed closely behind.

Mo Xuanyu took Mo Linger on his sword.

Ling Zhi took Gong Li brothers and sisters to ride on his weapons.

Concubine Xu Yanfei was at the front, and they were behind, flying forward in a triangular formation.

The wildebeest carriage had already been driven back to the imperial capital, their territory, by a few people led by Leng Shuangwu.

It took a whole day to fly to reach the destination.

"Master, this is here, please take out the jade tablet and inlay it on this mark, and then put a drop of your blood on it."

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the imprint of a jade plaque model on the stone wall in front of her. She took out the jade plaque and inlaid it on it as Ling Zhi said. Then, she bit her finger and dripped blood on it, and the blood was absorbed , the jade tablet and the imprint were almost integrated, only a loud "click" was heard.

The stone wall inlaid with the jade tablet was split into two, and a door was opened.

"Master, the door is open, we can go in." The voice of the third elder was very excited. He had only been here once hundreds of years ago. I admire his master so much.

A hundred years have passed, and those people still stay here, waiting for the master to come and summon them.

Gongfei Xuyan walked into the stone gate with her head held high.

She had just entered and did not take a few steps when several figures of "Shu Shua Shua" appeared in front of her.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, they immediately knelt down on one knee, "For wind, rain, thunder, and electricity, please refer to the master."

Not to mention the loud voice, the main reason is that it is very imposing.

Moreover, it is only four people.

This kind of performance made Gongfei Xuyan very satisfied.

"Well, let's all get up." Concubine Gong Xuyan also resumed her bossy posture.

"Master, please." It was Feng who took the lead who spoke.

Dressed in dark green clothes, with a strong figure, the snake-shaped half-section mask covers most of the face, only the shape of the mouth and chin can be seen, and the rest can only be imagined and guessed.

The same is true for the other three, but each of them has their respective titles embroidered on the collar corners of their clothes.

"Tell me about your current situation here"

"Returning to the master, the Charming Snake is divided into four halls and eight rudders, namely the Dragon Hall, the Tiger Hall, the Martial Hall, and the Sparrow Hall. There are two rudders under each hall. The Dragon Hall is mainly for magic, and the Tiger Hall is for refining medicine and weapons. Wutang is Xuanqi, and Quetang is specialized in the study of rare and exotic treasures. The four subordinates are the four guardians of Charming Snake, and the subordinate is Feng, followed by "Rain, Thunder and Lightning". , One by one, they clasped their fists and saluted to the concubine Xuyan.

"Well, yes, who is the highest in magic and profound energy here, and what level are they, and what level is the alchemist?"

She wanted to see how the people her father cultivated were like?
"Master, he is the highest subordinate, a junior magician," Feng stepped forward and replied.

Immediately afterwards, Lei said, "Return to the master. The profound energy of the subordinates is the highest, the senior Xuandi"

"Well, what level are you all?" Gongfei Xuyan was very satisfied with Feng and Lei.

Then, turn around and ask about the silent rain and electricity.

"Master, we are all junior holy magicians." Although his tone was as calm as possible, Gongfei Xuyan could still hear the helplessness in their words.

They should have not broken through for a long time, right?Otherwise, you wouldn't be so helpless?

After she checks it, it's not too late to help them.

"That's right, you are all very good, but there is no limit to learning, the master hopes that you will keep working hard, no matter whether it is useful or not, you don't need to stop working hard, as long as you work hard, sooner or later there will be results."

"Yes, my subordinates would like to follow the teachings of the master"

Gongfei Xuyan kept talking to Feng and the others, and did not visit the surrounding area.

Suddenly, Mo Linger's scream interrupted their conversation.


"What's the matter?" Concubine Xu Yan immediately turned her head to ask Mo Ling'er who spoke out.

Everyone also looked at the past unanimously.

Mo Ling'er looked at the way everyone looked at her with embarrassment, her small face suddenly turned into a red apple.

"I, I just saw this, it's too spectacular, so I couldn't help but scream." Mo Ling'er said very embarrassedly.Immediately bowed his head.

After hearing Mo Linger's explanation, Gongfei Xuyan looked up and looked around.

It's really nice, although not magnificent.But it is very imposing. Just from such an environment, it can be seen that the people here are not ordinary people.

"Father, it really took a lot of thought." While sighing, she still did not forget to praise her father whom she had never met.

"Master Shenzun has put a lot of thought into being here, but it's a pity that I haven't been here for so long," Feng said with nostalgia.

"Hehe, you will be able to see your father soon." As long as Jun'er leaves the customs, I believe that the release of his father's seal will be just around the corner.

Then, the father's recovery is just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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