Stunning God

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

"Assemble the personnel, I mainly get to know them." Raising soldiers for a day, using them for a while, now is the time to use them.

"Yes, this subordinate is going to assemble the team now." Feng took the other three people and disappeared quickly.

Gongfei Xuyan led everyone to move forward.

Within a hundred steps, the four of them, rain, thunder and lightning, flashed into Gongfei Xuyan's sight with dozens of figures.

"See Master" Dozens of people spoke and saluted in unison.

"Excuse me, get up..." The concubine Xuyan made a gesture of support, and dozens of people led by Feng stood up at the same time, with the same speed and posture. It seems that the discipline is very strict, like a soldier a feeling of.


Feng immediately stepped out, and started to introduce in the order of standing, "This is the leader of the Dragon Hall, Demon Spirit, this is the leader of the Tiger Hall, Yao Ling, this is the leader of the Martial Hall, Xuan Ling, this is the leader of the Bird Hall, and Poison Spirit"

After looking at Gongfei Xuyan one by one, he continued to point to the eight people behind and said, "These are the two helmsmen of Longtang, Huo Ling and Lei Ling."

"These are the two rudder masters of Hutang, Qi Ling and Dan Ling, these are the two rudder masters of Wutang, Jian Ling and Dao Ling, and these are the two rudder masters of Sparrow Hall, Poison Ling and Bao Ling"

After Feng finished introducing them one by one, he retreated to the team, stood still, and waited for the instruction from the concubine Xuyan.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was very satisfied with the sixteen management members.

They are not only well-ordered, but also very self-controlled. They are good people. It seems that my father has a good vision.

"Very good, but who are those people behind?" Because Feng didn't introduce the people behind, she had to figure it out.

"Back to the master, these are the best among the Charming Snakes, except for us. I asked them to come here because I want the master to give me some advice. After that, they will follow the master directly. Secretly protect the safety of the master."

"Well," it seems that this Feng is a good talent, she can be cultivated well and become a great talent.

"Hello everyone, my name is Gongfei Xuyan, and I am Gong Lingqing's daughter. From now on, we will work together to restore the Gong family and make it more glorious."

"Okay, create another glory, create another glory" the loud voice spread throughout the underground palace.

This kind of aura made Lexus seem to see when the master was there.

At that time, as long as the master said something, everyone would be so excited and excited. After many years, the master's daughter could still make everyone excited and refreshed.

Concubine Xu Yan slightly raised her hand, Feng and the others immediately stopped shouting and looked at Concubine Xu Yan.

"Brothers, you have been here for a long time, it is time to go out and show your strength"

"To tell you the truth, my father's younger brother, you also know him, was assassinated by him after my father left here. Although he is about to recover, my mother and aunt are in his hands, so I want to rescue him. They, the Restoration Palace Family, hope that everyone will work together.”

"Everything is according to the order of the master." Although they were surprised that the Lord God was assassinated, but the order of the master is everything, so even if they are surprised, they can only be surprised in their hearts.

"Feng, Yu, you arranged for the two hall masters to lead a team of troops to ambush around the palace of the Imperial Capital of the Snow Kingdom. That is a small branch of my palace. Now that we can restore the strength of the family, we can only use this side branch."

"Yes, this subordinate will make arrangements now." Feng Heyu immediately took orders to go.

"Lei Dian, you go and arrange for the other two hall masters to lead a team of troops and keep an eye on the situation of the other three major families in the imperial capital. If there is any change, stop it immediately, and don't give the Gong family a chance to rescue them."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." Lei Dian also went down to make arrangements.

In the main hall, only those with high cultivation bases and the concubine Xu Yan were left.

"From now on, you will be the master's personal guards, and you can also be regarded as secret guards. You can show your face or hide, and now take your positions immediately."


"Yan'er, Bai Yu and Jun'er seem to be waking up." Suddenly, Huo Qing's voice came from Qianling.

The concubine Xuyan didn't say a word, she pulled Lian'an and Longze into the Qianling Mausoleum immediately, and said before leaving, "Wait a moment, I have something to take care of"

Of course, Mo Xuanyu and Mo Ling'er knew where the concubine Xu Yan had gone, yes, but Ling Yue didn't know, he wanted to follow, but was stopped by Mo Xuanyu, "No, Xu Yan has something else to do, don't worry about her safety Well, with Lian An here, there won't be any mistakes."

Ling Yue struggled for a while before he relaxed his knit brows, found a seat and sat down, waiting for the imperial concubine Xu Yan to come out.

Inside the Qianling Mausoleum......

When Gongfei Xuyan and the three entered, there was no sign of Bai Yu, and the elements inside fluctuated violently.

Huo Qing was also unconscious on the side.

Seeing this scene, Gongfei Xuyan became very anxious, and began to look around for Bai Yu and Jun'er.

"Xiaoyu, Juner, where are you?"

"Xiaoyu, gentleman???"

"Yan'er, when did you become so emotional?" Suddenly, a magnetic male voice came from behind her.

Gongfei Xuyan didn't even think about it, she immediately turned her head away.

Immediately, she was taken aback.

The white clothes fluttered, the hair of the same color fluttered without any wind, and there was no bun, and an evil charm with an elegant expression hung on a beautiful and masculine face.

If his evil charm was replaced by Qingyou, he could be compared with Lian'an.

"What's the matter? Yan'er, have you seen me fascinated??" Bai Yu jokingly walked towards each other.

"Xiaoyu? After a deep sleep, she transformed into a human form? That's not bad, and he's a beautiful boy again." She came to this different world, and she really made a lot of money. She was surrounded by beautiful boys, and she was so pleasing to the eye.

"Yan'er. Do you like this face?" Bai Yu suddenly stroked his face, looking at Gongfei Xuyan with a charming and seductive expression.

Lian An and Long Ze looked at Bai Yu, looked at each other, walked over together, and punched Bai Yu in the face.

At the same time, he said, "This is the fate of stinky people"

The tacit cooperation between the two made the concubine Xu Yan happy.

"Hahaha, An, Ze, you guys really have a tacit understanding, but Xiaoyu, you looked so good just now, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Yan'er, what did you say?" Bai Yu's face turned red when Gong Fei Xu said it.

"Okay, don't make trouble, Jun'er hasn't seen it yet." Unable to bear Bai Yu being teased by Gongfei Xuyan, Lian An persuaded him.

"By the way, Xiaoyu, just now, Xiaohuo said that both you and Jun'er showed signs of waking up, why did you not see Jun'er?" Jun'er's body was her father, which they all knew , and this time out.It was time for her father to regain his strength. Although there would be no problems in Qianling, she was also worried, after all.That seal still needs her blood to be lifted in time, otherwise it will never be restored.

"I don't know either. When I woke up, I heard you calling me. I don't know anything else." Bai Yu was also very helpless about this matter.

"Yan, use your spiritual sense to check here, maybe you can find it," Lian An reminded in time.Instead, the concubine Xuyan suddenly realized.

Qianling is her magic tool, no matter how big the space is inside, as long as she wants to see all the places inside, even the corners.She can see clearly.

Use your spiritual sense to start investigating.

After investigation, she saw Jun'er's clothes in a cave-like place in the innermost part of the Qianling Mausoleum, but no one was there. However, she speculated that Jun'er must be inside.

Withdrew from the consciousness, "I saw Jun'er's clothes, but there is a cave next to it, it is probably there, let's go there"

(End of this chapter)

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