Stunning God

Chapter 164

Chapter 164

Concubine Gong Xuyan, her father, and Lian An walked into the palace gate side by side.

Hundreds of people from the top to bottom of the Gong family looked at Concubine Xu Yan and her father in surprise.

Gong Tianshou was even more angry when he heard that his subordinates came to report.

"Go, go and see that evil obstacle, what do you want to turn upside down?" With a backer, is he afraid?
Gong Tianshou led Mo Shi, Leng Shi, the housekeeper and those disciples, a total of more than a dozen people, walked towards the living room aggressively.

The concubine Xuyan and the others who were also rushing here felt the aura of Gong Tianshou and the others from a long distance away.

This is the advantage of high cultivation.

"Patriarch Gong, you are aggressive, where are you going?" Mo Ling'er has always disliked Gong Tianshou and the others, and she hated it even more because she was the enemy of the concubine Xuyan. How can you miss it when the run is on?

Gong Tianshou took the lead and stopped, looking at Gongfei Xuyan and Gong Lingqing, he lost his mind for a moment.

However, it quickly returned to normal. What's the matter, he is also the head of the first family in the Snow Country, so he still has some strength.

However, Gong Lingqing's appearance did surprise him a lot.

"Nie Zhan, is this the helper you found? But, having said that, why does it resemble you so much? Could it be that bastard gave birth to me outside?" He just thought that this man was the concubine Xu Yan. brother.

"Shut up, you don't deserve to talk about Shuang'er." Gong Lingqing became angry, Qi Huishuang was his back-liner, and the concubine Xuyan was his life.

The fire sword hit Gong Tianshou's body, and Gong Tianshou immediately fell to the ground and passed out.

"Patriarch, you bastard, if you dare to harm the Patriarch, you must die a terrible death." Looking at Gong Tianshou who passed out, Mo swears angrily at Gongfei Xuyan.

"Hahaha, what is he? He dares to insult my mother," Gongfei Xuyan raised her eyes and looked at the group brought by Gong Tianshou, and said loudly.

"Listen to me, this is my biological father. My mother is only staying here, not marrying Gong Tianshou, and this palace family is just a small offshoot of my palace family. How dare you marry me in my palace family?" Presumptuousness in front of the Patriarch?" Gongfei Xuyan's voice was loud and somewhat majestic.

When those people heard it, they all showed surprise and questioning expressions.

However, Gong Lingqing was the father of the concubine Xuyan, and they believed it.

Their faces are almost identical, and upon closer inspection, the age difference between the two shows that they are undoubtedly father and daughter.

The third elder saw the right timing, stepped forward and walked in front of Gong Lingqing, and said respectfully, "Master Patriarch, please make amends, they have never seen you, and Gong Tianshou has not told them about this matter, but from today Since then, the head of the family will live here to rectify the family style of the palace, lest some people forget who their ancestors are."

"Well, the deity will live here. Yan'er has full power to handle everything here. Yan'er is now the new head of my palace family. If anyone disobeys, he will be dealt with according to the palace family rules. If it is serious, Kill on the spot" Gong Lingqing has been a day since he woke up, and this is the first time he has assumed the posture of a god.

The majesty and coercion radiated outward, so that those who had different intentions gave up their original thoughts and stood there obediently.

"Observe God's command"

"Meet the owner"

It was the third elder who took the lead in speaking, and the people behind heard that the third elder obeyed so respectfully. They were just disciples and offshoots.What qualifications do you have to oppose and disobey?
"Okay, let's all get up," Gong Lingqing said, and looked sideways at Gongfei Xuyan, "Yan'er, next, you can deal with it."

Gongfei Xuyan nodded.

Looking at the terrified Leng and Mo, they were about to say something when they were disturbed by Gong Linye and Gong Linxue who rushed over.

"Concubine Gong Xuyan, do you still have the face to come back? If it weren't for you, the emperor wouldn't blame daddy, and wouldn't take back so many shops in the palace family. You provoked all of this, and you should take full responsibility."

Facing Gong Linye's accusation, Concubine Gong Xuyan replied without changing face, "If you can't keep your own things, you can shirk your responsibility. Only people like Gong Tianzhi can give birth to you idiots. Whoever the store wants to worry about, it’s not your turn.”

"Third Elder, from now on, you will be the Great Elder of the Gong family, now immediately take someone to all the shops of the Gong family to replace the person with the owner."

"Yes, Patriarch..." The third elder almost jumped up excitedly, the master's action was fast.

"Come here, arrest all those who disobey the Lord,"

"Yes" Leng Shuangwu led people into action immediately.

Gong Linye and Gong Linxue wanted to resist at first, but unfortunately they were imprisoned by the concubine Xuyan, and they could only watch themselves being tied up.

The unwilling and angry eyes seemed to penetrate the words of the concubine Xu.

"Everyone, go to the living room and wait for our guests to arrive." The guests she mentioned were Master Leng and Master Mo.

She wants to hand over the Leng family and the Mo family to Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu, so that her backing force will be even stronger.

After waiting in the living room for less than a cup of tea, the four of them brought Patriarch Leng and Patriarch Mo into the room.

"Return to master, people have been invited." After Feng finished speaking, Lei and Dian each brought a person to the palace concubine Xuyan.

Unceremoniously throwing them away, Patriarch Leng and Patriarch Mo were ruthlessly thrown on the ground like trash.

Because of the impact of falling on the ground, the two unconscious Patriarchs woke up.

"Who are you, dare to treat this old man like this?" Patriarch Leng reacted first, glaring at Lei beside him.

Immediately afterwards, the Mo family leader who woke up also glared at the electricity, "Huangkou kid, how dare you be so rude to this old man?"

"Okay, the two Patriarchs, you have a big temper? Don't even look at this place, is it a place where you play wild?" Gongfei Xuyan looked at the two Patriarchs who were so airy, and couldn't help rubbing their spirits.
"You...Gong Fu, let Patriarch Gong come out, the old man has something to talk to him." Patriarch Mo ignored the concubine Xuyan and asked the housekeeper to call Gong Tianshou.

"Sorry, the one sitting in front of you is our Patriarch." Gong Fu had followed the third elder to recognize the current situation just now.

"What? This is impossible? Where is Gong Tianshou? Tell him to come out." The head of the Mo family had a look of disbelief, and the head of the Leng family beside him also had a look of doubt and surprise.

"Why, my master is not qualified to be the head of the family? Or, in your eyes, I will never be as good as you?"

"A child with a yellow mouth, how can he be qualified to be the head of the family, you must have used some insidious means to make the head of the palace step down." The head of the Mo family still refused to believe that all this was true.

"Haha, those who are capable come first, you have lived for so many years, don't you understand this truth???" Although Gongfei Xuyan had a slight smile on her face, her heart was as cold as ice at the moment. cold.

"What's more, this Gong family is originally the place of my Gong family, let you, an outsider, dictate here?" This time, she was a little angry, what she hated most was judging ability by age.

Patriarch Mo and Patriarch Leng were pressured by the coercion released by the concubine Xu Yan, their faces turned pale, with traces of blood showing from the corners of their mouths.

This is not what they should care about. What they are most concerned about at the moment is, when did Gongfei Xuyan's cultivation level exceed theirs?Became so strong?
"If you want to survive, write down the letter of appointment immediately. The Leng family will make Leng Shuangwu the next head of the family. The Mo family will let Mo Xuanyu be the next head of the family. If there is any disobedience, the blood will be splashed on the spot." At this time, the concubine Xu Yan's eyes were sharp , his expression was icy cold, and the aura around him was as cold as frost.

Patriarch Mo and Patriarch Leng couldn't help shivering.At first I really wanted to refute, but seeing Gongfei Xuyan's murderous expression, I obediently wrote down the letter of appointment.
They were thinking in their hearts, now to save their lives, write it down first, and when they go back, they will immediately have the person whom the concubine Xuyan said is arrested, that way, without anyone, they will still be the head of the family.

How could Gongfei Xuyan not know their little thoughts.

After receiving the two letters of appointment handed over by Feng, he looked at Patriarch Mo and Patriarch Leng and said, "You stay here. After the two of them are appointed and familiar with everything in the family, it will not be too late for you to go back."

Before they could speak, Gongfei Xuyan immediately called Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu.

"This is the letter of appointment. They wrote it down with their own hands. You each take someone to take over the affairs of the family, give courtesy first and then serve as soldiers. If you don't follow, you will be sent to the dungeon. Remember, those who obey the law and violate the law."

Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu held the letter of appointment.Looking at Gongfei Xuyan, he didn't know what to say, so he just looked at her like that.

"Okay, let's deal with it quickly, Yan, there are still many things here that need your help in the future, how can you help Yan if you don't get familiar with it earlier?" Lian An couldn't stand it, two big men looked at a woman, wanted to say but didn't know What he said was really awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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