Stunning God

Chapter 165

Chapter 165

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed, and it was time for the duel between Gongfei Xuyan and He Lianchen.

"Xu Yan, do you really want to fight the national teacher?" Mo Ling'er, who ran over early in the morning, looked at the concubine Xu Yan worriedly.

"Yes, this is a letter of challenge written three years ago, not to mention, the matter of emerald green. I will never forget it in my life. If I can't avenge her with my own hands, I will never let it go." Although she is not a kind person, she can also tell the truth and hatred.

"Okay, come on, no matter what, you have us by your side." Mo Ling'er looked at the imperial concubine Xu Yan who was bound to win, no longer persuading her, she could only encourage and support her.

"Yan'er, although I am worried about you for my father, my father will always support you in whatever you decide, but your own safety is the first priority." He has already lost the chance to reunite his family once, and he doesn't want to lose it again.

"I will, alright, let's go" everything was silent, Lian An just looked at her tenderly, then took her hand, and walked towards the Imperial Capital Square step by step.

People in the imperial capital, whether they are ordinary people or family members, heard that the national teacher was going to duel with the lady of the Gong family, who is now the head of the Gong family, and it was three years ago.Everyone came to watch the challenge written by Miss Gong herself.

on the square.Already crowded.

Roadside teahouses, restaurants, and food stalls are full of people.

The purpose is to see who is the most powerful, the national teacher or the palace master.

The appearance of Gongfei Xuyan and the others caused a lot of commotion.

"Look, that's the current head of the Gong family, the former lady. The one holding her next to her is her fiancé, what a perfect match."

"Then who is that man on the other side of her? He looks almost exactly like her?"

"I don't know. It seems to be very intimate"

"Oh. I don't even know that. That's Miss Gong's father. I heard that the Gong family was originally theirs, but Gong Tianshou used insidious means. The previous head of the family retreated for many years to maintain his body. Miss Gong was in the palace house. The treatment was so hot, and now that her father is healed, the Gong family won it back."

Concubine Gong Xuyan listened to those discussions, and nodded silently, not bad, Jing really has some tricks, within three days, the rumors seem to be true.

This also saves a lot of trouble?
"Yan'er, the method really works," Gong Lingqing agreed with these rumors.

"Hehe, it's just a small plan, it's not a good way"

"Look, the Patriarch of the Palace is here!" Whoever shouted, all of them made way for them by coincidence.

Gongfei Xuyan was not pretentious, and walked towards the martial arts stage with her head held high.

Before reaching the Wutai, I heard the people behind shouting loudly, "The national teacher is here!"

He Lianchen was still dressed in a purple brocade robe, but today he looked haggard and a little weak.

"My lord, you are very punctual." Concubine Gong Xuyan ignored his weakness and said sarcastically.

"Xu Yan, do you really want to duel with me?" He Lianchen looked at the beautiful face of the concubine Xu Yan with a hostile expression.

"National teacher, what is the meaning of this? Didn't you accept the challenge of the master three years ago, why are you hesitating today? Why is this?"


"Because, the deity is looking for you." Before He Lianchen finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice that appeared suddenly.

Afterwards, the person had landed between Gongfei Xuyan and He Lianchen, facing Gongfei Xuyan.

"Are you Gongfei Xuyan? Gong Lingqing's daughter?" Although she was asking, her tone was undeniably affirmative.

"Cheng, you're finally here." Gongfei Xuyan, who was about to speak, was interrupted by Gong Lingqing.

Gong Lingqing looked at Gong Lingcheng calmly, without any feeling of hostility.

After Gongfei Xuyan heard it, she knew that this person was his father's younger brother?The bastard who broke up his father and his wife?
"So it was you bastard who made my father and mother unable to reunite for a hundred years." The furious imperial concubine Xu Yan burst out with foul language.

When the people below heard it, they were all extremely surprised?

century?What's going on here?

Suddenly, Gongfei Xuyan thought of a question, why did this person appear in today's duel?Could it be? ? ?
A sharp light shot out from her pair of red eyes, and shot at the silent He Lianchen.

"Say. Did you recruit him? Or have you always been his?" She never expected that the thief would arrange for people to move around in her living area.

"Little girl, it seems that you are not stupid. Compared with your father, you are much smarter. Unfortunately, being smart, today is also the last day to see the sun. What do you think, Gong Lingqing?"

"Hahaha, Chen'er? Such an affectionate name. He Lianchen, are you his son?" Gongfei Xuyan discovered at this time that He Lianchen's appearance was somewhat similar to that of Gong Lingcheng.

He Lianchen didn't speak, just nodded. At this moment, he didn't know how to face Gongfei Xuyan. The previous injury and the current deception made him really need to face the woman he loved deeply.

"Ah..." Although Gongfei Xuyan hated He Lianchen, it was only because of Cui Lu's death, but, unexpectedly, he was the son of her enemy?

Then he must die by her hand today, otherwise, her knot will deepen again.

After the furious concubine Xuyan, her eyes were blood red, her silver hair spread out, and her skirt fluttered, "He Lianchen, let's get to know each other today." After the words fell, Concubine Xuyan used [-]% of her magic power to run through the In the martial arts of Huan Tianjue.

It shot towards He Lianchen at high speed.

When He Lianchen knew that Concubine Xuyan was the person his father was looking for, his heart was already cold. He knew again that Concubine Xuyan's parents were killed by his father and could not be together for a hundred years, which caused her to suffer a lot since she was a child. Gong Tianshou insulted everyone.

At that time, he regretted it, regretted telling his father about the concubine Xuyan, the man who would kill his brother who was as close as his father to him.

Now, looking at her hatred after knowing his identity, and her unreserved attack on him, I know that her hatred for his father and her hatred for him have superimposed and become an unforgettable hatred.

Since she wants to kill him and understand everything, then he will do what she wants, and this can be regarded as his relief from himself.

Since he was sensible since he was a child, he has lived a very tiring life, either calculating or taking advantage of him, even in the relationship between father and son. Today, it is a blessing to be able to die by her hands.

Gongfei Xuyan's magic hit He Lianchen mercilessly.

In an instant, he turned into a blood man.

Originally still complacent, the arrogant Gong Lingcheng saw that his son did not dodge, and even took those attacks willingly.

He was very angry in his heart, just when he was about to yell, he found that He Lianchen didn't move, and then fell to the ground, with a smile on his mouth.

"Chen'er" a voice that lost support came from Gong Lingcheng's mouth.

He picked up He Lianchen who was lying on the ground, and gently stroked his face, "Chen'er, how are you? I will help you heal and avenge you for my father."

"Father, don't hurt Xu Yan. She is the one I love all my life. I don't allow anyone to hurt her, and neither can you." He Lianchen, who was seriously injured, still used a strong attitude and asked his father not to hurt Gongfei Xu. Word.

Standing on the side like that, the concubine Xuyan who didn't respond looked at the dying Helianchen.

Listen to him.He felt strange in his heart, he was obviously her enemy, now after being injured by her, not only did he feel no pleasure, but he felt very awkward. At this time, He Lianchen was exactly the same as when Cui Lu died.

"Since I failed to kill you, I can only say that I am not capable enough, the duel is over, you can do it yourself." Gongfei Xuyan left a sentence, ready to fly off the martial arts platform.

at this moment.Gong Lingcheng, who was holding He Lianchen, suddenly turned around and threw a phantom sword at the back of the departing concubine Xuyan.





Several different calls were exclaimed at the same time.

Because the speed was too fast, and Gongfei Xuyan didn't have any precautions and vigilance, the phantom sword quickly reached less than half a meter behind Gongfei Xuyan.

Just in the nick of time, a purple figure blocked the phantom sword that was flying fast.

Concubine Gong Xuyan turned her head immediately, subconsciously catching the falling figure.

When she saw who it was, she froze.

"You..." She only said one word for you.I don't know what to say next?
"Xu Yan,,, you... are you okay?" He Lianchen finished asking this sentence in an intermittent voice, already looking very strenuous.

"I'm fine, thank you." Concubine Gong Xuyan suppressed her anger. She and him have always been enemies. Why, at a critical moment, would he sacrifice his life to save each other?

"I'm dead, please... please... don't... don't hate me anymore... okay... what happened back then... I didn't mean it... I didn't know it would turn out like that... really, I... really don't know, if I know, I...would never do that..." He Lianchen's face was almost pale, but he still persisted in saying what had been in his heart for a long time.

"Okay, don't talk about it, I'll heal you." Gongfei Xuyan directly took out the pill and fed it to him regardless of whether he wanted it or not.

At this moment, Gong Lingcheng once again took advantage of Gongfei Xuyan's surprise and attacked her from behind.

After He Lianchen saw it, he used his last bit of strength to cast all his magic and hit Gong Lingcheng who was behind Gongfei Xuyan.

What Gong Lingcheng didn't expect was that his son would attack him?
After discovering He Lianchen's motive, Gongfei Xuyan immediately used magic to attack Gong Lingcheng, Lian'an and Lingyue in the audience.Long Ze didn't worry about it any more, and began to besiege Gongling City one after another for duel occasions and the like.

(End of this chapter)

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