Stunning God

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

Gong Lingcheng was already severely injured, but now he was attacked by four people at the same time.Moreover, the cultivation bases of the four of them are all magicians, so this kind of battle undoubtedly made him very strenuous.

For a while, there was a feeling that one punch was hard to beat four hands.

He Lianchen was lying on the ground, looking at the back of the concubine Xu Yan, who was dying. Didn't expect her cultivation to be so high?
Unknowingly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Slowly, his vision began to blur, and in the end, when he couldn't see anything, he panicked, fearing that he would never see the woman he loved so much again.

Shouting Gongfei Xuyan's name like crazy.

"Xu Yan, where are you, Xu Yan? Don't let me lose sight of you." In the past, the glorious and high-ranking national teacher, now, the decadent, flustered, and vulnerable He Lianchen.

In this way, the huge gap made Gongfei Xuyan unable to bear to watch.

Put away the magic, walked to He Lianchen's side, gently held his arm, "Stop shouting, I'm here, you take this pill first"

At this moment, she realized that when He Lianchen blocked the sword for her, her hatred for him had dissipated, and the only thing she had now was pity for him.

"Xu Yan, why is it dark? Wasn't it still bright just now? What time is it now?" He Lianchen suddenly reached out and fumbled around, as if looking for light.

"It's daylight now, but you can't see it anymore." Concubine Gong Xuyan observed He Lianchen's eyes, and found that his pupils had already dilated, that is to say, he was already blind, and it was impossible for him to regain sight in the future.

This is also the result of the sword just now.

"What, I can't see? You mean, I'm blind? I can never recover?" At the beginning, He Lianchen was still a little bit reluctant, but slowly, he calmed down.

That's fine, no matter when, that most beautiful face is still in his memory, even if she looks at him good or bad, he can't see it anymore, only the most beautiful face remains.

"It will never recover, but I will find a way to cure it." Concubine Gong Xuyan still felt a little guilty about such a result. After all, all of this was caused by her.

"Xuyan, don't blame yourself, I did it voluntarily, and it can be regarded as an atonement for what happened before. I hope you can still live as happily as before."

"Qingfeng" then exchanged for Qingfeng, and then resolutely turned and left.

Say, allow me to call you like this, perhaps, this is the first and last time I call you like this, in the past your hatred for me was caused by me, today only my death will completely get rid of the knot in your heart, Originally, I have already lived a short time. Besides, if I can’t see you, life is even more meaningless. For your peaceful and happy life, and for my loving you with peace of mind, I can only choose this way. I wish you happiness forever hapiness.

Not long after He Lianchen left, a dart with a note flew in front of Gongfei Xuyan.

After Gongfei Xuyan caught it, she was shocked when she opened it and saw the contents.

"He, what???"

Seeing the concubine Xuyan's expression changed, Lian An and Long Ze hurried over.

"Yan, what's wrong?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't speak, but just handed the note in her hand to Lian An.

Lian An and Long Ze were also surprised after reading the note.

Unexpectedly, this man they had always hated chose to leave in order to make the one they love happy?

How could such an arrogant person come to such a bad place?
"Yan, why don't we go and have a look?" Lian'an responded in a timely manner, the note just arrived, and He Lianchen left not long ago, which means that he hasn't gone far, so he must be nearby.

"National Teacher's Mansion? Yes, he must have returned to the National Teacher's Mansion" suddenly.Long Ze let out a low cry.

It's really a word that wakes up the dreamer.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." She didn't want the person who blocked the sword for her to die just like that.

When Gongfei Xuyan and the three came to the National Teacher's Mansion, Bai Ling had already been hung on the gate. This scene made Gongfei Xuyan stunned on the spot.

Without any words, he just walked forward in a daze, like a walking dead.

After the promenade, the garden, come to the hall.

On the front of the hall, a huge founding character is hung in the center, and the coffin is below.

Qingfeng and Mingxuan, dressed in hemp and filial piety, stood aside.

"He, just left???"

Gongfei Xuyan's voice seemed very mechanical.

Qingfeng and Mingxuan raised their heads when they heard the voice. When they saw the concubine Xuyan who was speaking, they were first surprised, and then expressionless.

Mingxuan bowed his head and said nothing, while Qingfeng said calmly, "Yes, the master is gone, so your hatred for him should be gone."

"Hehe, that's fine, so I won't be tortured again." Faced with such a scene, what else can she say, the former enemy turned into a brother in the afternoon, and just now became a savior again. For this person with multiple identities all at once?

"You..." After hearing what Gongfei Xuyan said, Mingxuan sullenly wanted to refute, but was stopped by Qingfeng.

"Patriarch Gong. Now that you have seen it, our master has already left. Now that you have finished reading, please leave."

"Okay, I'm sorry for the change." After Gongfei Xuyan finished speaking, she turned around and left without any intention of staying.

It's not that she is ruthless, but that she doesn't know how to face it when she stays.

Although He Lianchen's death was not directly caused by her, it was also closely related to her. How could she act like nothing happened?

"Yan, do you want to go back? Or?" Lian An could understand the mood of the concubine Xu Yan at this moment, in order to give her enough time to calm down the conflict in her heart, he has been silently by her side.

"Ann, am I really heartless? He died to save me, but I can't stand in front of his coffin and say something to mourn him?"

"It's okay, everything will pass. This is a process that everyone will go through. He just went through it earlier than us." In fact, he has seen He Lianchen's fate a long time ago. If he has gone, then he can only reincarnate. If there is still hope, then he has escaped a catastrophe.

"Experienced earlier than us? You mean, birth, old age, sickness and death?" The only reason Gongfei Xuyan could think of was this.

She will not know that this is He Lianchen's doom.

"Okay, let's go back, there are still a lot of things waiting for you to deal with, the current situation is not very stable, we have to take countermeasures."

Longze on one side really couldn't stand such a listless concubine Xuyan. In their eyes, she always looked calm and calm. When did she have such an unbearable expression?
"Well, let's go." It took a short time to calm down the conflict in her heart, and she changed back to the calm and calm her.

Not long after they left, a black figure appeared where they had stood, watching them leave.

(End of this chapter)

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