Stunning God

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Gongfei Xuyan and the five rushed to Dongcheng non-stop.

The bustling streets are comparable to the imperial capital, and the busy people show the fulfillment of their lives.

"Xu Yan, where are we going first?"

"Find an inn to stay in first, inquire about the news first, and then make a plan." After being trapped for so long, many things will change, and it is impossible to stay in the state of a few months ago.

"There is an inn in front, let's go there." Long Ze pointed to an inn not far from them and said.

"Well, let's go there"

After staying in the inn, the concubine Xuyan immediately notified the brothers of the Ye brothers to come.

About an hour or so, wind, rain, thunder, lightning and dust rushed over.

"Master, I haven't been able to contact you during this period of time, and my subordinates are very worried." The four of them who had just arrived, after Gongfei Xuyan, were very excited.

"We just didn't pay attention to being trapped halfway, and we just walked out today. In the past few months, has anything happened here?"

"The Daughter of Destiny has left the East City, and the city lord is not in the mansion. The people here are very strange. As long as you talk about the Daughter of Destiny, it's like seeing a god, and you admire and worship it."

"Leaving? When did you leave? Where did you go? Who is the city lord here? Why is he not in the city lord's mansion? How long has he been gone?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan asked a series of questions, which left the four of them speechless.

For a long time, the wind seemed to think of something.

"I've inquired. The Daughter of Destiny left three months ago. Everyone knows exactly where she went. As for the city lord, it seems that she hasn't been in the East City for a while. What exactly did she go to? No one knows, after all. It’s the city lord, how can ordinary people inquire about the city lord’s affairs?”

"Three months ago? That's when we first arrived in Yonghe Town. Where were we trapped, but she happened to leave Dongcheng? Is this too coincidental? Or is it all a deliberate arrangement?"

"The master means that someone deliberately arranged all this to trap the master? But what is their purpose?"

"Because you don't know, you need to investigate. If you know everything, your master will be a god."

"Then let's go investigate now." After Feng finished speaking, he was going to set off immediately with the three of them.

"Wait a moment" Lian An stopped in time, then looked at Gongfei Xuyan and said, "Yan, don't you think that this person seems to know everything about us, to be precise, he should be familiar with your character and temper, let's investigate now, probably The news they got was given to us on purpose, so instead of doing this, why not wait and see what happens and see what the other party wants to do?"

This time Gongfei Xuyan was completely silent.

She always felt that there was something wrong there, and it always made her very uncomfortable, but she just couldn't figure out what was wrong there. Now that Lian An said it, she suddenly realized it.

It was because the other party was too familiar with her temper and temperament that she did everything so logically, making her fall into this feeling and find it difficult to wake up.

But, who is so familiar with her?
Dark Glacier?Or Xue Wuhen?
If it is the former, she believes that the chances are higher, and she also has the motivation to do so.

If the latter, what is the motivation for doing so?Moreover, he doesn't have the ability to do so?

If it was really the former, it would be too surprising. If it continues like this, she will be driven crazy if she is not crazy.

What's more, being so familiar with someone I don't like, the pain in my heart is indescribable.

"Okay then, we'll just stay here and wait and see how things get better."

"Yes, then we will retreat first." Seeing that Gongfei Xuyan had something to discuss with Lian An, Feng stepped back consciously.

"Yan, have you already guessed who the other party is?"

"It is likely to be Ming Binghe, but what is his purpose for doing this? Just to get me to come to the kingdom of Ming? But he doesn't need to come out all fake, and his reputation is so good. Now I am really attracted by this person." It's confusing"

"It's okay. There will always be a day when things come to light. Besides, there are no bad things now. It's still good. So, don't worry too much. After driving for such a long time, you are also tired. Rest early Let’s wait until tomorrow we are discussing.”

"Alright. Then go back and rest." This is the only way to do it now, otherwise, can she still go to the palace of the Underworld?
Besides, although she guessed that Ming Binghe did it, she told herself in her heart that all of this had nothing to do with him, and such a contradiction made her very entangled.

It's better to go to bed first, maybe tomorrow will be better.

"Master, something happened..." Early in the morning, when everyone was still asleep, the wind suddenly appeared at the door of Gongfei Xuyan's room. .

"Come in," Gongfei Xuyan put on her clothes quickly, got up and got out of bed and sat on the chair before letting the wind in.

Lian An, Long Ze, Bai Yu, and Ling Yue who were nearby were all attracted by the wind's shout.

"What happened??" Feng just opened the door and entered, Gongfei Xuyan asked.

"Some people say that the Daughter of Destiny has appeared in the Snow Country again, and she is still in the Gong family."

"What?" Concubine Gong Xuyan couldn't calm down now, she stood up from the chair all of a sudden, looking at the wind with a sullen expression.

"I also got the news just now, and now there is thunder and lightning, and I am still waiting for the master's order."

"Go home immediately" seems to be the real purpose of the other party.

In the past, she didn't care about the Gong family at all, but now, with her beloved father and the brothers from Jingshen Building, she couldn't let it go.

"Okay, let's set off immediately." Lian An was also worried, this time he really didn't count.

How many people fly with the sword again, this time the speed is much faster than that of Dongcheng?
"Jing. Is everything normal in the Gong family? Is there anything unusual in the imperial capital recently?"

"Everything is normal. As for the imperial capital, I heard that the daughter of destiny is coming to the imperial capital. Many forces and people from all walks of life are rushing here."

"Tell my father that the Gong family will close their doors to welcome guests from today onwards. Except for Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu, the rest will not be seen."


"Yan'er, my little birds also have news." At the same time, the monster that Bai Yu sent out to inquire about the news also brought news.


"Brother Ming Binghe has also been looking for the whereabouts of the Daughter of Destiny, and they have always known that the Daughter of Destiny is a fake, so they believe that you are the Daughter of Destiny, and they are also looking for news about you."

After hearing the news brought by Bai Yu, Concubine Gong Xuyan was completely dumbfounded this time.

She didn't know who was instigating this incident and who was involved behind the scenes. In short, it was a mess now.

She didn't know how to sort things out.

"What's going on? What's the problem? Why not him? If not him, then who? Who released the news first? Who released the impostor later?" Gongfei Xuyan was completely speechless. , holding his head in his hands, squatting on the ground with a sad face.

Several big men, especially Lian An, saw such a helpless concubine Xu Yan who refused to admit defeat, his heart ached like a knife, but he knew that now was not the time to go to comfort him, he had to find out the problem as soon as possible The root of the root is the best comfort to her.

After winking at the others, he slowly walked to Gongfei Xuyan, hugged her lightly, and let her lean into his arms.

Bai Yu, Long Ze, and Ling Yue tactfully withdrew to find the root of the problem.

He said, as long as I am here, I will not let you be wronged, let alone hurt you in the slightest. I will handle this matter for you.

After Lian An finished speaking to Gongfei Xuyan in her heart, with a slight movement, Gongfei Xuyan disappeared into his arms.

Yan, you have a good rest, let me come this time, you are too tired.

(End of this chapter)

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