Stunning God

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

a month later...

Lian An took Long Ze, Bai Yu and Ling Yue, and finally returned to Snow Country after a month.

"Ann, in the past month, there have been more and more rumors about Xu Yan being the Daughter of Destiny, but the pretender has lost his voice. What should I do?"

"That's right, the monsters I sent out didn't find out where the impostor was hiding. It seemed to suddenly appear and disappear without any traces left behind. It's getting more and more strange."

"It seems to me that things are not as they are now,"

"Do you mean that things will get more complicated?" The last thing Long Ze wants to see is the concubine Xu Yan standing on the altar of the Daughter of Destiny, praying for the mainland and the people.

"Almost, the impostors and those who spread the news are not the same group of people, so that led to the current situation"

"Xu Yan said that the person spreading the news is Ming Binghe, but who is the impersonator?" Long Ze was puzzled.

"That's where the problem lies"

"Look, the Gong family is in front of you, but this imperial capital is really lively, and it's just for that pretended daughter of destiny." Suddenly, Bai Yu shouted down.

"No, these people are not casual cultivators in the Jianghu, but people from the family or powerful people pretending to be." Long Ze suddenly looked at the people below with a serious expression, unexpectedly, things turned out like this.

Why do these big forces and families let disciples pretend to be loose cultivators?
Is there any secret in it?

Presumably several people thought of this, and looked at the people around them at the same time.

His eyes were full of concern and sorrow.

Of course, the person who is worried will not be anyone other than Gongfei Xuyan.

When they reached the top of the palace house, the concubine Xuyan was also waking up at this time.

Looking at the surrounding environment, isn't this the Qianling space?when did she come inDidn't you say it's time to go back to the palace?Why is she here?

I got up and looked around, and there was no one else but myself, and then I slowly recalled the previous things.

Then it was Lian An who made her come into the Qianling Mausoleum?

I don't know how long she stayed here?
"An, Ze, Xiaoyu. Are you outside?"

"Well, Yan, you're awake, how about resting?" He didn't expect that she would wake up so quickly?

"Very good, is it convenient outside now, I'm coming out"

She didn't want to be thought of by those around her as having popped out of nowhere.

"Okay, come out"

After Gongfei Xuyan came out, when she saw everything she was familiar with, she realized that they were in the front yard of the Gong family at this time, that is to say, they had returned to the Gong family.

It takes more than two months by car from Dongcheng to Gong's house, and a month by flight with Yujian. She has slept in Qianling for a month?
When did she sleep for so long?
"Ann, you let me sleep for so long? Just want me to rest?" She knew that Lian An did all of this.But she knew that he would not harm her, he had his own reasons for doing so.

"You are too tired, you need to take a rest, this time I will take care of it"

"Hehe, I've been resting for a month now, and you still want me to rest? It's really over while I'm resting. As for this matter, you can intervene, but first of all, you must pay attention to safety, otherwise, I will never allow it." You intervene in this matter" What she was worried about was that the other party would make a deal with her or Lian An, which was the last thing she wanted to see.

"I absolutely guarantee safety, don't worry." If I can't even protect my own safety, then how can I protect you?
"Well, now that we're at home, let's go see how father is doing?"

"Well, let's go there." Just as Lian'an finished speaking, a voice came from behind them.

"You don't have to go, I'm coming"

Concubine Gong Xuyan turned around immediately, and when she saw Gong Lingqing, the excitement and joy in her heart was indescribable.

Although they had been separated for less than half a year, so many things had happened, and seeing her beloved father standing in front of her safe and sound, she was happier than anything else.

"Father, I haven't seen you in half a year. You are well."

"It's good to be a father, but you, why have you been away for so long and lost contact, but you are worried about being a father to death"

"I'm fine, by the way, father, there are rumors that the daughter of destiny has come to Snow Country, and it's still the palace family, what do you think about this matter?"

"It should be that the people who spread the news are from the same group. Their purpose is to force out the real Daughter of Destiny, that is, you. As for their purpose, there are two. One is to achieve their unknown purpose, and the other is to have something unspeakable behind it. No matter what kind of things about people, as a father, I don’t want you to lose yourself, do you understand?” At this time, Gong Lingqing seemed to be much older, and that kind of worry and sorrow made the concubine Gong Xuyan swear that she would never lose herself in this life. Will let her father worry about her again.

"Father, don't worry, no matter when, I am still me, and I will not change my original intention because of anything or anyone."

"Well, it's all right. It's been a long way. You must have heard a lot. How to deal with it is up to you. No matter what, my father will support you."

"Okay, let's talk in the living room"

Discussed for nearly an afternoon.

The arrival of Xue Wuhen brought their discussion to an end.

"Are you here for something?"

"Why don't you welcome me? I'm here to see my sister, you don't like it!" Xue Wuhen changed from her previous arrogance and arrogance, and became like a rogue.

But this kind of Xue Wuhen opened the eyes of Gongfei Xuyan, and at the same time gave him a sigh of relief, and he felt more at ease.

"Okay, come in and do it"

"Xuyan, I heard that you lost contact with your uncle some time ago. What's going on?"

Xue Wuhen's uncle surprised Gongfei Xuyan, "When did my father become your uncle?"

"Hehe, I'll tell you about this matter when I have time. You should first tell me what's going on? Are you injured?"

When it comes to the matter of Gongfei Xuyan, he is still very anxious.

"It's because we let down our vigilance, let people transfer the coachman, and then got trapped. How did you know about me?" Gongfei Xuyan squinted at Xue Wuhen.

"Don't look at me like this, I only found out that my uncle didn't get any news from you every day and was anxious to let go of his mouth." Xue Wuhen hurriedly made a gesture of surrender.

"Yan'er, what he said is correct, he slipped his tongue on behalf of his father."

"Okay. Let's get down to business now"

(End of this chapter)

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