Stunning God

Chapter 183

Chapter 183

The discussions continued into the evening.It wasn't until Gongfei Xuyan felt hungry that she stopped.

"That's it for today, it's getting late now, everyone is hungry. After eating and resting, everything will start tomorrow"

"Okay, then let's eat, Wuhen can also stay and eat." Seeing Xue Wuhen's hopeful eyes, Gong Lingqing kindly said something to help.

"He? There are so many delicacies in the palace, and he still comes to eat our simple food? Are you used to it?"

"I'm used to it, of course I'm used to it. I've been eating it for several months." After Xue Wuhen finished speaking, she realized that she had slipped her mouth, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, looking like a child who said something wrong.

It made the concubine Xuyan laugh continuously.

the next day...

The concubine Xu Yan immediately arranged for Jing to take the Shock Tower, and the wind, rain, thunder and lightning to take the Charm Snake to investigate the whereabouts of Ming Binghe brothers, and the whereabouts of pretending to be the Daughter of Destiny.

She must take the initiative to attack, otherwise, when she becomes passive, there will be no time to contend.

Three days passed, and finally waited for the good news from Jing.

"Master, there is news. On the way to the Snow Country, the Daughter of Destiny suddenly changed her direction and went to the Rainbow Mountain Range."

"Rainbow Mountain Range? Where is she going and what is she going to do?" Gongfei Xuyan was puzzled.

"I don't know, I can only find this information at the moment"

"Well, let's go to the Tianhong Mountains as well. This time we must thoroughly find out who she is? What is the intention of pretending to be the Daughter of Destiny?"

"Okay, I'll arrange it now, subordinate." This time, he didn't dare to take it lightly again. Last time, it was his carelessness, which made people take advantage of the loophole. If it weren't for the master's blessing and great fortune, he probably wouldn't exist today up.

"Remember to check the number of people," Gongfei Xuyan reminded Zaijing again when he walked out of the hall.

"Master, please don't worry, I won't let the same thing happen again." If that's the case, he might as well report directly to the underworld.

"Yan, it seems that I passed through Ye's house this time, right?" Lian An looked at the jade pendant on Gongfei Xu Yan's waist, and suddenly reminded her.

"Yeah, last time I said I wanted to go and have a look, but it turned out..., this time it's over, so let's take a look."

Gongfei Xuyan and the others set foot on the westbound road again.

After three months, the weather has entered winter and it is still relatively cold.

Fortunately, there are plenty of clothes in her Qianling Mausoleum.

"Come on, take all these clothes and wear them, don't get sick, it's much colder here than Snow Country" The closer you get to the Tianhong Mountains, the lower the temperature.

It was summer when she came here before, so she didn't feel cold, but this time it happened to be winter, so she knew it.The winter here is so cold.

"Master, the Kingdom of the Underworld is twenty miles ahead," said Gong Li, who drove the car this time.

"Well, after you go, go directly to Ye's house and ask someone to report that his friend has come to see him."

"Yes, I'll go right here"

After more than two hours, their carriage finally stopped at the gate of Mingguo Ye's house.

As usual, Ye Xingyu stood at the door in a bright red robe to welcome them.

When seeing the concubine Xu Yan who was also wearing a big red dress.He was indescribably excited and happy.

The two enchanting people in red are so conspicuous in the crowd, eye-catching.

At first glance, it looks like two people who are having a wedding.

"Oh, who do you think Patriarch Ye is welcoming? You still need to come out to greet him in person, but it's really beautiful. They seem to be a good match, as if they were married."

"But, they are all dressed in red, which is really festive."

Hearing the discussions all around, Gongfei Xuyan felt very displeased, Lian An felt her displeasure, stepped forward to hold her hand, and whispered softly in her ear, "With me by your side, what a god! It's all floating clouds"

This sentence was said by Gongfei Xuyan, and he remembered it after he knew the meaning.

"Well, I believe that with you here, it will be sunny." The two directly ignored outsiders and looked at each other affectionately.

Embarrassment and loneliness slowly appeared on Ye Xingyu's originally happy face.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Long Ze walked up to Ye Xingyu.Pat him on the shoulder "Long time no see, how are you doing?"

"Well, it's pretty good, how about you?" Ye Xingyu didn't expect that Long Ze would talk to him, in his cognition.Long Ze was either silent or had a cold-blooded face. It seemed that he would only smile when he was talking to his concubine Xu Yan, Lian An, and Bai Yu, and it was very faint, so faint that he couldn't see clearly if he didn't look carefully. kind.

Ye Xingyu walked into the gate of Ye's house with his concubine Xu Yan.

While walking, I introduced it to the concubine Xuyan.

"Xuyan, look, this is a garden, there is a rockery over there, and there is a gazebo at the end, what do you think?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan followed Ye Xingyu's introduction and looked around admiringly, "Well, it's very good,"

"Of course, our Ye Family is the No. [-] family in the Ming Kingdom, so how can we compare with those second-rate and third-rate families?" Just as the concubine Xu Yan finished speaking, a female voice with a strange yin and yang came in.

That voice directly destroyed the harmonious and warm atmosphere.

"Ye Jingting, shut up, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." After Ye Xingyu recognized who it was, he immediately scolded.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? From the moment you saw her, you seemed to have lost your soul, and now you're scolding me for her, are you still my brother?" Although Ye Jingting spoke to Ye Xingyu, she had She looked at Gongfei Xuyan with resentful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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