Stunning God

Chapter 187

Chapter 187

It's already afternoon...

Concubine Gong Xuyan saw that the time was almost up. They had already been here for two days, and it was time to leave. Where is the Tiangong Mountain Range? She still has things to deal with.

Several people came to the door of Ye Xingyu's room.

"dong dong dong"

"Come in" Ye Xingyu's weak voice came from the room.

"How are you feeling?" Concubine Gong Xuyan took the lead in opening the door and entering, and saw Ye Xingyu leaning on the bed.

"It's much better, thank you." On his pale face, he forcefully squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"That's right, we have other things to do here, now that you are well, we will leave first, and come to see you next time"

"Leaving so soon? What happened in the past few years? Can you stay and tell me! Even for a day." He really wanted to know if he had done anything drastic after his body was occupied.

Especially against her.

"This..." Gongfei Xuyan hesitated a little.They still have important matters to deal with, but the Ye family is not out of danger yet, and they haven't found where the evil thing is hiding, so it would be a bit inconvenient to leave here.

"Okay then." After thinking over and over again, he finally decided to stay and clean up the evil before leaving.

At night, the concubine Xu Yan was just about to go to Lian An's house to discuss with him about the person pretending to be the Daughter of Destiny.

As a result, as soon as she reached the door, she heard a disgusting and angry sound coming from the room.

"Young Master Lian, just try this, I made this specially for you, just eat a little, or you can have some porridge, this is my specialty,"

"Miss Ye, take your things away, I only eat what Yan gave me, not what she gave, I would rather starve to death than move, you go"

"It's her again, why is she the only one in everyone's eyes? What's so good about her? There are so many men around her, what's the difference with Hu Meizi, who knows how to pretend to be gentle all day long, in fact"

"Shut up, if you dare to slander her one more word, I'll make you regret coming to this world." At this moment, Lian'an no longer looked gentle and refined, she was completely cannibalistic.

The cold face, sharp gaze, and bloodthirsty aura made Ye Jingting froze in shock.He stared blankly at Lian An.

Concubine Gong Xuyan felt that Lian'an's aura had changed, and she also knew that it was Ye Jingting who had slandered her just now, and Lian'an was angry.

He cared so much about even slandering her, meeting him in this life was the blessing of her two lifetimes of cultivation.

"Ann, are you resting? I'm coming in." She knocked on the door as if she had just arrived.

"No, come in." Lian An directly ignored Ye Jingting, who was still in a daze, and turned to open the door for Gongfei Xuyan.

When Concubine Gong Xuyan came in, Ye Jingting had already recovered, walked to Lian An's side, and deliberately pretended to be kind and said, "Patriarch Gong, why don't you rest at this late hour? Young Master Lian is about to rest."

It seemed that she was the one who should come here, but her concubine Xuyan became the third party.

"Hehe, it's not up to you when Ann rests, but why are you here? It's so late, don't you rest? An unmarried woman who appears in a man's house, isn't afraid of being gossiped? Ruin her reputation ?"

"Of course I brought food to Mr. Lian. Mr. Lian ate too little at night. I was worried that he was not full, so I personally made some and brought it to him." He deliberately leaned towards Lian An as he spoke.

Lian An was displeased and just wanted to throw Ye Jingting away, but when he saw the wink from the concubine Xu Yan, he stopped. He knew that Yan was going to teach this dead woman a lesson.

"Haha, even if Ann is hungry, it's something my fiancee should worry about. Why do you, an outsider, worry about it? Would you worry about eating radishes too much?"

"You... are such an uneducated woman." Ye Jingting said that she couldn't beat the concubine Xuyan, so she began to talk about education.

"Oh, my upbringing is just not good. Yours is good? You have been upbringing so much that you don't sleep at night and run into other people's fiance's house? I don't think Patriarch Yelao can't teach such a noble upbringing. Perhaps, yours The hard work of that more noble mother? Is it really difficult for her? To teach such a daughter who understands etiquette, righteousness and shame?"

Ye Jingting's face blushed and then turned pale after being told by the concubine Xuyan.

Finally, he stomped away angrily.

"Hmph, let's wait and see." After finishing speaking, he ran away angrily, not forgetting to look back at Lian An before going out.

(End of this chapter)

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