Stunning God

Chapter 188

Chapter 188

From the back of Ye Jingting leaving, she shifted her gaze to Lian An beside her.

"Why? Don't you take a bite of what they made so hard? Don't you really understand the painstaking efforts of others?"

"Yan, you know, except for the food you give me, I won't ask for anything else"

"Hehe, of course I know. I was just joking with you. In fact, I heard it clearly just now outside, but I just wanted to make a joke with you." Gongfei Xuyan made a mischievous Lian'an's face made Lian very helpless.

"You, well, stop talking, what are you going to tell me now?"

"That's right, we're going to stay here for a few days, but we can't let the matter of pretending to be the Daughter of Destiny just stop there, and we have to continue to search for her whereabouts. Do you think her next destination is really the Tianhong Mountains?" ?”

"It's hard to say. After all, we still don't know what people want to pretend to be? So, it's not easy to draw this conclusion now."

"Hey, if I can't determine her whereabouts, then I really don't know what to do?"

For a while, the two fell into silence.

Suddenly, Concubine Gong Xuyan turned her head to look at Lian An who was still in silence and said, "Tell me, if this person is someone I know, how should I face it?" In fact, she just came here suddenly Ask, but she didn't expect that her sudden interest would become a reality.

"Well, I really don't know, it depends on you." Although he can calculate, but some things can't be calculated just because they can be calculated. whoever rules over all.

"Okay, I'm just talking, okay, it's late, I'm going to rest first, you should go to rest earlier too." Gongfei Xuyan pouted, got up and left Lian'an's room.

next day
"Patriarch, my Patriarch is here to invite you." Concubine Gong Xuyan had just woken up and was still getting dressed when the voice of the servants of the Ye family came from outside the door.

"Okay, I see, you go first"

Concubine Xu Yan quickly got dressed and walked out the door, just in time to run into Lian An, Long Ze, Bai Yu and Ling Yue who were just walking over.

"Let's go, Xingyu just let us go, let's go together" Even if Ye Xingyu didn't let them go together, they would have followed.

One is the fiancé who never leaves her, the other is the bodyguard who vowed to defend her to the death, and the other two are the contractors who will stay together even to the death. Which one will be the one who left her?
Came to the main hall of Ye Family.

Ye Xingyu had already sat on the seat of the head of the family, and the rest of the deacons and elders of the Ye family had also arrived, and the entire main hall was full of people who could talk.

"Xuyan, you are here, come and sit here." Ye Xingyu saw Gongfei Xuyan and the others walking in, and immediately got up to greet them.

"Yeah..." Concubine Gong Xuyan originally wanted to sit at the entrance, but Ye Xingyu greeted her personally, so she had no choice but to follow.

Side by side, Ye Xingyu took the arm of Concubine Gong Xuyan and was about to sit next to him, when a figure immediately ran over to block them, looking at Concubine Gong Xuyan with a ferocious face, "You damned!" Woman, you are really shameless, you just had a tryst in another man's room last night, and now you come to seduce my brother again? Do you still have any shame?"

"Haha, it's really interesting, Miss Ye, may I ask, did I have a tryst in that man's room last night?"

"It's Mr. Lian." Ye Jingting subconsciously pointed her finger at Lian An, as if saying this would make the concubine Xu Yan lose face.

Amid everyone's surprised and contemptuous gazes, Concubine Gong Xuyan asked again very calmly, "Does Miss Ye still remember that I introduced Lian An as my concubine Xuyan's fiancé when I returned to your Ye family?" , I was having a tryst at my fiancé's house? What's wrong? Also, I was having a tryst at my fiancé's house. How did you, Miss Ye, know? You are an unmarried woman who appeared at my fiancé's house in the middle of the night. What's the point in the house?"

Since she intends to embarrass her in front of Ye's family, what face will she give her?
Ye Jingting did not expect that the concubine Xuyan would tell her what happened last night in front of so many people. A woman who has not left the court appeared in the men's room in the middle of the night. The family is even more interested in this point, so today, if this matter is known to everyone, and the deacon elders of the Ye family know, then she will be over in the future.

"You're talking nonsense, when did I appear in Mrs. Lian's room? You bitch, it's okay to be shameless, but now you're here to slander me, you're as heartless as a snake."

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Ye Jingting, her ability to bite back was really amazing, and he began to admire it.

Without saying a word, she took out a crystal ball from the ring, raised it above her head, looked at the doubtful eyes of the people present, and said calmly, "This is a video crystal ball. I believe all deacons and elders should know about it. It records what happened last night, as long as everyone reads it, they will know the whole story."

"Hmph, a broken crystal ball, what video crystal ball, who do you think you are, to have such a valuable thing? Don't use a broken thing to confuse everyone, confuse everyone's vision"

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know after reading it." Concubine Gong Xuyan no longer entangled with Ye Jingting, she was now beginning to understand what it means to be a scholar who meets a soldier, it is reasonable and inexplicable.

Directly input mental power into the crystal ball, and the scenes from last night appeared in everyone's sight segment by segment.

First, Ye Jingting held the bowl, then she tempted Lian An to eat her food, and said those words that slandered the concubine Xu Yan, Lian An's warning and anger, and finally, the concubine Xu Yan knocked on the door, Ye Jingting The feigned intimacy and finally got pissed off.

This scene, paragraph by paragraph, is recorded so clearly and clearly, as long as there is a bit of brains.You can tell at a glance, who is true and who is false, and who is right.

But the other party, Ye Jingting, was still stubborn to the end and refused to admit it, which means that all this was done by the concubine Xuyan to confuse everyone.

"Hahaha, isn't it just an image? What does this mean? Maybe she did something wrong? How can you trust an outsider instead of your own family?"

Seeing Ye Jingting who was so stubborn, Ye Bingcheng finally lost his temper.

"Shut up, what kind of thing are you to let the head of the first family in Snow Country, Princess Snow Country come to frame you? Are you qualified for your status? In terms of family background, how much do you miss? In terms of strength, you are not as good as when he was 13 years old. In terms of appearance, you have sent people thousands of miles away, why do they frame you? Are you worthy?"

A burst of scolding finally suppressed Ye Jingting's dissatisfied rebuttal.

The Ye family also sat there one by one as still as still water, bowing their heads in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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