Stunning God

Chapter 194

Chapter 194

Although Xue Wuhen's actions and words at this time made her very helpless, but this time he really couldn't be allowed to go.

"Listen, what happened this time is not trivial, and you are the prince, and now you are still the prince, if something goes wrong, how do you ask me to explain to your father?"

"It's okay, my father will agree, so you don't have to worry about it." Xue Wuhen assured her with certainty, for fear that the imperial concubine Xuyan would not agree.

"Then I can't. When I go on a trip next time, I will definitely take you there, I promise." After Gongfei Xuyan finished speaking, before Xue Wuhen could react, she quickly released a spell to imprison him.

Looking at Xue Wuhen's astonished eyes, and her lips that wanted to say but couldn't, they could only squirm.

Concubine Gong Xuyan had no choice but to say apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I really can't take you there this time. I'm not afraid of what happens, but I'm afraid of [-]. For your safety, I can only do this. I will imprison you in half an hour. When it subsides naturally, you can move. When the time comes, just go back to the palace and wait for my good news."

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at him, turned to the carriage and Lian An and said loudly, "Let's go"

Xue Wuhen was imprisoned there.He could only watch helplessly as Gongfei Xuyan and his party gradually went away.

An indescribable feeling in my heart.

Some are touched, some are worried, some are envious, and most of them are missing her.

The subordinates beside him could only stand aside helplessly and wait for half an hour for the master's restraint to be released automatically.

How can they, as subordinates, refute the eldest princess' order?
What's more, in the eyes of the master, the eldest princess is more important than the emperor. Can they offend?Dare to offend?

The imperial concubine Xuyan in the wildebeest carriage used her spiritual sense to check Xue Wuhen who was gradually moving away from them.

I'm sorry, I really can't let you go this time. Although, all of this is just my guess. Now, what happened this time is indeed full of unknown dangers. I can't let you, a prince, the future heir to the throne, take this risk .

Even if it's not that dangerous, you don't have to do it for me, we can never be what you think.

I hope you can understand what I mean by doing so this time.

Finally half an hour passed...

Finally able to move, Xue Wuhen moved his limbs and found that he could move, so he quickly moved his whole body to make all the bones in his body move.After all, it was frozen for half an hour.If you don't move for a while, you will be unable to move after a while.

After moving her legs and feet, Xue Wuhen immediately ordered the guards around her to "follow me to the East City right away"

Immediately, he summoned the contract beast and sat on it, and the guards behind him followed suit.

A huge team of monsters set off majestically in the direction of the east city.

A month later...

"Xuyan, this is my mansion, and it will be your mansion in the future, you can control it as you like." As long as he has it, he will give it to her.Even if it's something she doesn't have, as long as she is willing, she will do everything to get it for her.

"Very good, but if I live here for a long time, what will the palace family do? There are so many things to do in the future." Looking at the luxurious and magnificent City Lord's Mansion, it is indeed very good, and its momentum has a feeling of an alternative palace.

However, I believe He Lianchen understood what she meant.

"Anyway, hereafter you are at your disposal"

"Yeah, thank you very much," the two chatted as they walked, while the others carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Especially Lingyue, his responsibility is to protect the safety of the princess, other things are indifferent to him.

Come to the meeting room.

Gongfei Xuyan felt an ancient atmosphere.

She was very surprised by this. When she originally wanted to ask Lian An what was going on, she found that they were all admiring the decorations and objects here, and there was no other expression at all. Could it be that they didn't notice?Or is she feeling wrong?This is impossible, as soon as she came in, that kind of aura came head-on, and the first reaction of her brain was the ancient aura, which was not considered or analyzed by her at all.

But if she was the only one who found out and they didn't, what does it mean?
Seeing their earnest expressions of appreciation, Gongfei Xuyan really couldn't bear to disturb them.

Seeing Gongfei Xuyan staring at them in a daze, Gong Lingqing thought that the situation of sudden, stiff body and changing eyes had changed again, so she hurried over.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah. Oh, it's okay" Xu Yan, the concubine who came to the club, immediately responded.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration came to her mind.

"Father, do you know the breath of ancient times?"

"Yan'er, why did you suddenly ask this?" Gong Lingqing didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.He knew that Yan'er never asked or said something that was unreasonable and meaningless, and asking this at this moment should have other meanings.

"As soon as I entered here, I felt an ancient aura. I wanted to ask you, but you are all admiring the things here, as if you didn't feel anything. So, I was thinking, I feel wrong Or you really don’t feel it.”

While she was speaking, the rest of the people heard Gong Lingqing's worried voice, and they all put down their things and came to see what was the matter.

Unexpectedly, what they heard was that the concubine Xuyan felt an ancient aura that they didn't even know existed?

"Yan'er, are you serious?" Gong Lingqing looked at Gongfei Xuyan in surprise, whether it was excitement or worry, but her eyes were bright.

"Yes" Gongfei Xuyan was even more depressed by his father's actions

"So that's how it is, that's how it is..." Hearing Gong Lingqing keep chanting these four words, his expression became particularly twisted.Can't see what's going on.

"What's going on here?" Gongfei Xuyan didn't understand, so she turned around and asked Lian An beside her.

"I don't know very well. However, no one has ever felt the ancient aura. At least, since I can remember, I have never heard of it, and I have never heard the elders say that today, you are an exception. As for what else? I can only ask my uncle." Lian An glanced at Gong Lingqing who was still in deep thought, and he felt that he should know something. After all, he was born a thousand years ago, so he knew and heard much more than him. a lot of.

Helpless, but did not get the desired result, Gongfei Xuyan could only focus on his father who was in deep thought again.

Seeing his pensive expression, Gongfei Xuyan was speechless.

She knew that she couldn't be disturbed at this time, so she could only wait.

After about ten minutes, Gong Lingqing finally recovered from his contemplation.

Looking at everyone looking at him, he showed very innocent eyes, "What are you all looking at me for?"

"Father, what were you thinking just now, so devoted?"

After being reminded by Gongfei Xuyan, Gong Lingqing remembered what he was thinking just now.

Staring at Concubine Xuyan again, and was about to ask a question, suddenly, the rest of the people were held back from the corner of their eyes, and felt that this place was not suitable, so they dragged Concubine Xuyan to a corner.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others were very puzzled by Gong Lingqing's behavior, and looked at him suspiciously.

"This matter is of great importance. I must confirm it before I can tell you. Now is not the time to let you know,"

A few people nodded in understanding.

"Yan'er, did you really feel the ancient aura just now?" Gong Lingqing's expression this time was not normal, but serious and serious.

"Yes, I felt it as soon as I came in, and it's still very strong, what's the matter, father?" Gongfei Xuyan felt that the matter this time was not that simple.

"Yan'er," Gong Lingqing looked at the puzzled concubine Xuyan, speechless for a moment.

"Father, what's the matter? Tell me clearly." Such a father made her worry even more, and she was also very curious. What happened to make her father, who had never changed his face, stutter?

"The reincarnation of the sword spirit god, it turned out to be the reincarnation of the sword spirit god." Only then did Gong Lingqing complete the second half of the sentence just now?
At this time, his words were like a blockbuster, causing the people in the living room to freeze in place, forgetting about the activity.

Everyone looked at Gongfei Xuyan in disbelief.

It's not that they don't believe it, but that this news shocked them too much.

The reincarnation of the sword spirit god?

What kind of concept is this? It is No. 1 in the world that fell to the world thousands of years ago.And she is also a stunning beauty, privately known as a stunning god.

Her cultivation and appearance are all number one, but she has a cold temperament and no one dares to get close to her. As a result, she has no friends or lovers until the moment she falls.

Gradually, she finally became a legend.

So far, no one knows that she ever existed. They only know that a god appeared a thousand years ago, but they don't know that there is a fallen sword spirit god in front of this god.

And this forgotten sword spirit god, standing in front of them at this moment?What an absurd, earth-shattering thing this is.

The reincarnation of the sword spirit god?

No wonder at such a young age, he is already a junior deity.

Besides, isn't she the daughter of destiny?Why did he become the reincarnation of the sword spirit god again?

This is a question that everyone agrees on.

"Uncle, this has been confirmed? Yan, isn't she the daughter of destiny? Why is she the reincarnation of the sword spirit god again? Is there any connection between the two?" Lian An was completely unable to figure out the future of the concubine Xuyan at this time. , and the fate has also changed just now, becoming almost incomprehensible to him.

"It has been confirmed that only the sword spirit can feel the ancient aura, because her blood is attracted to the ancient aura, and she is the only one in the world who is worthy of having the ancient aura." Although Gong Lingqing looked at Gongfei Xu However, Gongfei Xuyan could tell that he was looking into the distance through her, looking at the sword spirit god who fell thousands of years ago.

"Father, have you seen her?" She really wanted to know, what kind of person was that woman who made her father admire her?

To put it bluntly, it was her previous life thousands of years ago.

"I haven't seen it, but when I was a child, I was lucky enough to see a portrait of her. My father's hair turned silver only after touching the portrait." Another bomb hit, and everyone in the hall exploded. Tender outer burnt.

"Father, are you saying that your hair wasn't born like this? It changed after you touched the portrait?"

"Yes, there is a sword spirit god in the world, and there is no one with silver hair, not even in the devil world."

"Is she the only one? But, if I am the reincarnation of the sword spirit. Then why do I look like you???"

"I don't know about this as a father, but what is certain now is that you are the reincarnation of the Sword Spirit God, and the Daughter of Destiny is just another way of saying the reincarnation of the Sword Spirit God, they are the same person"

"What?" Now it was everyone's turn to exclaim.

"This is all I saw in a book I read when I was a child, but that book was destroyed by my father, saying that it was troublesome to be read by others, so I only know this about the Sword Spirit God Venerable , As for why it fell, I don’t know yet.”

"So that's the case, so it turns out that all of this was predestined by God? Going to modern times and returning here are all just the fall of thousands of years ago, and the current reincarnation?" Gongfei Xuyan seemed to suddenly understand that her time travel was not accidental, nor was it What nonsense, but it is destined, because this is the hundreds of reincarnations brought about by her fall thousands of years ago, and it is only now that she has truly reincarnated into the world that belonged to her fall.

"Yan, what do you do next?" Lian An counted and counted, but still couldn't figure it out. This woman he loves so much has such a big background, even his father and king have to obey her orders. arrange.

Has he climbed to the top? ? ?
"No matter who I am, what I should do should be done as before, and the road I should take should be taken step by step. It's no big deal." Besides, although she is the reincarnation of the sword spirit, she doesn't even remember anything. There is no need to travel to the profession and mission of the sword spirit.

Just be yourself.

"Yan'er, you're right. Right now, all we need to do is to find the impostor and stop her from committing another murder. If this continues, the innocent will always suffer."

"Well, He Lianchen, let all your people gather"

Gongfei Xuyan saw He Lianchen who was still wandering, and called out in a low voice.

"Mingxuan, let me know immediately, everyone gathers"

"Yes" Mingxuan glanced at Gongfei Xuyan again, then quickly turned and left.

Only Qingfeng supported He Lianchen and stood aside.

"You don't have to look at me like that, instead you feel that we are very strange." Everyone's surprised and delighted eyes made Gongfei Xuyan very uncomfortable.

"Sit down, it's tiring to stand." She unceremoniously became the host.

After chatting casually for a while, Mingxuan walked in.

"Master, people have gathered in the backyard"

"Well, Xu Yan, then you can figure it out yourself, they left it to you, and this place is also left to you." He directly became the shopkeeper.

"This is the city lord's mansion. You are the city lord. What's the point of leaving it to me?" Gongfei Xuyan obviously didn't want to do such a thankless task. Three teachings and nine streams, mixed with people and snakes, this is not her favorite place.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, go and see your people first, we don't have much time, we don't have time to talk nonsense here"

"You can say whatever you want." He Lianchen finished speaking, asked Qingfeng to help him up, and made a gesture to walk out of the living room, Gongfei Xuyan and the others could follow.

They don't know where they are without him leading the way.

(End of this chapter)

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