Stunning God

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Under the leadership of He Lianchen, they came to the gathering place.

Looking at the neat and unified team, Gongfei Xuyan nodded to He Lianchen again.

"See Master..." Those people immediately shouted in unison when they saw He Lianchen.

"Okay, I have something to announce for you to gather today." He Lianchen was supported by Mingxuan and Qingfeng to the front. After standing still, Mingxuan and Qingfeng automatically took a step back and guarded behind Helianchen.

The people below heard something was announced, and then saw three silver-haired people, two men and one woman, and the woman was still stunning.The masculinity is peerless.

Some people began to speculate, could it be related to these three people?
He Lianchen paused, observed the expressions of the people below for a moment, and then continued.

"From now on, whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or you, you must obey her, Concubine Xuyan." He Lianchen stretched out his right hand and pointed to Concubine Xuyan on her right.

There was an uproar below.

"What? How can the master?"

"Who is that woman? She came to lead us?"

Some have already begun to question the identity and ability of the concubine Xuyan.

"You don't need to question her. She is Princess Snow, the head of the palace family, and my cousin. Which of these identities is not worthy of leading you? Which one is higher than this?" To be honest, the other two identities have not been revealed yet. Otherwise, these little friends would not be surprised to death.

Now, they stopped questioning, because they had all heard that the eldest princess of Snow Country, the head of the palace family, was only in her teens.Not only is the method cruel, but the cultivation base is extremely high. Now there are few opponents in the mainland.

It can be said that such a powerful person is more than enough to lead them, so what else do they have to question and dislike?

"See Eldest Princess" and then quickly bowed to the concubine Xuyan with fists cupped.

"Everyone, please be polite. I don't have to lead you. Your master is still He Lianchen. I just heard that some hateful and tragic things happened in Dongcheng, so I came to see what happened. Maybe I need you When it’s time to help, that’s why I asked to see you.”

She spoke very politely, and immediately made those people obey her.

For people of this status, being able to talk to them so politely is already giving them a lot of face.

"Follow the order of the eldest princess, and look forward to the future for the eldest princess, and I will not hesitate to do so" This is what they say from the bottom of their hearts, and it is also a kind of promise.

"Thank you very much. I, Gongfei Xuyan, swear here that I will never let you down,"

Several men looked at this stunning woman. At this moment, she was full of domineering power, and her demeanor was only mediocre in front of her.

"Eldest princess, thousand years old..." The shouts resounded through the sky, and the entire city lord's mansion fell into the attention of the people.

Concubine Gong Xuyan slightly raised her hand, and the people below immediately stopped shouting in understanding, and quietly looked at the stunning beauty on the high platform.

"Well, next, I'll just say it straight. You all know what happened in Dongcheng recently. I came here to catch those thieves. At the same time, I want you to understand that the so-called daughter of destiny It doesn’t exist at all, the indiscriminate killing of innocent thieves here is aimed at this palace, so in the future, those who discuss the woman of destiny will be dealt with as those who disturb the hearts of the people.”

"Follow the princess's order" was another deafening shout.

"From now on, everyone is divided into five teams, each team has elected a captain, and then, we will arrange tasks for you"

The more orderly ones began to form their own teams, and Gongfei Xuyan was very satisfied to see that they were very orderly.

a quarter of an hour...

Nearly a thousand people have been divided into five teams. A team of more than 100 people.

"The five of you will be the captains of their teams from now on. In the future, if there is any task, I will first inform the captain, and then the captain will distribute it. How to implement it depends on how your captain assigns it. Report it to you. In the name of Gongfei Xuyan, pointing to the five people standing at the front below.

"Subordinate Ling Haotian"

"Subordinate Ling Haochen"

"Subordinate Wang Dazhi"

"Subordinate Liu Mingxiang"

The five "subordinate Baishizhou" reported their names in order.

"Okay, Tianchen governs Xiangzhou? It's not bad to be together, your names are very meaningful, and I like it very much." There was a joke that took away the compliment, and then it became serious.

"According to the order of names, they are divided into teams from one to five. The palace will now arrange tasks for you. The first team will guard the city lord's mansion to protect the city lord's mansion. The second team will secretly investigate the perpetrators. The second team cooperates with the fifth team to patrol secretly in the city. If they find any personnel, they will be detained immediately to find out their identities, cultivation bases, and no matter what they do, they must do it without any leaks and flaws, so as not to leave any clues and clues for the enemy. The handle, well, start to act, remember, your own safety is the first, well, let's go, "

They are all full of passion. They have never seen such a leader. No wonder they can be called the eldest princess of a country.

After assigning the task, Gongfei Xuyan and his party returned to the living room again.

As soon as Gongfei Xuyan walked in, that ancient aura rushed towards her face again, counting into her body.

Everyone watched her close her eyes to absorb the ancient breath that they couldn't feel.

Don't dare to bother.

After absorbing it, Gongfei Xuyan seemed to have something more in his mind.But she couldn't tell what it was.

In short, she knew very well that all those things belonged to that sword spirit, that is, her previous life thousands of years ago.

"Father, Ann, it's time for us to act," said Gongfei Xu, who regained consciousness, and immediately prepared to act. If there was another minute of delay, a life might be lost because of her.

She didn't kill Bole, but Bole died because of her. This is really helpless grief and anger.

"Well, let's go now." Lian An also wanted to know, who is this thief that he can't figure out? ? ?
"What about us?" Long Ze and Bai Yu asked anxiously.

"It's better for you to stay in Qianling for now. I can't let the other party know all the strength. What's the matter, I have to have my own cards, right? You are my cards."

"Okay, let's go in first. Let us come out immediately if there is any danger, you understand? Uh..." Bai Yu was like a wordy housekeeper, nagging endlessly.

Long Ze frowned when he heard this, until he covered his mouth with one hand and dragged him into the Qianling Mausoleum with the other hand.The surrounding area is considered quiet.

"Xu Yan, I..." He Lianchen hadn't finished speaking when the concubine Xu Yan interrupted him, preventing him from finishing.

"You just stay here and sit in the city lord's mansion. This is our current old nest. If the old nest is taken away, even if we win, what good is it? The family is gone." He has already paid too much for her No, she doesn't want him to pay for her anymore.

"Okay, then I'll wait here for your good news. You must take care of yourself and protect yourself." He Lianchen fumbled to get up from the chair, trying to walk in front of Gongfei Xuyan, but just as he walked Halfway through, he stopped.Let them keep such a close distance for now.

"Okay, let's go then." Concubine Gong Xuyan took out the wands, and after the four of them put on the wands, they immediately took off and flew towards the place where the incident happened in the city.

After half an hour of flying, we finally arrived at our destination.

"This is it, let's go down." Before coming here, Lian An had already investigated the detailed map of this place.

Therefore, among the few of them, he is the most familiar with this place.

They stay behind.

Many people have already gathered around.

For people who fly with a sword, they are very rare, so if you see them today, how can you miss the opportunity to see what happened?
"Hey, look, why are their hairs silver?"

"Look, that beautiful woman still has red eyes? And that man?"

"Could they be monsters? Why do people have silver hair and red eyes? They must be monsters."

"that is…"

"No, I've heard that there is an eldest princess in Snow Country. She has silver hair and red eyes"

"Is it true? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"You know how to gamble all day long, how can you listen to this?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others were walking, listening to the people around them pointing and pointing, and discussing non-stop.

When Gong Fei Xuyan heard that they were monsters, she really wanted to turn around and leave. It had nothing to do with how many people died here.

Lian'an reached out to hold her hand and gave a hint, so she couldn't resist not turning her head and walking away.

In the end, I felt a little better in my heart.

There are still people who pay attention to national affairs in this place that doesn't care about anything, so it can be considered that she didn't make this trip this time.

Walking to a bustling area, they were just about to go to a teahouse to inquire about some news, but they hadn't waited for them to go there.

Not far away, suddenly, a scream was heard.

Pedestrians on the road immediately walked towards the place where the screams came from.

Before they had time to walk over, several figures rushed towards them at high speed. The momentum was like being chased by hungry wolves.

"Be careful..." As soon as Gongfei Xuyan finished speaking, those figures were already one meter away from them.

It was very strange that at this distance, he stopped.

There were five people in total, wearing dark purple brocade robes, the only difference was that the man in the front had plum blossoms embroidered on his collar and cuffs, while the man behind him had nothing.

The leader was a man, his eyes were fixed on the concubine Xuyan, he stared like that for a quarter of an hour, and then he opened his lips and teeth.

"You are the famous concubine Xuyan, Princess Xue, the current head of the palace family?"

"What? Is there a problem?" Concubine Gong Xuyan was very displeased at him staring at her for so long, but in order to find out who these strange people were, she endured it.

"It's nothing, it's just that our master often mentions you, so we are very curious about you,"

"So, you came here to kill innocent people indiscriminately? Just to lure me out?" Through the conversation of the leader and the breath of the magic that was just used, she concluded that this group of people was the culprit who made the screams just now .

"Haha, you are indeed the one who sits on the eldest princess, but it is not ordinary, yes, the scene just now was done by us, and it is indeed as you said, our purpose is to lure you out, but this is not entirely true. Our idea is not approved by the master, how can we act rashly as subordinates?" The man even started to complain, and the tone was still resentful.

The imperial concubine Xu said that they were in a fog.

"When you kill innocent people indiscriminately, don't you worry that your soul will be scattered after death? Don't you worry that your family members will be punished by heaven and earth?" What's different here is that the heinous people will not only be scattered after death, but even their family members will be punished by heaven and earth, because this person Becoming so bad is the result of family members not teaching and dissuading them, so they will be punished.

The person at the head heard Gongfei Xuyan's questioning, as if hearing some funny joke.

He even looked up and laughed.


He just laughed wildly like that. Although the people behind him didn't laugh like him, they all had self-deprecating smiles on their faces.

Concubine Gong Xuyan just looked at them and smiled. Although she didn't understand, she could understand. This is probably the way for people like them who live involuntary lives to vent.

That person suddenly stopped laughing and looked at Gongfei Xuyan with sharp eyes.

"Why don't you wonder why I laugh? Why don't you see me laughing so much without any surprise or reaction?"

"People are in the rivers and lakes, life is involuntary, begging for perfection, unwavering, not for peace of mind, just for worth, often laughing, to vent, so, why am I surprised, and why am I curious?" This is also her modern life. The true portrayal of life, the life I have experienced, why bother to be surprised and curious.

"You..." That person and the people behind him looked at Gongfei Xuyan in disbelief.

This person who met for the first time described their life in a few words, and what he said was so apt and true, as if she had experienced it personally, and there was nothing wrong with it.

She, a teenage girl, according to what the master said, her life in the Gong family was very sad, and she was almost burned to death later.Later, after meeting an expert, she started to practice. It is said that her cultivation base is very high now, but no one knows exactly how powerful she is, because no one has seen her use it.

However, with such a life experience, how can they know the way of life of people like them?
With doubtful eyes, he continued to ask Gongfei Xuyan.

"You know our life?" The voice was not loud, but it was full of expectation.

Concubine Gong Xuyan happened to be curious about their master's identity, isn't this a good opportunity to get close to them?

"Yes, I know your life well. You are subordinates, but they are like killers, but they are not exclusive killers. They have secret investigation tasks." These are all things she did when she was the Charming Snake in modern times.

" did you know?" I didn't expect Gongfei Xuyan to say it so clearly, which made the man and the people behind him dumbfounded.

"Hehe, this is a secret. Okay, do you have anything else to do? It's okay, I can go now." She also went to see other family members of the deceased, and checked by the way to see if there was any information on behalf of these masters. clues.

(End of this chapter)

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