Stunning God

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

The man at the head saw that the concubine Xuyan was leaving, and in a hurry didn't know how to keep him. Suddenly, with a quick wit, he shouted at the concubine Xuyan when he turned around, "My name is Wen Jing, and I will see you again in the future. When the time comes, I hope to be able to see you again." help you"

Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't look back, she just paused slightly, nodded her head, she understood.

Seeing Gongfei Xuyan's response, Wenjing felt indescribable.

Happiness, excitement, these were the feelings he couldn't describe clearly, but when he saw what the concubine Xu Yan said to him, he paused and nodded slightly, he felt that feeling deep in his heart.

Looking at the back that is fading away, I hope you are strong, otherwise, I really don't have the ability to help you deal with my master.

"What happened today was only arranged by the master, nothing else. Do you understand?" Suddenly, Wen Jing became a lunar calendar, a ruthless person.

"Yes, Master Mei" several people said in unison.

"Xu Yan, just now, how did you know that they were the culprits?" After walking all the way, Long Ze was always puzzled and curious, how did Xu Yan know, and he was so clear about their living habits.

"Of course I observed, otherwise, I'm not a fortune teller, how would I know they are?"

"Observation? So accurate?"

"Of course, as long as the observation is careful and the judgment is correct, there will be no mistakes, and the same is true for the understanding of people." At the beginning, it was because she was too confident and her observation led to the introduction of wolves.

Here, she observed again and again, and only then did she have these friends who could be trusted for life.

"I see"

While the few people were talking, they had already reached the place where the screams were made just now.

There are no onlookers here anymore, only the family of the deceased and a few well-meaning people are busy cleaning up the mess.

"Excuse me, what happened here just now? Why is there so much blood?" She stepped forward, pretending to know nothing, and asked an older man.

Hearing the voice, the man looked back and was stunned...

He has never seen such a beautiful person, just like a fairy in the sky, making people look at her with a smile.

"I'm asking you something, why are you in a daze?" Ling Yue looked at this person ignoring the concubine Xuyan, and was still in a daze. He was a little unhappy. The princess of the devil world, the sword spirit god venerable thousands of years ago, he actually looked in a daze ?

The middle-aged man was awakened by Ling Yue's stern voice, and he smiled awkwardly, revealing a mouthful of big yellow teeth.

"This lady is so beautiful, I was stunned for a moment," he suddenly remembered that the beauty in front of him was the one who asked him the question just now.

"Someone died here just now. They are the family members of the deceased. The deceased has been carried home and is waiting to be buried. What a poor man." Speaking of the dead, his face was full of regret and pity.

"Can you take us to see the dead? We want to find out who committed the murder. I heard that many innocent people died here, right?" She pretended more and more like an imperial envoy sent by the imperial court. She was currently inspecting the people's situation. Investigate the case.

The family members of the deceased who were cleaning up, when they heard that they were here to investigate the culprit, immediately put down their things and crowded over.

The concubine Xuyan was surrounded in the middle, while Lian'an and the others were separated by them.

"Excuse me, can you really find out the culprit? They seem to be very powerful, and they kill people very quickly."

"That's right, we heard the voice coming, but we didn't see where the murderer was."

"I heard that there are several people, and they kill each time"

"Then, when they kill people, they don't have any reason? Just kill at will?" Killing people at will without asking the reason, is this different from a butcher?

Even killers don't kill at will. Every time someone is killed, there is a reason or purpose.

The purpose of these people killing people like this is not only to lure her out, but what is the purpose?
If she can't figure it out, don't try to deal with it.

"We don't know. Anyway, sometimes we hear screams suddenly. After the sound passes, the person is dead and lying on the ground. We don't know who killed the person. We only heard that it was someone sent by the girl of destiny to do it." Yes, as for the reason, no one knows."

"Where did you hear all this? Who first said that the murderer was sent by the Daughter of Destiny?" She wanted to follow the clues, but she didn't believe it, and she couldn't catch the person behind the scenes.

"I don't know about this, I just heard about it, and I really don't know the specifics."

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the situation, but couldn't find any useful information, so she could only turn her head and look at the few people who were still busy over there?
"Can you take me to see the dead body?"

"Okay," a family member of the deceased came over, put down his things, and took Gongfei Xuyan to the place where the deceased was parked.

Lian An and Long Ze didn't follow, but stayed here and continued to check to see if they could find any useful information.

Concubine Gong Xuyan followed the family of the deceased to the place where the deceased was parked.

Just one room!A dilapidated bungalow with nothing but a dry bed board inside.

Looking at the dead body on the dry bed, it has been completely changed. From the appearance, it is impossible to tell whether it is a man or a woman.

"Is this the deceased? Is it a man or a woman?" Concubine Gong Xuyan pointed to the corpse on the dry bed and asked the people around her.

"Yes, it is the deceased. He is a man. He is only 20 years old. He has not yet asked for a wife. He has already gone. It is really a white-haired man giving a black-haired man. How will we old people live in the future?" The man said, He squatted down and began to wipe away tears silently.

Seeing this scene, Gongfei Xuyan was also very sad, but people are already dead, and the living can no longer be saddened by this.

The dead are gone, and the living can no longer miss and feel sad.

"Okay, the person is dead, don't be sad, the most important thing now is how to find the culprit, avenge the dead, and let him rest in peace under the Nine Springs"

This was the first time she comforted someone, and she didn't know how to comfort such an elderly person whose relative had died and who was still a junior.

"Yes, we need to find the culprit and avenge him and my son." The old man suddenly stood up from the ground with a firm expression on his face.

"I beg you to find the culprit for us. As long as you can avenge my son, you will do whatever you want the little old man to do, even if it's a cow or a horse." The old man wanted to kneel down after finishing speaking.

Concubine Gong Xuyan quickly supported the old man's arm, "Uncle, you don't have to do this, this junior will help you find the culprit, don't worry."

"Thank you"

"Uncle, if you have any news or clues about the culprit, report it to the City Lord's Mansion, so that we can find the culprit faster." Mobilize the masses to look for clues, but she doesn't believe it, can't find it?
As the saying goes, the power of the masses is unlimited.

"How about letting me check the corpse?" In some places, the custom is that the deceased is not allowed to move, no matter whether it is to check or change clothes. As before death.

In order to respect the deceased and his family, and also because he was afraid that it would be troublesome if he encountered such a thing that he was not allowed to touch the deceased.

So, she asked just in case.

"Okay. You check it out"

After the concubine Xuyan got permission, she began to examine the deceased with the most primitive inspection method. After seeing the old man go out, she used her mental strength to walk aside the deceased's whole body.

How could this be?All tendons are forbidden, except for these, there are no wounds, these will not cause bleeding, let alone death.

So what happened to the dead man's death?

According to the explanation from the middle-aged man just now, they passed by when they heard the screams, and then saw the deceased lying on the ground, bleeding a lot, and the person had died.

According to this statement, the scream was the scream of the deceased when his veins were broken. However, his death was not caused by the forbidden veins. How did he die?

Lian An and Long Ze, who just finished checking the scene, came in and saw the concubine Xu Yan who was in a daze.

"Yan, did you find anything?"

"An, Ze, come and take a look. This person's death is very strange. His veins were blocked, but it was not the cause of his death. However, the person died immediately after screaming, which is really strange."

After hearing this, Lian An and Long Ze immediately started to examine the deceased.

After the inspection, they all looked at Gongfei Xuyan in bewilderment.

"How did this happen? Then what was the real cause of his death? Are they not the culprit?"

"Yes, the culprit is someone else, this is killing with a borrowed knife," Gongfei Xuyan suddenly thought.

It seems that someone is against her, and that person is the real person behind the scenes.

But who is this person?Who could it be?

"Yan, this time things are getting more and more complicated, as if everything is under his control, what do you think should be done next?"

"Let's pretend we didn't find anything, and then investigate secretly. When we see Wen Jing and them next time, I think the person behind them will also appear. But, whether we can find out, it depends on us."

"Now let's go back and have a good discussion before making plans. We can't stay here for long, let's go."

"What did you find?" While walking back, he asked Lian An and Long Ze about the results of the site survey.

"Nothing was found. It seems that the other party shot very quickly and left no clues."

"Well, it's about the same as I thought, well, let's go back"

Back to the City Lord's Mansion...

He Lianchen was already waiting at the entrance of the main hall.

"Xuyan, you guys are back, what, what's the gain?" He Lianchen heard footsteps, and relying on his familiarity with the smell of the concubine Xuyan, he knew it was her who came back as soon as he smelled it.

"Nothing was found directly, but it gave us another big news, which is also a big trouble for us"

"What kind of news is it that shocked you so much?" If she can tell the truth, it means that this matter is not easy and difficult to handle, otherwise, she would not have made such an evaluation.

"The killer is someone else, and that person is just a stepping stone for them. However, this murder method is really hard to find out. The method is not bad, and the attack is not fast. I can't find it out. The real cause of death," Gongfei Xuyan was obviously very unwilling and unhappy with today's events. This was the first time she could not find out the cause of the deceased's death. This was the first time in her career as a doctor. fail.

"Okay, Yan, don't think about it, maybe you are too tired today, so you didn't notice it for a while, let's think about what happened slowly, maybe we will find clues that we have forgotten or left behind. Don't worry, besides, you haven't had a good rest for so long, your body can't take it anymore."

"Yeah, Yan'er, don't think so much, eat something first, and then take a good rest, maybe things won't be so troublesome."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Gongfei Xuyan stopped thinking about today's affairs, took the snacks and fruits prepared by Helian, and began to eat.

In this way, another three days passed, and there was no movement in the east city, and there were no more dead people.

This depressed Gongfei Xuyan and the others to death.

At this moment, the clues were cut off, making it impossible for Gongfei Xuyan to continue the investigation, so she didn't know who was behind the scenes?
"Yan, don't you want to go out and have a look today?" Seeing the concubine Xuyan staring at the window in a daze, Lian An couldn't bear her like this, so she stepped forward and asked.

"If you don't go, all the clues are broken, and if you go out, you will only be taken as a trick by others. It's better to stay at home, think about it, and let them come out by themselves."

"That's fine, but, have you ever thought about that day, that man named Wen Jing, when you said that they were the murderers. Why did they admit it, but didn't deny it? Also, he said, their master often mentioned You, what is the purpose of this? Why did he tell you your name? Don’t you think all this is very strange? "

"That's right, I was messed up by the person behind the scenes these few days, and I forgot what Wen Jing did at that time." After being reminded by Lian Anyi, the concubine Xu Yan suddenly realized, thinking of that day, Wen Jing's whole life Coherent abnormal behavior.

This made her really curious.

"They didn't kill people, but they accepted that they were murderers. What does this mean? Or are they covering up something?"

Why are things getting more and more complicated...

"Xuyan, have you ever thought that they don't know about the Wenjing, the mantis catching the cicada, and the oriole behind? They thought that person died of pain from their broken tendons, but they didn't know that that person didn't know anything about it. They didn't die, the people behind them killed that person"

"Yes, they thought they killed that person, but in the end, they just took the blame. However, the person who died a few days ago died like this, so those who died before..."

Gongfei Xuyan suddenly stopped talking, her eyes widened, and she looked at Longze and Lian'an in disbelief.

"You mean, the cause of death of the previous deceased is the same as this one?" Lian An took over her words.

After realizing this,!All four were surprised.

"No, we have to go and have a look right away. If that's the case, then this matter was planned early on, the purpose is to lure us into the circle, so that we can catch a turtle in the urn, and the consequences will be unimaginable." Why didn't she think of this before? ?

I don't know.Think now?Is it too late?
"Ann, do you know that the previous dead are all there?"

"Well, let's go"

(End of this chapter)

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