Stunning God

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

When we arrived at the homes of the deceased, the buildings were already empty.

Looking at the empty house, how could this be?why?

Concubine Gong Xuyan was in a daze, staring at the empty rooms, a little at a loss.

She guessed all of this right, but why did she guess it only when things were about to happen?

"Xu Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"Yan, how are you?"

Lian An and Long Ze looked at the concubine Xu Yan who was a bit out of control, and asked worriedly.

How could such a strong woman have such an expression.Could it be?Is something really going to happen or has happened?

"Ah, hurry back to the City Lord's Mansion, or it will be too late." Gongfei Xuyan came back to her senses, ignored Lian'an and Long Ze, immediately transported Yan Guo Wuhen, and flew towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Seeing this, Lian An and Long Ze followed immediately.

She is so nervous, unless a very important person is about to encounter danger, otherwise, with her steady and calm personality, how could she be so?

Important person? ? ?

A figure suddenly appeared in the minds of the two of them.

My lord?

"Quick, it's Uncle." Lian An exclaimed, and then followed Gongfei Xuyan's footsteps with the fastest speed.

Long Ze at the back came back to his senses and rushed over in a hurry.

When they returned to the City Lord's Mansion, they were dumbfounded by what they saw.

The open door can be seen everywhere on the messy ground, broken flowers and plants, branches, and blood.

Concubine Gong Xuyan held back her panic and walked towards the gate step by step.

While walking, he kept observing and searching.

I hope to catch the murderer who made this place like this and hasn't left yet.

At the same time, I also hope to see a familiar shadow, so I can ask what happened.

"Yan, don't worry, Uncle, he's definitely fine, he's a very powerful deity, and he'll be fine." Lian An, who came afterward, saw the scene of the city lord's mansion at this moment, and she knew it in her heart. It's just that he asked himself to be calm, otherwise, how would he appease her?

Gongfei Xuyan just walked forward blindly without saying a word.

Finally, stepping on the messy ground to the living room.

The living room was already empty, as if no one had been here at all.

Dirty tables and chairs, broken gauze curtains.

It seems to have been ransacked by bandits.

Who is this?Why target her?
"Father..." Gongfei Xuyan looked up to the sky and screamed.

That deafening roar was full of desolation, pain, remorse, and anger.

The superimposition of several emotions caused the elements in Gongfei Xuyan's body to skyrocket.

This may be related to the ancient atmosphere in the living room.

This ancient breath can purify the elements, making the elements more intense and purer, and the practitioner's breakthrough is imminent.

"Xu Yan, you're about to break through, you're not ready yet" Long Ze shouted anxiously, seeing that the imperial concubine Xu Yan was not prepared to break through at all.

If you are not prepared when you break through, you will be blasted by the elements and die.

Gongfei Xuyan didn't seem to hear Long Ze's shout at all, she was still trapped in her own emotions as before and couldn't extricate herself.


Seeing more and more elements surrounding her body, Lian An hurriedly formed a barrier for her, but she didn't have the consciousness to break through at all.

Lian An anxiously shouted her name.

In order not to hurt her, Lian An forced himself close to Gongfei Xuyan, forced her to sit on the ground, and then put her legs into a cross-legged position, using his spiritual power to guide the element step by step into the body of Gongfei Xuyan.

It is not guided by one's own spiritual power, and the absorption is very slow, and people who use mental power will also consume a lot of mental power. In light cases, they cannot use mental power in the past few days; Said, I have no mental strength for a lifetime.

For her, he is willing to take this risk. As long as she is safe and healthy, he will be fine.

"Lian'an, you're crazy." After seeing Lian'an's actions, Long Ze shouted to stop him in a panic, but Lian'an didn't listen at all. He only wanted the woman in front of him to survive this breakthrough safely.

Time passed by every minute.

Lian An and Concubine Xu Yan Ren Jiu maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged one behind the other?
Long Ze looked at the two of them motionlessly, for fear of any accident.

Three hours have passed...

There is no sign of the breakout ending.

Five hours have passed...

Still the same.

one day…

two days...

a week has passed…

The unshaven Long Ze still looked at them motionlessly.

Lian'an's mental power was almost exhausted, and the concubine Xuyan's eyes opened and then closed again.

Suddenly, the elements of Gongfei Xuyan's whole body revolved rapidly around her.

Faster and faster, faster and faster, until you can't see what it is.

Concubine Gong Xuyan clasped her hands together, released her spiritual power and slowly forced Lian An's spiritual power back into his body.

This is the only way to keep it from being exhausted, otherwise, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

The elements around Gongfei Xuyan rotated, and her body also rotated.

This scene lasted for an hour.

Gongfei Xuyan's spinning speed slowed down.

Finally, she stopped slowly, but Ren Jiu didn't wake up.

With the help of Long Ze, Lian An has almost recovered.

What is this place?How can I be here?

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at the strange and empty environment around her, and asked?
You won't be traveling again, will you?
Obviously, people who have experienced a time-traveling no longer make a fuss about time-traveling, but just feel a little depressed.

"You came"

Suddenly, an ethereal, ethereal voice sounded from behind her.

Gongfei Xuyan didn't look back immediately.Instead, he turned his back to the shadow that made the sound and asked, "Where is this? How did I appear here?"

"This is your dream, I dragged you in" the voice replied again?
What?in a dream?Dragged in by her?
"Why? Who are you? What's the point of dragging me in?" She didn't think that this man was free and wanted to chat with her.

Since there must be something important to drag her in from such a critical moment, otherwise, why didn't she delay so much time, why did she choose today?

Something happened to the city lord's mansion, and the entire city lord's mansion disappeared, even her god father disappeared.

"Because, it's time for you to awaken. I am you, and you are me. I dragged you in to awaken you, so as to prevent the birth of the Demon King and disturb the peace of the Three Realms."

"What? Demon King? What is that? Also, what is it, you are me, and I am you" Gongfei Xuyan was so confused that she almost couldn't tell the direction.

"The demon king is the king of demons. I am the sword spirit back then, that is, the wisp of consciousness you left in the world. What I am waiting for is reincarnation and return to the Qilin Continent. Prevent the birth of the demon king,"

Now, the concubine Xuyan understood.It turned out that this voice was just the sword spirit, that is, the consciousness left by her previous life. To awaken her today is to awaken all the memories and restore all the cultivation bases belonging to the sword spirit.

"Well, I understand. However, this matter is of great importance. My ability is limited, and I probably can't do it. Moreover, my father and friends have just been killed by thieves, and their lives and deaths are uncertain. My mother is still in the hands of the enemy. There are many things. It's all waiting for me to do it, I'm afraid I don't have time to do the big thing you said," She really didn't want to have any mission or responsibility anymore.

Her mission is to protect her family and friends, and her responsibility is to rescue her mother and reunite the family.

That voice seemed to be able to hear her inner voice.

As soon as she finished thinking, the voice sounded immediately.

"If you can't complete the mission you should have completed, everything else is nothingness. In the end, you have nothing. Only after completing the mission can you control everything in your own hands. This is the role of the sword spirit in the world."

"What?" Gongfei Xuyan almost exclaimed.

What is this called?

The meaning of existence is to prevent the birth of the Demon King?To stabilize the Three Realms? ? ?

This is not a joke with her, is it?
Then if she didn't complete her mission, wouldn't she simply disappear?fall?Including her family, friends? ?
"Why is this so? I don't know anything, why do I have to bear these things? You tell me..." Gongfei Xuyan couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and shouted loudly in front of her, the voice almost used her whole body Power shouted out.

With grievances, sadness, unwillingness, and hatred.

How long did it take for her own destiny to truly be in her hands, but before she had time to enjoy it, she came here, and one after another happened to her. To be honest, she was already exhausted and exhausted, but she didn't want to let them I know, that's why I pretend to be strong, and I don't care about anything.

We are all human beings, human beings are all things, and we have the seven emotions and six desires, so why not care?

"You don't have to be so sad. Thousands of years ago, you just didn't want to fulfill your mission, and you didn't want to succumb to being manipulated by fate, so you fell voluntarily. However, you didn't regret it until you fell, because she found that she had someone she cared about." , I have a reason for not wanting to fall here, but, it is too late, I can only fall, and leaving me is just to let her reincarnate in the future not repeat the same mistakes and do things that I regret again."

Concubine Gong Xuyan calmly listened to her talking about the past.

Those scenes, paragraphs of paragraphs, seemed to be experienced by her personally, and they were let off in her mind like a movie version.

"What's going on here? How can I have some strange memories?".Gongfei Xuyan is like a fragile ceramic doll at this moment, it will break if touched. .

Tears glistened in a pair of red eyes.

It's sad to see, sorry.

"That is your memory, the memory of thousands of years ago, I am leaving, when I leave, those memories that belong to you will all be restored, and you will become the real sword spirit god, that is, The stunning deity in the mouth of the people"

Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't respond, just bowed her head in thought.

The figure looked at Concubine Gong Xuyan and refused to talk to her, and felt very sad, so he stopped bothering her and just recited the spell. After a while, all the memories that should belong to the sword spirit entered Concubine Gong Xuyan's brain.

Then slowly disappeared into the clouds and smoke. Before leaving, he said a word, which was always lingering in Gongfei Xuyan's mind.

Remember, the meeting thousands of years ago was just a misunderstanding. In fact, both of them care about you very much.

them?who is it?What misunderstanding?
All of this made Gongfei Xuyan fall into deeper contemplation.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that Ren Jiu was in the strange space just now, but that shadow had long since disappeared.

Everything just now was just an illusion?It's still true as what I heard and said just now, she must take on certain responsibilities, that is, to complete the mission she must complete.

Forget it, she is still in a dream, she should wake up first, discuss with them before making a decision.


After the concubine Xuyan woke up, what she saw was an old, unshaven man supporting a man with the same appearance, standing there motionless, staring at her.

"You..." Is this the Lian An and Long Ze she knew?When did it become like this?

"Xu Yan?" The two shouted in unison.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Gongfei Xuyan still couldn't help asking, very stupid words.

"Yan, are you really awake? Are you really alright?" Lian An still felt like she was dreaming, and she didn't dare to get close, fearing that once she got close, she would disappear like the previous few times.

He was too scared, afraid of losing her, afraid that he would never see her wake up again.

It's been a month, just sitting like this, for a whole month, no breathing, only a meager heartbeat, if there is no heartbeat, they will think that she has gone.

Just like the living dead, sitting on the ground, motionless.

It frightened both of them.

"I'm awake, it's true. If you don't believe me, come and take a look." Gongfei Xuyan looked at Lian'an, Long Ze and the two wanted to get closer but didn't dare to get closer. Their faces were full of surprise, but also lonely. Pain felt once.

These two men, for her, have changed from aloof and arrogant to now lonely and sad.

Is she too lucky?
Suddenly, the words that she said before the disappearance of the consciousness resounded in her mind, they all care about you, it's just a misunderstanding...

It's just a misunderstanding, I really care about you...

This sentence kept appearing back and forth in her mind.

What does it mean?Is it to remind her to remember those two people?
No, she already has Lian An now, so it is impossible to think about other people, not to mention, it was thousands of years ago, even if she had feelings at the beginning, it was thousands of years ago.

Now she only cares about the people in front of her eyes, as for those distant things and people, she can only remember them as the past.

"An, Ze, I really woke up, can you tell me, how long have I been asleep?" Why do they seem to have been there for a long time?
"One month..." Lian An still couldn't believe that the concubine Xu Yan in front of her had woken up.

"One month? So long?" She had only been in the dream for less than half an hour, how could it be a month?

No wonder, they all became like this.

For a month, for a month?Just stand there motionless?

Concubine Gong Xuyan suddenly burst into tears, ran over and threw herself into the arms of the two, and burst into tears.

"Why are you so stupid???"

(End of this chapter)

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