Stunning God

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

"Yan, don't cry, we won't see you wake up. We don't feel at ease, don't cry" crying, his heart is about to break...

"Yeah, Xu Yan, don't cry, you're awake now, so we can feel at ease."

Long Ze's voice also sounded a little choked up.

The grievances, sadness, unwillingness and hardships for so long all rushed out of her brain at once, making her more and more sad, and the more she cried, the more sad she became.

Finally, the imperial concubine Xu Yan, who cried for a while, slowly got up from the arms of Lian An and Long Ze, and Lian An and Long Ze wiped away her tears.

After crying, I felt much better, and it was time to get down to business.

"An, Ze, in this month, I have actually been in my dream. It is the sword spirit, that is, my reincarnated predecessor. The touch of consciousness left behind pulled me into the dream, allowing me to restore my cultivation base and memory. , and want me to complete the mission of preventing the birth of the Demon King." Gongfei Xuyan finished her whereabouts and movements during this period in one breath.

Lian An and Long Ze were stunned when they heard this.

They guarded her for so long, and she went to a dream?Restoring memory and cultivation?

"Then how is your recovery now?" Lian An was the first to react.

He didn't expect that the status of this woman who haunted him would become more noble and more powerful each time.

"Not yet, but there are always some pictures flashing in my mind. I don't know if it's about memory. As for the cultivation base, I haven't yet. Let's see, since I said that I want to recover, I can't be wrong." She really didn't want to be a sword spirit god, she would rather be a concubine Xuyan than a sword spirit.

Not only does she have a mission, but she also has to manage the common people in the world. She is just a little girl, how can she have such great ability and ambition to manage the common people in the world.

"If the mission cannot be completed, what will be the consequences?" What Lian An was worried about was the person behind the scenes who did not show up now, that is, the person who attacked the city lord's mansion.

As long as this person is not eliminated, they will never even think about living a stable life, let alone fulfilling any mission.

"If I can't finish it, the consequences will be terrible. I will lose everything, including my relatives, friends and lover. This is God's punishment for those who fail to complete the mission, especially the mission related to the stability of the Three Realms."

"This..." Lian An and Long Ze looked at Gongfei Xuyan in disbelief, and then they looked at each other, seeing disbelief in each other's eyes.

"That's it, there's no other way, so I have no choice but to complete it." Since she agreed, she can only complete it, and she is not such a timid person.

"Then, what to do next?" No matter what, they will definitely support him.

"Go find the person who attacked the city lord's mansion first. Follow the vines and find out who is behind the scenes. Father and the others are still alive and dead. Finding them first is the top priority," who was injured.Don't let her father get hurt, otherwise, she will go crazy.

"Then let's go now." Lian An also wanted to know about the sword spirit from his uncle.

"Go, go."

"There's no need to go." Before they lifted their footsteps, a low, hoarse voice came from far and near.

"Who are you?" The person who appeared at this time must not be a good person, and he is hiding his head and tail, not daring to see people, so he is not a good person at first sight.

This is the kind of person she hates the most.

Gongfei Xuyan and the three of them glanced around, but they still didn't find any figure or aura.

This is strange, even she can't find her breath?Cultivation higher than her?

"Don't look, you can't see me, I'm just here to tell you. Your friends and family members are all in the hands of my master. If you want to rescue them, you must reach the middle-level deity, otherwise, you will have to die, okay Yes, I want it"

"Wait..." Gongfei Xuyan called out the voice just in time.

"what's the matter"

"Why did you tell me this? Also, where are they?" She hid her head and did not dare to show her face, but told her father their whereabouts.It also reminded her of the difference in strength.

"Just remember, the scriptures are all you need" After finishing speaking, he disappeared without a trace before waiting for Gongfei Xuyan to ask a second question.

Looking at the empty sky, Gongfei Xuyan fell into deep thought again.


It's him?Why did he come to tell her this?
Also, when did his cultivation become so powerful?When we met on the street last time, they were not so powerful. How could they be promoted so powerfully in a month? ?
"An, Ze. Do you feel that the cultivation level of this scripture is much higher than last time?"

After being reminded by Gongfei Xuyan, Lian An and the two seemed to suddenly understand that something was wrong just now.

That's it, that's it.

"Yes, it is indeed a lot taller, but he will not walk with someone taller than us, but if he is really not that high, how can he hide his aura from us?" Lian An said to this question , it is very difficult to understand.

"Could it be..." Long Zehao said halfway, then stopped talking and just stared at Gongfei Xuyan.

"You mean..." Gongfei Xuyan and Lian An asked at the same time, their eyes lit up.

"Yes. It's the hidden pill. It is said that no one knows how to refine this kind of pill, because the recipe of the pill has already been destroyed. How could he have it?" Another question entangled in the hearts of the three of them.

"No matter what, the first thing we should do now is to improve our cultivation, otherwise, we will really die, not to mention saving lives, and even implicating them."

Although she was not sure how true Wen Jing's words were, she was willing to believe it.

Lian An and Long Ze looked at the concubine Xu Yan's affirmative eyes, knowing that she had decided to believe it, so they also chose to believe it.

"In that case, let's go to the Tianhong Mountains to practice, or where to practice is in your best interest, especially, you are a gathering spirit body"

Concubine Gong Xuyan understood what Lian An meant, so she acquiesced.

"It's not too late, let's start now." Looking back, he took another look at the bullying and fallen city lord's mansion.

Resolutely turned and left.

Father, He Lianchen, and brothers, just wait, I will come back soon to rescue you.I will, you must wait for me.

When I came to Tianhong Mountains again, it was already a different scene.

There were seven or eight of them together back then, but today there are only three of them.

Concubine Xu Yan suddenly felt that times had changed and things were different.

After sighing, Gongfei Xuyan, Lian'an, and Longze were just about to walk towards Tianhong Mountain Range.

Suddenly a sound came from behind them.

"Xuyan, wait for me..."

Gongfei Xuyan heard the voice and immediately turned around.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was shocked when she saw who was calling her.

"Why..." You stuttered a bit.

Just now she was sighing, now she is a bit desolate, there is no one else beside Lian An, Long Ze and Ling Yue.

"I originally wanted to come with you, but you... But it's okay, after the imprisonment was released, I rushed here without stopping. I just arrived at the City Lord's Mansion..." After Xue Wuhen mentioned the City Lord's Mansion, his tone was obvious A little sad.

After observing the expression of the concubine Xuyan, he continued to speak after finding that there was no other expression except silence.

"After arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, I found that the building was empty, so I asked around and guessed, as if I came here, and I wanted to make a bet, if there is no one,"

Gongfei Xuyan felt helpless and moved by Xue Wuhen's actions.

"If there is no one, will you continue to look for it?"

"Yes, if I can't find you, I won't give up, even if the ends of the earth, I will look for it"

Every time Xue Wuhen could say something that made Gongfei Xuyan helpless.

I thought that the emperor had made it very clear last time, and he also understood.

Unexpectedly, he was still so persistent.

"If you repeat it, I don't want to say it a second time. If you follow, you will only be a brother. I am the eldest princess. You can decide for yourself."

"Okay, I get it, I'm your elder brother." Xue Wuhen couldn't resist Gongfei Xuyan, so he could only take a step back, which was considered to be his agreement.

"Then let's go." Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't bother with this topic anymore, it was still important.

"We want to practice here, the time is not certain, maybe a few years, maybe a few months, you can do it" She is still on the side of making a decision, after all, this cultivation is different, don't delay other people's business.

"It's okay, I'll follow you, there is no time limit, so let's go, just in time, I have to practice hard." If I don't practice, I will never catch up with you.

"In that case, let's go"

The five of them entered the Tianhong Mountains together.

In the Tianhong Mountains, they experienced hardships again and again.Passed by danger time and time again.

"Yan, be careful behind you." Suddenly, Lian An shouted in the middle of the fight.

Hearing Lian'an's shout, the other two people forgot about the monster on the opposite side, stopped fighting, and looked in the direction of Gongfei Xuyan.

Unfortunately, although Lian'an's reminder was quick, it was still a step too late, allowing the magical beast to successfully attack.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was struck by lightning in the back, and there was ice and fire in front, and three high-level holy beasts were fighting.As a result, she was a little overwhelmed, so she was successfully attacked by the monster behind her.

"Yan..." Seeing the concubine Xuyan who was hit by the monster, his back was immediately bloody.

Lian Anxin yelled in pain like a knife.

Longze, Lingyue, and Xue Wuhen didn't care about the arms and legs hit by the monster.

Turning around, she ran towards the concubine Xu Yan.

Lian An was the fastest, flying to the side of Concubine Xu Yan, hugging Concubine Xu Yan, who was seriously injured, in her arms, and with the other hand, knocked away the monster that had attacked Concubine Xu Yan.

The three of Longze who came after them attacked the other three monsters, and kept looking back at the situation of the concubine Xuyan.

"An, Xu Yan, how is it?" Long Ze couldn't feel the aura of the concubine Xu Yan, so he anxiously asked Lian An who was constantly checking for injuries.

"The injury is too serious," Lian An uttered four words in pain, making the three of them, who were already in a hurry, suddenly seem to have lost their support.

"Dangling..." Xue Wuhen's weapon fell directly to the ground, and she stared blankly at the concubine Xuyan who was lying lifelessly in Lian'an's arms.

"How did this happen? Why did this happen?" Picking up weapons from the ground as if going crazy, fighting desperately, fighting desperately.

It seems that only in this way can he forget that the woman he loves deeply is now seriously injured.

Ling Yue's hands holding the weapon trembled a little, and his eyes became more and more bloodthirsty.

"Princess, it's my fault. I didn't protect you well. I will avenge you today." Using dark magic, he kept attacking those monsters.

This is the first time he came to the human world to use dark magic. When he first came to the human world, the princess told him that there is no dark magic in the human world. If he uses it, he will cause trouble if he is discovered. Fortunately, he has dual magic Master, in addition to the dark system and the ice system.

After those monsters found out that the woman was hit, the two men with her went crazy and attacked them. It seems that the identity of this woman is very important.

They messed with the wrong guy today.

"Ze, hurry up, go to the Qianling Mausoleum and take out all Yan's pills, hurry up!"

Long Ze stepped into the Qianling Mausoleum in a flash.

"Brother Ze, why did you come in, where is mother? Why is she out of breath?"

"That's right, Yan'er, why are you out of breath?" Huo Qing and Long'er saw Long Ze coming in, so they hurried over to ask out their doubts.

"All of you be quiet, quickly bring Xu Yan's elixir." Long Ze was originally irritable and worried because of the injury of his concubine Xu Yan, but now he was even more annoyed by Huo Qing and Long Er's quarrel.

"I'll go right away." Long Er could see Long Ze's anxiety and worry, and knew that this time was not what it used to be.

In Huo Qing's eyes, although Long Ze usually doesn't talk much and doesn't smile at all, he always speaks calmly, steadily, and concisely.

Today, not only irritable, but also a little sad.

Is something wrong?

Words? ? ?
"Ze, did something happen to Yan'er?" Looking at Long'er who was going away, Huo Qing asked cautiously.

"Yes, seriously injured." Long Ze's face was very painful. This was not only his inner feelings, but also the pain of the contractor because of the master's injury.

"How could this be? I want to go out" Huo Qing was very emotional, Long Ze could understand.

"I'm going too." Suddenly, Long Er who rushed over also shouted anxiously.

He hasn't seen his mother for a long time. He didn't expect that his mother was injured, and it was so serious?

"Okay, let's get out, Xu Yan, I'm still waiting for the elixir."

The three of them appeared in front of Lian An together.

"An, pills." Long Ze placed all the pills in front of Lian An, asking him to choose to persuade Gongfei Xu.

"I'll do it," Long'er took the first step, and had already started to choose.

Seeing this, Lian An and Long Ze acquiesced.

After all, no one is more familiar with pills than his alchemy cauldron.

Soon, Long'er chose the elixir. "Daddy An, mother, what is needed now is the hemostatic pill and the qi pill. Mother's healing ability is very strong, and the trauma has healed a lot,"

After listening to Long Er's analysis, Lian An and Long Ze carefully checked the injury of the concubine Xu Yan.

After washing away the blood stains on Gongfei Xuyan's back with water, he found that the bloody wound on his back had begun to heal slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was also a faint breath.

This discovery reassured the nervous people.

Xue Wuhen also stopped attacking and killing.


Then there was another "plop".

Xue Wuhen collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.

No longer able to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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