Stunning God

Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Ling Yue, who has long been red-eyed, no longer knows what is to stop and what is to stop.

Still mechanized attack, beheading, and using magic to attack again, beheading.

Originally, the long gray hair was stained with the blood of the monster, which turned red and strange.

Like, the god of death from hell.

Seeing this, Lian An said no, he must stop it quickly, otherwise, he will become possessed.

"Ze, Xiao Huo, hurry up and stop Ling Yue, otherwise, he will become possessed."

In other words, to have such a heartfelt subordinate, I have to thank the Demon Emperor.

As expected of a person cultivated by Hua Mingzun.

"Ling Yue, stop quickly, Xu Yan, it's okay." Long Ze went over, trying to wake him up.

However, his call made Ling Yue attack harder.

Perhaps, Xu Yan, this name stimulated his nerves again.

"Ze, just knock him unconscious, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous." If this goes on, he really can't believe what it will be like.

Among the three realms, people in the Demon Realm are the most affectionate.

Lian An looked at Ling Yue who was still fighting, and was filled with emotion.

Long Ze and Huo Qing worked together to imprison Ling Yue, then knocked him out and helped him over.

"There's also Xue Wuhen, let's help her up too, such a desperate effort is considered infatuated." Speaking of Xue Wuhen, Lian An was also helpless.He is no less talkative than he is.It's just that what I got was a brother.

If, in the beginning, Xue Wuhen had taken good care of Yan, then he wouldn't be where he is today.

In other words, you are so popular, should I take you away from here, to a place where there are only two of us, and live our two-person world?

It's a pity that this is just my wish and it is impossible to realize. After all, she has a special status and cares about her family.

Such a wish may not come true, so I can only think about it.

When Lingyue woke up and Xue Wuhen returned to normal, it was already three days later.

"How is Xu Yan?" This was the first thing Xue Wuhen said when he woke up. In his heart, nothing was more important than the safety of the concubine Xu Yan.

"I haven't woken up yet..." Lian An still maintained the posture of sitting on the ground holding the concubine Xu Yan, but.The place was changed to a cave.

"What? The princess hasn't woken up yet?" Ling Yue exclaimed after hearing this, and then prepared to go out to take revenge.

"Ling Yue, wait, there is no way for you to work so hard. The most important thing for us now is to figure out the reason why Yan didn't wake up, so that she can wake up earlier."

"Then tell me, how to figure it out. So that the princess wakes up." Apart from avenging and protecting the princess, he really had no other ideas, and he couldn't think of any other way.

Seeing that Ling Yue had calmed down, Lian An turned to look at Long Ze and Long Er.

"Daddy, do you want me to help mother check?"


It was Long'er's words that aroused the ideas of Xue Wuhen and Ling Yue.

Moreover, they also heard a name that they couldn't believe?

Because, this is not the time to entangle and ask this question, the two of them can only question and entangle in their hearts.

After Long Er carefully examined the concubine Xu Yan, he concluded that the external injury was [-]% to [-]% healed, and the internal injury was still being repaired.

As for why he didn't wake up, he couldn't find out.

"Daddy, mother's situation, I really don't know if it's a problem in my mother's heart." He has heard that if a person has deep things in his heart, he doesn't want to say it out, and he doesn't want to face it. , Therefore, the consciousness will fall into silence for a period of time, like a living dead, not awake, not dead.

"You mean, Yan himself doesn't want to wake up?" How could Yan be the kind of person who dare not face reality?

Something must have caused her to enter a dream or go to some other dimension?

After all, she is the reincarnation of the sword spirit.

A lot of things that can't happen.It happens to her.

This is called a miracle!

"Yes, that's what it means in theory, but in fact, it depends on your mother's situation."

"You've been talking for a long time, how is the princess?" Ling Yue was so confused that he had no choice but to ask.

"I just don't wake up now, we have to wait for the details." He is quite optimistic about this man who cares about his mother, after all, he is his mother's subordinate, Hua Mingzun's person.

"I'll inform the Demon Emperor to come, he must have a solution." Before the words fell, Ling Yue had already sent the news to the Demon Emperor with the sound transmission jade.

"You're really fast enough." Although they didn't object to Ling Yue's behavior, they didn't approve of it either.

Now the demons are making trouble everywhere, and there are still unknown elements disturbing the human world. As a ruler of the demon world, how can he easily leave his own place and his people and come to another world?
"Princess's safety is more important than anything else" This is what the Demon Emperor said in front of so many ministers and members of the Demon Race when he left the Demon Realm.And he must protect the safety of the princess, how could he forget?

"Yan, with a bodyguard like you and an uncle and father who love her so much, don't you have any regrets?" Lian An seemed to be muttering to himself, and also seemed to be talking to Ling Yue.

The voice was a little desolate and regretful.

Several people suddenly fell into a kind of silence, and the cave was suddenly lifeless.

After about half a day, the imperial concubine Xu Yan and Ren Jiu showed no signs of waking up, and Hua Mingzun was unable to come due to some delays.

Several people fell into anxiety and worry again.

In this way, they took turns going out to find food and elixir. After returning, Long Er was in charge of refining the elixir, and Huo Qing and Xue Wuhen were in charge of barbecue.

Another half a month passed like this.

Today, it's rainy and foggy outside, and the visibility is very low. It's hard to see who is who from ten meters away.

In such an environment, the risk level has increased a lot.

Lian An said that they were not allowed to go out to look for food. In the Qianling Mausoleum, there were food stored by the concubine Xu Yan, as well as some fruits and vegetables grown. These are good things that can be used to satisfy their hunger.

"An, you should eat some too, otherwise Xu Yan will feel distressed when he wakes up and sees you like this." Long Ze really couldn't stand Lian holding the concubine Xu Yan all day, as if he was afraid that she would disappear, She didn't eat or drink water for half a month. If she hadn't cultivated to reach the level of a god, there would probably be an extra body lying here, and that would be Lian'an.

"Okay. I eat, I can't let Yan worry," having said that.But when something was brought to the mouth, it was put down again.

"Daddy, you'd better eat something, don't be like this, mother doesn't like to see you listless, you are ugly now, you are not as good-looking as brother Ze." Longer rolled his eyes, and thought of such a way to stimulate Lian'an .

Sure enough, it worked.

After hearing this, Lian An immediately transformed into a water mirror with water magic. When she saw her appearance, she was really shocked.

Is this still him?Unshaven, not to mention pale, but also very old, he looks like an old man in his 70s from an ordinary family.

"It's really ugly" Lian An was talking to himself, but Long Er and Long Ze heard it unexpectedly.

"It's really ugly, I don't want to tidy it up." Long Ze said, making a gesture to take the concubine Xu Yan from his arms, so that he could free up his hands to tidy up the makeup.

"Take it easy," Lian An carefully put the concubine Xu Yan into Long Ze's arms, got up and left.

When he came back, as soon as he approached the entrance of the cave, he heard laughter and laughter in the cave.

This is? ? ?

The voice of words, she woke up?
Lian An, who was in a hurry to go in to check if the concubine Xuyan was awake, did not notice that a dark green figure was hiding on a big tree not far away, watching every move here.

Have you not woken up for so long?

Because the distance is too far, only the movement can be seen and no sound can be heard.

Through the leaves, I saw Lian An hurrying into the cave.Looks like there's a surprise on his face?
What made him so happy?
never mind.Let's go back and check the situation first.

In a blink of an eye, the figure on the big tree has long since disappeared, only a few leaves swaying slightly. I don't know if they were stepped on by the people just now, or were they blown by the wind?no one knows.

Lian An ran into the cave and saw the concubine Xu Yan sitting upright in the middle, with Long Ze on one side and Long Er on the other, and everyone else sitting opposite.

They were chatting happily.

"An, come here, I happen to have something to tell you." The concubine Xu Yan, who was joking at first, immediately became serious and serious when she saw Lian An coming in.

"What's the matter?" Although Lian An didn't know what Gongfei Xuyan had to say.However, looking at her eyes and expression, you can tell that things are by no means ordinary.

"After Ze told everyone just now, I just found out that I was in a coma for more than half a month after being injured this time."

"During the past half a month, I went to another dimension..."

Hey, where is this? ?
Concubine Gong Xuyan's first reaction when she woke up was to wonder why she kept entering strange spaces and meeting unfamiliar but related people recently?
"Welcome back, Sword Spirit God Venerable" the systemic voice surrounds the entire space, so that Gongfei Xuyan can't tell where the voice came from.

"Where is this place? Why am I here?" Every time she came to a strange environment, she would say this sentence, and she never tires of it.

"This is the space left by Sword Spirit God Venerable before her reincarnation, so that one day, she will come back in reincarnation so that she can quickly recover her memory and cultivation base. If she can automatically enter here, it means that the time is ripe. That is to say, it is time to restore memory and cultivation It's about time"

"You mean, I came in by myself?" How is this possible?She was obviously fighting with Lian An and the others in a depression in the Tianhong Mountains with a few holy monsters. It seemed that she was not prepared, and was seriously injured by a surprise attack on her back, and she fell into a coma. She didn't know what happened afterwards.

"That's right, you came in by yourself, which means that it's time for you to restore your memory and cultivation." The systematic voice didn't have any fluctuations in tone, it was just consistently bland.

"Okay, then tell me, how should I recover?" She was unconscious, Lian An and the others must be worried to death.

Last time, she entered the dream for a month, and they stayed there for a month. This time, she must not let them worry about her anymore.

"You need to find it this time, but I can remind you that the location is in the Tianhong Mountains. As for where, it's up to you, but you don't have to worry, it was originally reserved for yourself, and you can now If you feel the ancient aura, there will be traction, attracting you to the place where you can restore your memory and cultivation, you can do it yourself."

"Hey, how should I get out?" Gongfei Xuyan rushed into the sky and shouted anxiously.

After waiting for a long time, there was no response.

She could only wander around in the empty space, turning around, and still spinning around in place.

This made the concubine Xuyan anxious to death.

If they don't get out, they should die in a hurry.

Suddenly, a plan popped up in my heart.

Since it is the space left by the previous life, and she is reincarnated, it means that she can also use it. As for the space, can't it be controlled with the mind?

Concubine Gong Xuyan immediately controlled it with her thoughts, and sure enough, she could feel her consciousness and soul return to her body as soon as she moved her thoughts.

Slowly opening his eyes, he saw the long-lost light and Long Ze's worried face.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, and she came back safely.

First, Long'er noticed that the concubine Xu Yan had opened his eyes, and excitedly leaned over.

Holding the concubine Xuyan's hand, "Mother, you're awake, you're finally awake, Daddy and Brother Ze are almost worried about you to death." Long Er was like a machine gun, constantly chug...

"Okay, Long'er, Xu Yan just woke up, don't disturb her" Long Ze pulled Longer who was still chug.

Tell the concubine Xu Yan with his eyes that Lian An went outside.

Lian An, Long Ze, Xue Wuhen, Ling Yue, Huo Qing, and Long Er all stared intently at Gongfei Xuyan, waiting for her next words.

"The time has come for me to restore my memory and cultivation. The location is in the Tianhong Mountain Range. However, I have to find the specific place by myself. Therefore, we have to travel to every corner of the Tianhong Mountain Range."

After finishing speaking, the concubine Xuyan looked at Xue Wuhen, and the meaning was obvious, whether he could persevere.

"Don't look at me, wherever you go, I will follow, no matter how hard or tired, I can do it"

"Okay, let's go now." Just now, Long Ze had already told her everything that happened during this period of time through the contract platform.

The actions of Xue Wuhen and Ling Yue were beyond her expectation.

Especially Xue Wuhen.

She really didn't know how to deal with her feelings.

"Long'er, you continue to stay in Qianling." She didn't want Long'er to suffer along with him, he was still so young, although he was much older than her, but in her heart, he was still just a child and not an adult.

"I don't, I want to follow my mother" I didn't follow twice, and my mother was in danger twice, this time, he would follow no matter what.

"You..." Gongfei Xuyan was about to refuse, but Lian An stopped her.

"Okay, Longer will follow."

Now that Lian An agreed, she didn't say any more.

A group of eight people set off from the cave and began to investigate one place after another.

The voice of the system told her that there would be a traction to attract her, as long as she was in the right place, she would feel it. This way, it was a bit easier, although it was a bit of a needle in a haystack, but it was much better than blindly groping, wasn't it?
"Wait" Huo Qing, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly stopped and looked ahead cautiously.Speak out to remind the concubine Xuyan behind them.

"There is movement ahead." Ling Yue stepped forward and stood side by side with Huo Qing to observe.

(End of this chapter)

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