Stunning God

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

"It seems to be the breath of human beings" This is a piece of information discovered by Huo Qing and Ling Yue at the same time.

"Humans?" How could there be humans here?
Except for them, it is impossible for anyone to come in. Who could it be?

After listening to Gongfei Xuyan, she began to speculate and analyze.

"Be vigilant, how could humans other than us suddenly appear here?"

Concubine Gong Xuyan's reminder made everyone stare ahead alertly.

"Help me, help me!" While everyone was on full alert, a cry for help came from ahead, louder than louder, as if they were getting closer.

"You all follow behind me, let's go over and take a look, remember to wear a mask" In front of strangers, they certainly cannot see their true colors.

As soon as they took a few steps forward, they saw a figure running towards them in a hurry.

While running, he looked behind him, and because he was in a panic, he fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"Help!" The person who fell to the ground continued to shout for help in their direction, and looked behind from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Xu Yan became more suspicious.

this person.Can not see male and female.

However, that person seemed to have discovered their existence.

They were so far away, and he actually found them?

Is his cultivation base too high, or has it been arranged long ago?
"What do you think is unusual about this person?"

"It's not right, it seems like we already knew we were here." Long Ze looked at the person who fell on the ground not far away, with a gloomy expression!
"It seems to have been prepared in advance, and the direction of escape is all towards us"

"That's right, mother, that person is very strange. Let's not go there." He was just worried that this person came after mother. These days, he had heard a lot from Brother Ze that he was in Qianling. There are many things that happened to my mother, so he was so scared.

"Do you think it's over if you can't pass? If it's aimed at us, even if you can't pass, he will find a way to come over"

"Yes, what you said makes sense. This person is probably aiming at us,? Let's wait and see what happens."


However, things are often things and violations.

They were watching the changes, and the person lying on the ground was also observing their actions.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, he tried to get up slowly and ran towards this side.

Concubine Gong Xuyan saw his plan, turned her head to remind the people behind her.

"Let's hide immediately," after she finished speaking, she led everyone into Qianling in an instant.And turned on the perspective mode, everything outside is in sight.

That person originally wanted to come over, but suddenly, in the blink of an eye, those people disappeared?

went there?

Subconsciously, he quickly stood up and looked around, but still found nothing.

"How could this be? He was still here just now? Why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

Concubine Gong Xu said that they were in Qianling, looking at the man outside, looking around.

"It's really a study, the master really has a vision." Ling Yue looked at the person outside, admiring the wisdom of the concubine Xu Yan.

"Okay, let's change our makeup and meet this spy." After Gongfei Xuyan finished speaking, she immediately took a Huanyan Pill and transformed into a fresh and beautiful woman.

And Lian An and Long Er became father and son directly.

They became a veritable family.

Long Ze, Huo Qing, and Ling Yue became the servants of the imperial concubine Xu Yan.

Xue Wuhen is the elder brother of Gongfei Xuyan.

They became a family who came out to experience.

Although, it feels very strange, but with that appearance and appearance, no one dares to say that they are not from the same family.

"It's good." Gongfei Xuyan couldn't help sighing as she looked at the rest of the family who looked like a whole family.

"Go, go."

They appeared not far from the study, pretending to be people who had just arrived here.

While walking, he kept searching around, he looked very much like someone who was looking for something.

They continued to pretend to be looking for something, and screamed and urged from time to time.

"Look for it quickly, if you can't find it, we don't even think about going back." Xue Wuhen looked anxious and worried.

"That's right, it's all your fault. You couldn't even drive anything, and let those beasts eat it." Long Er blamed Ling Yue and Long Ze, and Huo Qing complied with Xue Wuhen's words in time.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and Lian An looked at their acting resemblance, and they were very involved in the play.

It seems that I am not worried about revealing my stuff.

It's time for them to play.

"Shut up all of you, why don't you look for something?"

With a sound of calendar, several people immediately stopped talking and searched quietly.

Xi Zuo has carefully observed their every move since they appeared, and he never let go of even a subtle expression.

After observing for a while, he found that there was no information he wanted, so he stopped observing and continued to do what he should do.

Concubine Gong Xuyan felt that Xizuo was no longer staring at them, so she quickened her pace and came to Xizuo's side.

He asked very politely, "Excuse me, have you ever seen a small white animal? It ate something from our house." Xiaoyu, let me use your appearance first. At this time, I can't think of it Any familiar Warcraft appearance, you can only use yours.

"What kind of white animal? Besides monsters and poisonous weeds here, what kind of animals are there?" Xi Zuo didn't have the patience to answer Gongfei Xuyan.But when he saw Gongfei Xuyan's fresh and beautiful face, his heart began to beat a little, and then he showed a face that was against his will.

"That's it. The animal I mentioned is the monster you mentioned. It is white and looks like four things. Have you seen it before? Let's hurry up." Seeing that the exercise has been hooked, Gongfei Xuyan became more gentle and added a The look of Mosuo with teary eyes is really heartbreaking to see, and my heart aches.

"Don't worry, I've seen it, I saw it a few days ago, if it's convenient, I'll help you find it together"

This time, he wanted to help Gongfei Xuyan from the bottom of his heart, and of course, he also wanted to find a chance to get closer.

"Then I would like to thank you, my lord." Gongfei Xuyan's gentleness is still well done.

The few men behind Gongfei Xuyan, seeing the attitude of the study to Gongfei Xuyan, and the lustful eyes, really gave birth to the guy who wanted to beat him up.

Especially, Lian An and Long Er.

Who doesn't feel uncomfortable when other men look at their beloved woman with lustful eyes?

"Mother, we can't find it anymore. I'm very hungry and haven't eaten for several days. Can you let me eat something?" Long Er really couldn't stand the disgusting face of the teacher, so he could only Without getting the instructions from the concubine Xuyan, he decided on his own, and thought of this way to interrupt the disgusting thoughts of that bum.

"Oh, look at me, I forgot to find food for you in order to find something." After Gongfei Xuyan heard Long Er's words, she turned her head and saw Lian An frowning, Long Ze was sullen, and Long Er With dark faces, Xue Wuhen and Ling Yue couldn't wait to eat the eyes of that exercise.

Only then did he understand how Long Er spoke up on his own without her permission. It turned out that it was all because of these few people.

"Miss, haven't I asked for your name yet?" Before anyone else had a chance to speak, the exercise spoke again. .

The name "Magic Snake" should not be known by anyone in this world, and even if known, it would not be associated with her.

"Miss's name is so strange"

"What about you?" In order to better understand the situation of this exercise, she also had to endure the idea of ​​vomiting and forced herself to chat with him with a smile on her face.

"Under the disease"

"Disease? What's the name? Are you kidding me?" Gong Fei Xuyan was like a straightforward person, asking directly what she wanted, in order to use such a straightforward character to get more practice. trust.

There is no way, this kind of person is generally trained, and there is no 100% certainty.You can't deal with such people, otherwise you will always be the one who suffers.

"Miss, you are so straightforward. This is indeed not your real name. My master gave it to me. Master is like a father, so don't listen to it."

"It seems that you are still very filial,"

The two chatted without saying a word, and the faces of Long'er and Lian'an in the back were so dark that they could almost be compared with pot stickers.

"Mother, I'm hungry." This time, Long'er was really hungry.

"Miss Mei, is this your child?" Xi Zuo looked at Long Er who was pulling the sleeve of the concubine Xu Yan, his eyes were full of doubts and inquiries.

"Yes, this is my son, Long Er, this is my husband, An Lian, and brother, they are domestic servants" just made a brief introduction.

"You are actually a family? Why are you here?" Xi Zuo made a surprised expression.

"Yes, no, I lost my things at home. I heard that they were taken by monsters here. Our patriarch asked us to go out and find them. If we can't find them, we don't want to go back. Whoever makes things belong to us? It was taken away at that time." Concubine Gong Xuyan made it up as if it was true, and they almost took it seriously when they heard Lian An, if they weren't together, they would have believed what Concubine Gong Xuyan said a long time ago.

"That's it, your patriarch is really unreasonable, that's fine, I'll help you anyway if I have nothing to do, just right, I'm more familiar with this place"

"Are you familiar with this place? That's great. We are not familiar with each other. We have walked here for several days, but we don't know where we have come to? This place is like a maze." At this time, the concubine Xuyan was completely in the first place. It's like seeing the world for the first time.Know nothing about anything.

You see, the sickness is itching in his heart.

It's a pity that such a pure woman is already married and has children. However, it is really rare to be so pure after giving birth.

"Of course, I was ordered by my master to come here often..." The sick man spoke very vigorously, almost showing his mouth, but fortunately he stopped at the critical moment, and took a sneak peek at the palace beside Ren Jiu as he walked and searched. Concubine Xu Yan.

Finding that she didn't care about what he said just now, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, sickness, why don't you talk?" Suddenly, Gongfei Xuyan said something abruptly, making the sickness who had calmed down think carefully again.

"Oh, just now. Sudden throat discomfort"

"Oh, are you better now?" Your throat is uncomfortable?

Do you really think she is an ignorant woman?
By the way, just now, he seems to have said that the master ordered him to come here often, what do he often come here for?
Who is his master?

What is the purpose of coming to Tianhong Mountains?
Why, the things she faced were all so nonsensical?In addition to being clueless, it is more troublesome...

"Can we find something to eat first, my son is too hungry to walk?" Concubine Gong Xuyan wanted to use the time when he put down his guard to investigate the cultivation of the serious illness.

"Okay." The disease looked around, and then nodded in agreement.

Concubine Xu Yan immediately pulled Long Er to sit down and signaled Ling Yue and Huo Qing to find something to eat.

Ling Yue and Huo Qing were just about to go find something to eat when a serious illness blocked their way.

"You are not familiar with here, let me go, you just wait here for me"

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at his behavior, if there was no other arrangement, then there was another purpose, but judging by his expression at this time, it seemed that there was no other meaning.It's just that I was worried that they didn't know the way and got lost, so I kindly went to help them find food.

"Well, thank you very much, we'll just stay here and wait for you." Since he was going by himself, in order to completely dispel his doubts about them, it was only this time.

Not long after the illness left.Ling Yue could no longer hold back and asked, "Master, why are you treating him so well? That person is simply disgusting."

"I have no other way. In order to find out his purpose of approaching us, we must approach him as an unfamiliar identity. Otherwise, how to find out?"

"Until my cultivation base and memory are restored, no more accidents can happen. How can I live in peace if my father's life or death is uncertain?"

I don't know, what happened to my father?

Who is that person behind the scenes?What is the reason against her?
"Mother, I'm so hungry." Long'er covered his stomach with his hands and shouted that he was hungry.

After the illness left, instead of looking for food, he hid in a big tree and observed the actions of Gongfei Xuyan and the others.

After exploring for a while, nothing unusual was found, so I went to look for food with peace of mind.

After the illness came back, it was already half an hour later.

"Uncle, you're finally back." Seeing the illness coming back, Long Er shouted at him from afar.

It looked so much like a long-awaited child, waiting for food.

Seeing Long'er's anticipation and anxiety, the disease's heart softened.

"Well, uncle has gone a little far, so I'll copy it for you to eat." Holding a few small monsters in one hand, he lovingly stroked the melon seeds on Long'er's head with the other.

"Great, it's finally ready to eat," Long Er's cheers made the quiet atmosphere a lot more lively.

Everyone works together.

Wash, look for twigs, and skewers.

Finally, after half an hour, I finally smelled the smell of meat.

"It smells so good!" Long Er's saliva dripped to the ground.

Besides Bai Yu, he likes barbecue the most.

It's been a long time since I've eaten barbecue, so I got it today, and it's a blessing in disguise.

"Here. You can eat first." The sick handed the barbecue in his hand to Long Er who was eager to see through it.

Long'er first glanced at Gongfei Xuyan, and after getting permission, he started to gobble it up.

(End of this chapter)

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