Stunning God

Chapter 205

Chapter 205

Gongfei Xuyan's obsession made the beast sigh again and again.

"Tell me, why bother?" Back then, it also followed her obsessively. Unfortunately, in the end, it still failed to get what it wanted, and could only become the mount of the Demon King.

Now it's reversed again, it's really a turn of events.

"You finally spoke out, tell me, where does the hatred between us come from?" She could feel that the hatred for her in the eyes of Warcraft was not a day or two, but accumulated for a long time, a long time.

But it is not the kind of hatred of deep hatred, but a kind of hatred of resentment.

"If it's okay, the deity will go first." The monster just refused to give the result that Gongfei Xuyan wanted.

Helpless, she couldn't get the answer she wanted, and she couldn't force this monster. They didn't attack them, nor did they sneak attack, so follow.Before, she made a verbal promise with the leader of the Tianhong Mountain Warcraft.

If so, the monsters in the Tianhong Mountains did not actively attack or sneak attack them, and they were not allowed to harm any monsters.

Right now, he can't hurt, can't force, so he can only let it go, let this beast go.

"Okay, let's go." Since she knew that she would not get the answer she wanted, why did she force it?

Warcraft looked at the concubine Xuyan, hesitated to speak, and finally turned and left without saying a word.

Concubine Gong Xuyan always had a strange feeling when she watched the back of the monster leave, but she couldn't tell what it was like.It made her very tangled.

"Okay, let's go too," Gongfei Xuyan said, just as she was about to leave, Long'er's voice came from Qianling again.

"Mother, what happened just now, why didn't you prevent the Demon King's mount from breaking through? Did you let it go?"

"What? Is there a big problem?" She didn't realize that there was anything wrong or malicious about that monster. Why did she want to stop him? Besides, didn't she break through before she had time to stop him? any idea?
"After it broke through, it went to find the Demon King. As long as it finds the Demon King, it will help him to be born. At that time, we will be in big trouble."

"What? It went to find the Demon King?" Gongfei Xuyan was not worried after hearing this, but had other thoughts.

"Let's follow it secretly, so we can know where the Demon King is."

"Mother, you don't know, the sensory organs and sense of smell of that dead monster are very powerful, even if there is a strange smell within a few miles, it can feel it, and it can easily smell the smell within a hundred miles. , it is simply impossible for us to follow up secretly.”

"What? So powerful?" Didn't she let go of a treasure just now?
"Hurry up, everyone, go chase it!" She chased that monster not only because it was a baby, but most importantly, it was the mount of the Demon King.

Led by Gongfei Xuyan, they searched for most of the day, but Ren Jiu didn't see the shadow of the monster, not even a breath.

"Xuyan, it's been a long time, why can't even see a shadow, is it so fast?" Xue Wuhen sat down under the tree, wiped the sweat from her forehead with one hand, and held the hem fan of her clothes with the other. wind.

"It should be hiding." After chasing for so long, there is no shadow. There is only one reason. It sensed their pursuit and hid itself.

Apart from this, she couldn't think of any other reason. After all, their speed was not slow.

"Hiding? Could it be that I can't find it?"

"Yes, as long as it doesn't want to come out, we can't even try to find it." Concubine Gong Xuyan felt a little regretful, and let it go in the morning.

"Yan, let's rest here for a while, everyone hasn't had a drop of water all morning"

"Okay, let's get ready to eat." Gongfei Xuyan looked at Longze, Xue Wuhen, Huo Qing, Ling Yue, Brother Ming Binghe, Wen Qing, Hong Liusu, and found that their faces were tired. meaning.

Looking at the bright sun, it is time to take a rest. The sun is so big, and they have been on their way. In such a dangerous place, they have to drive at the fastest speed. For them, they have been traveling for a long time. It's already pretty good.

After all, they cannot compare with her.

"It's impossible to keep up with that monster. We're still focusing on training. In the process, we'll see if we can find it properly. The focus is on training." Afraid of an enemy coming?

"Mother, there seems to be the breath of that monster in front, but..."

"But what?" The first time Long'er spoke in half, Gongfei Xuyan was very puzzled by this.

"That monster is injured." Long'er struggled for a long time before finishing the second half of the sentence.

"Injured?" I couldn't find it for so long, but I didn't expect it to be injured now that I met it?
"Yes, its aura seems to be injured, it is 500 meters ahead on the left." Long Er explained the specific location of the monster very clearly.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at Lian An beside her, as if besides, even Long Er could detect the aura, why couldn't I find it?

The latter just shook his head with a smile, "Ask Longer."

That's right, she hasn't asked for so long, why did Long Er become a little abnormal after encountering that monster?

"Long'er, do you know that monster?" Gong Fei Xuyan asked Long'er while walking.

Just as Long Er was about to perfunctory, the imperial concubine Xu Yan found out his plan and interrupted him, "Just be honest and don't need to be adulterated, otherwise, you know the consequences." The thing she hates the most is lying.

"Okay." Long'er drooped his head, and after a while he raised his head and looked ahead, as if he was recalling something...

"That was thousands of years ago... that is, when the sword spirit first cultivated to become a god..." Long Er spoke very deeply, and he completely devoted himself to the past.Not only that, but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

That look was not at all the expression that would appear on a child's face.

Suddenly, at that moment, Gongfei Xuyan felt that Longer's expression was very familiar, and she actually saw Longer's grown-up appearance, that sad expression.It just appeared on the face of him when he grew up.

"You said, you and it met a thousand years ago, that is, when I first became a god, and they are still good friends?"

"Yes, at that time. We have a very good relationship. It's also these past few days that I slowly remembered about the past"

It turned out that when Sword Spirit first cultivated to become a god, Longer, Gray Wolf, that is, the monster, had just cultivated to the stage of being able to speak human.

One day, when he came out to play from Zilong Cauldron, he happened to meet a flame bear that came out to look for food, and he became the target of others, because he had just cultivated to speak out, and he was not yet in human form, and his strength was no better than that The first flame bear is powerful, just when he is about to become food in the mouth of the flame bear.

The gray wolf appeared and repelled the flame bear, and rescued him from the flame bear's mouth.

Although he was seriously injured, he had no complaints or purpose.

Since then, they have become good friends who talk about everything.

until one day.

Jianling used the Zilong cauldron to refine the elixir, and this day happened to be the day when he and Gray Wolf agreed to find the elixir to help Gray Wolf break through.

As a result, he missed the appointment, and Gray Wolf waited for him at the agreed place for three days and three nights, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Coincidentally, it took Jian Ling three days and three nights to refine the elixir. After she finished refining and tidied up everything, it was already the morning of the fourth day.

After Long'er went to the agreed place, there was no sign of Gray Wolf.

But only two rows of neat wolf paw prints remained.

It was the first time, Long'er was sad, and stayed there for three full days, until the sword spirit found him.

They haven't been seen since.

Then, one day, Gray Wolf suddenly came to find Long Er.

Said to let him tell the sword spirit, asking her to contract him and call him the contracted beast of the sword spirit. Although Long'er didn't understand why the gray wolf's eagerness came from, he knew that the gray wolf must have his own reasons for doing so. , Besides, the contracted beast called Sword Spirit is also a good thing.

The Lord is strong, but the beast is strong.

Humans understand this truth, and Warcraft understands it better.

Long Er informed Sword Spirit according to what Gray Wolf said, but Sword Spirit not only disagreed, but also told Long Er not to associate with Gray Wolf again, saying that Gray Wolf approached Long Er for a purpose.

At that time, Long'er obeyed the words of the sword spirit very much. Whatever the sword spirit said, he was what he was.

Therefore, Long'er didn't tell Gray Wolf about this matter, and he didn't leave Zilongding any more.

Later, there were rumors about the Demon King on the mainland, and Gray Wolf came again. This time he didn't look for Longer, but directly found Sword Spirit. At that time, Gray Wolf went through many checkpoints and battles to see Sword Spirit. The organ came to the sword spirit almost after a narrow escape, hoping that she could contract him and call him her contracted beast.

But Sword Spirit was not moved by Gray Wolf's persistence and perseverance.

She Ren Jiu did not agree to Gray Wolf's request, and even drove him away mercilessly.

Until the fall of the sword spirit, gray wolf was never seen again.

After listening to Longer's narration, everyone suddenly realized where the monster, that is, the gray wolf's hatred and helplessness towards the concubine Xuyan came from.

"The sword spirit is more hard-hearted than me." This is the first comment Gongfei Xuyan made on her previous life after hearing Longer's narration.

"Actually, she is not hard-hearted. It's just that she doesn't know the ways of the world. Her heart seems to be water and ice. There is no temperature, but there is softness. Mother, you have recovered your memory. You should know what she was like before." Human?" Long Er regained the innocence of a child.

"It seems that apart from memory, there is nothing else, and this is also a point that I don't understand."

"What? So, the remnants left by the sword spirit did not leave any memory of her personality and temper"

"Perhaps, since she is a person who doesn't understand the world, there must be nothing else in her heart except cultivation." Gongfei Xuyan saw that in all the memories of the sword spirit after receiving the inheritance, there was nothing but cultivation or cultivation. memories of other things

No wonder, she chooses to die and not complete her mission. In her eyes, cultivation is all she has. She doesn't know anything about missions, feelings, friendships, and so on, and she has never been in touch with them.Dedicated to cultivation, otherwise, he would not be so young to be a god, the god who controls the fate and life and death of the three realms.

"Okay, let's go, this time, I also feel its breath"

This time, Gongfei Xuyan also felt the breath of the gray wolf, and it was getting weaker and weaker.

"Mother, can I enter the Qianling Mausoleum?" Long Er begged again to enter the Qianling Mausoleum.

"No, since we used to be friends, and he didn't do anything to be sorry for you, why bother to hide and hide things, and make it clear to you face to face." What kind of person was the sword spirit back then, and how did he train Long'er to be such an irresponsible person? ?

Long'er looked at Gongfei Xuyan, didn't speak, just looked at her in a daze.

It took a long time before a word came out slowly.

"Master, you have really changed. I don't know if you really feel the warmth and coldness of the world, or because you have reincarnated too many times. In short, you have changed too much."

Long Er's "Master" made the sword spirit in Gongfei Xuyan's mind completely wake up.

"You are right, I have reincarnated too many times, and have experienced many changes in the world, so I know the ways of the world."

Hearing Gongfei Xuyan whose tone suddenly changed, everyone quickly turned their attention to her.

Looking at the somewhat unfamiliar concubine Xuyan, Lian An knew that this was the awakening of the sword spirit's memory.

She wanted to stop it, but she was afraid of the opposite, so she could only take one step at a time. After all, this was something she had to go through. Moreover, she was the reincarnation of the sword spirit, and it was normal to have her memory.

"Okay, it's time for us to go and see that wolf." The tone was still that of the sword spirit.

Long'er looked at the concubine Xuyan who had recovered the tone of the sword spirit, feeling very conflicted in his heart, both of them are his masters, although they are the same person, but their personalities are so different.

How does this make him accept this matter calmly?

"Mother, can you just be Concubine Xuyan?" Long Er tried to shout like this, to see if he could summon Concubine Xuyan's mind to dominate his body.

Hearing Long'er's address, Jian Ling's eyes immediately became sharp, and then softened.

Then there was a burst of sharpness and a burst of softness.

The big heart that looked at it was raised to the throat.

Finally, the eyes finally changed from sharp to soft.

"Okay, from now on, there will only be Concubine Gong Xuyan and no Sword Spirit, remember?" In the end, Concubine Gong Xuyan had stronger will than Sword Spirit.seized the dominance of one's own thought.

"That's great." Long'er cheered happily, not even noticing that both Sword Spirit and Concubine Xuyan were his masters.

"Yan, look, isn't that Gray Wolf?" Suddenly, Lian An's voice interrupted Long Er who was cheering.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the rest of the people turned their heads to look at Lian An's reminder.

A gray-white wolfhound was lying on its side under a big tree, and there were bloodstains on the ground under it.He looked very weak.

"Grey Wolf" Long'er let out a loud cry, and immediately ran over.

Concubine Gong Xuyan saw this and hurriedly followed to see what happened.


Gray Wolf heard Long'er's loud voice, and wanted to turn his head to see who was calling his name, and who still remembered his name thousands of years ago.

However, after a lot of effort, he couldn't turn his head around, he could only tilt his head slightly, but from this angle, he couldn't see anything.

(End of this chapter)

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