Stunning God

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Seeing Gray Wolf who was trying to turn his head away, Gongfei Xuyan had the idea of ​​taking him in for the first time.

At the same time, Long Er had already run to Gray Wolf, looked left and right, and looked at Gray Wolf sadly.

"Grey Wolf, I'm sorry, I just remembered everything from the past, I'm sorry." The crying Long'er made Gongfei Xuyan feel very uncomfortable.Sometimes, she really regards Long Er as her son.Seeing him sad now, her heart is also sad.

"Long'er, where have you been for so long? Since the fall of the sword spirit, you have disappeared. I have been searching for a long time, but there is no trace of you. I have been searching for a long time. I finally saw you today." Gray Wolf After saying this, he tilted his head and fainted.

After "Grey Wolf" Long'er let out a heart-piercing cry, he also fainted.

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked at it, it was fine, one of them fainted, but now it's good, both of them fainted, so what she wants to know, can't she know until they wake up?
Hope, there is still time.

"An, Ze, give them the elixir in this porcelain bottle, and they will wake up soon. I also want to know how the gray wolf got injured. It doesn't look like an accident, but it's a bit artificial." Fei Xuyan checked and analyzed Gray Wolf's injuries.

"Yan, you're not curious. How did Long Er know that Gray Wolf is the mount of the Demon King? After the sword spirit rejected Gray Wolf's request, Gray Wolf never appeared again. Long Er was also in the Purple Dragon Cauldron. , the sword spirit fell, and the Zilong cauldron followed to the human world, and Long Er fell asleep because of it. Even if the gray wolf was the mount of the Demon King, this was after the sword spirit fell and Long Er fell asleep. What did he do? know?"

"Yes, what An said is very reasonable. Is there something Long Er is hiding from you?" They didn't suspect that Long Er had bad intentions, but they suspected that he had concealed the matter from the concubine Xuyan, and in the end, he caused trouble for himself. hurt.

"Let's talk about everything after they wake up." She couldn't say it right now, she always felt that since the appearance of the gray wolf, Long'er had become abnormal, and now she was still worried that the gray wolf would faint?
When she was in a coma, she never saw Long Er so worried, was she ever sad?

There must be something she doesn't know about.

Gongfei Xuyan led them to find a relatively flat ground.

"Just put them here first." Gongfei Xuyan took out a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, and asked Hong Liusu and Wen Qing to put Long'er and Huilang on the cloth.

She sat beside Lian An and closed her eyes to meditate.

"Yan, Long'er is awake" about half an hour later, Lian An lightly patted Gongfei Xuyan's hand as a reminder.

"Yeah..." Gongfei Xuyan opened his eyes, and looked at Long Er who opened his eyes at the same time.

Asked with a flat face, "Long'er, do you have anything to say to me?"

Long'er knew that the concubine Xuyan had already guessed something, so he stopped hiding it and told the concubine Xuyan the truth.

Long'er glanced sideways.Gray Wolf, who was still in a coma, then turned his gaze to Gongfei Xuyan.

More accurately, it should be said that seeing the sword spirit through the concubine Xuyan.

"Actually, what I said yesterday about my acquaintance with Gray Wolf was all false,"

After Gongfei Xuyan and the others heard this, their whole bodies shook, and they looked at Long'er in confusion.

"Grey Wolf was originally a close subordinate of Sword Spirit, and guarded her safety with the four great guardians. It's a pity that he moved something that shouldn't be done, and Sword Spirit found out. In order to punish him severely, Gray Wolf He was beaten back to his original form, and his cultivation was sealed. Without the blood of the sword spirit to unseal, Gray Wolf will always look like a wolf dog, and his cultivation will always remain at the stage of a holy beast. However, even so, Gray Wolf still refuses to leave. Go, he is willing to stay by the sword spirit's side. Even if it's just a grass, a tree, or a flower in the end, it doesn't matter."

Longer finally told the truth about thousands of years ago.

And everyone present was shocked.

Who can do such a thing?
All of them looked at the unconscious gray wolf at the same time.

Even Lian'an admired her unceasingly. This kind of affection made him a little admired.

After finishing everything, Long'er seemed to relax a lot.

He looked at Gray Wolf with a kind of gratified eyes.

Gray Wolf, as a friend, there is only so much I can do, I hope you will work hard, she is a hundred times better than she was a thousand years ago.

"Why did he become the mount of the Demon King? How did you know about this?" Gongfei Xuyan still didn't understand this matter.

"At that time, I fell into a deep sleep following the fall of the sword spirit. Later, when I was in the human world, once the Zilong Cauldron was stimulated, I woke up for a moment. It happened that when I heard about the Demon King, I also heard about the Demon King. The description of the Spirit King’s mount is exactly the same as that of the gray wolf, and even the time was at that time, so I concluded that it was the gray wolf. After that, I fell into a deep sleep again until you contracted the Purple Dragon Cauldron.”

Concubine Gong Xuyan originally planned to ask Long'er why he was so excited when he saw Gray Wolf unconscious, and even passed out, but she held back.

I feel that sometimes, some things don't have to be so clear, it's good to be a little confused.

Besides, this seems to be the privacy between them, so it's inconvenient for her to ask more, unless Longer voluntarily speaks out.

"Well, well, we all know, you should have a good rest," Gongfei Xuyan handed Long Er a pill.

Long'er just took it, but he didn't eat it, but turned to look at the unconscious gray wolf.

"Mother, when will he wake up?" Long Er's worry had already surpassed the feelings between friends.

Gongfei Xuyan pretended not to notice, just kept bowing her head and whispering to Lian An.

"I'll wake up in less than half an hour, don't worry." Her medical skills come from modern times. Although the injury is obvious, in her eyes, it's still a piece of cake.

"That's good, that's good." Long Er's little adult appearance would have made them laugh a long time ago, but at this moment, no one can laugh.

Everyone can see what kind of affection Long Er has for Gray Wolf.

Concubine Xu Yan, Lian An, and Long Ze looked at Long Er's profile.

I'm a little worried about his kindness.

"Yan, tell me, what will happen to Long'er and Huilang?" Both of them are men, so how can this have a relationship beyond what ordinary people should have?

This is not understood or accepted by the world, not to mention, Gray Wolf has always had a sword spirit in his heart, so how could he accept Long Er?
Now, Long'er will suffer.

"I don't know, this kind of thing depends on the two of them, and other people can't do anything, so it's not easy to intervene." Emotional matters, she is one hundred and fifty one, how can she have the ability to deal with other people's emotional entanglements?

"Xuyan, do you think Gray Wolf's feelings for Sword Spirit are right or wrong?" Ming Binghe, who had been silent since staying with Gongfei Xuyan, suddenly came up with such a nonsensical sentence. words come.

Hearing his words, everyone turned their heads to look at him at the same time.

But he looked at Gongfei Xuyan solemnly, waiting for her answer.

"The gray wolf is not wrong, and neither is the sword spirit. Since the relationship is between two people, it depends on the attitude of the two people. It is impossible to force either party." This is her understanding and attitude towards feelings.

Just like her now, there are so many opposite sexes around her, and several of them have more than friends' affection for her, but she has already identified Lian'an, no matter how good others are, she only believes in Lian'an.

"So that's how it is," Ming Binghe meaningfully glanced at Ming Bingliu who lowered his head, and then looked into the distance.

"Mother, look, is Gray Wolf about to wake up?" Suddenly, Long'er shouted, interrupting the supposedly quiet atmosphere.

"Let me take a look." Gongfei Xuyan quickly stepped forward to check.

"I'm going to wake up" After so long, she should have woken up. If it wasn't for her medicine, she probably wouldn't wake up in this lifetime.

She didn't tell Long Er about this, only Long Ze, Lian An, Huo Qing, and Mi Lu knew about it.

"Long'er, why are you here? Go quickly, if you don't leave, it will be too late?" Gray Wolf woke up and saw Long'er in front of him, this was the first sentence he said.

It made everyone look at each other in blank dismay.

"What's too late? Speak clearly," Gongfei Xuyan asked first.

Hearing Gongfei Xuyan's voice, Gray Wolf struggled to stand up.

Concubine Gong Xuyan saw his intentions, so she knelt down and looked at him.

"Say it"

Gray Wolf looked at the familiar but distant face.

Jianling never looks at anyone at the same level, let alone squats down to talk to you. It's not that she is arrogant and looks down on people, but that she always thinks that it is natural and casual, and there is no deliberate and intentional statement.

"The demon king's subordinates are looking for you, especially the family members of the Human World Palace who are allied with the demons. I was injured only when I met them."

"You are the mount of the Demon King, don't those demons recognize you?" Gongfei Xuyan always felt that something was wrong.

"I was injured by a human being, not a demon spirit," Gray Wolf knew why Gongfei Xuyan asked this. Under normal circumstances, no matter who it is, as long as it is a thoughtful person, it will ask this question.

"Humans? Humans from the alliance monsters you mentioned? How many of them? Where did they go?" Just in time, she was going to find them, but unexpectedly they came to her door automatically. She really had nowhere to go. It's all effortless.

Gray Wolf didn't understand why the concubine Xuyan was not worried and nervous after hearing it, but asked about the whereabouts of those people. However, he understood that there must be a reason for Concubine Xuyan to do this.

"They came from the southeast and went to the southwest. There are more than a dozen people, seven junior holy magicians, five high-level holy magicians, and three high-level great magisters." Concubine Gong Xuyan did the math, and there were fifteen people in total. The combined strength is not enough for her to produce [-]% of her strength, but in order to deal with Gonglingcheng in the future, she must hide her strength. When the time comes, give him a surprise and let Gonglingcheng understand that Gonglingqing's daughter, Gongfei Xu Words are not easy to bully.

"Now that you are done, then do what you should do. Remember, don't be the mount of the Demon King anymore. You know, the opponent of the Demon King is me. If you want to be my enemy, then I have nothing to say." Said, if you have any unspeakable secrets, you can tell me, you just need to remember it, and don’t help the tyrant, otherwise, I will personally destroy you.”Since, thousands of years ago, he was the subordinate of Sword Spirit, then everything is Given by the sword spirit, then today she is the reincarnation of the sword spirit, and it is more than enough to eliminate the people cultivated by the sword spirit, right?
"Then please make a contract with me." Gray Wolf once again spoke to the concubine Xuyan in the tone of a thousand years ago.

After hearing this, Long'er broke into a cold sweat for Gray Wolf again.

The concubine Xuyan circled the gray wolf, just when the gray wolf was disappointed again, and Long Er felt sad for the gray wolf again.

Concubine Gong Xuyan spoke.

"Yes, yes, but you need to release the seal and contract on you first." She looked around the gray wolf just now, and found out that there is a special traction and restraint on him.

Sure enough, the Demon King used his heart and soul when making the contract.

If she guessed right, the Demon King's contract with the gray wolf should have a purpose. The gray wolf's cultivation is sealed by the sword spirit, and only blood can unseal it. He would feel it, and then, he controlled the gray wolf to take the opportunity to absorb the sword spirit's cultivation base and give it to him.

This is a forbidden technique in the demon world, and it is not allowed to practice.

"Unexpectedly, you can see that, indeed, I was contracted by the Demon King, and I was also his brainchild."

"It's just so that one day, when I unseal you, he can take this opportunity to absorb my cultivation and become the supreme being in the world? The overlord of the three realms?" Concubine Gong Xuyan said at the end, her voice suddenly became louder, shaking Gray Wolf a little bit. unstable.

"Grey Wolf, did I still say you are stupid or stupid? If you want to help the Demon King to be born earlier, there is no need to take advantage of Longer's affection for you so hard. You can discuss it with me directly. Maybe I will Let your wish come true." Concubine Gong Xuyan said at the end, pinched Gray Wolf's chin, pulled it hard, and then quickly tapped Gray Wolf's forehead with the other hand.

In a short while, Gray Wolf turned into a man in dark purple clothes.

He looked at Gongfei Xuyan in horror, and his eyes were a little dodgy.

"How did you find out?" Obviously, it fell into the hands of the concubine Xuyan, and he was a little scared.

But Lian An and Long Er were all dumbfounded when they saw this dramatic change.I also admire and respect Gongfei Xuyan even more.

Especially, Long'er, he was still angry just now, because the imperial concubine Xu Yan was rough and cruel to Gray Wolf.

Only now did I realize that all of this was an illusion, if it wasn't for mother, he would have been taken aback by this bastard, and almost had a gap with mother.

"Bastard, let you lie to me and beat you to death." Long Er ran over, punched and kicked the fake gray wolf imprisoned by the concubine Xu Yan, and cursed non-stop.

"Want to know how I know? Then you answer our two questions first?"

The person who is "good" can be regarded as simply respecting a wise person.

"Did you come from your master? Or did you come from the southeast?"

"We came from the master, we have no direction"

"Then, why did you come from the southeast?" It seems that this person is not stupid enough to be trapped by her.

"We can only come from there." After the man finished speaking, he came back to his senses. He felt that he seemed to have said something just now, but he couldn't remember it.

(End of this chapter)

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