Stunning God

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Concubine Gong Xuyan had already figured out the general direction of Gongling City's lair from the mouth of this fake gray wolf.It is also much easier to find.

"Last question, what is the place where your master lives?"

Just as the fake gray wolf was about to retort, suddenly, his consciousness became loose, and he said word by word, "It is as luxurious as a palace, surrounded by poisonous flowers and weeds, and there are several holy beasts guarding it. Every corner is protected by a holy magician secretly. The people captured by the master cannot be allowed to leave. She can only be sent to the door automatically, and when the time comes, they can catch them all. As long as the weeds are cut and the roots are cut, the deity can sit back and relax in peace."

The fake gray wolf imitated what Gong Lingcheng said word by word to the concubine Xu Yan.

After listening to the concubine Xuyan, she wished she could go and dismantle Gongling City immediately.

He actually set up a trap for me to fall into?It's really just an old fox.

He is sure, I will definitely go, that's why he sent someone out to look for her so arrogantly, and spread some information about his lair, please enter the urn?

Since he has already planned everything and is waiting for her to go, then why should she be polite.

just go…

"Everyone pack up, let's go to Master Gong's lair to see what he wants to do?" The most important thing is that her father, mother, and He Lianchen are all in his hands, because of this .

Only Gonglingcheng has enough confidence that I will go, otherwise, just him?In terms of IQ, is she also her opponent?

"Yan, it's not the time for us to go now." Lian An promptly persuaded her, at this time, she was going to Gongling City.

"Why?" Gongfei Xuyan seemed a little confused.Sooner or later, he will go there, and after cleaning up there, he just turned his head to deal with the Demon King.

"Because he has designed everything, we are passive to go now, even if we go, we have to think about countermeasures."

After listening to Gongfei Xuyan, she felt that what Lian An said was not unreasonable. Just now, she was dazzled by revenge.If Lian'an hadn't reminded her in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Okay, everyone, come here, let's think of a perfect plan, otherwise, we will go this time, I'm afraid it will be bad luck," she always had an ominous premonition, but she had to go this trip.

"Xu Yan, I think what Lian'an said is reasonable. Although I don't know the strength of the other party, but at present, our strength is not enough to fight against any powerful people. After all, you still have your mission. If, The two share the same hatred, then, do you think that we people have the ability to fight? I heard that the strength of the demons is not something that ordinary people can resist. In my opinion, we should first recharge our batteries and observe and eliminate them secretly. Scattered forces, wait until the day of confrontation, at least, in terms of numbers, can be balanced." Xue Wuhen thought about it again and again, and then carefully analyzed the crux of the problem and the severity of the matter.

After listening to Xue Wuhen's analysis, everyone fell into silence.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the earth, and the golden sunlight added a soft atmosphere to the woods. Even though the atmosphere of these people was very depressing, the surrounding environment seemed very warm.

Seeing the light from the corner of the eye sprinkled on the leaves, Gongfei Xuyan suddenly had a plan in mind.

"You said, if we pretend to be their people and mix in, can we successfully inquire about their internal situation and specific maps?" This is the so-called undercover. There are not all the so-called spies in the police or wartime in TV dramas. And undercover?

Why don't they come to follow the gourd painting now?
How about some undercover agents?

"What do you think?" Everyone looked at her with weird and puzzled eyes, and didn't feel like asking their opinions again.

"Yan, why did you forget that every cultivator has his own aura, and it is impossible for others to confuse the real one? Unless it is a magical beast that has not been contracted" 7
"Wait..." Suddenly, when Lian An was talking about monsters, Gong Fei Xuyan hurriedly interrupted.

"What's wrong? Yan..." Lian An looked at Gongfei Xuyan with a surprised face, she rarely interrupted others?
"You just mentioned monsters, didn't you just have the breath of monsters, people can't tell them apart? Can monsters distinguish the breath of monsters?" This made her think of another way, who made this a fantasy world, and the earth It's different, it's so difficult to be an undercover agent.

"If the contracted beast can tell, it has a trace of human aura on it. It's fine without a contract. Why, you won't?" When Lian An said this, she stopped for the second half of the sentence, and looked at the palace in disbelief. Concubine Xu Yan.

"Yes, you guessed it right, I just want to let the monster go undercover, and it can't be discovered. This matter will let our Xiaoyu." When Gong Fei Xuyan mentioned Xiaoyu, it occurred to him that the situation at this time Xiaoyu is not by my side, last time I let her stay with her father, at this moment, she should be imprisoned by that bastard, right?
Thinking of this, Concubine Xu Yan's face was covered with worry and concern.

"Forget it, let me arrange it." Xiaoyu has a contractual relationship with her, and those monsters will give her some face in Xiaoyu's face.

"Xu Yan, is this really okay?" It's not that he doesn't believe in the concubine Xu Yan, but rather, it's... the first time he's heard of letting a monster become a spy.

Although Ming Bingliu disdains those things that fight openly and secretly, but after all, he grew up in a place where the dark tide is surging every day, and he has heard of it if he doesn't do it.

There are countless people like spies in the palace. If you are not careful, your every move will become strong evidence that others framed you.

This is also the reason why he has been arrogant and a dandy since he was a child. Only by becoming an idiot in the eyes of others can he keep himself alive until the day when he can protect himself. Otherwise, he will die that day without knowing how he died.

The sadness in Ming Bingliu's eyes made him look like he was in a sad mood.

"Okay, since you don't like it, just leave. Besides, don't you all follow me now and in the future? Why. Still thinking of going back to be your high and noble prince?" Gongfei Xuyan deliberately joked , she just wanted to use this kind of joke to help Ming Bingliu drive away those unhappy memories.

"How come, since I've stayed by your side, I won't leave again, even if you let me go back, I won't go back." I just want to be by your side, even if I'm just a guardian for the rest of my life.

Ming Bingliu didn't say this sentence, but kept it in his heart. He knew that Gongfei Xuyan was the best and most powerful woman in the world. It was the best gift God gave him, so how could he ask for anything more.

"Well, that's good." Suddenly, Gongfei Xuyan thought of a serious problem.

That is, brothers and sisters Mo Xuanyu and Leng Shuangwu belong to her, will Gong Lingcheng also attack them?

"What's the matter? Xu Yan" Xue Wuhen thought that the concubine Xu Yan remembered something unexpected, so she hurried over and asked.

"Xuan and the others, will they be retaliated by Gonglingcheng? That person is a scum that even his own son can use, I am worried." Gongfei Xuyan's worries are not groundless, Gonglingcheng can really eradicate all the opponents. Habits of trusted and well-connected people.

"Then what should we do? Shall we go back to Snow Country now?"

"If Gongling City has already made a move, it's too late for us to go back now. We should contact you first and see how the situation is before making a decision."

"Ze, quickly contact Shuangwu and check the situation"

Long Ze nodded, and then quickly contacted Leng Shuangwu.

"Xu Yan, Shuang Wu said that everything is fine with them."

"It seems that there is still time, you tell him, immediately arrange for the family members to take precautions, beware of thieves coming to destroy, and also, immediately notify Xuan, and make all preparations, I don't want them to have any mistakes" They came to her The first friend in the world, she didn't want them to have an accident. What's more, she also promised to find a partner for Mo Xuanyu to satisfy him. How could they have an accident?
"Okay, I'll tell him right away." As soon as he heard Gongfei Xuyan's serious tone, Long Ze knew that it was Gongfei Xuyan who was worried about them again.

After Longze has done everything.

Concubine Gong Xuyan has adjusted her mentality and emotions.

"Okay, now, it's time for us to exercise. If we don't exercise, we will never be their opponents, let alone prevent the birth of the Demon King."

What worries her the most is the scheming Gongling City.

That old thief not only took her father as a hostage, but even his own son, he was really a hard-hearted old bastard.

In the center of a magnificent palace, a young man is kneeling.

His head was almost close to the ground, his hands fell on both sides of his head, and his whole body was still shaking.

He said tremblingly, "Master, please forgive me. I didn't complete the task this time, and I will definitely complete it next time. Really, please forgive me this time, Master."

The trembling voice seemed particularly small and empty in this dim and deserted palace.

In the opposite direction to the man, at the end of the three steps, a middle-aged man sat on a luxurious golden chair. Because of his cultivation, his mind was restless, causing him to go mad, and a dark green mark was left on his face. , extending from the forehead to the left cheek.

Affects the beauty of the whole appearance.It looks a little weird.

He half-closed his eyes, seemingly resting his eyes, but in fact, he was looking at the young man kneeling below.

"It's okay to ask Teacher to forgive you, but how do you want to make up for the fault of not completing the task this time? You know Teacher's style of doing things, so you can talk about it yourself." This corner floated into the hearts and blood of young people.

It made his already trembling body tremble even more.

"Master...Master, I...I was wrong. You asked me...I can do whatever I want, as long as Master is happy." The young man started to stutter.

"Is that so, I want you to be willing to do anything?" From being indifferent at the beginning to being gloomy and weird now.

"Yes..." The young man moved his body closer to the ground in fright, feeling that, in this way, his heart would not beat so hard, and his body would not tremble so uncomfortably.

"Okay, you can go and see those trash in the dungeon for the teacher." The man on the golden chair observed the young man for a long time, seeing his frightened expression, trembling body, and the sinister corner of his mouth. lay down.

Finally, he put away the tone and pressure that frightened the young man, and returned to normal.

"Yes, I'll go right away." After receiving the order, the young man immediately got up and left the hall as if flying, as if there were hungry wolves and tigers chasing after him.

The young man came to the dungeon as his master ordered.

Looking at the few people in the dungeon, they have long lost the demeanor and brilliance they had when they first came.

All were unshaven and tired.

Although they don't look very good, they give him the feeling that they are all very energetic, especially the silver-haired man who is similar to the master.

"Aren't you still refusing to eat? Why bother? My master has such a bodhisattva's heart to give you food. You are really shameless." The more the young man looked at them, the more he felt disliked. He was clearly a prisoner, but they all compared to each other. He has a good look, and he feels very uncomfortable.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that my master has already sent someone to look for Gongfei Xuyan. As long as she has the courage to come here, she will never be able to leave here. Master and the old man can torture that demon girl "The young man spoke very proudly, but, while he was speaking, he secretly observed their expressions.

He heard from his master that Gongfei Xuyan is very important in the hearts of these men, so in order to get revenge on them, he will attract Gongfei Xuyan, and then torture her in front of them, making them feel unbearable , This is the best way to retaliate against the enemy.

"You go and tell Gonglingcheng that Yan'er won't be so stupid. He came from throwing himself into a trap, but he really disappointed me. There will be no such person as Gonglingcheng in the Gong family in the future."

"Gong Lingqing, who do you think you are? You are a prisoner, why are you still being arrogant here? You are so powerful that you have become my master's prisoner. That concubine, Xuyan, is only in her teens, and her cultivation is not as strong as yours. In front of my master, isn't that an egg hitting a rock? For my master, catching her is easy, without any effort, you should just wait and see her being tortured by my master." The man turned and left triumphantly dungeon.

The faces of all the men in the dungeon were gloomy.

"Uncle, it's all my fault, if you hadn't saved me, you wouldn't have been caught here"

"Chen'er, you don't have to say that, and you don't have to blame yourself. It will be a matter of time before you confront him. It's not your fault. It's just that I'm worried about Yan'er. I know that there are tigers in the mountains, but I will go to the tiger mountain." Gong Ling Qingshen He sighed deeply, and was very worried about Gongfei Xuyan coming here.

"She did this because she was worried about her uncle. If it were me, I would do the same." He Lianchen heard Gong Lingqing's deep sigh, and understood that he was worried about Gongfei Xuyan.

In fact, he was also worried about her. His father is not only powerful, but also very powerful. She will definitely suffer when she comes.

(End of this chapter)

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