Stunning God

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

In the blink of an eye, Concubine Gong Xu said that they had stayed in Tianhong Mountains for three months.

Looking at everyone's strength, there is still time, and it is almost time to go back.

"Today, we are going to go out of the mountain, are you ready?"

"Okay..." The three months of exercise made it difficult for brothers Ming Binghe, Wen Qing, and Hong Liusu, who had never exercised before, to express their feelings.

"Departure" to go back this time, I don't know what the result will be.

Although I don't know, the way tomorrow?How to go, but she still insisted on facing that powerful enemy.

To save them, even death is worth it.

After driving on the road for about an hour, Gongfei Xuyan, who was walking in the front, suddenly stopped, and made a stop gesture to the people behind her.

Lian An and Long Ze came to Gongfei Xuyan's side in a tacit understanding.

"Yan, what's the matter?" Long Ze didn't speak, but just looked at the concubine Xu Yan, asking Lian An to ask.

"There seems to be something abnormal in front, take a look." Gongfei Xuyan looked serious, her eyes fixed on the front not far away.

After Lian An and Long Ze glanced at each other, they also followed the gaze of the concubine Xu Yan.

The front is indeed a bit abnormal, but I can't see any objects, I can only see the slight movement of the grass, and I can't see anything else, and I can't feel the presence of strange breath.

Is it the wind?

Gongfei Xuyan and the three of them thought of this at the same time, but the three of them quickly denied this idea.

Concubine Gong Xuyan shook her head at the two of them, signaling them not to act rashly, and asked her to go and find out what happened.

Among these people, only her Yan Guo Wuhen has the fastest speed, just like the name, Yan Guo Wuhen, there is indeed no trace of where she passes.

It is precisely because of this that her speed has become the best equipment for attacking enemies or monsters.Let her defeat those monsters who are more powerful than her time and time again.

Lian An originally didn't want Gongfei Xuyan to take risks, but he knew that once Gongfei Xuyan made a decision, no one could make her change it, unless she changed it herself.

In desperation, he could only tell her with his eyes many times that safety comes first.

After being instructed by Lian An and Long Ze, the imperial concubine Xu Yan instantly disappeared before their eyes.

When they saw Gongfei Xuyan's figure again, she had already appeared in front of her, which was the place she thought was abnormal just now.

Just listen, "Plop"

One sound.The sound of objects falling to the ground was followed by Gongfei Xuyan waving at them to let them pass.

It didn't develop until after they had all passed by. There was a man lying at the feet of the concubine Xuyan. He had wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, but his eyes were still staring at the concubine Xuyan in fascination.

Seeing this scene, Lian An and Long Ze were just about to deal with that vile-eyed person, but unexpectedly, Xue Wuhen, who was behind them, took a step ahead of them, and landed on that person's face with his foot, and angrily scolded that guy.

"Bastard, I'm watching I goug your dog's eyes." The kick was not light, the man who kicked had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and nose.

Seeing Xue Wuhen's actions, the four members of Ming Binghe behind, Wen Qing and Hong Liusu shrugged speechlessly.But Ming Bingliu stared blankly at Xue Wuhen's back.

I heard that the third prince of the Xue Kingdom loves the patriarch of the palace to such an obsession that he would rather give up everything and follow the concubine Xu Yan's side. Unexpectedly, seeing him today, it is really the case.

After going through life and death together for such a long time, he didn't show it particularly clearly, but today he showed it out of control. Is this because the love is so deep that he can't extricate himself?
How do I compare with him?

Ming Binghe watched his younger brother in a daze again, went over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Isn't it great now? Why bother so much?" He knew that Bingliu could understand him, so there was no need to speak so clearly.

Ming Bingliu turned his head to the side and nodded to Ming Binghe, as if he understood what he meant, and then turned his gaze to Gongfei Xuyan, Lian An, and Long Ze.

It seemed that they would never be able to get among the three of them.

This may be the so-called fate destined by heaven.

"Who are you? Why are you here now? What is the purpose of being here?" Xue Wuhen is worthy of being a person who grew up in the palace. When she saw someone with wrong eyes, she immediately developed occupational diseases and began to question and judge.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and a few others were speechless about Xue Wuhen's approach, but they also supported it. After all, it is better to be on guard against such a stranger.

"I beg you to raise your hands high, I just heard that there are treasures here, and I want to come here for luck. I don't have any other purpose, and I didn't come here on purpose. Please raise your hands high and let me go." The man begged with an aggrieved expression Xue Wuhen.

But Xue Wuhen was not moved by it at all, and still stared at that person with a serious face.

"You said that you came here because you heard that there was a treasure here? That is to say, you are not the only one here?" Yes, then we have to see what this so-called treasure is?If it's not true, then the purpose of this person coming here needs to be investigated.

"Yes, when I came here I saw a lot of people coming here, if you don't believe me, you can go and see." Seeing that Gongfei Xuyan didn't trust his words, the person quickly corrected him.

"It seems that what you said is true?"

"Yes, everything is true, not a single sentence is false, everything I said is true." At the end of the man's words, he even raised his hand as if to swear.

Concubine Gong Xuyan didn't stop her, she just watched how he swears.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, I didn't see him swearing. He just raised his hand without saying anything.

Gongfei Xuyan and Lian An sneered when they saw this.

"You swear, only if you swear, we will believe what you say, otherwise, I will let you know what is divided into five horses." Huo Qing came over, looked at the person who raised his hand but did not swear, and joked for a while.

"I...I..." That person was only me, and I couldn't come up with anything after a long time.

Instead, the face they looked at turned red and then pale with shame.

Finally, he bowed his head in embarrassment and chose to remain silent.

"Okay, let's go, he, Xiao Huo, I'll leave it to you." Concubine Gong Xuyan pointed to the man on the ground who was still being stepped on by her, and said to Huo Qing.

"Really? That's really great." Huo Qing rubbed his hands, and approached the man on the ground step by step, how wretched he looked.There is obscenity.

The imperial concubine Xu Yan who was watching felt cold on her back, Xiao Huo, when did she become like this?

It's so sad...

"Then let's go." Gongfei Xuyan raised her foot and walked forward first.

Ming Binghe and the others followed closely, and Huo Qing dragged the man at the end. After walking a few steps, he heard a miserable cry of "Ah", followed by a miserable cry of "Please, please spare me" begging for mercy.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was in front, the more she heard, the more noise she heard.

"Small fire, it's making a lot of noise"

Huo Qing immediately grabbed a handful of grass from the side of the road and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

"I told you to yell, whoever made you quarrel, you deserve it,"

While speaking, he kicked with his foot, with no small force.

The person who was kicked could only cry from the pain, but he couldn't vent his voice.

After walking for quite a while, the ugly man tortured by Huo Qing couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted in a low voice, "I said, I'll say anything, just let me down!"

Hearing his shout, Gongfei Xuyan smiled triumphantly and stopped in her tracks.The people behind also stopped.

"Xiaohuo, bring me here, I'd like to hear what he can say." This kind of person has to be treated in this way, otherwise, if you kill him, every word of the truth will come out of his mouth.

"Say..." Huo Qing dragged that guy over, and immediately threw that guy at Gongfei Xuyan's feet.

The man tried to get up, but his legs were stepped on by Huo Qing, and he couldn't use his strength. After several attempts, he couldn't get up, so he gave up.

He looked up and glanced at the concubine Xuyan who was looking at him.

Then he spoke slowly.

"I was ordered by my master to come to the Tianhong Mountains to find someone. If I can't find them, I can't go back. In order to complete the task, I wander every corner of the Tianhong Mountains every day."

"Wait" Gongfei Xuyan heard the same words as the disciples from Gongling City before, and interrupted in time.

The guy who was talking about being devoted was suddenly interrupted by the concubine Xuyan, thinking that there was something important, he looked at the concubine Xuyan nervously.

"What I said this time is true. If you don't believe me, I can swear it is true." He raised his hand again, ready to swear.

"No, just tell me, who did your master tell you to look for? What are you looking for? Is the person you found a man or a woman? How long have you been here to look for it?" Is it Gongling City again?

"I've been here for half a year. I found someone who looks very similar to you. It's a woman. The master didn't say what she was looking for, but only said that her name is Gongfei Xuyan. If you find her, contact him immediately."

"Really? What's your master's name? How long have you been looking for that person?"

How do you feel, it's a bit different from Gonglingcheng's style of doing things, but why are you looking for her?
"I dare not say my master's name, I can only say, the evil king of the Snow Country"

"What?" Xue Wuhen grabbed the guy by the collar and almost lifted him up.His eyes glared at him, and his face was full of anger.

If he said another bad word about his second brother, he would definitely strangle him to death.

"It's really the evil king. Half a year ago, the master invited me back and told me to take care of something important. I was able to enter the Tianhong Mountain Range because he was behind the scenes. Otherwise, it was just me, how could I have entered this place? The heavily guarded Rainbow Mountains," the guy said at the end, starting to laugh at himself.

What he said was not unreasonable, except for people with strong cultivation bases or those who have the right to use it, it is impossible for other people to enter this Tianhong Mountain Range.

They relied on her speed and used Yan Guo Wuhen to get in when the guardians didn't notice. If it wasn't for this ability, they wouldn't have been able to come in here again and again.

"Wuhen," Gongfei Xuyan knew that Xue Wuhen was so excited because he didn't believe that Xue Wuxie would do this, and even more didn't believe that Xue Wuxie would send someone to look for her, that's why he was so excited.

Xue Wuhen looked back at Gongfei Xuyan, and then slowly sent her hands.

"Okay, you continue to talk"

The man looked at Xue Wuhen and was silent for a while before speaking.

"The night before I came here, because I was too worried and couldn't sleep, I wanted to go outside to relax, but when I went outside, I found...found..." As a result, at the critical moment, he just stuttered, unable to sleep. Let's talk about it.

"What did you find?" Huo Qing asked anxiously.

"I found out, master, he's actually..." The guy just stopped at the critical moment.Looking ahead with both eyes, there was still a little bit of panic on his face.

"What did you find, tell me quickly..." Huo Qing urged again anxiously, but this time, no matter how much he urged, that guy just didn't speak.

Just as Huo Qing was about to reach out to push, the imperial concubine Xu Yan immediately stopped Huo Qing.

She walked over slowly, stood in front of that guy, and looked at it carefully.

It was unexpectedly discovered that the guy was dead and had no breath.

"He's dead!" She felt something was wrong just now, especially Huo Qing urged him several times, but he didn't respond.

"What, dead?" Huo Qing exclaimed, stepped forward and put his finger under the guy's nose for a try, his face changed drastically.

"Yan'er, why did this happen? You were fine just now, why did you suddenly die?" Why, when did it become so easy to die?

"Because there are people around here, let him die because he is afraid that he will reveal some secrets that cannot be revealed, and the secrets will not be leaked. He can only die." Gongfei Xuyan explained to Huo Qing while observing around.

With her eyelids lowered, she can kill someone quietly, which is really not something ordinary people can do.

And who would this person be?

Had he been with them all along, or had he just arrived here by chance?
Why, she didn't feel any breath or elemental fluctuations?
After looking at it for a long time without finding anything unusual, Concubine Gong Xuyan lowered her head to examine the body of the deceased, trying to find what killed him?
However, after searching for a long time, they couldn't find any wounds or marks on the corpse.

Without wounds and marks, how did he die?How did the person hiding in the dark kill him?
"Yan, are you looking for the reason to kill him?" Lian An watched the concubine Xuyan inspect the corpse first, then remained silent, and thought that she was looking for the reason for the death of the deceased.

"Yes, without wounds and marks, what did he die? And how did he kill?" Gongfei Xuyan lowered his head.

"Spiritual power" Lian An just spit out three words lightly.

Gongfei Xuyan raised her head abruptly, staring at Lian'an.

"You mean spiritual power? Was he killed by spiritual power?"

Her face is full of disbelief, mental power can kill people?
How did she never know?If it is possible, then her mental power is so strong.Can't it be used to attack the enemy?

"Yes. It's spiritual power. There are two ways to kill people with spiritual power. One is that you can kill people with a particularly strong mental power. The other is that you can kill people if there is a spiritual contract between the two. According to the current situation, the person in the dark The second method should be used, if this is the case, then the person in the dark is the master in his mouth, "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible" After listening to Lian'an's analysis, Xue Wuhen shouted loudly first, he didn't believe all this was true.

(End of this chapter)

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