Stunning God

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Seeing everyone's disbelieving expressions, Xue Wuhen sat on the ground weakly, and kept thinking "This is not true, this is not true..." His second brother, how could he do such a thing.

Although the second brother has become an idiot through cultivation, he is not someone who casually kills innocent people.

"Yan, look..." Lian An glanced at the listless Xue Wuhen, and motioned for the imperial concubine Xu Yan to deal with it.

"Even if Xue Wuxie did it, we don't know why he asked me for it. Besides, even if it's a bad thing, Xue Wuhen is Xue Wuhen, Xue Wuxie is Xue Wuxie, they are just brothers, not the same person , we don't need to confuse them"

From the looks of it, Xue Wuhen didn't know anything about it.

Although they are brothers, but they were born in the royal family, how true is the family relationship?

Xue Wuhen's state of mind and vision were only elevated by her status, her heart was not bad, and her mind was not so much.On the contrary, Xue Wuxie, it is said that he has become an idiot through cultivation, he doesn't care about other things, and there is nothing else in his eyes except cultivation.

But the last time we met, she didn't think so.

That person gave off an evil, sinister vibe.

But he hides it very well on the surface, most people can only feel that he is cold and unreasonable, but they can't really feel his true nature.

"We'll talk about it when we get back home first" Now, they have to go home first, take a look at the situation at home, and take a look at what Xue Wuxie wants to do with her?
Why did that person look terrified when he mentioned the discovery? If he hadn't seen some terrible pictures, how could a person who is not weak in cultivation show a terrified expression?
After all, what is Xue Wuxie hiding?What is the connection between finding her and the hidden matter?Or is that a thing in itself?Or, are they just two parallel lines that will never meet?Just a coincidence this time?

What is the truth?
The more Gongfei Xuyan thought about it, the more depressed she became, and she habitually slapped her forehead with her hand, feeling that she was too stupid to figure out the ins and outs of this matter.

Seeing this, Lian'an on the side immediately stepped forward to pull away Gongfei Xuyan's hand and scolded her.

"Why hit yourself, you can discuss with us if you can't figure it out, why do you have to be so yourself?" He said, and gently softly touched the forehead that Gongfei Xuyan had just slapped.

"An, tell me, what that person wants to say is true, so what do you think he saw that caused his death? And Xue Wuxie killed his proud subordinate in order to try his best to hide something." ?”

Lian An looked at the concubine Xu Yan, didn't speak, just thinking in her heart, Yan was thinking about this matter, according to the situation just now, when that person just said what he found, he was killed by someone hiding in the dark up.

And the one who could kill with mental power, and was killed when he immediately told what he found about his master.

All kinds of signs showed that the person in the dark was his master, that is, Xue Wuxie.

But what exactly is Xue Wuxie trying to hide?
Is it necessary to kill subordinates and hide?What is it worth for him to do this?
Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past.not far from them.

Gongfei Xuyan immediately stepped forward and asked, "What's the matter, Your Excellency?"

If you stand in front of them and don't walk, you are blocking their way.

In just an instant, Gongfei Xuyan analyzed the purpose of the black shadow in front.

"Who is Gongfei Xuyan?" The hoarse and blunt voice made Gongfei Xuyan frown. If it weren't for her good ears, she might have been blocked to death.

"What advice do you have?" Since the person here is looking for her, and she is not a coward, it is not a bad thing to admit it openly.

"You..." As if slowing down, the black shadow turned around slowly, stared at Gongfei Xuyan, and asked again?Although the tone is questionable, it is mostly positive.

"Yes, it's me, what's the matter?" Gongfei Xuyan straightened her back, also looking directly at the other party, without retreating at all.

"Very good, since you are, then you don't need to bother." The arrogant tone and arrogance covered the whole body, so that the concubine Xuyan couldn't find out what his cultivation was?

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" I couldn't bear to be stared at by those inexplicable eyes.

The man glanced around at Lian An and the others before turning his gaze back to Gongfei Xuyan.

"My master asked me to give this to you. You can read it for yourself and give me an answer after reading it. I'm still waiting to go back and report back." The voice was still arrogant, but his attitude towards Gongfei Xuyan was much better than before.

He took out a jade tablet and handed it to the concubine Xuyan.

Concubine Gong Xuyan was holding the jade token, and after glancing at the person, she looked down at the jade token in her hand.

Needless to say, this must be a sound transmission card. If you want to know what is said in it, you need to input mental power to know.

After Gongfei Xuyan input her mental power, a familiar voice came.

"Yan girl, it's been so long since you left school, why haven't you contacted me? I heard that a lot of things have happened to you during this period of time. How are you doing now? Remember that you still have a master , although the master's ability may not be as strong as yours now, but the old man can be considered a master anyway, and it is still possible to help you eliminate a few scourges. If you need anything, just tell the master, the master will go through fire and water for your future. Adding words, "Hearing Ling Tian's voice, Gong Fei Xuyan's heart was surging, thinking that at this moment, Ling Tian was standing in front of her.

"Okay, you can go back and return it to the master." Gongfei Xuyan also said what she wanted to say in the jade card, and returned the jade card to that person.

That person just looked at the concubine Xuyan, not the jade tablet in his hand.

"It seems that the master regards you more than the young master, but his vision is really good, you have the qualifications." After finishing speaking, he refused.Concubine Gong Xuyan had the opportunity to speak, and disappeared immediately.

"Yan, who's the news?" Lian An looked at the direction where the person disappeared for a moment, then stepped up to Gongfei Xuyan's side, and asked softly.

"It's Master" is passed into the jade tablet with spiritual power, and the listener has to input spiritual power to hear it. Outsiders can't hear it, because the content in the jade card is transmitted through spiritual power and input spiritual power Therefore, outsiders can't hear it, they just see Gongfei Xuyan standing there as if in a daze, but in fact, she is listening to the news.

"What's the matter?" There have been too many things recently, and it is inevitable that Lian An will ask this question.

"No, he just said, don't be polite when you need his help in the future"

"Well, then what are you going to do?" Now, their strength is still far behind that of Gongling City. If they don't find a strong backing, it may be difficult to defeat Gongling City.

"Let's talk about it later. Right now, what I'm most worried about is Xuan and Shuangwu." That villain in Gongling City, who can guarantee that he won't be behind his back?
"Then let's not waste time on the road," he was referring to walking, and if he wanted to go back earlier, he only needed to fly with Yujian.

"Well, everyone, take out your weapons, in order to save time, we can only fly back"

Flying was much faster than walking. It took them less than a month to reach the Imperial Capital of Snow Country.

Looking at the familiar streets and the crowds, Gongfei Xuyan sighed in her heart, she is back again, this place she hated but had to come to.

"Yan, look what that is." Suddenly, Lian An spoke, interrupting the concubine Xu Yan who was thinking.

Concubine Gong Xuyan quickly put away her thoughts and followed Lian'an's finger to read.

Isn't that the Mo family?What happened?How come there are so many people watching?
"Go down and have a look, that's the Mohist family," Gongfei Xuyan said to the people behind her, and flew down first.

Seeing this, the rest also put away their weapons and flew down.

"Everyone, give way." Ling Yue and Huo Qing were at the front to open the way for the concubine Xu Yan, who made the three inner floors and the outer three floors surrounded in front of the gate of the Mo family.There was not even a place to stay. Seeing this, Huo Qing and Ling Yue worried that the concubine Xu Yan would be squeezed, so they hurried to the front to open the way for her.

After hearing the sound, those onlookers turned their heads to look over, wondering who was so arrogant to let them get out of the way.

When they turned around, they saw two handsome men opening the way for a woman with silver hair and red eyes.

Silver hair and red eyes, isn't this the characteristic of the Patriarch of the Palace family?

Some people who had seen Gongfei Xuyan immediately shouted loudly, "It's the Patriarch of the Palace who has arrived, everyone get out of the way!"

Gongfei Xuyan didn't expect her influence to be so great here?It can be regarded as worthy of her previous efforts.

After the onlookers made way for Concubine Xuyan, Concubine Xuyan followed this path, and under everyone's gaze, she came to the gate of the Mo family majestically.

"Go and report that the Patriarch of the Palace is here to visit" Ling Yue acted as the guard of the concubine Xu Yan, and went to greet the gatekeepers of the Mo family.

"No, no, the Patriarch is busy today, and no one will be seen." After hearing Lingyue's greeting, the guard not only refused to report, but also drove Lingyue impatiently, preventing him from approaching the gate.

"Not seen?" The guard Gongfei Xuyan looked at was a little strange, and turned to ask the people around him.

"Excuse me, why are you watching here? What happened here?" Since the common people are watching, it means that they know what happened, otherwise, what are the crowds doing?Don't the people just like to watch the fun?

"I heard that the Mo family died today, and the death was very strange. The elders of the Mo family said that it was related to the head of the Mo family. So, today, are they going to interrogate the head of the Mo family?"

"What's wrong with the death? Who is the deceased?" Mo Xuanyu was involved?It seems that they still can't escape the murderous hand of Gongling City after all?

"It's the Great Elder. I heard that a few days ago, because of the matter between the Gong family and the Leng Family, the Great Elder and the head of the Mo family had a conflict, and it was very serious. It reached the level of hand-to-hand combat. Fortunately, other elders dissuaded me. Otherwise, they would kill each other, yesterday, the Great Elder died, you think, if the murderer is not the Mo family leader, who else could it be?"

"Why are you so clear, as if you witnessed the scene with your own eyes?" Those things about the big family are generally unknown.How could it be spread so easily?Besides, Xuan is not the kind of sinister villain who does some shady things.

"This is what the disciple of the great elder said. He also complained for his master and wanted God to give his master justice."

"Oh, well, thank you." She finally understood.

It seems that Xuan was tricked by these people again.

"Let's go, let's go." Gongfei Xuyan glanced at the gate of the Mo family, then turned and led them away.

"Master, aren't we going in?" Ling Yue was very surprised.

The master obviously wanted to go in, but now he left again.

"You're stupid. You can't get in the main entrance. You can only get in. But since then, the impact on Xuan has been even worse. His position in the Mohist family is in jeopardy? If we can enter without affecting him, then why not?"

Ling Yue nodded his head half-understood.

Then he asked dumbly, "Then how do we get in?"

"Of course I flew in." Why didn't she find out, when did Ling Yue become so stupid?

Before, he was very smart.

Gongfei Xuyan led them around to the other side of the Mohist courtyard.

I looked around and found no one, so I took this opportunity to fly in.

"Everyone go" Gongfei Xuyan gave them a hint, and ten people flew up in unison, and then landed inside the wall.

I noticed a strange atmosphere around me.Concubine Gong Xuyan quickly reminded everyone to hide her aura.

Then he quickly walked towards the main hall of the Mo family.

The more she walked, the more she felt something was wrong with such a big courtyard.Why are there no servants, even one or two, what's going on?

Even if Xuan was interrogated by those elders, even if those children were called to sit in or watch, it wouldn't mean that even a servant wouldn't be seen, right?

Did the servants even listen?
Something is wrong, there are still oddities here.

"An, Ze, you inform them, be vigilant, it's a bit strange here"

"It's very strange here, but I can't tell where it's strange." Lian An and Long Ze also observed for a long time, but they couldn't see anything.Confused about this.

"It doesn't matter, let's go to the main hall first."

Soon, without knowing it, they came to the main hall.

It was really guessed by the concubine Xu Yan that all the people, including the servants, surrounded the entrance of the main hall, and the entrance of the main hall was completely surrounded by them.

It turned out that they were really here.

"Come on, let's go check it out first, and then walk in openly to see how they interrogate?"

After hiding on the roof and inspecting for a while, Gongfei Xuyan decided to go down immediately, otherwise, those old immortals would lynch Xuan.

"Come on, let's go in"

Ten people headed by Gongfei Xuyan walked in three rows. .Concubine Gong Xuyan has Long Ze and Lian An on the left and right, Ling Yue and Xue Wuhen behind them, and Ming Binghe at the end.

All of them are outstanding talents.

"Patriarch of the palace is here" Huo Qing imitated the bodyguards in the palace and shouted loudly to the people around the main hall entrance and in the main hall.

"Shu..." The servants at the door turned their heads in unison, as if being commanded by a remote control.

And those old guys in the front also stood up and looked out the door.

Mo Xuanyu, who was kneeling on the ground, and Mo Ling'er, who was standing aside anxiously, the moment they heard Patriarch Gong, they seemed to hear the sound of nature and saw hope.

Mo Xuanyu turned around and looked forward to the familiar and longing figure.

And Mo Ling'er no longer cared about elders or not.

Just push away the crowd and run out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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