Stunning God

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Mo Linger shouted loudly while running, "Xu Yan, come and save brother, they are going to kill brother, Xu Yan"

"Quickly, stop her." Seeing this scene, the second elder hurriedly asked someone to stop Mo Ling'er, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Concubine Gong Xuyan and the others had already arrived at the door, and Mo Linger happened to run to Concubine Gong Xuyan's side.

"It's okay, I'm here, whoever dares to touch a hair of Xuan, I'll make him wipe out immediately." Gongfei Xuyan's face was calm, but what he said made the Mo family present shudder.

This is the Patriarch of the palace family?Concubine Xu Yan?Legend has it that her cultivation base is unpredictable, her looks are the best in the world, and her temper is even more unpredictable.When I saw it today, it was really extraordinary.

The Mohists, especially the men, were all stunned the moment they saw the concubine Xuyan, they had never seen such a beautiful person.

"Xu Yan, you are so kind, today you must seek justice for your brother." Mo Ling'er held the arm of the concubine Xu Yan, her face full of excitement, as long as Xu Yan is around, there is nothing that cannot be resolved.

Gongfei Xuyan looked at Mo Xuanyu who was still imprisoned, knelt on the ground and turned to look at her.

Feeling pain in his heart, he waved his hand immediately, removed the restraint from Mo Xuanyu's body, and used magic to help him stand up.

At this moment, an old man sitting in the upper seat got up and stopped him.

"Patriarch of the Palace family, don't meddle in your own business. This is my Mo family's business, and it's not my turn to interfere with the Patriarch of the Palace family. Otherwise, don't blame the old man for being rude to you." His attitude was very firm, and his expression was very serious, but, Gongfei Xuyan didn't care about his behavior.He went straight to Mo Xuanyu's side.

After examining it carefully, he nodded in relief.

"Fortunately, it doesn't hurt." Although the tone was very light, Mo Xuanyu and Mo Ling'er couldn't hear it. It was Gongfei Xuyan who was worried about him.

For this, Mo Xuanyu was very moved. Although he was not the one in her heart, he was very satisfied to get her care.

"I'm fine." It took a long time for Mo Xuanyu to squeeze out these three words.

The old man who stopped Gongfei Xuyan just now, that is, the second elder of the Mo family, came before Gongfei Xuyan and the others again.

He glared at Mo Xuanyu and Mo Ling'er with a gloomy expression.

"You guys are still not retreating, do you know who you are now?" The second elder reprimanded Mo Xuanyu. Originally, he could have dealt with him. Unexpectedly, a concubine Xuyan suddenly appeared halfway. It seems that today I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult.

However, no matter what, this is the Mohist family, so he doesn't believe that the concubine Xu Yan dares to act wildly on their territory?
"You are the second elder of the Mo family?" Gongfei Xuyan stopped Mo Ling'er who was about to refute the second elder, and asked the second elder with a look of embarrassment.

"It's the old man." The second elder looked at the concubine Xuyan greeting him with an arrogant attitude, wishing to lift his nostrils to the sky.

The second elder's attitude made Gongfei Xuyan hate him even more.

"My lord, I would like to know what happened to your Mo family today? Why was the patriarch of the Mo family imprisoned and kneeling on the ground? This seems unreasonable? Second elder, can you explain one or two things, after all, the head of the Mo family is my friend , this is even more difficult, shouldn't you help me?"

How can you make it up, you old bastard?
"Patriarch Gong doesn't know something," the second elder began to confuse right and wrong.

"I really don't know that the second elder of the Mo family actually has the ability to turn right and wrong? Or is it that the second elder is a person who turns right and wrong?" Want to fool her?Don't even look at who is she?How could she appear here before she figured things out?

"What does Patriarch Gong say? The old man sees that you are the Patriarch of the Palace family. I will give you some thin noodles. Don't toast or eat fine wine." The second elder's face suddenly became gloomy, and his tone also became gloomy.

No matter how he changed his face, Gongfei Xuyan still looked at the second elder without changing his expression.

"How about a toast? How about a fine wine? I have never tasted it before, or else, the second elder might as well let me try it today."

All the disciples of the Mo family discussed in low voices when they saw the concubine Xuyan being so arrogant and not afraid of contradicting her.

"Is the Patriarch of this palace too rampant? The Second Elder dares to contradict..."

"That's right, she's young, she doesn't have any education at all, and she doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young."

"In my opinion, she is so rampant because she has so many people around her to protect her. Otherwise, why is she so rampant? Isn't it because she looks better than others, like a vixen?"

They were all disciples of the Second Elder's sect, and they fought for the Second Elder's injustice one after another.

When Mo Ling'er heard those people slandering the concubine Xuyan, she immediately lost her temper.

"Shut up, everyone. What are you guys who dare to slander Xu Yan here? None of you are even qualified to carry Xu Yan's shoes, and you are still gossiping here. You are jealous of Xu Yan's ability and beauty"

Mo Linger's loud cursing made the second elder's disciples not only not quiet, but even more noisy.

Mo Ling'er was so angry that her orifices were almost filled with smoke, but the concubine Xu Yan just smiled slightly.

He turned his head and glanced at Mo Xuanyu who had been standing quietly beside him.

Then he set his sights on those who were talking a lot.

Swish, click.

People disappeared.

When Gongfei Xuyan appeared again, she was already among those people.

"Why don't you talk? I don't mean anything else. I just want to come and listen to what you said. I didn't hear it clearly enough over there. I'm close to you here, and I can hear it clearly enough, in case I heard something wrong. , and what did you hear, what do you say?"

Gongfei Xuyan's expression at this moment was not a sneer or a smile, but a chilling smile.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it, and then quickly fell in love with their mouths, and refused to say another word.

"Say it, why don't you say it? I'm still waiting to hear, and I don't like waiting the most, why don't you say it?" Gongfei Xuyan's tone and expression have begun to change slowly. .

The second elder saw that Gongfei Xuyan's displeasure, just now that Gongfei Xuyan had just passed Yan Guo Wuhen had already surprised him, and he didn't know what powerful martial arts he would have in the future.

As for the deeds of Gongfei Xuyan, he has also heard a lot, the most is her talent and means.

Today, he doesn't want to be an enemy of this young, but clever and vicious woman, and he can't start a direct confrontation. Otherwise, if he can see the sun tomorrow, he will really ask her if she agrees.

"Hahaha... Patriarch Gong is serious. They are all ignorant children. Why should Patriarch Gong care about them?" The implication of the second elder is that if you care about children like them, you are a small belly, and you are not worthy of being the patriarch. position.If you don't care about it, then today's matter will be nothing.

Who is Gongfei Xuyan, how can she fail to understand what the second elder said?
"Second Elder is really good at joking. They are all children? So the owner is an old man? Don't Second Elder know that the youngest among them is also older than me, so they are children, so am I a child?" How dare you have the face to talk about your age, you are really stupid and pitiful.

"This..." The second elder was also on the spur of the moment, thinking that the concubine Xuyan would not react that way, but he didn't expect, he didn't expect, something that he didn't pay attention to, this teenage girl, in less than an hour , then observed their age clearly?It was beyond his expectation.

"Patriarch Gong, why should you be so serious. This old man is just joking with you, why should you take it seriously?" The Second Elder who had nothing to say could only talk about himself.This time, she will never say that he is disrespectful, right?

"Since the second elder said so, then the master will not say anything more, but, the director is unclear about something, so I ask the second elder to tell the truth."

This time, let's see how this old guy can get away with it?

"I also ask Patriarch Gong to make it clear" This time, the attitude is much more polite, but I don't know if what I will say later will be the same as the current attitude.

"What's the matter with Xuan? I think the Second Elder should be very clear about it?"

When the Second Elder heard Gongfei Xuyan's words, his complexion turned ugly.

Then, it quickly returned to normal, and after a dry laugh, he spoke slowly.

"Actually, the old man is just suspicious. We don't know about the situation. It's all between him and the elder. I didn't expect that the elder died suddenly. According to normal logic, we will be in the first place. , think that the murderer is him, no, today the old man is gathering all the disciples and servants of the family to come here, the purpose is to let them see clearly whether the death of the great elder has anything to do with Xuan."

What the second elder said was straightforward, as if everything was for the family and for the good of Mo Xuanyu.

In fact, if you listen carefully, you will find many loopholes.

"Then, Second Elder, I would like to ask you a question."

"Patriarch Gong, please tell me." The second elder looked at Gongfei Xuyan's modest attitude towards him, and thought that after believing his words, his heart had already begun to feel a little excited.

He also said that he was brave, witty and intelligent, that's what he saw, a teenage yellow-haired girl, how could she not be so good?Haven't they all been exaggerated by those marketers?
"Since the Second Elder also believes that Xuan is innocent, and gathered everyone together, the purpose is to let everyone know that this matter has nothing to do with Xuan, right?"

"Yes, that's what this old man thinks." The second elder still hasn't figured out why Gongfei Xuyan reiterated this question again, but even if he didn't figure it out, he doesn't think that what Gongfei Xuyan can ask is more important. I will not say anything about the chances of turning everyone or this matter around.

"In this case, why did you imprison Xuan, the second elder? And let him kneel on the ground? This is the way to prove that he has nothing to do with the death of the Great Elder? If you want to execute Xuan wholeheartedly, this is also to prove that he has nothing to do with the Great Elder's death." The way that death has nothing to do with it? Or is it that the second elder originally had the idea of ​​getting rid of him and replacing him himself? That's why he planned to frame him and then get rid of him? Hmm?" Gongfei Xu said As he walked, he walked towards the second elder.

In the end, the second elder was directly forced to recline on the chair, and looked at the concubine Xuyan in horror.

As if seeing something terrible, his eyes were dull, his hands and feet were trembling, and his face was pale.

"Pa" Gongfei Xuyan slapped the table next to the second elder.

With a "crash", the table turned into fragments and fell to the ground.

The people of the Mo family in the main hall, at this moment, had expressions on their faces like the table that was torn apart, slowly breaking apart.

What level of cultivation is this enough to smash a thousand-year-old mahogany table into pieces?

Just now I said that the arrogance of the concubine Xuyan is due to the men around her. At this time, one is lower than the other. If there is a mouse hole here, believe them, they will definitely swarm to rush to get through it. go in.

It's really ashamed to stay here, being watched by the person they say relies on men for their arrogant capital.

In the end, they slapped themselves in the face.

"Listen to everyone in the Mo family. Mo Xuanyu, the head of the Mo family, is my friend, the concubine Xu Yan. If anyone dares to play tricks on him, the lord will not let him go, including Her family, I believe you have all heard of my behavior, so everyone should think clearly, it is best not to do things that you will regret.”

"Xuyan, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been doomed today." She was able to show up at a critical moment today, which was something she never expected. Having her as a friend is really a blessing in his life.

"It's okay, we are still friends, there is no need to be so polite, I will not stand idly by when you are in trouble." In her opinion, a friend is someone who can help you when you are in trouble, and that is a true friend.

To her, Mo Xuanyu is that kind of friend. Although she has always been helping him, she believes that one day, she will use him.

"Xu Yan, you are so powerful just now. I haven't seen you for so long. Is your cultivation already very high?" Mo Ling'er ignored the other members of the Mo family.

Chatting with Gongfei Xuyan in full swing, in fact, it was her who spoke, and Gongfei Xuyan just answered simply.

"It's okay. You all know about cultivation. The more you get to the end, the harder it is to break through. So, let's do it that way." She couldn't tell that she had actually reached the peak. After all, the enemy was too powerful, so facing such a It is better not to let the other party know how good her cultivation is.

"Really? You are so powerful that there are times when you can't break through, so we can only stay at this stage forever." Hearing what the concubine Xu said, Mo Ling'er, who was originally excited, suddenly seemed to be venting. Inflated balloon, wilted.

The voice of speaking is also weak.It's like being drained of the soul.

"On the road of cultivation, the most taboo is impatience and evil thoughts. If you have both of these, then you will not be far away from becoming obsessed or becoming an evil thing."

This can be regarded as a piece of advice to Mo Linger in advance.

After all, she is always eager for success, fearing that she will go the wrong way in cultivation in the future, so she will let her know in advance.

"So serious? I'd better take it slowly..."

(End of this chapter)

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