Stunning God

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

After imprisoning the second elder and warning his disciples, Gongfei Xuyan decided to visit Leng's house again.

"Xuan, Ling'er, I'm going to Leng's house to have a look now. You must remember what I just told you. If there is anything unusual, come and inform me immediately. Remember, don't act rashly." Because of time constraints, she had to hurry Let the Leng family take a look, otherwise, things like Mo Xuanyu will definitely happen before she goes, and in that case, it will be a failure.

"Okay, you go, we will take care of this place, and nothing like today will happen again." Mo Xuanyu has seen a lot of things from Gongfei Xuyan, and she must have something important when she comes back this time. do it.

Judging from her expression and the slight sadness between her brows, it is estimated that what happened this time is by no means ordinary, otherwise, according to her nature, why has there ever been sadness on her face?
He has so much going on, I can't let her worry about me anymore, and it's time for me to help her.

"Brother, Xuyan seems to have changed a lot this time. Is there something going to happen?" Mo Linger stood beside Mo Xuanyu, looking at the backs of the concubine Xuyan and the others walking away, she asked Mo Xuan worriedly Yu.

"Maybe, but no matter what happens, Ling'er, I hope you can support the entire Mo family and don't let Xu Yan down." He is already prepared, no matter what happens, he will be by her side, even if it means death , he is willing to do anything.

Mo Ling'er looked at Mo Xuanyu who suddenly had a serious face and a serious tone.

"Brother, what do you mean? How can I support the entire Mo family? What's the matter? Tell me quickly? Is there something wrong with Xu Yan?" Mo Ling'er looked anxious, but Mo Xuanyu was just silent, saying nothing send.

Helpless, Mo Linger saw that her brother had already made a decision, and it was useless to say anything, so she could only slowly accept this fact. She couldn't let her brother worry, she couldn't let Xu Yan down, and she couldn't let the Mo family be destroyed by her hands. superior.

After figuring everything out, Mo Linger looked at Mo Xuanyu, and said solemnly, "Brother, don't worry, I will do everything well, and I will never let you and Xu Yan down, nor will I let the Mo family down." buried in my hands"

Since my brother trusts me so much, how can she disappoint him?

Seeing Mo Ling'er who grew up in an instant, Mo Xuanyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and felt relieved a lot.

"Ling'er, I've finally grown up. In the future, my brother will no longer be around. You have to learn to protect yourself, like Xu Yan, so you don't let others have the opportunity to bully you? Do you remember?" It was the first time Mo Xuanyu said so many words, Mo Linger's eyes were already filled with tears.

The reluctance and anxiety in her heart surrounded her.However, she just couldn't say a word to keep her. She knew that no matter what she said, her brother would not stay. If that was the case, she would not say anything, and let her brother do what he wanted with peace of mind. things.

Mo Ling'er just shed tears silently and nodded silently.

Mo Xuanyu's confession like a will was finally finished, and Mo Ling'er looked at this brother who was usually quiet and reticent with tears in his eyes. It was all because of Xu Yan that he was able to talk so much today.

If it wasn't for Xu Yan, it would be impossible for my brother to say so many things at once. Xu Yan, what kind of woman are you?You can make so many excellent men willing to pay for you, even if it is life.

I'm a bit envious of you, but no matter what, I'm still very grateful to you, if it weren't for you, I don't know if I'm dead or alive now, let alone take over the entire Mo family now.

You are my lifelong benefactor, just like my brother said, people should remember to be grateful, if you really need something, I will also give my life for you just like my brother.

Your charm cannot be underestimated, but you do have the ability to make a man willingly give his life for you.

If I were a man, I probably wouldn't be able to escape your charm.

"Brother, when will you leave?" Now that my brother has arranged everything, and Xu Yan is also in the imperial capital, my brother's time in the Mo family should not be too long, right?
"Maybe tomorrow." Judging by Xu Yan's expression, things should happen soon, right?He can't wait until something happens, he has to discuss with them in advance.

"Tomorrow? So soon?" She really guessed it right. As long as it is about Xu Yan, brother will definitely be the first.

"Okay then, do you want to say hello to the rest of the family?" The head of the family left suddenly, and it's no wonder that there was no chaos all of a sudden. Even if she was in charge, it would take time to adapt and rectify.

"Okay then, you immediately notify everyone in the family to come and gather, I have something to announce"

After Gongfei Xuyan and the others came out of the Mo family, they rushed towards the Leng family.

The three great aristocratic families of the Snow Country, the Gong family, the Mo family, and the Leng family, formed the position of the Three Kingdoms in the imperial capital.

The easternmost is the imperial palace, and walking west for a while is the Gong family, and then the Gong family is at the top, and the Mo and Leng families are at the end, forming a triangle shape.

Now, Concubine Gong Xu said that when they came out of Mo's house and went to Leng's house, they just walked towards the opposite side of Mo's house.

The gate of Leng's house is not as lively as that of Mo's house. On the contrary, the gate of Leng's house is deserted, without even a guard.The huge mansion looked particularly depressed.

Wait, no guards?

Concubine Gong Xuyan suddenly wanted to understand one thing, that is, where did the desertedness and strangeness at the gate of Leng's house come from.

Just no guards, yes, no guards?
How come there are no guards?

Concubine Gong Xuyan looked around, but still didn't see any guards, what's going on?

"Why are there no guards here? There's not even a person to report." Huo Qing looked at the deserted gate and complained.

"No, something happened inside." Suddenly, Gongfei Xuyan yelled.

Quickly jumped up and flew towards the courtyard of Leng's family.

Lian'an, Longze, Lingyue, and Huo Qing followed slowly, followed by Xue Wuhen, Ming brothers, Wen Qing, Hong Liusu and others.

Coming to Leng's house, the situation in the courtyard is almost the same as that of Mo's house.

However, Gongfei Xuyan noticed a lot of strange auras, which had never happened before in the Mo family.

If the Mo family was the person who seduced her, then the Leng family was his target?

No, she can't let something happen to Leng's family, let alone Leng Shuangwu.

This is the promise she made to Leng Shuangwu when she followed her?

"An, Ze, you go check this strange aura immediately, Xiao Huo, you take the Ming family brothers to the backyard of the Leng family to check the situation, Ling Yue, you, Wen Qing, and Hong Liusu go to the other courtyard of the Leng family to check the situation, remember, Be sure to pay attention to safety, Wuhen, you can just follow me." After they left, Gongfei Xuyan took Xue Wuhen to the main hall of Leng's house.

There were only two reasons why everyone in the compound disappeared. First, they were driven into the living room and waited to be dealt with. Second, they were all killed.

Now that I don't see any blood, it means that the situation here belongs to the first type.

All the people were driven into the living room, waiting to be dealt with.

"Wuhen, for a while, you're hiding on the roof, I'll try to look inside." Not to mention the large area of ​​the roof, the field of view is also wider. Even if it is discovered, the chance of escape is higher. In short, the safety is higher .

It was different inside, as long as she was found out, she would have nowhere to run if she wanted to outflank her, and she was only thinking of Xue Country.

"Xuyan, I can check inside, you can check outside." As soon as the voice fell, before the concubine Xuyan had a chance to speak, Xue Wuhen was already a few meters away, waving her hand to signal her Just outside and slip into the living room.

Concubine Gong Xuyan had no choice but to fly down on the roof and check the situation in the living room from the roof, not letting go of a single bit, because Xue Wuhen was inside, and she couldn't let him have any accidents, otherwise, it would be difficult for Xue Liuwen to explain, Xue Guo Up and down, it's hard to explain.

Hey, that figure is so familiar, where have you seen it?
Suddenly, a figure in the living room caught the attention of Gongfei Xuyan.

However, it's a pity that from her current angle, she can only see the back of the other party, but not the front face, so she can't see who it is.

However, it seemed that he was the head of these people, and he was talking to those subordinates.

Concubine Gong Xuyan activated his spiritual sense, and wanted to use his spiritual sense to hear their conversation clearly. It was really strange. How could he not hear it? He set up an enchantment to block the outside world?

This person is really vigilant.

Next, she saw that the person who was talking to the back just now walked into the inner room of the living room, and after a while, came out again, followed by another person.


It's just that the actions of Shuangwu seem to be very slow, feeling a little powerless.

Also, his face was pale, and his legs and feet felt weak.


The scene that surprised Gongfei Xuyan was further behind.

With a "thud", Leng Shuangwu collapsed in front of the figure from behind, his head was naturally lowered, from the moment he came out to when he knelt on the ground, he never raised his head.

he?How could you kneel down?Didn't she teach them that they are not allowed to kneel to anyone, including the emperor.

Now, why is he kneeling in front of that person?
The most annoying thing is that she can't hear anything.

By the way, there is one trick in her Guards that specifically breaks the barrier and listens to the secrets hidden under the barrier.

Concubine Xu Yan hurriedly went against the sky and entered the barrier, only then did she clearly hear the conversation between them.

What?That person turned out to be Xue Wuxie?Shuangwu was occupied by him with a demon spirit, and then controlled Shuangwu?
Now standing in front of her Xue Wuxie is only a physical demon cultivated by Xue Wuxie with Leng Shuangwu's body.

Xue Wuxie, I didn't expect it to be you, but, what do you train demons for?Could it be that you are also controlled by demon spirits?Or are you a monster?
He actually wanted Shuangwu to lead the Leng family up and down to attack the Gong family, and then attacked the Mo family, making the Leng family dominate.

The concubine Xuyan was furious after hearing this, and almost couldn't hold back her appearance to deal with that bastard Xue Wuxie.

Since Shuang Wu has not completely controlled Shuang Wu, it means that Shuang Wu can still regain control of his body, but in this case, how can he be fooled out without anyone noticing, and then, she Help get rid of the demon spirit, and Shuangwu will control the sovereignty of the body.

Yes, just do it.

Concubine Xu Yan immediately got up and left the roof, came to a relatively remote corner, contacted Long Ze, Lian An, and Huo Qing, and waited for them at the same place.

About a quarter of an hour later, Lian An and the others appeared in front of the concubine Xu Yan.

"Yan, what are you asking us to come back in such a hurry?" Lian An habitually looked around, and after seeing nothing strange, she asked the concubine Xu Yan who was hiding on the ground in a low voice.

"I saw Shuangwu, but he was occupied by the demon spirit, and took control of him"

"We also discovered the aura of many demon spirits, which are hidden in those dark corners of the courtyard." Lian An also told Gongfei Xuyan about the clues they found, hoping to get some good help.

"A lot? It seems that this is the reason why there is no one in the Leng's courtyard." There are so many demons here, and they are all occupied. It seems that Xue Wuhen's purpose this time is really not simple.

"Okay, let's lure out the Shuangwu first, remember not to disturb Xue Wuxie"

"Evil King? The mastermind of this incident?" Hearing Xue Wuxie's name, Lian An immediately thought of the person behind the incident.

"Yes, besides, the demon spirit in Shuangwu's body seems to be his subordinate. Now I am more and more curious, what is going on with Xue Wuxie?"

"Okay, Yan, let's not think about this issue now, let's go and draw out the Shuangwu first." Lian An felt faintly uneasy, especially when Xue Wuxie was mentioned.

As soon as the words were said, Xue Wuhen, who had been lurking in the living room, appeared in their sight.

And they were getting closer and closer, and Xue Wuxie was with him.

It seemed that Xue Wuhen saw Xue Wuxie's behavior, showed up and called out Xue Wuxie, and then pushed back to ask the ins and outs of the matter.

"Third brother, second brother did this all for your own good. What's so good about that woman, who is so arrogant all day long like a peacock spreading its tail, attracting the love of so many men, why are you still following her? Don't forget, you But the status of the prince, the future emperor, what is she, she is just a family head, how can she be worthy of your status?"

Xue Wuhen didn't want others to say bad things about Gongfei Xuyan, if anyone else, he would have hit him long ago, but in front of him was his most respected and beloved second brother, who had been on good terms with him since he was a child.

Now talking about the woman he loves the most, what should he do?
Xue Wuhen, who was in a dilemma, fell into the entanglement of the past, unaware that Xue Wuxie was slowly controlling his soul.

The concubine Xuyan and the others who saw this scene clearly from a distance couldn't help watching it any longer, and even couldn't help it, Xue Wuhen was controlled by his brother to a miserable end.

Gongfei Xuyan yelled at Xue Wuhen.

After Xue Wuhen heard Gongfei Xuyan's voice, she suddenly came to her senses.

Because it happened too suddenly, and the concubine Xuyan shouted Xue Wuhen through her mental strength.

Xue Wuxie didn't hear it, so just now, he used magic to imprison Xue Wuhen, but when Xue Wuhen looked over, he couldn't withdraw his hand in time, and Xue Wuhen looked straight at him.

"Second brother, you..." Xue Wuhen looked at Xue Wuxie's hand in surprise, but couldn't believe it.

His most beloved second brother actually used magic on him, or was he behind his back, was this trying to sneak attack him?Or assassinate him?

Those rumors in the palace about the evil king secretly cultivating power and secretly sending people to assassinate him spread throughout Xue Wuhen's whole brain in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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