Stunning God

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Concubine Gong Xuyan pinched Concubine De's chin, not to mention breaking her wrists and ankles, turning her into a complete waste.

"See how you continue to harm others, take it away" Gongfei Xuyan gave an order, and the guards hurried away with Concubine De in their arms.

Xue Wuxie stared at the side of Gongfei Xuyan, without hatred or complaints, only curiosity, he was curious, what happened to this godlike woman before she was able to cultivate?Why did she show pain and hatred in her eyes when she heard the father said that the woman mutilated the baby just now, although.It was only for a split second, but he was still caught by him.

Concubine Gong Xuyan withdrew her gaze and looked at Xue Liuwen, "Since the meal has been eaten, I'll go back first." She was eating well and drinking happily, but she was disturbed by such a short-sighted woman. Disappointment.

"Well, then you go back." Xue Liuwen was also very unhappy in her heart, and finally she was happy, but was interrupted by that idiot. It seems that the rules of this harem are not strict enough.

After Concubine Gong Xuyan returned home, she was still in a low mood. The unbearable past seemed to be lingering, and it kept turning around in her mind, making her upset.

"You guys go to rest first." After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and sat on the chair directly, falling into deep thought again.

Lian An worriedly stayed by his side.Until the concubine Xuyan fell asleep.

When the concubine Xuyan woke up the next day, she found herself lying on the bed. Don't think about it, it must be Lian An. Others dare not hug her, not even Long Ze, Huo Qing might, but Lian'an would not let them hug her under his nose.

After packing up everything, Gongfei Xuyan walked out of the bedroom and came to the living room, where Lian An and the others were already waiting for her.

"We don't have much time, we must quickly find the place where Gong Lingcheng is, otherwise, the Demon King will be born soon, and by then, we will be besieged on all sides"

"Didn't you figure out where Gong Lingcheng is that day? Why don't we just go there?" Huo Qing asked what Brother Ming wanted to ask.

"Although the judgment was made that day, I am really worried about our disparity in strength right now..." If it wasn't for Gong Lingcheng and the Demon Alliance, would she be worried? ? ?
"It's nothing, we won't go, and we don't know the odds of winning, we can only wait until we go to fight." Ling Yue's thought was very simple, but it was also very real.

"Okay then, let's take a short rest and leave after breakfast." Gong Lingcheng, my concubine Xuyan is here, are you ready?
You should have been waiting for my visit a long time ago, right?That's just right, I'm going to see what you've prepared and what's waiting for me?

The sun was shining brightly, and the seventy-year-old sun bathed the earth, adding a layer of gold to the already vibrant earth.

Concubine Gong Xuyan stood on the top of the city gate, looking at the crowds coming and going below, wondering what the result of this trip would be, would this kind of sunshine be seen again in the future?

"Yan, let's go, everyone is ready, just waiting for you"

"Well, let's go." Gongfei Xuyan once again took a deep look at the gate tower, turned around and left gracefully.

"Let's go" This trip is definitely not as usual as in the past. I hope that in the previous life, I can help her.

Gongling City is located in the southeast of Tianhong Mountain Range, which is the junction of Chen State and Song State.

She has never been to those two countries, but has only heard of them. I don't know if the money will go smoothly this time?
Three months later...

"Attention everyone. The frontier is the border of Chen Guo."

Hong Liusu, who was walking in the front, turned his head and reminded the rest of the people behind him.

Originally, the imperial concubine Xuyan wanted to fly with the sword, but considering that there were too many people, and none of them were able to fly with the sword, she could only choose the usual way of travel, taking a horse-drawn carriage, although the driving was a bit slower , However, everyone is safe, and there is no need to spend magic and profound energy.

After showing the waist card of the imperial concubine, Princess Xu Yan, she entered the city gate smoothly.

The street full of flowers, the endless stream of people, and the vendors who keep shouting, seem to have returned to the modern pedestrian street, which is really lively.

"Ze, go and ask everyone if there is anything you want to buy. After we buy something, we will hurry on our way." We have been delayed on the road for three months, and we can't delay any longer.

"Not at all, let's go" A quarter of an hour later, Long Ze got into the car.

"Let's go then"

"Please wait a moment" Suddenly, someone shouted, Long Ze immediately poked his head out to see the situation.

"Language, a team of officers and soldiers came, the kind that only the imperial palace has." Long Ze poked his head back, and told his concubine Xu Yan and Lian An what he saw.

"Jin Yiwei? Why is there Jin Yiwei here? Ze, go out and have a look."

Only concubines Xu Yan, Lian An, and Long Ze sat in the carriage, and the rest were riding horses or their own contract beasts outside.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking us?" Long Ze came to the front, side by side with Hong Liusu.

"Excuse me, is this the convoy of Princess Snow Country?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Long Ze saw that the person who spoke was very respectful, so he didn't feel too embarrassed.

"We were sent by the emperor to welcome the eldest princess to the palace as guests. Our emperor has already prepared a banquet to welcome the eldest princess and invite the eldest princess to come here."

This time, Long Ze didn't answer, it was up to Xu Yan to decide, he could only ask.

"Wait a minute" with a jump, Long Ze returned to the wildebeest carriage and opened the curtain, "Xu Yan, those people are from the palace, their emperor invited you to be a guest, what did they say to wash away the dust, the banquet is ready, you Look?"

The concubine Xu Yan was already in a hurry, this is good, but here is another time delay, if she doesn't go, she will lose the conversation, and she is the eldest princess of the Snow Country, not the head of the public family, so if she doesn't go, it will affect the Snow Country. After going, some people will push back when they are on their way. It is really a dilemma.

"Then let's go." After thinking again and again, she still decided to go to the banquet first, and after it was over, she would hurry on her way, so that it would not delay for a long time.

"Let's lead the way." Long Ze didn't get back into the car this time, but rode in front like Hong Liusu and the others.

When they came to the gate of the palace, the Emperor Chen and his officials were already waiting for them there.

Looking at the situation, did the Emperor Chen Guo predict that she would come?

Concubine Gong Xuyan got off the carriage, her bright red dress was fluttering in the wind, and her long silver hair swayed left and right as she walked.

Like a fairy descended from heaven, the officials of the Chen Kingdom and the people watching around were amazed.

This is Princess Snow Country?The Patriarch of the palace family?Once famous waste, today famous genius?
Is she such a stunning beauty?

The young people watching all showed obsessed expressions. At the same time, Lian An, who came down behind the concubine Xuyan, was dressed in a crescent-white brocade robe, with long silver hair, and a magnificent face, which also made the surrounding women gasp in amazement.

This is the fiancé of the eldest princess?She is really a golden boy and a jade girl, a perfect match between heaven and earth.

"Welcome the eldest princess to the Kingdom of Chen. I will bring all the officials to welcome you. The eldest princess has had a hard journey."

"Chen Huang, you should be the one who worked hard. I just passed through Chen Guo and had something to do. I didn't expect to trouble Chen Huang now."

"Where is there, the eldest princess is really polite, I have ordered someone to prepare a banquet, please..."

"Chen Huang please, my lords are very fortunate, let's go together"

It was a great honor to be greeted by the Eldest Princess, and those ministers hurriedly followed the concubine Xuyan and Huang Chen to the palace house excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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