Stunning God

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

After coming to the main hall.

Concubine Gong Xuyan also unceremoniously sat a little below Chen Huang's right, and Lian An and the others sat beside her.

Those officials didn't have any doubts about the seat of the concubine Xu Yan. Originally, she was a status that could keep pace with the emperor of the Xue Kingdom. Now that she sat here at the lower right of the city emperor, she was considered very humble and gave Chen Huang a lot of face. They Those courtiers, what else can I say?

"Eldest princess, I heard the emperor often mention you, saying that you are extremely talented, and you are also very affectionate. When I saw you today, you really lived up to your reputation."

"Prince? Excuse me, which prince is it? To be honest, I have never known any prince from your country, or my memory is a bit wrong. Please invite this prince to show up. I will meet you last time." People remember her, It seems that she has never been familiar with the prince of Chen Guo, and she has never had any interaction, right?

"Come here, all the princes, princesses, and concubines are invited to meet the eldest princess"

"Emperor Chen, why should you be so polite? I'm just a princess, so why do you only talk about it?" Gongfei Xuyan never thought that she would become so superficial and pedantic one day.

Exiting and shutting up are all bureaucratic.She really has the original intention to change her past.

After about a quarter of an hour.

Under the leadership of the palace servants, a large group of elegant young men and women followed behind him.

Among them, there are many handsome and beautiful people, and of course there are ordinary ones. Although they all come from the blood of Chen Huang, it is impossible for this person's appearance to be completely inherited from his father, and some are also inherited from his mother.

Just like her, she inherited her mother's appearance. Although her father is also rare and stunning in the world, her mother is even more stunning.

There were a lot of "children paying respects to the father and emperor", the prince and the princess knelt in front of Chen Huang.

"The princes are welcome, come here. I have seen the eldest princess." Chen Huang smiled like an elder of the family, which made the concubine Xuyan appreciate it very much.

The princes and princesses hurriedly got up and came to the concubine Xu Yan, who was about to salute, but the concubine Xu Yan immediately stopped her.

"Okay, it's all free," she didn't like this.

"Eldest princess, it is Tong'er who often mentions you in front of me, Tong'er, come here and say hello to eldest princess." Chen Huangchong greeted the third prince who was already sitting in his seat.

"Yes, Father"

The third prince didn't dare to delay, so he quickly got up and walked over.

Looking at Gongfei Xuyan's beautiful face, he forgot how to say it.

On the contrary, Gongfei Xuyan spoke first.

"Third prince, if I remember correctly, you were there when I went to Motian Academy? It's just a class higher than me, isn't it?"

"Yes, I was in the second grade at the time, and the eldest princess was a freshman who just went there. I heard at that time that the eldest princess is the most talented magician in the world. One day, the eldest princess competed with others. After seeing it that time, I I feel that it is not an exaggeration for the eldest princess to be called the No. Looking for an excuse to get out of here and go to the border?

"The third prince is really discerning, and Xuyan is indeed No. 1 in the world." Ming Binghe looked at Chen Zitong and always stared at the concubine Xuyan, and what he said just now, the concubine Xuyan didn't say anything, and directly accepted it. Originally, he had nothing to do with it. He just saw the sudden loneliness on his younger brother's face. He didn't want to make his younger brother unhappy, so he praised him in order to divert Chen Zitong's attention from the concubine Xuyan.

"Bing Wang, are you here too?" Chen Zitong turned his head when he heard Ming Binghe's voice. When he saw Ming Binghe, he was very surprised. Why hadn't the Bing King of Ming Kingdom been notified when he came to Chen Country? ?

"Hehe, don't be so polite, this king is only here with the eldest princess, and it's not just me." Ming Binghe said at the same time, raised his hand sideways and pointed behind him.

Following Ming Binghe's hand, Chen Zitong saw, Ming Bingliu, Hong Liusu, Wen Qing?They are all here?Why?

Suddenly, Chen Zitong glanced at the concubine Xuyan. Could it be that they were all accompanying her?
"Yi Wang, Hong Shizi, Brother Wen, you are all here"

"Yes, we came with Xu Yan"

(End of this chapter)

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