Stunning God

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Ming Bingliu also saw Chen Zitong's unusual feelings for Gongfei Xuyan.My heart is even more bitter, is this the sadness of falling in love with an excellent woman?
Even so, he still doesn't regret falling in love with the most outstanding woman in the world.

"Everyone, don't stand still, sit down." Chen Huang was really reasonable, seeing the young people all around the concubine Xuyan, but the latter looked a little confused, so he hurriedly spoke out to smooth things over, then But Princess Snow Country, No. 1 in the world, although she is as noble as an emperor, but sometimes when facing powerful people, it is better to be humble. Who makes the strength inferior to others?
The concubine Xu Yan was very generous, she turned around and sat in her seat, and the princes looked for their seats and sat down one after another.

"Since everyone is here, let's cheer for the eldest princess today."

"Come on, cheers." Ming Binghe first picked up the glass to meet Chen Huang, and when the others saw this, they also picked up the wine glasses on the table in front of them and began to drink freely.

But Gongfei Xuyan didn't have the leisure and elegance to drink here with peace of mind, and she was still thinking about her father and He Lianchen who didn't know what to do.

Although everyone has been drinking, Chen Huang, Chen Zitong, Ming Binghe brothers, the eyes of the few of them have never left Gongfei Xuyan.

Of course, Concubine Gong Xuyan also knew that they were watching her all the time, but she just ignored it. As a deity, would she not know if someone was watching her?

"Chen Huang, let's come here today, I will go ahead if I have something to do in the palace." The concubine Xu Yan, who had been sitting for a while, couldn't sit still anymore, so she stood up and said goodbye to Chen Huang.

"Eldest princess, are you in such a hurry to leave? That's fine, it's been a long journey, take a good rest tonight, and we will continue tomorrow."

"Chen Huang is too polite. I will leave early tomorrow morning, so I won't bother Chen Huang. If there is a chance, I will definitely come to disturb you again. At that time, please don't bother Chen Huang Yes." Concubine Gong Xu said that she admired herself, and now she can handle these bureaucrats and the royal family with ease.

If it was in the past, when her temper came up, she might have thrown these people a few meters away, so why would she talk to them so patiently?

"Okay then, the eldest princess, go all the way." Chen Huang couldn't help the concubine Xu Yan, so he could only retreat.Looking forward to her next visit.

"Let's go" Gongfei Xuyan said to the people behind her, and then she and Lian An, Long Ze turned and left the hall.

In a quiet, dreamless night, everyone ushered in a new day.

"Let's go" Looking at the energetic team, the concubine Xuyan was also in high spirits.

After several days of traveling day and night, they finally arrived at the border of Chen Country.

Looking at the still affluent streets, Gongfei Xuyan once again lamented Chen Huang's ability to govern the country.

Just as Gongfei Xuyan sighed, suddenly, a purple shadow flashed past quickly.

Concubine Gong Xuyan flew after him without even thinking about it. This was her first feeling that keeping up with that person would give him useful information.

Seeing Gongfei Xuyan chasing after her, Lian An followed without hesitation.

The others, under Long Ze's command, rested in place.Waiting for the arrival of the master.

Concubine Gong Xuyan followed the figure to an empty alley.

The figure stopped, and the concubine Xu Yan who followed was standing not far from him.

Only now did Concubine Gong Xuyan see clearly that the person in front was dressed in purple. Isn't this the attire of Gong Lingcheng's subordinates?

By the way, Wenjing?
"You are?" Although she guessed like this, she couldn't easily reveal Wen Jing's name when she didn't see her true face and was sure it was Wen Jing. In case this was a spy sent by Gong Lingcheng to find out the truth, she Such a question would expose Wen Jing and her acquaintance, and in this way, Wen Jing would be harmed.

"Don't you remember me again?" The man turned around slowly, pulled off the scarf from his face, and looked at Gongfei Xuyan with disappointed eyes.

"No, it's just...! If the spies sent by Gong Lingcheng will implicate you." Gongfei Xuyan was just about to say something like worry, but after seeing Wen Jing's eyes, she decided not to say anything. This look, she knew what it meant, in order to make him turn around earlier, she could only pretend that nothing had happened and didn't understand anything.

"It turns out, it turns out that you still remember me..." Wen Jing was so happy that he was a little incoherent for a while.

"Okay, what are you talking about here?" Every time, Wen Jing can bring her useful information, I don't know what it will be this time?
"He Lianchen was ill, and it was very serious. There was also a man named Bai Yu who scolded the master and was severely injured by the master."

"What? Gong Lingcheng, you scum, if my concubine Xuyan doesn't kill you with my own hands, I swear I won't be a human being." Concubine Gong Xuyan yelled up to the sky, her ruthless voice soaring into the sky.

"Can you tell me where my father and the others are being locked up? Then, I can go rescue them too." Concubine Gong Xuyan's eyes were filled with sadness and sadness, and even her voice became extremely low and hoarse.

When Wen Jing saw such a concubine Xuyan, he felt very uncomfortable, but, thinking about so many traps in the dungeon, if he was not familiar with the locations of the traps inside, he would never return. In order not to hurt her, he still It's okay not to say.

"I don't know, take your leave." Wen Jing no longer went to see the concubine Xu Yan, Xu Yan, allow me to call you that.You only need to deal with the master, and I will do the things you worry about for you.

(End of this chapter)

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