Youth Rebellion

Chapter 74 Yingzi's twists and turns and Xiaohai's choice

Chapter 74 Yingzi's twists and turns and Xiaohai's choice
Chapter 73 Yingzi's twists and turns and Xiaohai's choice
Under Ruochen's questioning, Yingzi finally told the truth. It turned out that it was a supervisor of their department who took the company's confidential information and jumped to the opponent's company. Such serious consequences today.Yingzi was speechless, and could only endure the boss's scolding silently, because it was indeed her subordinates who did such a thing, and she was directly responsible for the leadership.

Yingzi sighed and said: "In this world, people really know people, know faces, but don't know their hearts. Usually this girl behaves very well, and she also respects and calls me, and her work ability is also good. I also take special care of her. What about my confidant, I never thought that this confidant stabbed me in the heart!"

Ruochen comforted: "In this world, there are all kinds of people, but some people are good at disguising, it's not your fault, we are not good at disguising, so we must not understand that kind of people. , You will have experience in the future, don’t you, just take it as a lesson.”

Yingzi dejectedly said: "The key is that our boss demoted me and lowered my salary. Although I know this is my responsibility, I still find it hard to accept. How can you make me face those colleagues in the company! "

Ruochen said, "Your company can sue her, so that everyone will know that it's not your fault. I guess they won't have any prejudice against you."

Yingzi said: "The company has already sent her a lawyer's letter. You don't know. People in the company have been whispering recently, and they stop when they see me. It must be gossip about me. What do you think I should do? I don't want to I went to the company and asked for a week's leave, and the boss approved it very readily. I guess he is also very disappointed in me, and I don't want to continue."

Ruochen said: "The boss must be aware of your contribution to the company, he won't be so heartless, maybe after these two days, his anger will dissipate."

Yingzi closed her eyes, sighed and didn't speak anymore, Ruochen asked Sister Zhang to bring her a cup of coffee, and let her meditate there alone, Ruochen knew that she needed to be alone at this moment.

At this moment, Yingzi's phone rang, and it was from Xiaohai. After Yingzi answered the phone, his tone became very nervous. He hung up the phone. Ruochen asked her what was wrong. She said that Xiaohai said his father had a sudden attack. Cerebral hemorrhage, emergency treatment in the hospital, her mother told him and Yingzi to rush back.

Ruochen said: "Hurry up, pay attention to safety on the road!"

Yingzi quickly put on his coat and went back to have a round with Xiaohai and rushed back to the hospital where Xiaohai's father was staying overnight.

When they arrived at the hospital, Dad had already been rescued. Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time, and the bleeding was less, which did not cause major impact. There were no sequelae for the time being, and the operation was also very successful.

Xiaohai and Yingzi breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. On the plane, Xiaohai has been blaming himself for the past few years. .The company's high-level executives were also there. After Xiaohai greeted them and introduced Yingzi, he let them go back. The company cannot do without people, and they should also rest.

After the people from the company left, Xiaohai's mother took Xiaohai and Yingzi's hand and said, "You don't know that I was so scared just now. I'm afraid that your father won't be rescued. You won't be able to see him for the last time. Your father woke up the first time." He asked in one sentence, "Has Xiaohai come back?" We said he was already on the way, and then he fell asleep in peace.

When Xiaohai and Yingzi heard this, they couldn't control their tears. Xiaohai said: "Mom, I'm sorry, I haven't cared much about you these few years. It's my fault. I will definitely see you often in the future."

At this time Xiaohai's father woke up, seeing Xiaohai stretching out his hand hard, Xiaohai hurried over to hold his father's hand and cried, "Dad, it's Xiaohai who is unfilial, I'm sorry!"

Xiaohai's father said a few words weakly and with difficulty: "Son, it's good to see you." While looking at Yingzi, Yingzi also hurried over, and together with Xiaohai, he held his father's hand and said, "Uncle, you are a lucky person." Tian Xiang, nothing will happen, Xiao Hai and I will come back to see you often in the future."

Xiaohai's father smiled and closed his eyes when he heard it.Xiaohai and Yingzi stay in the hospital every day to take care of their father, and his father seems to be very happy, recovering very well.One day my father called Xiaohai and Yingzi to him, and he was silent for a while and said, "Xiaohai, before you wanted to be free outside by yourself, I would rely on you. It's getting worse, come back, father is begging you, okay?"

Xiaohai hesitated for a moment, Xiaohai's father looked at Yingzi, Yingzi pulled off Xiaohai's clothes immediately, Xiaohai smiled and said to his father: "Dad, I promise you, you will take good care of your body in the future." Xiaohai's father heard Xiaohai Saying this, he said happily: "Good son, good son, I believe that the company can do better under your leadership, let Yingzi come over, you also have a helper."

Yingzi said modestly: "Uncle, I'm afraid that if I don't do well, it will have a bad influence on the company." Xiaohai's father said with a smile: "Girl, I believe in you. I have experienced so many people and so many things. It depends on people." It’s still possible, I think you can do it, you have to have confidence.”

Xiao Hai said: "It happened that something happened to the Yingzi subsidiary, and Yingzi was thinking of resigning."

Xiaohai's father asked what was going on, so Yingzi told Xiaohai's father in detail, and his father smiled and said: "In the process of growing up, who hasn't experienced some things, otherwise how would they grow up."

Xiao Hai said to his father: "You will be discharged from the hospital in two days. Yingzi and I will come back after finishing our work in City S. Dad, I will be with you all the time and will never leave again."

At this time, Xiaohai's mother came from home and brought her father some soup. Xiaohai's father was as excited as a child and said to Xiaohai's mother: "Old woman, we can enjoy happiness in the future, and I can spend more time with you. Just now Xiaohai Promise me to come back and take over the company!" Xiaohai's mother was also very happy when she heard that, and said that Xiaohai finally understood us, and your illness is worth it haha. "

Xiao Hai said embarrassedly: "Mom, what you said, I don't want Dad to get sick. I originally thought that I would come back after I got married with Yingzi."

Now his parents heard it and said in unison: "You and Yingzi's affairs should be done earlier, you are not too young, and I am still waiting to have a grandson." After talking, the two also laughed, and the mother said: "Old man, when did we have such a tacit understanding?" Yingzi said, feeling embarrassed.

Xiaohai's mother said: "When you come back, after the company's affairs are settled, get ready, Yingzi, and pick up your parents some other day. Our in-laws haven't had a meal together yet. It's time to discuss your marriage. See what your parents want."

Yingzi said sensiblely: "Auntie, my parents don't have any objections, you can just figure it out."

Xiaohai's mother said: "You can't say that. We are not old and stubborn. We are feudal parents. In fact, we are all secondary. It mainly depends on what you and Xiaohai like. We just want to meet your parents and talk."

Yingzi replied with a smile: "Then after my company's affairs are settled, I will go back to pick up my parents, and then come back with Xiaohai."

Xiaohai's parents said happily: "Okay, okay, we'll wait."

Another week later, Xiao Hai's father was discharged from the hospital and was resting at home. The company was temporarily entrusted to one of his confidantes to take care of him, and he had been with him for more than ten years, so Xiao Hai felt relieved.He and Yingzi went back to S City to deal with the resignation.

Sure enough, when Yingzi told the boss to resign, the boss thought that Yingzi was angry, so he said: "Yingzi, I didn't mean to drive you away. I was just too anxious at the time, and in order to give a warning to other people in the company, I had to do that. Do it, and next week I'll announce your reinstatement."

Yingzi explained with a smile: "Boss, I'm really not because of this matter. I have been with you for so many years. I know how you care about my cultivation. Besides, I know I am responsible. Such punishment is That's right. But I'm going back to assist him because my boyfriend is going back to take over my company, so I'm really not because of the reason you said."

The boss heard what she said, so it was hard to say anything else. She went back to start her own company, and it was hard to keep her. So although the boss was reluctant, she also approved Yingzi, and only waited for the person to replace Yingzi to be in place. Yingzi can leave up.That day the boss specially invited Yingzi to have a meal and have a heart-to-heart talk. To be honest, Yingzi's boss is really kind to Yingzi, but that is because of Yingzi's good performance and his contribution to the company.If Yingzi's performance is mediocre, the boss probably won't value her so much, because the degree to which the boss of the company values ​​you depends on the degree of contribution you make to the company. It is also understandable that the company is a profit-making organization, not a charity organization.

Yingzi then went to Ruochen to tell the matter, Ruochen felt so lost, the three people who used to be inseparable are now going to different cities, Yuer is going back to Z city to help Li Xiaoxiao, now Yingzi is leaving too Well, she is the only one in S City, and it will not be easy to get together in the future.

But Ruochen also understands in his heart that this is inevitable, everyone has their own lives, families, and the focus of attention in the future will be their own families, and the gathering between sisters may be as difficult as a holiday.

Yingzi comforted: "You see that the traffic is so developed now, and we are not too far away, so it is still easy to meet."

Yingzi and Yu'er left City S one month later to start a business with their husband, or to be a proprietress, and Ruochen was also happy for their destination.When she was leaving, Yu'er came to see Ruochen, telling her that she must have something to contact her, otherwise she was really worried about her.Ruochen cried and agreed to her. She and Yu'er have been together for so many years, and when she thinks of separating, she is very reluctant, but she has to.

Two months later, Ruochen and Ye Liang moved to a new house. Ruochen resigned as a nurse, leaving only the nanny, Sister Zhang. Ye Liang didn't agree with Ruochen's resignation, but Ruochen said that she no longer needs a nurse. , She can already resume training by herself, and some massages can also be done by Sister Zhang, so why bother with a nurse.Seeing her insistence on this, Ye Liang could only obey her.

After living in his own house, Ruochen's mood improved a lot. Since Yingzi and Yu'er left, Ruochen has been a little depressed.With your own house, you can feel at home.This apartment complex is medium to high-end, and the environment of the community is very good. Ruochen often takes a walk in the garden of the community when he is tired of typing.

One Saturday afternoon, Ruochen and Ye Liang were walking in the community. Ye Liang's cell phone rang. After Ye Liang answered it, it turned out that it was his father who said that he and Ye Liang's mother were at the train station. Ye Liang was surprised. Replied: "What? Are you at the train station? Really or not?"

Dad said: "Really, come quickly, we are waiting for you at Exit No. 2." Ye Liang knew it was true, and they all said it at Exit No. 2, Ruochen hurriedly urged Ye Liang to pick up the two old man.Ruochen thought in his heart, these two old people are really real, they came running without saying a word. "But at this moment, Ruochen didn't realize what kind of result their coming would bring her.

(End of this chapter)

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