Chapter 75
Chapter 74 Ye Liang's Parents Come to Visit and Refuse Ruochen

Ye Liang went to the No. 2 exit of the train station, and he found his parents waiting for him there. Ye Liang hurried over to call them. They also ran over happily when they saw Ye Liang. Ye Liang's mother took Ye Liang's hand and looked at him. Say: "Son, you seem to be thinner?".

Ye Liang helped his parents with things and took them to the garage. Ye Liang asked why his parents came suddenly, but he didn't say a word.Mother Ye said: "You haven't come home to see us for more than a year, we can only come by ourselves." Ye Liang said: "Then you should tell me in advance, so that I can come pick you up."

Mother Ye said disapprovingly: "I told you earlier, you didn't let us come, I don't know what you are hiding from us and don't let us see!" Ye Liang said: "Mom, look at what you said, your son still has something What can I hide from you?"

Ye Liang took his parents all the way to his Land Rover car, and his father said that the car looked good, Ye Liang smiled and said: "It's okay." On the way, Ye's mother suddenly asked Ye Liang: "I heard you before?" You said about Ruochen, where is she awake now?"

Ye Liang suddenly understood the purpose of his parents' visit, Ye Liang said: "I live with me."

Mother Ye suddenly said angrily: "You child, why didn't you tell us before, do you still think we are your parents?"

Ye Liang started to cry as he spoke, and Ye Liang quickly comforted him: "Mom, look at you, how do you look like a child? You said it's not a big deal. I'll tell you what's important if I don't tell you. If I get married, we will I will definitely tell you, if you don’t come, it won’t work.”

Mother Ye stopped crying and said: "Who are you going to marry? It won't be that Ruochen, she is in such a body now, what do you think you are looking for her for?"

Ye Liang said: "Mom, I'm an adult now, in my 30s. Of course I know what I'm doing. I hope to find the kind of person I want to spend my life with. I feel very happy to be with her."

Ye Liang's mother wanted to say something, but Ye Liang's father hurriedly dismissed it with other words, asking about the situation of Ye Liang's company, Ye Liang knew that his father was helping him.

When he was about to get home, Ye Liang told his parents: "It doesn't matter what you say about me, but you must not say anything excessive in front of Ruochen. Although she has almost recovered now, her physique is relatively weak. If there is any mistake, don't worry about it." Alright." Father Ye understood his son and nodded to show that he understood, but Mother Ye did not speak.

Ye Liang knocked on the door, Ruochen opened the door quickly, and politely called his uncles and aunts to welcome Ye Liang's parents in, while quickly pouring tea for them.Ye Liang's parents looked at Ruochen for a while. He was not tall, of medium stature, and not outstanding in appearance. Ye's father said a few words politely. Ye's mother felt uncomfortable, thinking that my son had put in so much hard work and The price is for this girl, it doesn't seem worth it, so he is not enthusiastic about Ruochen, and Ruochen can feel it, so he wisely stops talking.

Sister Zhang has already prepared the meal, Ruochen helped Sister Zhang serve the meal, and Ye Liang took his parents to wash up and eat together.Before the meal, Ye Liang formally introduced Ruochen to his parents, and told them that he had proposed to Ruochen and would invite them to the wedding soon. "Ye Liang's father smiled and said it was fine by the way. Ye Liang's mother kicked him under the table. She was very upset, but because of the presence of Sister Zhang, it was not easy to have a fit, so she ate in silence.

After dinner, Sister Zhang lived in Ruochen's house and gave the room to Ye Liang's parents.

Just after tidying up, Sister Zhang was still tidying up in Ruochen's room, when she heard Ye Liang's mother call Ye Liang into the room and tell him something, Ruochen's heart sank, thinking it must be her and Ye Liang's Things happened, today she can see that Ye Liang's mother is [-]% unhappy with her, she doesn't blame them, she knows that they are not evil people, they are just thinking about her children, but she still feels sad for a while.

So I wanted to go out for a cup of coffee. When I walked past the room where Ye Liang's parents were, I heard Ye Liang's mother mentioning Ruochen, so Ruochen stopped involuntarily, wanting to hear what his parents said. I heard Mother Ye say: "Ye Liang, I never force you to do anything, but you can't marry Ruochen, just listen to me this time, okay?"

Ye Liang said: "Mom, you have always been very kind and understanding, why are you so stubborn about Ruochen? I have told you many times, I just want Ruochen."

Mother Ye counted Luo Yeliang and said: "Okay, son, now that your wings are hardened and you don't listen to mom, we are useless, aren't we?"

Ye Liang quickly distinguished: "Mom, it's unreasonable for you to say that. If I do something wrong, or commit a crime, even if you hit me, I won't complain, but my feelings are my own. I can't just leave Ruochen just because you like it or not, besides, I've already made a mistake once, this time no matter what I say, I won't leave her again."

Ruochen felt a warm feeling in his heart when he heard this, but the reality is that every parent's heart is to love their children, and they want their children not to suffer. This is the selfishness of parents' love for their children. Dust is understandable.

Ye Liang's mother was so angry when she heard Ye Liang's words, Ye Liang's parents quickly pulled Ye's mother to sit down, and said to Ye Liang: "In fact, if Ruochen is a normal person, we might agree, but now that she is in such a body, it doesn't matter. If you know whether you can add a son to the Ye family in the future, isn't this going to kill your queen?"

Ye Liang was speechless when he heard what his father said. He looked at his parents and said, "It's so old now, and you still have this kind of thinking. You see, it's good for many people to have no children, not even Premier Zhou." Child, we worry about what to do in the next life."

Ye Liang's mother said: "If I can't hold my grandson in this life, I will die with regret."

Ye Liang was annoyed and said with a smile: "So that's the reason for your opposition. I think you are completely needless to worry."

Ye Liang said here softly stroking his mother and said: "Besides, the doctor didn't say that she can't have children. She is recovering well now. I know you are doing it for my own good, but if I find someone else who can give birth to three or five Woman, I live in pain every day, would you rather see your son in pain?"

Mother Ye said: "Is it so serious? There are many good women. I don't think there is anything special about Ruochen. Son, why do you like her? Isn't the boss' daughter that Xiaohai said last time very good? People are beautiful and nice, why do you look down on them?"

Ye Liang smiled impatiently and said: "Mom, what year did Chen Guzi rotten sesame seeds? You still use it to talk about it. This is the case with emotional matters. You think you can marry just any woman for a lifetime!"

Mother Ye said: "Your dad and I got married after we met, why can't we live a lifetime?"

Ye Liang said: "Mom, don't think what I said is bad. Let me ask you, do you think your marriage is happy? If it wasn't for our children, wouldn't you still want to divorce? Do you want your children to live like this in the future? ?"

Ye Liang's mother stopped talking because Ye Liang talked about her pain.

Father Ye said embarrassingly from the side: "What are you talking about, what are you talking about us for?"

After being silent for a while, Mother Ye said: "Son, do you feel embarrassed to leave Ruochen behind, afraid that she won't think about it? Otherwise, I'll go and talk to her."

Speaking of standing up to go out, Ye Liang quickly pulled her and said: "My mother, can you not make trouble for me, please don't say such things in front of Ruochen, or don't blame my son for being unhappy, Just let your son do his own thing."

Ruochen left after hearing this. She already understood what Ye Liang's parents meant. She had always felt guilty for delaying Ye Liang. Now if she caused Ye Liang to have conflicts with her parents because of herself, she would be even more guilty. Unforgivable.

Ruochen hid in the study alone and wept silently. She made a decision. Although it would hurt her heart to do so, it was worth it for the happiness of the one she loved.

Suddenly hearing the door of Ye Liang's parents' room opened, Ruochen straightened out his emotions, pretended to be indifferent, and asked Ye Liang what was wrong and what was the matter.Ye Liang casually said that it was his parents who told him about some family affairs, nothing else.

In the evening, Ruochen said that she was feeling unwell, and she and Sister Zhang entered the room early and lay down on the bed.Sister Zhang chatted with her a few words and fell asleep, but Ruochen couldn't fall asleep, so she began to organize her clothes, only the necessary daily necessities and a few clothes, a suitcase and a handbag.

The next morning, Ruochen and Ye Liang's parents greeted each other with a smile and had breakfast together, as if they knew nothing and nothing happened.After Ye Liang had breakfast, he was going to the company to deal with matters, and asked his parents to rest at home first, and then take them out to play tomorrow.When he was leaving, Ye Liang specially quietly asked his mother not to say anything she should not say to Ruochen.

After Ye Liang left, Ruochen asked Sister Zhang to go shopping in the supermarket, took the trolley case and bag out and said to Ye Liang's parents: "Auntie, my case is broken, I need to repair it, you can rest at home. "

Ye Liang's parents sent her out without thinking too much.The moment Ruochen closed the door, tears couldn't stop streaming down his face, he looked back at the familiar house number, and left resolutely.

She walked to the door and took a taxi directly to the station, where she bought a high-speed rail ticket to Qingdao.She had already figured it out yesterday. Her previous dream was to bring a notebook to experience a life in Qingdao facing the sea and blooming in spring. This was her previous dream, and she could finally do it.

She still has tens of thousands of yuan in her bank card, and she plans to write articles and do some translations to support herself after she settles down in Qingdao. The novel has not been written yet, so she can’t maintain it with code words for the time being. Fortunately, her Japanese and German have improved a lot in the past period of time, so it should not be a problem to be a general translator.

Ruochen has arranged her future life in this way, she thinks to leave quietly like this, at the moment of leaving, she suddenly understands Ye Liang's feeling of leaving her for no reason, maybe it is just like her own. It hurts so much, but I can't help it.On the train to Qingdao, Ruochen suddenly remembered what he promised Yuer, so he called Yuer and told Yuer what she thought and what she was doing now. Yuer was shocked when she first heard it. I was also very worried about what would happen to her if she went out alone, but when she heard Ruochen said that she would go to Qingdao to live the dream life she had said before, Yu'er no longer objected, but told Ruochen to take good care of herself, saying that she After settling down, tell her to visit her, so that they can experience Qingdao together again, Ruochen agreed to her.

When Sister Zhang came back from the supermarket, Ruochen disappeared, so she asked Ye Liang's parents, and Ye's mother said that Ruochen had gone to repair her trolley case.

Sister Zhang is a little strange, because Ruochen usually just goes for a walk, there is no reason to do this thing, and he doesn't need a trolley case, why repair it, it's strange, but he didn't expect Ruochen to leave.

It wasn't until noon that Sister Zhang made the meal, but Ruochen didn't come back, so Sister Zhang became anxious, so she went out and searched all over the nearby streets, but there was no shop that repaired trolley cases. Suddenly, Sister Zhang had a bad problem. She had a hunch that Ruochen was gone. Although she didn't hear what Ye Liang's parents said, she could see the expressions on Ye Liang's parents. Besides, Ruochen had told her jokingly before that if Ye Liang's parents really disagreed with them, they would Living alone for a lifetime, at that time Sister Zhang also said that she was thinking too much, saying that Ye Liang loved her so much, how could she let her live alone.

Thinking of this, Sister Zhang became anxious, and quickly called Ye Liang to say that Ruochen was gone!
Ye Liang didn't believe it at first, but after Sister Zhang told the ins and outs of the matter, Ye Liang also realized the seriousness of the problem. He guessed that Ruochen must have heard his parents' conversation last night!
So I hurried home from the company, and when I got home, I asked my mother if she had said anything to Ruochen. My mother said no, and my father said we didn't say anything. She took the trolley case and a bag and went out to repair the trolley case.

Ye Liang hurried to Ruochen's room, and found that her trolley case was indeed gone, and a few clothes in the closet were also gone. He squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and he understood that Ruochen left alone, silently. Disappeared from my own life without a trace!

He was suddenly at a loss and in great pain, so he hurriedly called Ruochen, but there was always a reminder to turn off the phone, Ye Liang called again and again, hoping to get through once, but he didn't.

So he hurried out to start the car and ran to the train station. He searched back and forth in the waiting hall, hoping to see that familiar figure, but until late at night, he didn't find any clues about Ruochen.

(End of this chapter)

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