Chapter 76

At this time, Ye Liang suddenly thought of calling Ruochen's parents, but he stopped after thinking for a while. If Ruochen didn't tell her parents, wouldn't her parents be more worried if they found out!
So he scolded himself for being confused, why didn't he think of calling Yu'er and Yingzi, and hurriedly called Yingzi, Yingzi was at a loss, obviously didn't know, when she knew Ruochen had left, she scolded Ye Liang must have bullied Ruochen, if Ruochen couldn't find him, she and Xiaohai wanted to settle accounts with him!
Ye Liang hurriedly called Yu'er again, because Ruochen had told her before that Yu'er should not tell anyone, otherwise she would not recognize her as a sister in the future, so Yu'er also pretended to be confused, as if Yingzi also scolded Ye Liang.

Ye Liang hung up the phone in despair, Ruochen didn't even say anything to the two of them, this time he must have disappeared silently in the huge land of China.

Ye Liang sat in the car in despair, and kept chanting 'Ruochen, where are you, tell me quickly! ', at this moment, Ye Liang finally realized that when he left Ruochen without giving any reason, Ruochen's mood at that time, it turned out to be so painful, so tormented, and now she is torturing himself, it is God's favor to him A nemesis? !
When he got home late at night, his parents, sister Zhang, had already fallen asleep. Ye Liang returned to his room without turning on the light or washing up, and fell directly on the bed. He was no longer in the mood to do anything.

The next morning, Sister Zhang made breakfast, but Ye Liang didn't eat it. His mother asked Ruochen what was wrong, and Ye Liang said it was not because of you. For the sake of their own children, but at the expense of hurting other people's children, what can he do?

Ye Liang picked up his clothes and walked mechanically to the company. When he arrived at the company, he found that he was not in the mood to deal with anything. His eyes were full of Ruochen's shadow and all kinds of worries about what kind of accidents Ruochen would encounter.

He hastily explained the matter to his subordinates, and then drove aimlessly on the street. How much he wished to see Ruochen on the street. Ruochen was just playing a joke on him, but everything It's just a fantasy, sneaking into the dark, there is no one like Ruochen.As soon as the cell phone rang, he would startle, wishing it was Ruochen calling, even if he didn't tell himself where she was, it would be fine to let him know she was safe.

Ye Liang's parents saw their son's current appearance, and they also understood that his son would probably recognize Ruochen in this life. Now that Ruochen is also missing, his son doesn't talk all day and is unhappy. They know that Ruochen is with their son. The position in my heart, so I sighed and said: "We are old, and we can't control you anymore, just do whatever you want."

Ye Liang smiled bitterly and said, "If you had thought that way at the beginning, Ruochen wouldn't just leave like this." Ye's mother knew that her son was complaining about herself, so she stopped talking.

After staying for a few days, the two found a reason to go back to their hometown. Although Ruochen and Ye Liang were separated, they were not as happy as they imagined, and there was no better daughter-in-law to replace this kind of thing.Ye Liang didn't keep them either, and sent them back.With his current state, he has no idea about anything, his only idea is where to find Ruochen.

When Ye Liang was free, he looked around to see if he could find any clues, but he found nothing, except for some Ruochen's leftover clothes, which proved that she had lived here before, nothing else.

Yu'er called to ask Ye Liang if he found Ruochen, Ye Liang said no, Ye Liang's depressed attitude once made Yu'er soft-hearted and wanted to tell Ye Liang, but she was afraid that if Ruochen found out, she would go to another place It would be troublesome if she didn't tell her, so she could only pretend that she didn't know.

One day, Yu'er received a call from Ruochen, who had changed her number in Qingdao and told her that she had rented a room from a family near the sea, and she was almost stable.

Yuer told her to pay attention to safety, and she will take time to visit her in Qingdao in two days.

After hanging up the phone, Yu'er wondered whether to tell Ye Liang or not.She sincerely sympathizes with and understands Ye Liang's current mood, and Ruochen may have left in a fit of anger, and although she can take care of herself, she has not fully recovered, so she is really worried about being outside alone.

When she was hesitating, Ye Liang's call came in, Yu'er felt so strange, did he know that Ruochen wanted to contact her?So he answered the phone and asked him what happened.

Ye Liang said: "Yu'er, don't hide it from me. If you know Ruochen's whereabouts, you must tell me. I remember she said before that she has no secrets with you. I think maybe she told you something. "

Yu'er was speechless when she heard Ye Liang say this. Ye Liang realized that Yu'er must know something, but she didn't want to tell herself.

So Ye Liang begged her again: "I beg you, Ruochen is in charge, you are a bystander, you should be more sensible, don't you worry about her body alone?"

Yu'er couldn't bear it anymore and said: "She called me just now, she said she was in Qingdao"

Ye Liang was extremely excited, and hurriedly asked: "Where is Qingdao, do you have the specific address?"

Yu'er said, "She didn't say anything."

Ye Liang thanked Yu'er a thousand times, and then said: "It's okay, I'll go to Qingdao to look for her, and we'll talk about when I find her."

Yu'er said, "Then what about your company?"

Ye Liang said: "I have given us a very reliable manager, besides, I am not in the mood to go to the company if I can't find Ruochen."

Yu'er said to Ye Liang: "Don't be impulsive, I told Ruochen that I have time to see her in the next few days, let's go together then, I'm afraid she won't see you."

Ye Liang said: "Okay, but don't wait for a few days, you come over today, we will go to Qingdao together."
Er said, "I'll take care of the company's affairs. I'll fly to City S tomorrow morning, and then we'll fly to Qingdao together."

Ye Liang said eagerly: Just as you said, I will book the air tickets for the two of us now, and after the two of us have agreed, we will start to prepare for the trip to Qingdao.

The next day, Ye Liang and Yu'er flew to Qingdao in the afternoon. Yu'er called Ruochen and asked where she was. Ruochen said that she didn't know the exact address, so she had to ask the landlord. After a while, Ruochen sent Yu'er a message with the detailed address, so the two quickly took a taxi there.

On the way, Yu'er said to Ye Liang: "Ruochen has repeatedly told me not to tell you, or she will cut off relations with me. I'm afraid she will rebel against me. Let's find a way to make it easier for her to accept."

Ye Liang asked anxiously: "Tell me, what can I do?"

Yu'er thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll go there first when we get there, and you hide by the side, and then go in after a while, and say you followed me secretly."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Ye Liang said immediately.

When they arrived at the place, Ruochen came to open the door, Yu'er saw that Ruochen's face was a little pale, she probably didn't eat well recently, and didn't rest well, she left with that kind of mood in the first place.

Yu'er asked Ruochen distressedly: "Honey, why did you do this?"

Ruochen said: "I have caught a cold for the past two days, it's nothing, it will be fine in two days."

As soon as she said this, there was a knock on the door, and Yu'er knew it was Ye Liang, thinking that Ye Liang was too anxious.

Ruochen opened the door and saw that it was Ye Liang, and hurriedly closed the door again, but it was too late, Ye Liang had already squeezed in.

So Ruochen walked into the room and said coldly to Yu'er, "You brought him here?"

Yu'er immediately pretended not to know anything, and said, "Who, I don't understand what you said?"

At this time Ye Liang came in, Yu'er pretended to be surprised and said: "Ye Liang, how did you find this place!"

Ye Liang said according to the colluding lines: "I know you and Ruochen are good sisters, she will definitely tell you, so I asked about your whereabouts through Xiaohai, and then secretly followed you!"

Yu'er pretended to be angry and said: "You are too much, how can you follow me, let Ruochen misunderstand that I brought you here because of my bad faith!"

Ye Liang looked at Ruochen and said, "Don't blame Yu'er, I followed her by myself, she didn't tell me anything!"

Ruochen sat on the bed and ignored them at the moment, Ye Liang shed tears when he saw Ruochen's pale face and caught a cold, squatted on the ground and said to Ruochen: "Come back with me, don't get angry. "

Ruochen said coldly: "I'm not angry, I just want to live the life I like."

Ye Liang said: "Okay, if you like this place, then I will go back and deal with the company to accompany you."

Ruochen said anxiously: "You, why are you doing this for me? I'm not worth it."

Yu'er found a reason to go out when she heard the two of them talking.

When Ye Liang heard Ruochen say this, he pulled Ruochen's hand in pain and put it on his chest, and said, "Ruochen, it's been so long, don't you still understand my heart? Do you have a look?"

Ruochen cried when he heard this, and didn't speak, from sobbing to choking, Ye Liang pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, for fear that Ruochen would run away from his arms once he let go.

After Ruochen calmed down, he looked at him and said, "But, I don't want you to have conflicts with your family because of me, a half-cripple!" Ye Liang said, "I know you heard what my parents said, but you Why care so much about their feudal thinking at that time, by the way, after you left, my parents also compromised, they promised us to get married!"

"Really?" Ruochen's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and then he said darkly, "You must have lied to me, coaxing me to go back on purpose."

Ye Liang stretched out two fingers and said, "I swear it's true, or I'll call them and you have a listen!" Ruochen quickly dropped Ye Liang's hand and said, "Okay, I believe it, what are you doing with the swearing? Like something big."

Ye Liang said: "This is a big deal in my heart, will you go back with us tomorrow?"

Ruochen said: "Why are you in such a hurry, since you are here, why don't you stay here for two days before leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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