Chapter 77

When Ye Liang heard Ruochen say to stay for another two days, he thought she was going to play tricks again, and said hesitantly: "It's not impossible, but you won't want to slip away again while we're not paying attention, right?".

Ruochen said, "Where can I sneak to? China is so big, where is there a place that really belongs to me?"

Ye Liang put his arms around Ruochen and said firmly, "Wherever I am, it belongs to you."

Ruochen, who had always missed Ye Liang, could no longer restrain himself and cried happily.After untying the knot in his heart, Ruochen secretly decided never to leave Ye Liang again.

After playing in Qingdao for two days, Ye Liang was a little apprehensive, afraid that Ruochen would leave again suddenly, so he and Yu'er urged her to go back to S City.Yu'er flew directly back to City Z where Li Xiaoxiao was located.

When I got home at night, Sister Zhang wiped her tears when she saw Ruochen who had returned and said, "Ruochen, you are finally back, you are back."

Ye Liang stayed with Ruochen in her room all the time, Ruochen looked at him and said, "Hey, it's time to sleep, why don't you go back to your room? Are you afraid that I will leave without saying goodbye?"

Ye Liang said with a smirk: "I won't go back tonight, I will stay here with you."

Ruochen nodded his head with a smile and said, "How did you become such a mother-in-law?!"

Ye Liang sighed: "Isn't it tortured by you!"

So he took the opportunity to pull Ruochen: "Let me torture you too." After speaking, he gently pulled Ruochen into his arms, his eyes met, his eyes were infinitely gentle, his eyes and four lips merged together, and both of them felt that It feels wonderful!

After the tenderness, the two of them cuddled and slept together. That night, Ruochen felt that her sleep was extremely solid and sweet. She felt that she had finally completed the transformation from a girl to a woman.

When he woke up the next morning, Ye Liang had already gone to work, and there was a note pasted on the bedside, which said: Dear wife, you now belong to me completely, no matter where you go in the future, I will cover you. No matter where you flee, you will never be able to escape from my Wuzhi Mountain.Seeing that you slept soundly in the morning, I didn't wake you up. In the evening, I came back from get off work to pick you up for dinner.

After Ruochen saw it, he immediately felt a little hot on his face.

Ye Liang had never called her wife before, but today was the first time he called her like that!

Ye Liang came back to pick up Ruochen at night, and said very softly: "My wife changes clothes, I'll take you to a place."

Ruochen asked puzzledly, "Where are you going?"

Ye Liang said: "You will know when you go, let's go."

Ruochen felt that Ye Liang seemed to be more gentle and considerate to her. No wonder people said that women only have sex with men when they have a good relationship, and men pay more attention to women when they have a relationship with women.

Coming out of the garage, Ye Liang unexpectedly brought her to the Maple Leaf Bar, Ruochen asked strangely: "You don't know that I don't like too noisy environment, why come here?"

Ye Liang smiled, and stroked Ruochen's hair: "Of course I know, but this place is too unusual for me, I reunited with you here, so I want to give you an explanation here! "

Ruochen asked puzzledly: "What explanation?" Ye Liang smiled mysteriously, without answering, took out his phone and called Xiao Hai.

After the phone call to Xiao Hai was connected, Ye Liang asked him: "Have you discussed it? How about Eleven?" Hearing that Xiao Hai said there was no problem, his parents also urged him to do things earlier.Seeing that he hung up the phone, Ruochen called Li Xiaoxiao again, asking the same question, and getting the same answer as Xiaohai.Ruochen asked confusedly: "What are you doing? What about Eleven?"

Ye Liang smiled and said loudly to Ruochen: "We'll get married together on Eleventh, what do you think?" People around also looked at them when they heard it.Ruochen blushed and said, "Why are you so loud, people are watching us." Ye Liang said with a smile: "I just want them to hear, I want the whole world to know, on October [-]st, I want I married Ruochen as my wife!"

Ruochen said with some embarrassment, "Why are you in such a hurry, it's only been three months until November."

Ye Liang looked at Ruochen affectionately and said: "You don't need to worry about these things, I will take care of them. I will take wedding photos when I have time, and I will make up for them when I don't have time. And didn't you say that you want to hold a wedding with Yu'er and Yingzi, but It is unrealistic to have the same reception desk in the same hotel, because their social relations are all in their respective cities, so we decided to pick up the bride on the same day and at the same time, so that your wish to get married together will be fulfilled! You Do you feel happy?"

Ruochen nodded happily, with tears in her eyes, she didn't need to speak, everything was said in silence!

On the day of the wedding, Ye Liang also invited his parents, relatives and friends, Ruochen's parents, relatives and friends, the backbone of the company, and some better friends. The wedding was very grand.

That day, Ruochen, who was wearing a white wedding dress, looked extremely beautiful. Her happy and shy face really made people think that she was the happiest woman in the world.

Ruochen's mother and father's eyes were wet. Their fateful daughter finally had a home, so they can rest assured from now on.Ye Liang's parents saw Ruochen and Ye Liang's affectionate appearance, and saw their love from the happiness in their son's eyes, and they also went from passively accepting to blessing them.

The weddings of the three couples chose to be held on the same day, and they agreed to send their respective wedding videos to each other for viewing at the first time, and then asked professionals to edit the three weddings as if they were held in a hotel at the same time.The three couples regard this as the best gift for each other's newlyweds, which is priceless to them.

After the wedding, the three newly married couples decided to have a child directly. Although Yu'er declared that she would not bring a child and want a DINK, she changed her previous opinion without any persuasion after marriage.

What's more, Yingzi, now seeing other people's children can't move, Xiaohai laughed and thought that the children were going crazy, so they are in the process of making human beings.

Of course Ruochen wants to have a child, but she doesn't know her physical condition, so she still has hope. Although Ye Liang doesn't seem to care so much on the surface, he advises Ruochen not to care so much, and not to have any psychological pressure. Otherwise, it will be half the effort.But Ruochen knew that he also wanted a child of his own.

One day, Ruochen received a text message from Yingzi saying that she was pregnant, and she seemed so happy. Ruochen hurriedly called her to congratulate her, and looked back to see that her flat belly hadn't moved, and couldn't help but feel disappointed.

After Ruochen told Ye Liangyingzi that she was pregnant, he also sent a message to tease Xiaohai, saying: "Brother, you can do it, the winning rate is quite high!"

Xiao Hai replied proudly: "Of course, do you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Ye Liang smiled and said: "Forget it, I'll take myself as my teacher. I believe that my cultivation level is not inferior to yours!"

Ruochen couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and said that the focus of the chat between you men is different.

After two months, when Ruochen saw the pregnancy test stick, he wondered when there would be two bars!

Immediately afterwards, Yu'er also announced the good news, only Ruochen didn't move here, she felt even more lost, although she was prepared, but seeing the happiness of other families who became expectant parents and expectant mothers, how yearning she was.

Ye Liang persuaded her not to care about this, even without children, wouldn't it be better for them to live a sweet two-person world?Ye Liang also said that he likes the current two-person world very much, and whether he has children or not is really not important to him!Ruochen is very grateful to him for saying this, but he still feels guilty that he can't add a man and a half woman to the Ye family, because he feels that she is incomplete as a woman in this world.

Several months have passed, and there is still no movement. Yingzi is about to give birth.

Gradually, Ruochen's anxiety was not as strong as before, and he no longer had great hopes every month. He thought to let nature take its course, and being depressed every day has no effect, but will have a bad influence .

The next month after her and Ye Liang's wedding anniversary passed, Ruochen found out that her aunt was late again, this time more than ten days late, so Ruochen felt that her body should be recuperated, so she consulted a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. After the doctor asked her about the situation, she asked her to go for a pregnancy test first, but Ruochen didn't take it seriously, thinking that the test would be useless, Ye Liang said to listen to the doctor, go and have a test, so that the doctor can give you the medicine.

Ruochen went there reluctantly. When getting the results, Ye Liang went. Ruochen saw Ye Liang's tense face, and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that his illness has recurred?So she hurried over to snatch the test sheet, but she saw the cute positive symbol! ! !
At that moment, Ruochen couldn't believe it, and then burst into tears, and said angrily: "Ye Liang, you scoundrel, you are too bad, why are you scaring me!"

After speaking, I hugged Ye Liang and cried excitedly. Many things always happen at unexpected times. What do you think?

(End of this chapter)

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