It's time to play online

Chapter 106 The Helpful Dragon Soaring Guild

Chapter 106 The Helpful Dragon Soaring Guild

"Hello, baby?" Sitting in the captain's cabin of Dragon Tooth Boat, Wang Shuang wanted to tease Li Muxuan because he had nothing to do.

"My lord called me?" Li Muxuan turned her head away, her cheeks flushed, "I told you not to call people by strange names."

"That's just my hobby, you'll be fine if you know I'm calling you in the future." Wang Shuang laughed, sitting on a chair and slowly circling in circles: "I'm thinking now, how can we make Kongseting Village All the people from here think they were abducted to our Xianchen Island. Their place is too unsafe. They were pirates last time. I don’t know what it will be next time. If He Kun or the old village chief is killed, I will feel sorry for it too late what."

After all, one is an orange-level shipbuilding master, and the other is a skill that can synthesize worm soup.

"So what does your lord mean?" Li Muxuan tilted her head to look at Wang Shuang, and Li Er was pressed by Li Muxuan's action, so she also had to tilt her head to look at Wang Shuang.Hearing this, Wang Shuang laughed: "If you were the village head of Kongseting Village, what kind of situation would you have to encounter before you would come with me?"

"I think, at least the village must be in danger of extinction." Li Muxuan said, holding her chin.

"A group of them can't even defeat me at level 35. If you encounter any pirate force, you will die, right?" Wang Shuang asked with a wry smile.

"Yeah." Li Muxuan nodded: "Then the crisis didn't really come, they thought it was far away. If the pirates came to the village... Eh, that's not right, the pirates came to the village before They're inside, they don't want to escape, they want to fight the pirates to the death."

"That's because they can't escape, so they want to fight with their backs. If there is a chance to escape, who doesn't want to run, and who wants to give their life to the pirates." Wang Shuang said with a miserable face.

"That makes sense." Li Muxuan nodded.

Is she acknowledging brother's theory?Or are you implying that you are going to secretly leak the location of Kongseting Village to those pirates?Wang Shuang still has a task of installing a biogas collection device that he has not yet turned in, but this is not a problem. After Wang Shuang transports all the people back, it will not take much time to come back and refresh a copy.

Hey, brother, shouldn't he be a bad guy just now, otherwise they don't know how the plot will go if they are so comfortable.Will he be killed by pirates while brother is away?If the players haven't found this place yet, Wang Shuang is not worried about this situation.

But the problem is that now the copy of Heifenglin has been exposed, and because of the strong body strange book, there will definitely be a large number of people who use gold coins and materials in the studio to come here to synthesize the strong body strange book, and put the strong body The strange book was transported back to the main human city such as Saiyan City, and then the price difference of gold coins was earned by the action cost on the road and the maintenance cost of the ship.

If there are too many players, Kongseting Village will not be safe.As soon as there are more players near Kongseting Village, it is possible to attract the attention of NPCs.Are there any NPCs around here?Among other things, there must be the most pirates. When the other random pirates go to Kongseting Village to snatch people, I will be in pain.

I don't know how long it took, but Wang Shuang received another reminder of the accumulation of experience points in pathfinding and navigation. This time Xianchen Island is not far away from them.At this moment, Bloody Rise and Fall suddenly sent a private chat with Wang Shuang: "Wang Shuang? I heard that people from the Longteng Guild have landed in the Heifengling dungeon."

"Nani!" Wang Shuang was still thinking about this matter just now, but he was stunned when he received the news in a blink of an eye: "What's going on?"

"That's right." Bloody Rise and Fall didn't talk nonsense, and immediately began to explain: "One of our undercover agents in the management of the Dragon Soaring Guild said that two teams from the Soaring Dragon Guild have landed on Bounty Island from where we just set off. Now they are Going to see the attributes of the Strong Body Strange Book, if possible, the Longteng Guild will book the Strong Body Strange Book for two to three days."

"Purchase?" Wang Shuang was startled again, "Is there enough people for them to do this?"

"Wang Shuang, do you know how many members there are in the Dragon Soaring Guild?" Bloody Rise and Fall asked suddenly.

"I don't know, I'm not a member of their union, how would I know?"

"Let me tell you, there are about 560 million people in total." Because it was typing, I couldn't see the expression on Bloody Rise and Fall's face at this time, but Wang Shuang could still feel his emotion from Bloody Rise and Fall's reply speed and the way he chose words. Weak: "Did you know that during this time, the Longteng guild has been constantly moving, playing dungeons and guilds, and frequently playing on behalf of the human race, causing friction against players from several other races."

"There are so many people?" Wang Shuang's eyes widened.

"Yeah. And that's it. Under the banner of 'fighting for the glory of the human race, we don't associate with cowards', a large number of players were gathered. Regardless of their quality or level, as long as they dare to come, they dare to accept them. And After this incident, the number of members of the Longteng Guild's management team has doubled, which is more than the combined number of guild members in the other major guilds of our human races..."

"Already accounted for half of the human players?" Wang Shuang was really taken aback this time. Although he guessed that the Longteng Guild would rise strongly through a little shadow on the forum, he did not expect their rise to be so fast and so impressive. Being unprepared is so... frightening!
"At this time, you should work together to step him down first!" Wang Shuang was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.Then slowly, after a while, I figured it out——

Fuck, bro, this kind of casual player who has nothing to do with himself can hang himself high, eat melons and watch the show with a smile and watch your grand guild rise and fall, but you can't do it as the vice president of the grand guild, why do you Are you watching too?They wantonly poach people in the human race, and you just watch them fail?
"We are also powerless." Bloody Rise and Fall seemed to see through Wang Shuang's thoughts, and explained: "We are in a bit of an embarrassing situation now. If we fight the Longteng Guild, we will be criticized by players with a strong sense of honor in the human race. He ate the entire human race, and he is in a dilemma!"

"Fuck, you don't care how they scold you, a group of keyboard warriors!" Wang Shuang couldn't help but said, "They didn't go to beat Japanese people, they went to beat Chinese people, they just saved and stomped other Chinese people because of their different races... The sense of honor of the fart human race, go eat shit! Besides, in a large guild like yours, are there still few people who splash dirty water? You care about your own reputation?"

"Ahem, to be honest, this is indeed very important, especially when your image as a large guild becomes a piece of shit in the public mind, the guild is almost doomed." Unexpectedly, Bloody Rise and Fall replied very seriously. Wang Shuang.

Well, I don't understand the disputes of these grand guilds, but since you don't dare to step on it, why don't you go?Brother is not a member of the big guild, what can they do with him?I happened to come to do some calculations with them about the explosion of equipment back then. Speaking of which, I have been tricked by them into dozens of purple outfits, and I didn't bark like a mad dog on the forum every day.

The boat of Dragon Tooth docked just after the private chat ended. Bloody Rise and Fall didn't send any more news, and Wang Shuang didn't ask any more questions. After they all disembarked, Wang Shuang waved to them and started on the road again.

If we go any further, it has already been an hour. They might have killed all the people in Kongseting Village long ago, right?Wang Shuang was a little annoyed that he didn't switch to the automatic transmission all the way, but drove all the way to Kongseting Village in manual mode.

Finally approaching the bounty island again, turning off the reminders for increasing the experience points of pathfinding and navigation skills, Wang Shuang drove the boat of dragon teeth into the cave, and saw more than 10 small boats docked on the temporary shore.Grass!Wang Shuang felt uneasy again, thinking that since my brother has been delayed for an hour, it is not bad for [-] minutes.So he drove the dragon tooth boat and slowly squeezed all the twenty or so small boats out of the cave.

Seeing the boats drifting farther and farther away, Wang Shuang nodded with satisfaction, got off the boat after docking, found a protruding ore on the shore, entangled the Dragon Tooth Boat with several ropes, and then took Li Muxuan onto the boat. Bounty Island.

The island is sunny and sunny, with no clouds, no hustle and bustle, no noise, everything is very peaceful... There is no gunpowder smoke rising into the sky as imagined, and there is no sound of fighting or shouting, everything is no different from usual.But is there really no difference?That's impossible, those twenty or so small boats are the evidence that players from the Longteng Guild have already landed on Bounty Island!Wang Shuang only hopes that this is not a sign that he is late.

Arriving at the entrance of Kongseting Village, Wang Shuang hadn't entered yet, when he suddenly saw someone rushing towards him.Damn it, where is the evildoer?Wang Shuang was so frightened that he pulled out his dagger, and was about to strike him first, but it turned out that the person who came was the old village head!
The old village head looked very flustered, holding several scrolls and bottles and cans in his hands. After being knocked down by Wang Shuang, these things were all scattered on the ground next to him. Wang Shuang shrank his head and was about to pick up the ground. s things.

The old village chief raised his head and became excited when he saw Wang Shuang, and grabbed Wang Shuang's outstretched left hand: "The adventurer who has made great contributions to our village, you are finally here! We need yours now!" help!"


System prompt: The village chief of Kongseting Village has issued a blue-colored mission "Relocation Plan for Kongseting Village" to you. Do you accept it?

Fuck?Fuck!Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, and immediately became extremely excited. What is this? Why is there a mission suddenly?Why did you suddenly want to go with brother?
Could it be that the Longteng guild threatened them, and even wanted to kill them. Facing the threat of death, they finally understood that this place was no longer safe?Wang Shuang looked back and saw that the Longteng Guild was about to catch up in a hurry.Sure enough, it's you, what about the other villagers?Wang Shuang looked around from the corner of his eye, and all the surrounding villagers were standing in front of the house!dead?I don't know, because Wang Shuang couldn't see everyone at a glance.

But it doesn't matter, other NPCs are not important, as long as the old village chief and He Kun are here!Hahaha, wait, brother, I will liberate you!

(End of this chapter)

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