Chapter 107
First of all, kill these Longteng guild players first, then Wang Shuang subconsciously greeted Li Muxuan, and started shooting at the crowd of Longteng guild.

"Wang Shuang?" The leader immediately recognized Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang also glanced at the ID on his head, Long Teng fell into battle?This ID is a bit familiar, it seems to be one of the few people who killed brother for the first time.When Wang Shuang was recalling, the three arrows beside him galloped past Wang Shuang's next door with sonic booms, and there was a sharp wind sound along the way.The few people in Long Teng's battle didn't seem like mediocre people, but when they saw the momentum of the arrow, their expressions immediately changed, and they shouted: "Scatter!"

bang bang bang!Long Teng reacted quickly and escaped the first round of three consecutive shots, but the players behind him were not so lucky. These three arrows can dig a blood hole in the boss, and it will naturally hit the player. It directly knocked the player into the air and turned it into white light in seconds.

It seems that Long Teng knew before this that once these three arrows were hit by Li Muxuan, she would not have to think about surviving. She didn't express any thoughts on the death of the three Long Teng guild members, but put down her weapons and raised her arms and shouted: "Everyone spread out, let's get here!" Get rid of all the NPCs, leave no one behind!"

"The captain has spoken, kill!" A few people who looked like the captain stood up and waved in the crowd, and suddenly many players who were densely gathered behind were about to disperse into several groups. Kill the surrounding NPCs.

Brother will let you succeed?Wang Shuang snorted and snapped his fingers: "Li Muxuan, then throw a sonic wave into their crowd area!"

"Understood." Li Muxuan raised her longbow at a 45-degree angle to the sky, and the bowstring opened like a full moon. However, she did not take out the feathered arrow from behind her at this time, but just shot the arrow in vain. Rapid expansion.Until the sky above the crowd suddenly exploded, turning into orange ring columns condensed one by one, like a bamboo knot standing upright against the wind.Immediately afterwards, the bamboo joints began to explode from top to bottom like a collapsed floor!

Sonic Tide is the only range skill on Li Muxuan, and it is also the key skill that Wang Shuang pays attention to.Although I used to fight alone before, there was no room for this skill, but now it's coming out?Well, it seems that I have used it once before, when exactly?Wang Shuang couldn't remember clearly.

"Spread out, hurry up!" Long Teng shouted loudly: "Cancel the formation and immediately leave the center of the area damage skills!"

Because the skill of Sonic Tide exploded in mid-air, the first few bamboo joints exploded and did not cause damage to the people below, but the huge wind pressure generated by the explosion reduced the movement of players in a large area below. Speed, and then the bamboo joints slowly collapsed from top to bottom, and a small amount of damage, medium damage, and a large amount of damage began to appear!
What the hell, is it so hanging?Brother remember that this is just an ordinary range skill?Wang Shuang stared wide-eyed at the last section, that is, the bamboo section closest to the ground exploded, and the damage instantly flooded a large area of ​​players below——

At least thirty white lights shot up into the sky in the last explosion!The rest of the players fell to the ground in embarrassment, and most of them were in a slow-moving state.Slowed down?

Wang Shuang quickly glanced at Li Muxuan's skill panel and found the description of Sonic Tides.

——Sonic Tide LV1: The urging sound symbol creates a shock force field in the target area, causing a total of 5 explosions. If the target is too far away from the explosion, the wind pressure deceleration effect will be reduced by 48? ? ?Speed ​​and movement speed; if the target is a certain distance from the explosion, 30 60?Deal the damage of the attack and gain half the wind pressure deceleration effect. If the target is too close to the explosion, it will suffer 80 110?damage from the attack.

Fuck, with so many lines of description, I don’t remember how it used to be like this?There used to be 30? ? ?Dizziness or something else, could it be that because the level of Li Muxuan's followers has increased, her skills have also been strengthened?
At this time, the old village head next to Wang Shuang also jumped out suddenly, and shouted to the villagers who were still standing in a daze: "Everyone, if you don't run now, when will you wait? The adventurer who once saved our village It's already here, everyone follow him and run out!"

"Let's go, let's go together." The NPCs responded fiercely. Wang Shuang even saw He Kun standing among the fleeing crowd.He didn't bring anything, just took a hammer and a strange stone and walked towards Wang Shuang.

"Muxuan, the firepower is suppressed, I'll meet the villagers who are far away!" Wang Shuang said, and at the same time glanced at the old village chief: "Do you know the cave below your village? My boat of dragon teeth..."

"We have a boat for all living beings, which travels more than a hundred nautical miles a day!" The old village chief immediately interrupted Wang Shuang's words.

Fuck, I almost forgot that you guys have boats too!
Several NPCs far away from the entrance of the village were still slowly moving towards the entrance of the village step by step. Wang Shuang held a dagger and rushed into the group of Longteng Guild players.Who to kill?Needless to say, it must be the captain who gave the orders!As soon as Wang Shuang came up, he aimed at Long Teng's trap. Long Teng's trap seemed to know that he was being watched by Wang Shuang, and he roared angrily. Instead, he swung the big ax in his hand first, and slashed at Wang Shuang with a horizontal strike!


"The parry was successful!"

Double-digit damage appeared on Wang Shuang's head. Long Teng's whole body was shocked, the corner of his mouth buzzed and his face turned pale. It seemed that he couldn't understand why Wang Shuang's physical defense was so high!

"See you in Saiyan City." Wang Shuang chuckled, the dagger twirled quickly between his fingers, like a shining pen, and then lightly slashed across Long Teng's neck, a large amount of blood gushed out like a fountain at this moment, lasting for a while After the meeting, it poured down like a waterfall.

Gouging blood has a special effect when used on the neck, although the damage will not change.Wang Shuang glanced at Long Teng for the last time, met the dull eyes of the other party, and smiled coldly: "By the way, the meaning of meeting in Saiyan City is that your teammates will go back without leaving, don't worry. "

He seemed to want to say something, but the time was up, he turned into white light, and disappeared in place together with the waterfall of blood pouring down from his neck.

The square in the former Kongseting Village was already in flames of war.Almost all the surviving players in the Dragon Soaring Guild have recovered from the abnormal state. Several team leaders were busy directing the situation on the scene, but they couldn't avoid Li Muxuan's hundred-step arrows that hit every shot and Wang Shuang's sneaky normal attack combo. ,, one after another fell down.

After all the squad leaders fell, the Longteng Guild showed amazing cohesion and fighting power.Before the last team leader fell down, they had already killed three ordinary NPC villagers, and after that, they used crowd tactics to push Wang Shuang away—yes, pushing instead of attacking.They just used their hands, so that Wang Shuan couldn't get close to the rear. He could only watch a dozen NPCs slowly lose their health bars and fell on the hands of members of the Longteng guild.

There is always an advantage in having a large number of people. Even if they don't push them away, there are other ways to stop Wang Shuang's actions, and they are also very smart. No one attacked Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan at all, perhaps because of the double-digit damage caused by Long Teng's attack just now. Excited?Damn, brother shouldn't be acting forceful, chopping up the dragon and trapping him might still attract the attention of these people now!
Now that they didn't attack Wang Shuang at all, it was only a matter of time before Wang Shuang wiped them all out. In addition, Li Muxuan took away two or three players with three consecutive shots, and his efficiency was soaring.In less than 3 minutes, all the hundreds of players turned into white lights and returned to Saiyan City to be revived.

At the center of the square in the original Kongseting Village, a shallow pit appeared at this time, accompanied by several obvious cracks.It was the sonic tide that Li Muxuan had just released, but I don't know why the special effect was not erased by the system.Most of the blood sprayed by the player before death has also been refreshed, leaving only a few drops of blood soaked into the soil, and not far away, the corpses of more than a dozen dead NPCs.

NPC corpses will not be brushed off, probably because of their special type of NPC.Wang Shuang went up and walked around silently, looking at the faces of the NPCs one by one. These people were all villagers who Wang Shuang saw usually had no special role.

Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little sad. It turns out that after having the talent of time to run, he is not a multi-faceted expert. After all, he is still an ordinary game player who likes gold coins and has a little manipulation.Looking at these NPCs, they seemed helpless under the siege of the Longteng guild. Even if I tried my best to protect them, I was finally blocked by the crowd tactics of the Longteng guild, and could only watch them die.

Perhaps because the battle was over, the old village chief and others also came up from behind, standing beside Wang Shuang and looking at the dead together.Several of them couldn't help crying as if they were seeing their relatives die.Wang Shuang sighed and asked the old village chief, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"The enemies have all been killed. Of course we have to look at these dead people." The old village head said.He bent down, stretched out his hand, and gently closed the eyelids of a young man who died with his eyes open, making his death look less terrifying.

"Village Chief, can you listen to me?" At this moment, Li Er, who was on Li Muxuan's shoulder, suddenly spoke.Holy crap, Wang Shuang glanced at this little guy in surprise. Li Muxuan used to say that there was a story to speak at this time, but this time it was this guy's turn to speak. Could it be that there was also a story?

"Go ahead." The old village head's eyes fell on Li Muxuan's shoulders, and he didn't know whether he was happy or sad in his cloudy eyes.

"If you had listened to my master and moved to a safe place earlier, this disaster would not have happened." Lier meowed at the end of the sentence for some unknown reason, and licked her paws. Lier continued: "I think you still don't want to be here now? Do you think there will be no enemies after this time? I want to ask you, if the enemy comes again next time and we don't have time to come, your village will be killed What should I do if I lose my light? Kongseting Village, I can't bear it!"

"This..." Other villagers began to discuss.

"Nani?" Wang Shuang also stared at Li Er with wide eyes, brother let them move?Is this something Godo mentioned earlier?At that time, you hadn't returned to Brother Shun, right? How did you know what happened at that time?Ah, needless to say, it must be the glory of the system master shining on you again.

"I understand." The old village head finally sighed and looked at Wang Shuang: "I will take the villagers out of here, adventurer, if you don't mind, can you let me join your territory?"

Fuck, how did you know that brother has established a territorial power?Hey, needless to say, this is all the routine of the system master!What else can Wang Shuang say?Of course, they directly agreed to their request!

(End of this chapter)

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