It's time to play online

Chapter 108 Moving into Xianchen Island

Chapter 108 Moving into Xianchen Island

System prompt: A total of 868 people in the hidden village of Kongseting Village have requested to join your faction "Dark Dragon Lan"!
Nothing to say, agree.

"Wait a minute." At this time, the old village head suddenly pressed Wang Shuang's shoulder, and said earnestly: "We still want to live alone in an environment, if possible, can you arrange a remote place for us to live alone? "

remote place?Wang Shuang murmured, "It's like Kongseting Village, which is located in a remote and quiet mountain range?"

"Hey, yes, it would be better if we can be safer and have something to do." The old village head said.

Is there such a place on Xianchen Island?Subconsciously, Wang Shuang thought of a rugged mine—the underground of Xianchen Island!That's right, the remnants of the underground Long Lan pirate group have been completely swept away by my brother. If they live underground, they will just finish mining the remaining minerals.It's just asking them to do this kind of physical work, can they do it?

Wang Shuang immediately shared his opinion with the old village head. The old village head obviously showed a hesitant expression, and he didn't directly reject it. Is there still play?After Wang Shuang looked at it, he continued to add fuel to the fire: "No one usually visits this place. The main reason is that it is quiet. Although the sun cannot be seen, the environment below is still very good."

"However, I'm mainly worried that I can't see the sun. Will there be any problems if I stay for a long time?" The old village head asked: "Besides, we used to grow crops. Now we suddenly go to mine ore. It's up to the villagers to disagree." problem."

"Ask them directly if you agree or not!" Wang Shuan couldn't help but said anxiously.

The old village chief didn't speak, and turned his head to communicate with the villagers one by one. After about 10 minutes, he returned to Wang Shuang and sighed: "We should continue farming on the ground."

That's right.But since you don't go underground, there are still some underground mines that can be mined. At that time, I will ask the people of the Long Lan Legion to continue mining, otherwise it will be embarrassing enough for the people of the Long Lan Legion to meet the people of Saiyan City .

The old village head took Wang Shuang to the official port of Kongseting Village—yes, the place where the Dragon Tooth Boat was parked was not the official port of Kongseting Village, it was just a temporary cave.And the place where Wang Shuang is now is the only river next to Kongseting Village, the Zhanlong River.

This is the source of drinking water for the villagers, the source of irrigation for the villagers, and the source of domestic water for washing clothes and cooking.At this time, a large boat was slowly pushed onto the river.That's right, big ship!It is different from a medium ship like the Dragon Tooth Boat.What's so special about big ships?The durability of the big ship is high, the cabin space that can be accommodated is large, and the room types are complete!
The speed is about the same as that of a medium ship, even slightly slower than a small ship, and the effect of using wind as power greatly reduces the action of a large ship, so generally large ships are powered by burning oil or firewood, and install propellers and water at the bottom of the ship. The lower push valve is used as an auxiliary forward power to ensure that there will be no problem of being unable to push due to the heavy weight of the large ship.

The villagers did not go up immediately after finding the boat of all living beings, but went back to the original place of Kongseting Village. Wang Shuang couldn't help but be delighted to see them dismantling their original houses one by one and turning them into the most basic building materials. : You also bring your own materials for building a house. That’s right, so I don’t need to help you find a place, and you have to collect resources to build a house for you.

Several villagers did not go to demolish the house, but gathered in front of more than a dozen corpses.There was hesitation, sadness, and even tears on their faces... Wang Shuang couldn't stand it anymore, so he couldn't help but walked over and patted them on the shoulder, saying, "Dead people can't be brought back to life, so mourning goes along with it."

"Thank you Lord Lord." The villager wiped the corners of his eyes.Wang Shuang is happy, lord?Brother is the lord?What are the other seven people?Is it also the lord?Hey, of course, after all, there is no difference in status between brother and them.

Dots of flames slowly ignited, and then burned blazingly on the corpses of these dozen people, turning into gray smoke soaring into the sky and floating in the air.Wang Shuang silently looked at the charred and unrecognizable corpse, and sighed, "Let's go, I will come back later."

The other villagers basically restored the house to basic materials, carried them on their backs and transported them to the boat of all living beings.Seeing the number of houses shrinking one by one, Wang Shuang also boarded his Dragon Tooth Boat, identified the map, and finally found the entrance of Zhanlong River after everyone had assembled.Wang Shuang's middle boat sailed in front of the boat of all living beings, guiding them.

A medium ship and a large ship started to launch just like that. Wang Shuang estimated that the orange-level shipbuilder He Kun was at the helm of the large ship.In fact, among the 868 people, Wang Shuang was most excited to be abducted to He Kun, an orange-level shipbuilding master. What's the use?At least you can build a ship!What do Wang Shuang and the others lack now?Lack of big boats!
Now the pirate forces around Wang Shuang are already on guard against Wang Shuang. This can be seen from the pirate patrol ships that evade all the way when Wang Shuang comes over.Presumably, Wang Shuang's momentum was too shocking, and they wiped out two forces in the Sighing Islands one after another in two days: the Longlan Pirates and the Wicked Pirates.Moreover, they maintained friendly contact with Saiyan City, which made other pirates wary of Wang Shuang and the others.

Wang Shuang had already guessed the next battle, if it happened, it would definitely be at sea.Why?Because pirates are pirates after all, only the sea is their battlefield.Landing battles are not for them.Besides, the pirates are home at sea, but Wang Shuang and the others are not!Even considering from the perspective of exploiting strengths and avoiding weaknesses, other pirates would choose to besiege Wang Shuang and the others at sea, and eventually wipe them out.

So why did the Long Lan Pirates agree to fight Wang Shuang and the others on land?Wang Shuang thought that it was probably because they only had a few players coming over, they had no momentum, and looked no different from ordinary thieves.For robbers and robbers, the normal psychology is not to provoke them, but to avoid them; when you meet a thief?Of course everyone is shouting and beating!
It's just that they later proved themselves with their strength, and then provoked the wicked pirate group because of a fief order.It is estimated that Huang Yansheng, the head of the villain pirate group, thought at that time that they must not have gained a firm foothold on the first day of their arrival, but this is a good opportunity to expand their territory, so they also chose to land.

Hey, young people, you still have a lot to learn!Brother's behavior style is something you can guess at will?Didn't the villain pirate group end up at my brother's hands?Because there was no food, they reluctantly turned to Wang Shuang when they were about to starve to death.

I can only say that you have made a wise decision. You will have a better future if you follow my brother. If you go it alone, you can only be wiped out by him, just like this group of pirates who are always on guard against you at sea, wow haha!
About an hour later, Wang Shuang arrived at the shore of Xianchen Island as expected. This time, the blue-level navigation skill gained experience again, but the blue-level pathfinding skill was silent.That's right, I have come and gone so many times, the role of pathfinding has long since ended, so I have no reason to gain experience.

After Wang Shuang docked, as in the morning, a group of players from the Bloodseal Guild and Molu Elegy Guild surrounded him, but this time, Wang Shuang accidentally saw a familiar guy in the crowd——Huang Yansheng.

By the way, he was subdued into a follower by Xue Yique.When Wang Shuang remembered that such a follower of the yellow rank was so easily subdued by Xue Yique, Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling so regretful that it was hard to attach.If I knew he was so easy to handle, I should have tried it back then!I already have a follower, and a pet that splits my experience bar equally, so I don't care if there are more!

But at this moment, Wang Shuang could only look at Huang Yansheng with a faint smile: "Where is Xue Yique, are you on the island?"

"Yes." Huang Yansheng pointed to the island from afar.

Wang Shuang nodded, and was about to go down when suddenly some players asked, "Well, what is this big ship behind?"

"Ah, it's the villagers I brought back." Wang Shuang was about to explain when the player said excitedly, "Is it the villagers of 868 hidden villages who just joined our territory?"

Ok?Oh, probably they also had reminders of similar team information. After I agreed with them to join, I guess Xue Yique and the others also received the reminder, and then passed it on to the members of the guild.

"I heard that all the NPCs in the hidden village have unique skills, is it true?" a player asked.

"I heard that all the NPCs in the hidden village have super missions that can be dug deeper, is it true?" a player excitedly asked.

"I heard that the NPCs in the hidden village can release special products, which are very powerful and have bugs, do they really exist?" Some players seem to almost jump on those NPCs!Fuck, you guys are enough!Wang Shuang quickly stopped a group of players who were eager to try: "No, there is nothing. The gringos often ask, do all of you Chinese know kung fu? In fact, how is it possible? The hidden village is also the same. They are the same as ordinary people. NPCs are actually no different."

Seeing their expectant eyes, Wang Shuang knew that they didn't fully believe him.Hey, forget it, it is true that there are a few talents in Kongseting Village, but most of them are ordinary villagers.Wang Shuang had no choice but to let the players quickly part ways and let him take the old village chief and other hundreds of NPCs to Xianchen Island.

"How do you feel about this island?" After walking for a while, Wang Shuang suddenly turned his head and asked.

"The village chief's hall hasn't been built yet!" The old village chief's answer was wrong, which made Wang Shuang a little puzzled.

"I, I..." The old village chief suddenly became excited and looked at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, can I be the village chief of this village?"

"Huh?" Wang Shuang's brain short-circuited for a moment, and then he thought about it, as if... there is really no problem?

Yes, Wang Shuang and the others are the owners of the dark Longlan forces, and the Longlan army is the guardian, responsible for the security of the forces.As for the villainous pirate group, I heard that they have been domesticated almost now, from pirates to ordinary villagers or refugees.And the head of the family was subdued by Xue Yique, so naturally no one could be found to be the village head!
Looking at the old village head again, no matter in terms of qualifications or experience, there is no doubt that he is the most suitable candidate to be the village head!

The old village chief slapped his head and said excitedly: "By the way, I can also be a village chief. If I come to be the village chief, your village must have a great advantage!"

Damn, you still know the village chief skills?Wang Shuang grinned, "Let me take a look?"

The old village head nodded, waved his hand, and a display board was posted:

——Shou Cheng (Village Chief Skill): Trigger the skill effect when serving as the Village Chief.After triggering, the work efficiency of each villager increases by 20 in peacetime? ? ?The speed at which villagers transform into villagers increases by 20? ? ?Vegetation plant maturity speed increased by 20?

This skill!How to describe it in one word?Nothing to say, after this village is built, the position of village head must belong to you!

(End of this chapter)

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