It's time to play online

Chapter 111 The key to breaking the game

Chapter 111 The key to breaking the game

Wang Shuang glanced at Li Muxuan. She first showed surprise on her face, and then the surprise slowly turned into anger, and she slammed the coffin boards on it.Glancing at Wang Shuang: "My lord, it's time for us to set off and kill the dark king here!"

"Do you know where it is?" Wang Shuang remembered as soon as he said this. The last time Li Muxuan was in the dark world under the Xianchen Island, he also went all the way forward by himself, and found the dark king very easily.

"En." Li Muxuan nodded, turned her head and ran out of the tunnel.Wang Shuang glanced at the dug out coffin, sighed helplessly, and followed.

They came out of the green valley, through the narrow tunnel, over the peak, and back to the entrance.Then Li Muxuan continued to run in another direction, and Wang Shuang could only follow closely behind. Because of the amulet, the dark monsters along the way could not avoid them.

The further they walked, the more low-lying the terrain became for Wang Shuang. Finally, they entered another cave and saw a big pit in the deepest part of the cave.

"Jump down." Li Muxuan turned her head and said to Wang Shuang. Before Wang Shuang could react, she took a deep breath and jumped down.

Nani, aren't you afraid of falling to your death?Wang Shuang sighed. Since she is not afraid of what her brother is afraid of, and the King of Darkness is below, there should be terrain like a deep pool to respond.Wang Shuang felt that his conjecture was very convincing, so he also jumped down——

The feeling of falling came to an abrupt end quickly, and Wang Shuang fell to the ground, but the soil in the Underworld seemed to be very special, not only the color was bloody red, but Wang Shuang didn't drop a drop of blood when he fell.Supporting the ground with his hands, Wang Shuang jumped up.

"This is not very good." Wang Shuang raised his head and subconsciously said this sentence after reading the attributes of the Dark Lord.

——Dark King (Red-LV50 leader-level creature): Vitality 1000000, physical attack 2900, physical defense 2000, physical resistance 35? ? ?Magic attack 2500, magic defense 2400, magic resistance 40? ? ?Abilities: Dark Attack, Dark Body, Dark Corruption, Dark Throw, Dark Thrust.

——Gloom Throw: Use the surrounding scene objects to throw, and each throw causes 600 125?manage attack damage, and have 20? ? ?Adds stun status to the target.

——幽暗突刺:蓄力2.5秒,对前方目标区域的单位造成400 135???攻击的伤害,并有80???造成额外40?理攻击的伤害。

100 million blood!Star wish company, are you crazy, 100 million, how can I kill this guy?The attribute of this boss is too strong!And this place seems to be closed terrain, brother can't get out now that he's in?

Fortunately, although Wang Shuang and the others came down, they didn't immediately enter the fighting state - the dark king in front of him seemed to be wandering in a dream.

"Baby, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry to attack." Wang Shuang said in a trembling voice with a pale face.

"Well, listen to your lord." Li Muxuan nodded.

Wang Shuang opened the forum, typed in the word "Dark Realm", and immediately a bunch of posts popped up.The number of visits and discussions is not low, it seems that other players often come here too?That's right, after all, every dungeon has the existence of the dark world, and some of the dark worlds are like Wang Shuang's previous one on Xianchen Island, as long as you walk over, you will be sucked into it.

Some players are just idle and like to travel through some strange terrains in the dungeon. As a result, they often accidentally travel to the Underworld.But after discovering the Underworld, especially after seeing the monsters and strange laws in the Underworld, their interest has not diminished but increased, and it seems that they have spontaneously established a special Underworld exploration team.It is intended to explore the location of the Underworld in each dungeon, and posted it on the forum.

Fuck, brother, thank you so much.In this way, if you want to find the Underworld in the future, you don't have to work hard, just go to the forum and check it out!
Wang Shuang liked the post, and then continued to browse the relevant information of the Underworld, and suddenly saw a player's message, no, it should be said to be the official message of Star Wish, because the ID is red, and it is full of various characters below. A shiny medal.It is undoubtedly the official response of Star Wish!What did he say?

——Star Wish Official: The Dark Realm does exist, but some people say that there are bugs in the Dark Realm, and our explanation for this is not the case.We can be sure that all the settings in Star Wish are reasonable and are under the control of the game developers.Even the Underworld, known as the BUG map, is the same.The Underworld is a special dungeon with its own set of rules, but it is still under our control and there are no bugs.

Is the Underworld a special dungeon specially opened by the Star Wish official?Wang Shuang was shocked. He thought this was a map that was not controlled by the government, but he didn't expect that it was deliberately made by the government.

Why open such a place?Then the problem goes back to the beginning: every decision made by the game company is not for the benefit of players, or to cultivate some masters.They are companies, not philanthropists, and their purpose of developing functions is ultimately to collect money.

Why is this special dungeon developed for players to experiment?

Wang Shuang couldn't figure it out, he felt that his knowledge was still not enough.It's as if he used to be confused why he put the money in the bank, and the bank will give you interest every month.He also couldn't figure out why some people said that depositing money in the bank would lead to losses.Then keep it in your own hands all the time, and get that fixed amount of money every day, wouldn’t it be more of a loss?
Probably the difficulty of the additional questions?Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that when he was in school, the math teacher always liked to add an extra question at the end of the paper, but this extra question was very difficult.But it is no different for Wang Shuang, a math scumbag. He can't finish all the questions in class, and he never reads the extra questions.

This kind of question is usually written for those who have developed thinking and cannot satisfy the questions in the class.What if you put this concept into the game?Wang Shuang was completely numb, and suddenly realized: the questions in the test paper are equivalent to the copy, and the red difficulty is equivalent to the last question in the general test paper.Different levels of difficulty test players of different levels, and classify their strengths into ranks and grades.

If there is a gap, they will want to catch up. Players at the bottom either try their best to farm monsters and equipment, which is several times more effort than the players above, or directly spend money in the game to continuously strengthen their attributes, pets and followers.As long as the follower is strong enough, like Wang Shuang, all kinds of dungeons can be cleared with only one follower.Although Wang Shuang is not simply strong as a follower, he also has a talent that is a crucial factor.

After spending money, of course you can climb up.If the equipment is good enough, even if you stand still and have no brains to fight with the boss all the time, it will be fine.After defeating the red level, is there any reason for them to charge money to play the game?At this time, the ultimate difficulty, that is, the dark world appeared.

That's right, this is an additional hidden copy, there are no dropped items, and even the mobs are very difficult to deal with.Not to mention the bosses with various dark guards and dark attack bonuses.In fact, in the final analysis, this dark world is even just an entertainment place for other players.Fuck, why is my brother so witty, I can clearly understand the official thinking of Xingyuan, if I don't report to Xingyuan company, it's really a loss for a talent like my brother!

Unraveling a knot in his heart, Wang Shuang finally felt much more at ease.Looking back at the sleeping dark king, Wang Shuang was about to start thinking about another question.

How to beat this guy?

As Wang Shuang saw, they were standing in a small cave, and the sound of running water could be heard from inside the stone, but there was nothing in the cave except stones.And here is still a closed space, the only exit is the upper passage, climb up and return to the position just before jumping off.

"Huh?" Suddenly Wang Shuang discovered that the stones here can be moved. After trying it, it seems that there is a large piece of stone in the cave that can be moved.Wang Shuang suddenly thought that Heifengling was still a single-player dungeon.Even if you charge up money and put on the best equipment, what should an average player do to beat this boss with millions of blood on the premise that he can't drink blood medicine?

No, although the system is perverted, it doesn't make it impossible to beat the scene, right?Wang Shuang observed the surroundings, and now there are only two things that people are most concerned about: one is the sleeping BOSS, there is nothing to say about it, it is estimated that the player will wake up after attacking.The second is all the stones that can be moved nearby.This can also be explained from the skills of the BOSS: his skill Dark Throw requires scene items as a medium to activate.

But are so many stones really just for the boss?

Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that in the past, when he was usually stuck in the plot and couldn't move, Li Muxuan would remind himself.Why didn't you speak this time?Even if she didn't know, Li Er should know, this pet's intelligence setting is so high, it must be able to see something, right?
So he turned his head and took a look behind him. Li Muxuan was looking at the boss intently, her beautiful eyes unblinking. Li Er had already turned into a pet soul mode and attached herself to Li Muxuan.Fuck, there is no way to go on like this, so Wang Shuang could only ask in a low voice, "Mu Xuan, is there any way you can defeat this guy in front of you?"

"Maybe." Li Muxuan glanced at Wang Shuang and nodded.

Nani, what do you mean by this answer?Wang Shuang was stunned. Logically speaking, if the NPC said there should be one, then it would have, but why is this answer so strange, maybe there is?Is there anything worse?

Wang Shuang suddenly thought of these stones on the ground, and pointed to the ground: "If we use these stones, before the boss wakes up, can we have a way and be sure to defeat him?"

Li Muxuan suddenly became all smiles: "Then it should be fine."

Fuck, after all, this game still needs the player to take the lead, let the player discover the clues by themselves, and then use the clues discovered by the player as the main line, and then cooperate with the intelligence of the NPC to come up with the correct solution!Sure enough, now that Wang Shuang discovered the key to breaking the game, Li Muxuan immediately gave a hint. What should he explain?It means that she has already thought of a way, and now the problem is finally solved!

(End of this chapter)

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