It's time to play online

Chapter 112 Unable to Fight Back

Chapter 112 Unable to Fight Back
Even so, Wang Shuang still didn't know how to solve it.But it doesn't matter, as long as Li Muxuan understands!Wang Shuang quickly asked her for advice, while Li Muxuan smiled and said, "My lord, how do you think I will resist the dark king with these stones?"

Ok?You ask bro?Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, and glanced at the dark king.It stands to reason that a boss of this level can be dealt with alone, and cannot take red medicine, and the offense and defense are too high to be solved, so the entire boss is unsolvable.But since Li Muxuan said there is a way, then there is.

Not being able to take the red potion means not being able to recover qi and blood, and not being able to recover qi and blood means not being able to be attacked... While thinking about it, a clear idea spread in Wang Shuang's mind. The whole clue was like a well-growing melon vine, Wang Shuang has now caught the tail of the melon vine, as long as he touches up the melon vine, he will be able to touch the whole melon.

Wang Shuang asked in amazement: "Could it be that these stones were used to throw the dark king directly to death? But its energy and blood seem to be quite thick. Is it so easy to be killed?"

Li Muxuan's pretty smile collapsed, and she couldn't help but said angrily: "My lord? Why did you think of using stones? It's very difficult for us to move these stones. How can we use them against the enemy? I guess we are lucky if we can barely move these stones." .”

Um, this is what I said.But how to use these stones, is it necessary to build a place like an arrow tower, and let Li Muxuan go up to shoot the boss?Not to mention whether Brother Arrow Tower can be built, even if it is built, wouldn't the boss smash the Arrow Tower with a wave of his hand?

Li Muxuan had already put on an idiot's eyes to stare at Wang Shuang. In desperation, Wang Shuang had no choice but to surrender: "Okay, tell me directly what method you think of, I can't guess..."

"Hmph." Li Muxuan snorted twice, and suddenly smiled: "Look, my lord, there are a lot of these stones, right?"

"Yes." Wang Shuang showed Monk Zhang Er's puzzled expression.

"You see that the dark king is sleeping, and he looks about the same size as us?"

"This... is it?"

"You said these stones suddenly fell from above, is it possible to bury him in it?"

For such an instant, Wang Shuang froze in place in shock.Then he hurriedly asked: "Aren't you afraid that it will break free from these stones?"

"My lord, do you know how much strength is needed to lift such a stone?" Li Muxuan asked with a serious expression suddenly.

"This..." Wang Shuang lowered his head and picked up a stone. He thought it would be easy to lift because of its small size, but Wang Shuang suddenly found that even though he tried his best, the stone on the ground remained motionless.Wang Shuang was shocked, and tried another smaller stone, but it still didn't work: "How is this possible?"

"Of course, this is the Dark Realm." Li Muxuan bent down, clasped the stone with her palm and exerted strength, and the unsolvable stone in Wang Shuang's hand just now was grabbed immediately: "Look, this is the Dark Rock. It is fifty times heavier than the stones outside."

Damn, it's so powerful!Wang Shuang was overjoyed, and then showed a worried look: "But this BOSS has lived here for so long, it should be able to adapt to this gravity, you see, when it has a skill to release, it has to grab these stones and hold them Throw it."

Li Muxuan smiled indifferently after hearing this: "My lord is stupid, if it can afford one piece, can it still afford 100 yuan? - Even if it can afford 100 yuan, can it still afford all the dark rocks in the entire cave?" ?”

Fuck!Wang Shuang was so shocked that he couldn't speak, and he was so impressed.As expected of the master of the system, he was really thoughtful, and thanks to my brother who discovered it in time, if he didn't have the supply of red potion and half of his blood was slapped out after the real fight, it would be a pain in the ass!
Now Wang Shuang and the others only have one last problem, how to get up.But this doesn't seem to be a problem for Li Muxuan.As a hunter, Li Muxuan seemed to have been proficient in this kind of skill of crawling around in the cave since she was a child. The entrance of the cave that she fell just now was very small, and Li Muxuan came to the entrance of the cave easily by stepping on a few dark rocks around her.Then support the edge of the hole with both hands, and move up bit by bit.

Soon, Li Muxuan came back and wiped the sweat from her forehead: "I can only move two dark rocks at a time, my lord will wait for me here."

Uh, this is also a pain in the ass, how long will you have to move so many stones in this cave?Wang Shuang had no choice but to sit down where he was, and started browsing the forum.Li Muxuan began to work hard like a brick mover... No, I can't think that way, I always feel that this status and position are reversed, but I am not a strong type, and I can't move it even if I want to!
"Hey, it's right to follow the plot." Wang Shuang could only comfort himself with "not in the position, not in the job", while opening the game forum of Xingyuan.Suddenly he glanced up and saw that the number of posts on the forum today was extremely hot.What's the matter, something serious happened?Wang Shuang quickly scrolled down the forum——

Sticky post: The maintenance and upgrade activities of Star Wish Company's servers.

Post content: The school season of 20XX is coming, Star Wish will maintain and upgrade the server from August 8th to August 27th, and add a server in Magnesia and Ouzhou.At that time, within the first three weeks of server opening in the two regions, the rate at which all players gain gold coins, experience, and drop equipment will increase by 8? ? ?Together, we welcome friends from Meiguo District and Ouzhou District to join the game.

"Damn it." Wang Shuang's heart sank when he saw this. As expected, Xingyuan has begun to internationalize.In Mei Country and Ouzhou District, the acceleration of gold coins and experience acquisition speed in the first three weeks of server opening means that they will gain double the efficiency of fighting monsters, which is equivalent to playing for six weeks.Fuck, this is the rhythm for Meiguo District and Ouzhou District to catch up and compete with Huaxia District?
Wang Shuang looked down for a paragraph, and the next thing is about various school season activities, and also announced that this is not the last time to open a server abroad, but in Japan, Hanguo, Philippines, Russia and other places The second batch of servers will be opened one after another, please stay tuned for all players.

That's right, is it the rhythm of the founding war?Wang Shuang watched the post for a while, although he didn't know if this matter had anything to do with him, but Wang Shuang can barely be regarded as a first-class player now, right?Hanging around with several presidents of Yiliu all day long, Wang Shuang also began to feel that he was a bit out of character, but hey, brother is now guarding these islands of sighs every day to brush dungeons. I don’t know if there will be media interviews after going out. elder brother?
Fuck, that's definitely a great opportunity to pretend.Wang Shuang gets excited just thinking about it!Wang Shuang has been waiting for such an opportunity for more than ten years. When he was in school, it was not his turn to pretend to be aggressive, nor was it his turn to pretend to be aggressive when it came to family money. Wang Shuang's only advantage before was that he could play some games. Standalone game.

However, in this era of advanced Internet, stand-alone games have gradually become less popular.The world-renowned AR technology has attracted the attention of all parties since the beginning of its development, and invested energy to quickly launch innovations, evolving into AR2, AR3, etc., and the final change even gave birth to super VR technology—all character models no longer leave gaps , and revolutionize model interaction techniques in the form of non-area collisions.

Now the world's super VR technology has been linked with the Internet and helmet games, and has once again triggered several technological innovations, successfully making the scenes and character animations in the game smooth and smooth.After that, the artificial intelligence model of NPC also began to flourish with each passing day.

Until now, Xingyuan is considered to be the first brain-end VR online game developed by gathering the Mahayana of thousands of schools and attracting wise men from all directions. It has been tested for the first time in Huaxia District. Months to start public beta.

Now even gringos are coming in to test the waters?Wang Shuang couldn't help sighing. Will he walk on the street in the future and suddenly see a foreigner speaking fluent Northeast dialect communicating with an NPC on the street?Fuck, the picture is so beautiful, don't watch it!

However, the last note of the post disrupted Wang Shuang's guess: the data between the various servers is not interoperable, and players are prohibited from connecting to each other's servers before the opening of the national war.Hey, what a pity.

Wang Shuang read more than 30 pages of discussions on this post, and suddenly Li Muxuan patted him on the shoulder from behind. Wang Shuang turned his head and looked at her slightly surprised: "Well, it will be finished so soon?"

"Yes." Li Muxuan pouted and looked at Wang Shuang, seeming a little dissatisfied: "I moved all the small ones and the ones that could be moved, and I left the big ones that couldn't be moved. And I was on top I made a simple push plate, and when I give an order later, all the dark rocks will be pushed down and hit the dark king, my lord, remember to stay away."

Not bad, Wang Shuang patted Li Muxuan's shoulder in relief: "Thank you for your hard work."

Li Muxuan nodded, turned back and climbed up the steep stone wall, and soon returned to the entrance of the downward cave.Wang Shuang stood beside the dark king and looked up. Li Muxuan poked her head out and gave Wang Shuang a thumbs up. It seemed that she was ready.

Wang Shuang glanced back at the dark king, this time the dark king was a goat-like monster, but his ability to sleep was comparable to a pig!Wang Shuang quickly ran away to the edge of the cave, found a relatively large dark rock and hid behind it.

"My lord, I'll knock it down after three countdowns." Li Muxuan's voice came from above.

Wang Shuang didn't dare to answer. If he answered, he was afraid that he would wake up the dark king.The dark King of Darkness was still in deep sleep at this time, Li Muxuan's three-second countdown passed quickly, and the moment the last sound disappeared, a large number of falling rocks fell from above, big and small, like a scene The sudden love fell on the dark king!
The dark king shook violently, his blood-red eyes suddenly opened, and he looked at Wang Shuang who was hiding behind the dark rock!At the same moment, Wang Shuang also received a prompt to enter the battle.

It's time to fight, will it really be suppressed by these stones?Wang Shuang swallowed his saliva and looked at the dark rocks that were small but did not roll to the side. One second or two... Ten seconds passed, and the dark king was still motionless!
——It's done, it's done!From now on, it's time for brother and Li Muxuan to go crazy about it!Nucao BOSS and BOSS can only look at you but can't fight back, I like it the most!

(End of this chapter)

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