It's time to play online

Chapter 114 Where's Brother's Reward?

Chapter 114 Where's Brother's Reward?

"What's the matter, what's so noisy?" Mir rubbed his eyes, grabbed something beside him and threw it at Hutch: "Brother, I'm sleeping, please speak softly."

"The adventurer has completed the mission we released before, and now we have controlled the nine methane collection channels." Hutch was not polite, and after catching the thing that hit him, he slapped him with his backhand and woke him up completely.

"Nine biogas collection channels?" Mill was shocked when he heard the words, and sat up from the sofa in shock, glanced at Wang Shuang, and couldn't help laughing loudly.

Hey, talking to NPCs is effortless.Wang Shuang just came back to his senses. Just now when Wang Shuang said that he had completed the task, he was wondering if the NPC would say "Really? Take us to have a look." Sure enough, standing behind the NPC was the master of the system. If Wang Shuang ran over and said that without completing the task, they would have kicked him out properly, but after completing the task, he would come and say that they didn't even need to go to check, and they simply believed Wang Shuang.

But Wang Shuang didn't care much about these, the brain holes in his mind became active, and quickly closed.Wang Shuang saw the happy faces of the three pirates, couldn't help touching the dagger in his arms, and scratched his head with the other hand: "That, about my reward?"

"Ah?" Hutch was stunned for a moment, and clapped his hands: "Yes, reward... You have completed our mission and given us such a great help, the reward will naturally not hold you down—— Chai Yuding , Yu Ding! Don’t sleep, go and sort out your status, and send him the adventurer’s reward!”

"Oh, I see..." Chai Yuding lazily got up from the sofa and walked slowly into a room behind.

It seems to be wrong, Wang Shuang always felt that just now Mir and Hatch played with Chai Yuding, Chai Yuding scratched his head, turned his head into the room with a blank expression.

"There are still a few sips of wine left, Mir, let's share and drink it first, let's celebrate!" Hutch raised his glass to invite Mir, and Yu Ding joined the third person.Fuck, you're still celebrating, bro, seeing you guys looking so drunk, I just want to kill you guys.

Is it possible?Of course it's possible, bro, you've even killed the most elite red-level BOSS now, what are you three trash fish?You smell like trash all over your body, and you can drink red potion here, brother and Li Muxuan together are enough to torture you!

The more Wang Shuang thought about it, the more determined he was to do it, but now is the time to give rewards for completing tasks, and he has to wait until the rewards are finished before doing it.Yes, brother is going to take theirs, and then turn around and beat them.Wouldn't it be a little immoral for me to do this?Bah, playing a game has something to do with morality!And it's still an NPC, a pirate NPC!It's only natural to kill them.

Not long after, Chai Yuding returned with three pieces of equipment, a pair of double swords, a long knife, and a wide-edged sword.The eldest of the three, Hatch, took the wide-edged sword and slapped it in front of Wang Shuang: "What do you think of this equipment?"

Oh, is it an optional task reward?Let's take a look then:

—— Whirlwind Broad Sword (yellow weapon): A weapon with the power of whirlwind, physical attack 278, strength 22, agility 26, constitution 18.Required level: level 55.

Fuck, the physical attack bonus is more than double that of my brother's dagger!It's just a yellow weapon, and it can't be equipped until level 55.Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a little puzzled, and asked Hutch, "Well, it's definitely better than the one in my hand, but the level of this equipment is too high. I'm only level 50 now, and I still have a long way to go before I can equip this equipment." It’s a long way to go. Is there any low-level equipment?”

"Ah, it's okay." Hutch suddenly smiled easily, and put the broad-edged sword back: "You can't equip it, I can equip it."


Just when Wang Shuang's head was short-circuited, Hutch retracted his right hand, changing from holding a sword with one hand to holding a sword with both hands. The temperament of the whole person also changed instantly. The most obvious change was that the names on their heads changed from yellow names to became famous.

The other two were also equipped with weapons. Hutch lowered his head and looked at Wang Shuang with gray eyes. Regret flashed at the bottom of his eyes, and of course there was a little sympathy.Just as he was about to speak, he probably planned to say a few words, pretend to be aggressive, and then send Wang Shuang on his way.But at this moment, three feathered arrows flew through the air, and with a whirlwind momentum, they nailed Hutch fiercely. Behind him, Li Muxuan stared at him coldly.

"My lord, the battle has already begun." Li Muxuan grinned suddenly.

"Ah? Oh..." Wang Shuang sneaked away subconsciously. Although he didn't quite understand why he agreed to release the task reward, it suddenly turned into a fight, but he still swam around the edge of the room with a dagger in his hand. The pupils moved back and forth in the eye sockets, and quickly stared at Mir.

Mir (I’ve posted attributes before, so I won’t post them again), a level 58 green boss, with the least HP of the three at 32.5W, and his physical defense is not good, but his physical resistance is unexpectedly high, 55? ? ?mean what?Means he always has to deduct 55 before taking physical damage? ? ?Harmful!

But it doesn't matter, it's still best to push with less blood under comprehensive consideration.Wang Shuang's dagger was aimed at his back, and a blood gouging and a normal attack burst out suddenly. Watching the blood on Mir's head tremble violently, Wang Shuang also escaped from the stealth state at this time.

"Mir, hold him back, let's work together to kill this follower first." Hutch directly ordered Mir to resist Wang Shuang's offensive.

"Understood." Mir agreed, smiled, and stared at Wang Shuang: "Adventurer, with your fragile body, can you block my blow?"

Fuck, brother riding a horse will super block magical skills, the current time is only 11:30, there is still half an hour before brother's super talent disappears, I don't believe you can't kill you in half an hour!

However, Li Muxuan was in a bit of trouble. Although her qi and blood had been greatly increased by the orange equipment and the [Strength Body] attribute, it was still quite difficult for her to face the siege of two green bosses at level 60 at the same time.

"Take care of yourself first, adventurer!" Mier suddenly shouted, and the two swords in his hands slashed at Wang Shuang one after another. Wang Shuang was startled, and quickly raised his dagger to parry.At this time, something unexpected happened——


Nani!Wang Shuang was stunned, what the hell was the miss?Indeed, recalling the moment just now, seeing the opponent's double swords was about to look at Wang Shuang, but just before the cut, Mier's double swords seemed to deflect?
"You, you cunning adventurer, don't hide if you have the ability." Mir snorted, swung the two swords in the air, and slashed down again.


This time it hit Wang Shuang accurately. To be precise, the dagger in Wang Shuang's hand was hit. The qi and blood on his head dropped like crazy... just lost more than 400 qi and blood?

Wang Shuang was startled. My brother's block and various damage reductions have become so scary now? The physical attack of 2100 hits my brother, it doesn't hurt at all!

By the way, Li Muxuan's side is more dangerous. After all, she can't do a block. Blocking can reduce the damage by half, so if Li Muxuan doesn't replenish the red potion quickly, then... wait?
When Wang Shuang saw Li Muxuan's health bar, he almost fell down.From the beginning of the battle to the present, Li Muxuan has not shed a single drop of blood!Hatch and Chai Yuding beside them were trying to swing their weapons down towards Li Muxuan, but Li Muxuan was unmoved at all, still calmly drew the bow and set the arrow, pressed close to their faces and launched three consecutive shots.

As for the damage?The damage caused by Li Muxuan's three consecutive shots in one round is already more than five figures, and the total damage has a faint tendency to exceed [-].

What, what is this...?
Suddenly Wang Shuang seemed to think of something, and looked at Mir's attributes in front of him again, what the hell, I forgot this!

——Drunk: Attack speed decreased by 10? ? ?Hit 10? ? ?Unable to hit target due to drunkenness.

——Danshe: Every time you kill a unit, you get an extra 100? ? ?currency.But after death, all equipment and items on the body will be lost.And the damage done to female units increases by 10? ? ?When the female unit attacks, the damage increases by 10?


Why didn't Li Muxuan lose blood?Because of this skill - Drowning!Intoxication is a probabilistic event, which depends on whether you can hit Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan, but looking at the situation in front of you, it seems that the probability of not being able to hit has been reversed and become 90? ? ?son!Is my brother's talent so strong? Even this can be reversed!

Up to now, Wang Shuang is too lazy to worry about the "why" and "how to do it". In short, it's good to reverse it. I'm worried that Li Muxuan can't withstand the firepower, and I can't give her timely replenishment. Potions are troublesome.

The battle became easier from this moment. The attack that hit Wang Shuang just now was really just a rare accident. For a long period of time, the trio of Qiujin Pirates did not effectively output Wang Shuang and the others. On the contrary, their qi and blood were slowly flattened by Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan all the way, all the way to the red line.

"Adventurer, you are finished!" Mir, who was the first to approach the bottom of the blood bar, suddenly yelled, plunged both swords into the ground, and then tore off his shirt, revealing his strong arms——Damn it, Billy king?Wang Shuang was taken aback when he saw this, and at this moment, the pleasant system bell rang at the same time.


System prompt: The leader of the Qiujin Pirates, Mir Alder Dao, triggers the skill "Near Death Acceleration", when the HP is less than 15? ? ?Attack speed increased by 60? ? ?Movement speed increased by 25? ? ?Removed the skill "Drunk".The acceleration effect lasts until qi and blood return 15? ? ?disappear.

Nani, is this boss awakened?Wang Shuang was shocked. The ability to protect his brother's life was actually removed by the master of the system. Could it be that the master of the system wanted to make it more difficult for him?And the attack speed is increased by 60? ? ?The movement speed is also increased by 25? ? ?How to play?Looking at Mir who had started to swing his swords wildly, Wang Shuang was so angry that he could not stop complaining.





In just two seconds, Wang Shuang's health immediately bottomed out!He was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he quickly took out the red medicine and poured it vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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