Chapter 115

What's the situation now?Is it dangerous?Yes, very dangerous.Why?Because this is a green-grade, 58-level boss, which is ten levels higher than my brother!Why wasn't it dangerous before?Because the previous boss, Mir, had a skill of 10? ? ?The rate cannot hit Wang Shuang.And this event was added by Wang Shuang's talent, reversed, and became 90? ? ?The rate cannot hit Wang Shuang!

The same is true with Li Muxuan.And even if he hits a hit, he can't lose Wang Shuang in seconds. Wang Shuang can calmly take out the red potion to heal the blood, so Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan have no pressure at all.It is also because of their talents that after their critical strike probability is reversed, the damage of each attack increases a lot, and it becomes very easy to consume Mir's health bar.

Now Wang Shuang is stupid, Mir has a skill called near-death acceleration has been activated, how much the speed is increased, this is not the most important thing, what is important is 10? ? ?The skills in the game are gone.For players, 10? ? ?Hit is a dispensable thing, so only the increased attack speed becomes threatening.

And what about Wang Shuang?From the leisurely and slow output just now, now I have to tighten my nerves, holding the red potion in one hand and ready to drink it at any time, and swinging the dagger wildly in the other hand.Fortunately, Wang Shuang didn't feel tired in the game, which made the blood bar on Mir's head continue to drop all the way.

"Mu Xuan, don't hit the two of them, come and help me kill the one next to me!" Wang Shuang couldn't hold it anymore, he found that even if he gave up attacking, he turned all his attention to drinking the red potion, The rhythm of boss output is also faster than his drinking potion!Wang Shuang had no choice but to continue to summon Li Muxuan. Fortunately, Li Muxuan was remote, otherwise Wang Shuang probably had no other choice now.

"Understood." Li Muxuan moved the bow and arrow in Wang Shuang's direction, and pointed the sharp arrow at Mir.Doesn't seem to trigger the triple shot?Once in a while, when Wang Shuang was thinking about it, a figure stood between him and Li Muxuan.

Wang Shuang was taken aback, and the arrow in Li Muxuan's hand fell on Chai Yuding.Seeing this, Chai Yuding laughed loudly: "It's useless, little girl, you'd better take care of yourself."

Damn, what is the IQ of this NPC?Wang Shuang was so anxious that he almost threw away the red potion in his hand. At this moment, Li Muxuan rolled her eyes and shot an arrow towards the sky. Layers of golden light exploded above Wang Shuang's head, like a bamboo joint bursting, but like a floor collapsed!But Mir is the BOSS, and he is not under the control of skill deceleration and dizziness at all, and is still stubbornly outputting towards Wang Shuang!
After another round of stabbing, Wang Shuang stumbled back a few steps, saw the blood streak on his head, grass, there was only a little bit left!On the other hand, even if Mir was hit by Li Muxuan's Sonic Tides, he would still have about 1600 points of vitality.Wang Shuang immediately opened his skill bar and glanced at it. At first glance, there were not many skills that were lit up, and even fewer of them could be used!

Mind's Eye is a long-range skill, instant cast, can ignore part of the enemy's defense, this can be had!There is also a cross cut, which is equivalent to a normal attack, and can cause additional damage in the next few seconds!Those that can increase damage are all good skills now, plus brother's triple crit, let's fight him!

Wang Shuang gritted his teeth, facing the tyrannical collision of the boss, like a light magpie about to jump up, but was pulled down by Mir forcefully, the two swords immediately stabbed at Wang Shuang, and Wang Shuang also gave up , directly gave up parrying, and stabbed the dagger far away, but the dagger was always shorter than the two swords, and it seemed that Wang Shuang should die first.

Brother will die?At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly smiled, took out a piece of equipment from his backpack, and immediately put it on——


System prompt: Your equipment "Tiger Helmet of Vigor" comes with the skill "Hidden Avoidance" is triggered, you are protected from one death damage, and within the next 180 minutes, the avoidance of danger enters the cooldown time.

Yes, that's right, this is the equipment with the ability to be immune to one death. Although it was eliminated by Wang Shuang because of its poor attributes, Wang Shuang didn't put it on the street stall when he sold the equipment, but chose to keep it on purpose. In the corner of the backpack, because of this skill, a legend will be born tonight—the story of a legend!

Wang Shuang's dagger finally pierced into Mir's chest. Mir's body trembled wildly, the blood on his head slipped rapidly, and he had less than 500 qi and blood left, and he was short of a knife!

Wang Shuang watched Mier raise his long sword, and he quickly swung his dagger. Although Wang Shuang's dagger was short, it had already been delivered to Mir's body. How long would it take to pull it out and stab it again?Similarly, the opponent's speed should be similar.

Is it up to fate this time?
——That's impossible, Wang Shuang just wanted to close his eyes and resign himself to fate, when the wind suddenly became noisy, Wang Shuang was like a big tree in the woods being swayed by the wind, and when he came back to his senses, he found that Mir had died on the spot.

"I succeeded?" Wang Shuang was about to cheer when he suddenly received a system notification.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan killed Mir Alder Dao, the leader of the Qiujin Pirates. You get 468 million experience rewards and 8000 gold coins. Your follower Li Muxuan gets 468 million experience rewards and you get equipment " Enchanted yin and yang swords".

——Enchanted yin and yang double swords (yellow weapon): physical attack 256, strength 18, agility 28, qi and blood 460.Additional feature "Enchantment": additional strength 17, agility 20, constitution 13.Required level: level 54.

Holy crap, did Li Muxuan kill him?Wang Shuang looked at Li Muxuan, just in time to see the relaxed and smiling expression on the other side's bowstring.That's good, anyway, the experience and gold coins are also counted on the brother's head, if Li Muxuan killed it, it is no different from the brother who killed it!
The battle continued, and because a Mir died, the battle situation suddenly became much simpler.After Wang Shuang drank the red potion to fill up his qi and blood, he entered the battle circle where Li Muxuan was, and then started the slow blood brushing mode again.Because Hutch's skill is to recover when hit, and after being attacked, he will start to recover blood like eating red potion, so Li Muxuan first put him aside to grind Hatch's blood.Until Hatch's blood first dropped to 15? ? ? .

"Adventurers, you are finished!" Hutch was not furious without warning, his eyebrows were all tangled together before, probably because he was almost sober, and now his blood dropped to 15? ? ? , and immediately started the berserk mode.


System prompt: The leader of the Qiujin Pirates, Mir Alder Dao, triggers the skill "Near-Death Rage", when the blood is less than 15? ? ?Physical attack increased by 45? ? ?Movement speed increased by 15? ? ?Removed the skill "Drunk".The acceleration effect lasts until qi and blood return 15? ? ?disappear.

You also removed the skill that pitted you on your body?Okay, let's have a good fight!
Wang Shuang was full of energy and blood, held the dagger in his hand and asked Li Muxuan to step back for a certain distance to increase the output power.Suddenly Hutch shouted angrily, squatted all over his body, jumped up, and stepped on Wang Shuang.Seeing that the whirlwind wide sword in his hand was about to slash down fiercely, Wang Shuang also raised the dagger at the right time. Brother relied on this skill to resist the damage!

"Clang!" Seeing Hatch's strength, Wang Shuang even wanted to shake off the dagger in Wang Shuang's hand. Wang Shuang was so frightened that he opened the red potion he had prepared and poured several bottles in succession.

"The parry was successful!"


Not too bad, at least the parry was successful!Wang Shuang was overjoyed and stopped the red potion in his hand. At the same time, Li Muxuan behind him began to output forcefully——


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has used the equipment skill "Quick Shot".

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has used the equipment skill "War Jue".

System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan has used the equipment skill "Fighting Spirit Boost".

The attack in Li Muxuan's hand suddenly became very sharp, and the arrow shot out like flowing water, shooting Hutch, who was already in a desperate situation, tottering. After Wang Shuang only supported it twice, the blood bar on Hutch's head was also empty. , fell to the ground.


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan killed the leader of the Qiujin Pirates, Hatch Li Sashi, you get 492 million experience rewards, 9500 gold coins rewards, your follower Li Muxuan gets 492 million experience rewards, and you get equipment "Whirlwind broad sword of fighting spirit".

Whirlwind Broadsword!Fighting?Wang Shuang suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen the attributes of the Whirlwind Broad Sword just now. It seems that it has no characteristics, right?Why does it now have special features after it exploded from the BOSS?After thinking about it for a long time, Wang Shuang could only attribute this to the system's bugs and the result of the double influence of his own talent.

——Whirlwind Broadsword of War Intent (yellow weapon): A weapon with the power of whirlwind, physical attack 278, strength 22, agility 26, constitution 18.Additional feature "War Will": Equipped with an additional 80 points of physical attack.Required level: level 55.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Chai Yuding, who had been silent all this time, suddenly called out, looking at Wang Shuang angrily with a look of grief on his face: "Adventurer, you will eventually have to pay the price for your actions."

Tsk, I'm tired of hearing what you said a long time ago. Your two brothers have already repeated it to me several times just now.The corner of Wang Shuang's mouth twitched disdainfully, and it is estimated that there is no problem now.This third Chai Yuding didn't have a near-death burst skill, only one recovery when hit, and his blood was greater than 60? ? ?The blood will slowly return to the attack, and the cooling time is 1 minute.

Is 1 minute enough for Li Muxuan to shoot his blood to 60? ? ?By then, there will be no response to attack, and it will only be a matter of time before I can defeat you—no, even if there is response to attack, it will only be a matter of time before I can kill you!
At this moment, Chai Yuding suddenly stopped, ignoring the arrows that Li Muxuan was still shooting at him, he waved his big hand and shouted: "Come here, where are the pirates of the Qiujin Pirates?"

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

With an order, countless pirates rushed up from the stairs, and surrounded the three of them in the innermost part.And they showed all kinds of weapons in their hands.

Wang Shuang was dumbfounded immediately.

"Adventurer, surrender, you will not escape this time!" Chai Yuding snorted and looked at Wang Shuang indifferently.

Is it really going to die?Plot kill?It's really possible!The system has set up three regiment leaders. If it is a normal player, where will the followers come from?If there are no followers, is it necessary to bear the firepower of three green-level bosses at the same time?
No one can stand it!Therefore, the player will be dropped by the BOSS in seconds, and then return to Saiyan City. Next, it should prompt that the mission failed, or based on the new progress, after explaining the situation to Kesma, the leader of the Legion of Glory, use the power of the NPC to completely eliminate the Jojin Pirates ——I see, it should be such a routine!

In fact, Wang Shuang's guess is almost the same, but no matter how well the system is set up, in front of the upright Wang Shuang, he can only say that everything is just a cloud, 10? ? ?The hit probability was reversed to 90? ? ?Hit rate, from a negative skill that does not affect the balance, has suddenly become a key skill that determines the situation of the battle.

But no matter how powerful Wang Shuang was, if he could defeat two Qiujin pirate regiment leaders one after another, could he still fight against a room full of pirates?They came up and each stabbed Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan. Wang Shuang didn't even have time to resist and was about to be hanged.

Brother, after all, can't escape the road paved by the system?

(End of this chapter)

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