It's time to play online

Chapter 116 Take Over

Chapter 116 Take Over
Wang Shuang was very frustrated, but Chai Yuding was very happy. He was about to wave his big hand to let the pirates swarm up to kill Wang Shuang and Li Muxuan. drop a piece.

Fuck!Wang Shuang was startled, and the surrounding pirates also fell silent for a while, only Chai Yuding was stunned for a while, and immediately reacted and pulled out the arrow in his chest. His action affected the wound, but spurted out more arrows. Blood.Seeing this, Chai Yuding yelled angrily: "Get rid of this adventurer and his followers together!"

Wang Shuang's heart sank when he heard this. There are at least three to four hundred pirates surrounded by three circles inside and outside. Can he kill them all?cannot!He is not a mage, his skills are all single-target damage, and his round efficiency is not even as good as Li Muxuan. At least the opponent has a group attack skill.Just when Wang Shuang was about to accept his fate, he suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere at the scene.

What's wrong?That's right, Wang Shuang reacted quickly, raised his head and looked around.

It was too quiet, none of the pirates came up, but many pirates embraced their chests, pretending to be watching the show.

Fuck, why is this happening?Not only Wang Shuang was stunned, but even Chai Yuding looked at the pirates around him in bewilderment: "I, I let you kill these invading adventurers..."

"Captain!" At this time, a pirate in the crowd suddenly shouted: "He is also a pirate!"

"Nonsense!" Chai Yuding was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he was furious: "Although he is a pirate, he is our enemy now. He just killed my eldest brother and second brother. If this continues, I will be punished by him too." Killed. Are you willing to help me and join me in destroying this rebellious adventurer pirate?"

The pirates around looked at each other, and there was a low voice of discussion.Chai Yuding looked bewildered, and Wang Shuang temporarily asked Li Muxuan to stand still. He didn't know what was going on now, but judging by the situation, it seemed that it was not a bad thing for Wang Shuang?

Is it a plot?Wang Shuang had a vague guess. Could it be that the master of the system finally recognized my brother's efforts and opened another way for him to go?

Half a minute later, all the pirates seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. Although the discussion still continued, the pirates in the front row started to take a step back one after another. Influenced by the pirates in the first row, the pirates in the back row couldn't help but go. Take a few steps back.At this moment, the pirates were like a solid human wall, binding Wang Shuang, Li Muxuan and Chai Yuding in the circular area inside.

"Implement the belief of the leader of the Qiujin Pirates!" Suddenly, a pirate started to shout. His shout seemed to ignite the powder keg, and everyone in the room began to shout:
"Carry out the belief of the leader of the Qiujin Pirates!"

"Carry out the belief of the leader of the Qiujin Pirates!"

The whole rhythm was natural and smooth; after shouting three times in a row, another one in the front row raised his arm and shouted: "Support the new head to defeat the three old heads in singles and become our new head!"

"Support the new leader to defeat the three old leaders and become our new leader!"

"Support the new leader to defeat the three old leaders and become our new leader!"


Damn it, I didn't say that I want to be the head of your Qiujin Pirates!Why did you become the new team leader?However, after shouting one after another, Wang Shuang finally figured out one thing: the pirates are now supporting Wang Shuang.As for the reason?It's not because they hate these three lazy leaders, but when Hatch's trio became the leaders, they praised Wang Shuang's behavior and encouraged others to work hard and strive to be like Wang Shuang. This kind of strong man who can defeat the leader.

Great my brother!Wang Shuang recalled that after he detonated the explosive package and severely injured Rosak and Gira, he met the pirates of the Qiujin Pirates again. , and seemed to secretly express a little... admiration!
That's right, brother is the one who once defeated their leader!Under the brainwashing of their new captain, defeating the captain through single combat, and becoming the new captain has almost become the goal of all pirates.And the Hutch trio, who thought they could sit back and relax with three of them, naturally didn't think too much about it. They didn't expect that today they would really be killed by an adventurer, Wang Shuang!He was successfully singled out by him and was about to kill them all!

What else can I say?Wang Shuang sighed, and the tiger dagger that had been put away was pulled out again this time.

"Wait, I think we can talk." Chai Yuding suddenly began to tremble all over.

"Talk?" Wang Shuang narrowed his eyes and shook his head regretfully: "After I defeat you, doesn't everything you own become mine? What do I need to trade with you? Other than you Outside." At this point, Wang Shuang smiled: "By the way, there is one more rule, I don't accept male followers—at least not now."

Hearing this, Chai Yuding's eyes showed despair, and he lowered his head dimly.Give up hope?Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing up to the sky!

Of course, the less experienced guys you have to share with your brother, the better. If you are good-looking and good-looking, you can tolerate it, but you are an indomitable man, why do you want to compete with your brother for food?Brother didn't give you a chance!


System prompt: Your follower Li Muxuan killed Chai Yuding, the leader of the Qiujin Pirates, and you got 455 million experience rewards and 7600 gold coins. Your follower Li Muxuan got 455 million experience rewards, and you got the equipment "refined Prisoner Water Long Knife".

—— Refined prison water long knife (yellow weapon): physical attack 198, magic attack 212, strength 16, agility 24, intelligence 27.Additional feature "Refinement": The attribute bonus of the equipment is increased by 25? ? ?In addition, physical defense is 45, magic defense is 42, strength is 4, agility is 6, intelligence is 7).Required level: level 58.

Finally got rid of all three of them!Wang Shuang let out a long breath, and turned back to pat Li Muxuan on the shoulder. At this time, NPCs must be more tired than players. Players are just brains, and NPCs are physically and mentally exhausted. The comfort effect is the best at this time!Wang Shuang looked at Li Muxuan affectionately, and Li Muxuan also raised her head to look at him.

That's right, brother has learned so many confession sentences to girls in real life, why don't you try it on Li Muxuan now?Anyway, it's my follower, so it's definitely okay to try!Wang Shuang, who had figured it out, took advantage of this situation, and said affectionately: "If I were Chai Yuding, then I must be very happy, because I was shot to death by you——Thanks for your hard work, baby. you."

"Meow." Li Er got out of Li Muxuan's body at this time, and the fluff on Li Muxuan's arms faded away. Seeing Li Er climbed onto her shoulders, she touched its ears: "It's hard work, go back and rest, sir. If I order you, I will protest to him."

"Meow Meow Meow." Li Er seemed to want to say Miao Miao Miao, but the pronunciation changed to Meow Meow when she got used to it.With a flash of white light, Li Er went back to the pet space.After Li Muxuan comforted Li Er, she suddenly thought of Wang Shuang, and raised her head to meet Wang Shuang's gaze again: "By the way, did your lord just say something?"

Wang Shuang chuckled: "No, nothing..."

The Qiujin Pirates, when Chai Yuding fell, all the pirates couldn't help crying.It lasted for a while, the wailing ended, and all the pirates laughed and chatted again.Hey, your face has changed too quickly. Just as Wang Shuang was about to complain, he saw a pirate coming up and shook Wang Shuang's hand excitedly: "Our great new leader, please give me more advice in the future." what!"

New team leader?Fuck, I already said I'm not interested...

After one pirate left, the second pirate, and the third pirate... Wang Shuang looked behind, and there was a long queue!All the 400 people in the room just now came up to shake hands with Wang Shuang one by one.Fuck, Wang Shuang's whole face is full of pain, shaking hands with pain, shaking hands, continuing to hurt all night...


System prompt: Your talent "Times Come and Go" has been triggered.

Hey, this is announcing that brother should change back to Cinderella.I was also telling my brother, please be a normal person again and recognize the reality.

The handshake lasted for a long time. On the one hand, Wang Shuang didn't dare to interrupt them. He was afraid that if Wang Shuang made any changes, the group of pirates who had just supported him would immediately rebel and push a new leader out. On the other hand, the room was blocked. The siege was so tight that Wang Shuang couldn't get out for the time being.

"It's over, everyone shook hands, right?" A pirate suddenly clapped his hands and shouted loudly: "Then, the last step, let's ask our new captain to say a few words."

The pirates below immediately formed a neat row, two rows and three rows... Wang Shuang took the speech from several pirates and was pushed down on a temporary high platform.

"Ahem, this..." Wang Shuang looked at the dark crowd below, had no choice but to continue: "First of all, I would like to thank the former head of the Qiujin Pirates for cultivating me..."

Time passed slowly during this boring process, and when Wang Shuang finished reading the last sentence, tearful applause resounded from below.It was in stark contrast to the sparse applause during the company meeting. These people were really willing to listen to my brother's speech!Wang Shuang bowed excitedly, thinking that it was not enough, let's have another one!

System prompt: You have controlled the Qiujin Pirates, the main force on Bounty Island, and you have obtained the right to mobilize a total of 4808 members of the Qiujin Pirates. Please choose:

One, continue to maintain the organization of the Qiujin Pirates, and let it start autonomous management. This may lead to investigations by the Alliance of Light, but the profits will also be higher.

[-]. Abolish the organization of the Qiujin Pirates, merge the Qiujin Pirates into the sphere of influence of the Dark Dragon Lane, and further expand the territory of the Dark Dragon Lane. Doing so may cause a large number of pirates to leave you, and all special buildings will be destroyed. Obsolete, please choose carefully.

Third, do not make a decision for the time being and delay the processing time.


I’m sure I won’t make a choice for the time being, so it’s useless to say, I don’t even know what’s going on, how dare I take over this mess casually, if I want to merge into the dark Longlan, the system warning is so scary, Wang Shuang hesitated again and again Let's talk later.

After clicking on the third option, Wang Shuang looked at the crowd of people under the high platform after receiving the prompt from the system: "Thank you for your support, I will definitely make everyone live a happier life in the future!"

"Head, Captain!" At this time, a pirate immediately raised his hand to say hello: "I want to challenge you, if I can kill you, am I the new captain?"

Fuck, you want to play this trick too?Wang Shuang chuckled, "I'm sorry, I'm an adventurer, so I won't die, thank you. Even if I die, I will be reborn, thank you."

"Isn't the captain always sitting on the captain's position?" Hearing this, all the pirates were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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