It's time to play online

Chapter 120 Depressed Wang Shuang

Chapter 120 Depressed Wang Shuang

Hey, looking at the backs of the three of them going away, Wang Shuang sighed, this is the correct way to deal with pirates, right?It turns out that players don't have to listen to a lot of nonsense from NPCs, they can directly cut to the topic directly, saving unnecessary wasted time.

Wang Shuang just wanted to understand this truth. He always felt that he spent too much time listening to the NPC telling the story, and he had to pay attention to etiquette and the way of speaking. In fact, these are not important at all!In reality, it may affect other people's perception of you and affect their favorability. It is not so easy for you to guess what the main reason for others to come to you is, but it is different here, this is a game!
The game needs to have a gameplay. My brother will not affect the NPC's favorability towards me by doing this, and it can save time and quickly promote the plot, killing two birds with one stone.If there is any special plot, Li Muxuan or Li Er will also speak up. At this time, it is not too late for Wang Shuang to shut up and listen to the plot slowly.

After defeating and sending away the three deputy heads, Wang Shuang also returned to the Octopus Bar.Looking at this temporary base camp, Wang Shuang frowned, and turned to look at Sykes: "I want to change the office location, and help me find a place that is not so smoky."

"Ah?" Sykes was stunned again: "But the leader, the previous leaders all set their usual place of life in the bar. Besides, where do we pirates need to work? Of course, we are in the bar every day. Molesting the dancing girl, squandering the gold coins that my subordinates searched outside."

Fuck, is this the enviable private life of the pirate captain Qiu Jinhai?Molesting dancers in bars every day, spending money from his subordinates going to sea to rob?Brother likes it.It's just that NPCs can tease beautiful women, but players can't.It's not that there is a system to punish or something. The Star Wish Company is more extreme than Wang Shuang imagined. As long as the palm of a male player is close to those prohibited parts, the system will force him to prohibit him from reaching forward.

This is a bit embarrassing. If you touch it and you will be killed by lightning, it is estimated that female players will not dare to go out on the street.why?A lot of people came to play this game, and he came here with the attitude of playing. If he can touch a woman, it doesn't matter if he dies?Anyway, it's a game, not constrained by reality, which makes many people have unreasonable thoughts.

That's why Star Wish Company issued this regulation. Some areas of women are considered absolute areas for men, and male players' hands or bodies in the areas cannot move forward at all, they can only retreat.Of course, weapons or other props are not hindered.

Closer to home.Wang Shuang can't flirt with beautiful women. As for gold coins, apart from exchanging money for soft girl coins, Wang Shuang can't think of any other uses for gold Shuang can do it by himself.No matter what rare and dropped items, Wang Shuang can find them by himself.In this way, the role of gold coins for Wang Shuang is only to maintain his normal life.

In short, the matter of the office location was delayed in the end, not because Wang Shuang changed his mind, but because there were not many craftsmen on Bounty Island. Without craftsmen, Wang Shuang couldn't even build ordinary buildings.In desperation, Wang Shuang had no choice but to let Bounty Island maintain its normal operation first, and let's talk about other things later.

Wang Shuang walked around the bounty island, but he didn't see anything that needed him. Sykes also talked to Wang Shuang along the way, "the leader should go to have fun".Fuck, I want to have fun too, but I don't come to play games to watch those women in bars, I want to fight monsters, equip equipment and step on trash!If you want to watch women, you might as well download small movies online!

"Sikes." Wang Shuang suddenly called Sykes when he walked to the pier.

Sykes responded: "Yes, what's the matter, Captain?"

"As the team leader, I shouldn't have to stay in Bounty Island every day, right?" Wang Shuang asked.

Sykes nodded: "Of course, after all, the leader is also an adventurer, and adventurers like to wander, so the leader just needs to come back from time to time to have a look. Of course, if the Qiujin Pirates are destroyed When something happens, the head of the team will also rush back."

Wang Shuang hummed: "Of course, then I'm leaving now. Is there anything important to do next?"

Sykes shook his head: "Not for the time being, the deputy captains of the three other pirate groups should have sent back the information just now, and the other pirate groups probably won't be rude to the captain for the time being. So the captain just walk away with peace of mind. Well, remember to come back next month to collect the part of the gold coins you won, and then just pay attention to the information. I will send you a message remotely if there is something to do."


System prompt: NPC Apilati Sykes requests to be added as a friend, do you agree?

Damn it, Wang Shuang's whole body is in a mess! NPC plus player friends?This kind of thing is really the first time!Then what he just said, remote information transmission, could it be...?

At this moment, there was another notification of new information. Wang Shuang opened the friend list and saw Sykes' profile picture jumping... That's right, he used his own profile picture!
[Private chat] Sykes: My lord, I will report to you all the situation on the island through remote information in the future, please check it carefully.

Damn it, yelling, yelling, Wang Shuang sighed and looked at Sykes.He didn't bother to ask how he did it, but simply nodded to Sikes.

Speaking of which, the system update will be at noon tomorrow, right?I don’t know if there will be any more functions after the update. For example, NPC professional mentors will open an assassin player exchange group for players, or the king of the Lionheart Kingdom will stand up and form a Lionheart Kingdom with millions or tens of millions of people. Then let the players join the group to chat... This picture shouldn't be too beautiful!

Finally, Wang Shuang bid farewell to Sykes, took Li Muxuan on board the Dragon Tooth Boat, and then left Bounty Island.The sea voyage was calm and the sea was bright.Wang Shuang opened the map to examine it, and finally set off towards Saiyan City.

Why do you want to go back to Saiyan City now?Although Wang Shuang's three battles just now seemed easy, they were the result of smashing countless bottles of red medicine.Because there is no talent bonus, Li Muxuan's output ability has shrunk to about one-tenth of the original, and Wang Shuang's parry is useless, so she can only resist the attacks of the three bosses.

Insufficient reserves of red potion, low durability of equipment, and many pieces of equipment left untreated are all small problems. Wang Shuang has been with the pirates for so long, and he has long thought that he should go back.Li Muxuan also needs to buy a fishing rod for her fishing skills. After reaching level 50, it is also a problem that she can learn a wave of new skills.

In short, this trip back can be said to be the general trend.

In the cab of the Dragon Tooth Boat, Wang Shuang was humming leisurely in his seat, opening the forum as usual with nothing to do, and browsing the forum while driving the Dragon Tooth Boat forward.But after watching it for 2 minutes, Wang Shuang frowned involuntarily. He always felt that this forum seemed a bit noisy. Why did the recent posts get millions of replies?

Everyone stopped playing games and went to the water forum?Wang Shuang thought for a while, and decided to open one of the posts to see what it was talking about.

The host on the 1st floor: Why has the epic team been quiet recently? Does anyone know what they are doing recently?
Floor 2: I guess it was hindered by Wang Shuang's bastard, after all, it's rubbish amateur players.

Damn, who is this guy? Did I offend him?Wang Shuang glanced at the ID, didn’t recognize it, hadn’t seen it, didn’t remember it—Made was mentally retarded, just a silly X who was spouting without thinking, keep looking down, I won’t be upset by him.

Floor 3: It’s very bad. Last time I went to Xianchen Island to take a look, Wang Shuang’s followers were killing on the shore. A player’s boat in front of us was just sunk by her, and then we were also sunk by her. I found out that Wang Shuang's NPC follower raised his hand and shot three arrows without saying a word, and shot my boat to the ground in one shot. My boat with more than 1000 gold coins just disappeared. Thinking about it makes me depressed!

Brother's follower?Li Muxuan?She only shot once, and it was a player from the Dragon Guild. Are you the alias of a player from the Dragon Guild?How painful does brother have to be to be so bored that he goes to the shore to shoot players every day?

Floor 4: No, but isn’t there a few other grand dukes of the human race in the epic team? Would they let a player with no status or position mess around?

Floor 5: There is no need to wash the floor for the Epic team on the upper floor. It can't be cleaned at all, so Wang Shuang is a garbage player.

Floor 6: I suspect that floor 4 is a player from one of the human guilds in the epic team, haha, don't ask me how I know.


Wang Shuang was stunned. He looked down from floor to floor, and didn't react until he saw more than 5000 floors.All the unidentified spectators, all the guys who spoke for Wang Shuang and the epic team, no matter who they were, were attacked by hundreds of floors.What is the effect of this phenomenon?There are millions of replies to a post, only a few of them are supporting Wang Shuang, and the rest are scolding.

What would Wang Shuang think if he saw that the protagonist of this post was not himself but another player being scolded?Then there must be something wrong with the player who was scolded, otherwise why didn't other people scold him, and they all ran over to scold him?There are so many discerning people in the world, don't they all know black and white, true and false?

But the fact now is that when Wang Shuang was going back and forth between various pirates and was busy in the Islands of Sighs, outside players had already pushed Wang Shuang to a certain cusp, and began to condemn him before he could react. Activity.He really didn't do anything, and he was disgusted by others.

In the beginning, Wang Shuang didn't know how many people were involved in this kind of activity, but now, even some unknown viewers have started to follow suit, and with all kinds of fabricated stories and deeds, Wang Shuang's reputation on the forum has plummeted.

Who did you provoke?Wang Shuang was silent for a long time, and immediately realized, Longteng Guild, what the hell, is it their fault?It’s not possible, how long ago did I have the last friction with them, and the most recent time was when they pounced on themselves to destroy my plan, so I beat them away, and then you all went crazy, start Discredit brother?

Wang Shuang was trembling with anger, okay, anyway, brother is not afraid of getting worse reputation now, and he has nothing else to do at hand. The village chief hall is guarded by the Tianxia Guild, and no one knows that Bounty Island belongs to him. Come back and teach you well.

(End of this chapter)

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