It's time to play online

Chapter 121 To Saiyan City

Chapter 121 Back to Saiyan City

Now that he has made up his mind to train the Longteng Guild, Wang Shuang has to investigate where their activity venue is.It doesn't matter if you check this, it turns out that this guy has a special discussion forum in the forum, and there are quite a few people.Wang Shuang clicked into the exclusive forum of the Longteng Guild and took a look, almost blinding his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes - a dozen colorful sticky posts were on the top of the board, shining with light.

"Recruitment posts, guide posts, report posts, check-in posts, display posts, water towers, announcement posts..." Wang Shuang looked all the way down, couldn't help but whisper, whether it was the number of followers or the number of posts, or the number of posts. The daily activity is amazing.Scrolling down, Wang Shuang saw a few regular posts, the first of which was—Wang Shuang, a garbage player, obstructing the activities of the No.13 guild.

——Ahhhhhhh, if a big hat is buckled, brother will become a garbage player, right?Okay, I want to see what kind of rubbish law it is.

Wang Shuang clicked into the post, and the host on the first floor first posted a few screenshots of Li Muxuan's killing spree, as well as Wang Shuang's hideous expression when he swung a dagger to kill several players.At the end of the first floor, after all the pictures were posted, the host added two sentences: "The No.13 trade union was destroyed by the Garbage King Shuangtuan while performing daily tasks on a certain island. The above is a screenshot of the scene."

Fuck, this horse riding is clearly the result of you sneaking into Kongseting Village, and after being discovered by my brother, you killed all of them.Although it is true that Brother killed you guys, it is clear that you were the ones who provoked Brother first, okay?Wang Shuang pulled down a bit, all cursing.Hey, as expected.Wang Shuang looked frustrated and closed the post.

Wang Shuang quit the forum, opened the friends list, or asked the players directly, who was persecuted the most by the Longteng Guild?Probably the God of War Alliance, Wang Shuang knocked on the avatar of God of War Qingfeng, and said, "Do you know where the Longteng Guild is usually active?" in the past.

Within a few seconds, the other party quickly replied: "Wang Shuang? I'm Bai Yu. There are many activities in the Longteng Guild. What do you want to do?"

white feather?Which white feather?Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, and added the word "God of War" in front of Bai Yu - God of War Bai Yu!The leading player who built the village chief's hall on Xianchen Island!What is he doing on the account of their president? By the way, it should be a power leveling. The God of War, Qingfeng, should be resting.Wang Shuang didn't delay, just typed directly: "Their main force is the president and vice president, where do these people usually work?"

"They? How would we know." Bai Yu said, returning a grinning expression: "The movements of their president and vice president have always been a secret, and none of their members know about it. How could we know?"

That's it, that's right, the general professional players and guild leaders have their own special place to spawn monsters, and it's normal if they can't ask.Wang Shuang silently returned a smiling face, then looked up for a while, and replied: "I'm here, I'll talk about it later." Then he closed the dialog box.

Saiyan City was already in sight, Wang Shuang approached the pier, and after inspection by the Lionheart Kingdom patrol boats, he calmly entered Saiyan City.

The reputation has finally turned back to a positive number, which is great!Wang Shuang was very relieved to see the NPC who had changed back to the green name.After replenishing the red potion in the pharmacy, Wang Shuang was about to leave when he suddenly heard a player complaining to an NPC: "Boss, why do you only sell two blood recovery potions, the little red potion and the red potion? We are level 30 When I took the red potion, I could barely handle it, but now I’m at level 50, and I’m going to change jobs and still take this?"

After hearing this, the NPC laughed loudly: "You can also configure it yourself. As long as you know the green-level pharmacy, you can prepare a blood-recovery potion that is a level higher than the red potion."

After hearing this, the player couldn't help cursing: "I'm stupid, what you said about stepping on a horse is really reasonable, but I don't know how to do it, and I'm a combat player, why practice this? Waste of time! Boss, can't you configure it? , You don’t even earn money if you make money. What’s more, the first young-level pharmacist player appeared only two days ago. I’m as stupid as a uncle now. A bottle of recovery potion sells for 2.5 gold coins, which is hundreds of dollars more expensive than the red potion Times."

The boss smiled and touched his head: "I should be able to get the goods in a while, the main reason is that I don't know how to do it now--no, the main reason is that my supplier doesn't know how to do it now either! Besides, I'm just A businessman, what do you want to learn from that thing?"

"I'm stupid, can you cheat me a little more?"

Wang Shuang left the grocery store silently, feeling a little complicated.From the experience just now, Wang Shuang understands that he has been away from the players for too long now, and he has not kept up with the rhythm of many things.

Job change, red potion, two things in total, probably the most discussed by players recently.When Wang Shuang looked at the forum, he was fascinated by the posts scolding him, and he didn't see such discussion posts.

According to the official statement, at level 50, players need to perform a second job transfer, otherwise they cannot be upgraded.Wang Shuang still remembers that when he changed his job for the first time, it was very ordinary. It was when he was at level 10, a mission issued by the village head before Xinshou Village graduated. After a long delivery, it is considered a job change.

Wang Shuang's current level is level 50, and his occupation is an assassin, while Li Muxuan is at level 49, and his occupation is a hunter.Oh, by the way, there is another pet, Li Er.Level 43, occupation is... pet.

Looking at it right now, changing jobs is indeed a very important thing, because it is related to whether Wang Shuang can continue to upgrade.Since it is important, let's solve this matter first.Wang Shuang unfolded the map, found the location of the Professional Mentors Guild, and soon came to the building of the Professional Mentors Guild.

This is a five-story tower-shaped building. Each floor has several different office rooms. Professional mentors from all walks of life work here, receive players, teach players skills, issue tasks to players, and help players complete job changes. .There are a total of hundreds of thousands of players in Saiyan City, all of whom have to change jobs here, and their pressure is not insignificant.

Wang Shuang walked into the building, and it seemed more lively than before.Many players lined up at the door of several rooms.Wang Shuang glanced at their levels. The average level was between 39 and 45, and only a few players had reached level 47 or 48.

Fortunately, it seems that brother is still ahead of the average level of players.Remembering that about a week ago, Wang Shuang's level was at the tail end of the mainstream players, Wang Shuang couldn't help grinning.

"Fuck, trash player Wang Shuang." Wang Shuang's smile didn't matter, causing several people to look at him.One of the players suddenly opened his eyes and yelled out in surprise, which startled Wang Shuang.

Hearing this prefix, Wang Shuang felt uncomfortable for a while, because his own name was the same as the game ID, and the feeling of unhappiness deepened.Wang Shuang turned his head, glanced at the guy who called him a garbage player, and raised his eyebrows: "Long Teng...flying?"

"Hmph, you can't even pronounce your name?" Long Teng Feixiang glanced at Wang Shuang contemptuously: "Primary school student?"

"Flying!" Wang Shuang hadn't had a fit yet, and a player next to him pulled him: "If I remember correctly, you just joined the Longteng guild yesterday and bought a name change card to change your name. How come one day has passed, and it feels like your whole body is People are brainwashed to call trash when they see people?"

"Brother Haoran." Long Teng Feixiang glanced at Wang Shuang lightly, shook his head and said, "You don't visit the forums, you don't know, this guy is notorious on the forums, and almost everyone knows the bad things he did."

"So?" Wang Shuang smiled instead of anger, and continued: "You want to do justice for the sky, eliminate harm for the people, and get rid of me as a public nuisance of the people? If you think you have the strength, you can give it a try." .”

"You think I can't do it?" Long Teng Feixiang immediately became annoyed as if he had been stepped on his tail: "Why don't we try to fight one-on-one outside the city, and don't beat you all over the place, my last name is Long Teng."

Grass, retarded.Wang Shuang pointed his middle finger at him: "Whoever wants to waste time fighting with you, goodbye!"

"You!...Hey, wait a minute!" Long Teng Feixiang was about to catch up and attack Wang Shuang, but was stopped by the guards of the Radiance Legion who suddenly appeared: "Stop, all attacks and PKs are prohibited in the professional mentor guild. If you want to fight, please Out of town!"

Wang Shuang ignored him and walked up the stairs to the third floor alone.As soon as he walked out of the stairs, he immediately heard someone calling softly: "Wang Shuang?"

Fuck, brother is so famous now?Wherever you go, can someone recognize you?

Wang Shuang looked up and was slightly taken aback.This time the person calling him is a girl, ID Xue Liwei, the girl who sold her left glove to brother last time.She was obviously taken aback when she saw Wang Shuang, and suddenly turned her head and glanced behind, seeing that no one had noticed Wang Shuang, she waved to him.

At the same time, Wang Shuang's friend list flashed, and a strange avatar jumped up, showing a dialog box: "Come to my side, I will help you block you and your ID."

Is this to cover for my brother?Wang Shuang was really moved after reading the news, and he was not polite. He stood behind Xue Liwei, and the blood bars and information on the top of their heads overlapped. It's just a blur.

At this time, Xue Liwei did not speak, but turned her back to Wang Shuang, and typed slowly on the keyboard with both hands: "Why did you come to Saiyan City, aren't you in the Islands of Sighs? The president said that you will be there While doing missions, guard the Islands of Sighs by the way."

Wang Shuang sighed, did not speak directly to explain, but also began to type: "It's hard to say, in short, I will change my job when I come back, and add supplies by the way."

Xue Liwei: How about it, is the left glove easy to use?

Wang Shuang: Thank you, it's really useful, it directly helped me block a lot of damage!I was able to clear a few dungeons because of this stuff, thank you very much!

Xue Liwei: Hehe, your skill book is also very useful, remember?The meat is cut to pieces, I rely on this skill, Haibian has many arena masters.

As expected, she is a talent that the Bloodstain Guild is looking for. Although she has skills to help, she can defeat many masters because of her strength.Wang Shuang chuckled, gave her a thumbs up, and saw Xue Liwei send a message: Next time I see you outside, I will fight with your followers.

Wang Shuang's originally sunny smile collapsed for a moment, and then he typed with a wry smile: OK, let's talk about it next time.I went up first, the place I'm going to is on the fourth floor.

Xue Liwei: Goodbye.

It's done.Wang Shuang saw the timing when no one was paying attention, bowed his head and walked out of the team, heading towards the stairs on the fourth floor.On the fourth floor, there were fewer people in the line. After Wang Shuang found the location of the assassin's mentor's room, he quietly followed someone in line.The player in front of Wang Shuang looked back at him, but didn't recognize him.Oh yeah, don't worry about egg pain.

After waiting quietly for 10 minutes, Wang Shuang finally came to the assassin mentor.

(End of this chapter)

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