It's time to play online

Chapter 122 Receiving Merit Rewards

Chapter 122 Receiving Merit Rewards
"Come to change jobs?" The assassin career mentor glanced at Wang Shuang, saw Wang Shuang nodded, and threw a letter without any nonsense: "Take it and go to the leader of the Glorious Legion, Kesma, and he will tell you What should you do next."

Cosma?Old acquaintance!Wang Shuang nodded. As soon as he received the letter, the instructor pushed Wang Shuang out: "Okay, come back to me after completing the task, next one."

That's the end of it?Hey, as expected, the efficiency of this professional tutor is high.Wang Shuang walked down the stairs all the way, and when he passed the third floor, Xue Liwei's figure was no longer visible; further down, that funny guy was no longer visible——

Just as Wang Shuang was thinking so naively, Wang Shuang saw Long Teng flying again at the gate of the Professional Mentor Association.

"Damn it." Wang Shuang was stunned, and laughed: "What do you want, PK and sparring are prohibited in the city."

"So let's go outside the city." Long Teng Feixiang pointed directly at Wang Shuang's nose: "Do you dare to go out of the city with me? I promise to hang you thoroughly and let you know that even if you have high attack power and no operation, you can't be in front of the Long Teng Guild Walk sideways."

"Who wants to play with you." Wang Shuang said sharply: "You have the ability to pull me out, silly X." After saying that, he left in another direction without turning his head.

Seeing that he was underestimated by Wang Shuang, Long Teng Feixiang quickly followed.He intends to attack, but his skills and equipment are lackluster, so he can't attack Wang Shuang at all.

In this way, Wang Shuang walked in front, and Long Teng Feixiang followed behind, all the way to the entrance of the Glorious Legion Building.Wang Shuang greeted the two guards at the door and entered the building of the Glorious Legion. Long Teng Feixiang wanted to follow, but was stopped by the two guards: "Stop, adventurers under level 50 are not allowed to enter!"

"I'm stupid." Long Teng Feixiang cursed angrily, looked up at the towering building, and then had no choice but to leave.

This is the third time Wang Shuang has seen Kesma. Compared with the last time, Kesma looks much more energetic this time.When he saw that the person who came in was Wang Shuang, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately got up to greet him: "It's you, a brave and skilled adventurer in the Kingdom, we have all heard about your deeds in the Sighing Islands, and it happened to be about Qiu. For the deaths of the two captains and deputy captains of the Golden Pirates, the higher-ups also gave an accurate answer, and your credit for blowing up the main ship of their fleet is indisputable!"

Is that right?It's a credit, but you gave me the reward. What's the use of talking about this with brother?Wang Shuang smiled painfully, and said modestly: "The main reason is that you are far-sighted, commander, and have a strange combat style. You can come up with a method of using explosives to hit them hard. I am just helping the commander run away, and I can't say anything about it. of."

Anyway, a few more words of flattery will not reduce the meat, nor will it reduce the rewards, and it may even increase the favorability of the NPC.Just as Wang Shuang was thinking about it, Kesma laughed: "That's right, it's mainly because my conjectures and plans played a decisive role, so the higher-ups specially increased my authority, which means I was promoted. So, Adventurer, I can give you the rewards for the cyan mission right now."

"Nani?" Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was almost moved to tears: "Finally, the reward is going to be given out. The delay really shouldn't be too long. My hair is turning gray after waiting. The released green-level missions eventually became abandoned missions because of their death. My brother really felt like there were [-] grass mud horses roaring past, that was a pain in the ass!

But now it seems that everything is worth it.Wang Shuang stood up straight and watched Kesma wave his hand: "In view of your current performance in the Islands of Sighs, we believe that you are ready to accept this reward. Then, please accept the reward that originally belonged to you." .”


System prompt: You have completed the cyan-level mission "Pirate Attack", you have obtained 352 million experience rewards, 10000 gold coin rewards, your follower Li Muxuan has obtained 352 million experience rewards, and your reputation in Saiyan City is 48000. The prestige of Saiyan City becomes "worship", you get Ten Thousand Insect Soup x10, you get Berserk One x5, and you get King Kong One x5.

Hey, it really is a mission I took a long time ago, the experience reward is a bit stingy, but the gold coin reward is still possible.Then there are reputation rewards. The reputation in Saiyan City has become "worship", so there is no need to say more... Brother Wanchongtang knows that they are special products of Kongseting Village, so what the hell are the violent one and King Kong one?

——Frenzy 10: Add 25 points of physical attack after taking it, and the additional physical attack does not exceed [-] of the base value?

——King Kong One: Add 10 points of physical defense after taking it, and the additional physical defense does not exceed 25 of the base value?


After Wang Shuang read the attributes of these two things, he was really excited.If this cyan-level mission rewards some equipment or something, he might be in pain.Now he is wearing an orange outfit, how much equipment can a cyan mission reward?It is estimated that the auction house lost the goods of the street stall!
To reward these truly practical things is what Wang Shuang needs now.Brother now finally understands how ordinary players fight bosses, not by piling up red potion, not everyone is as heroic as brother and the grand guild, who spend hundreds or thousands of bottles of red potion in just one battle.It turns out that there are so many ways to increase attributes!
Moreover, the bonus of this item will not conflict with the [Rage] on my brother, and it can be superimposed to improve the character's attributes to a higher level!

In short, the value of this trip far exceeded Wang Shuang's expectations. 10 Wan Chong Tang, 100 blood limit, 5 King Kong One and Berserk One plus 50 points of physical attack and 50 points of physical defense, all added to Li Muxuan.

After Wang Shuang gave it all to Li Muxuan, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the physical attack had increased by 65.Because of eating 5 berserk-50 physical attacks, and Li Muxuan has [Rage]: increase by 30? ? ?Attack, so it becomes 65 after superposition!

It can be said that this is very strong, Li Muxuan, whose attributes have risen a bit, also blinked at this time: "My lord, I think I have become stronger again."

It's okay to become stronger, Wang Shuang laughed, and patted her on the shoulder: "Work hard, these things will be given priority to you in the future, and I will eat if you have leftovers after eating."

Li Muxuan said excitedly, "Thank you, sir."

"Hey, me, I want to eat too." Li Er jumped up on Li Muxuan's shoulder: "These things are also very useful for Li Er, Li Er also wants to eat."

"Okay." Wang Shuang chuckled, "I've finished eating and there's still some left, so I'll give it to you."

Maybe there are still left?Wang Shuang thought silently.

"How are you? Are you satisfied with the rewards for this mission?" Kesma smiled so that her eyes narrowed.

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Wang Shuang nodded vigorously.

"Work hard. After completing the orange-level mission, the rewards are much richer than this." Kesma clapped her hands, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, in addition to these rewards, you also have meritorious rewards exclusive to you. You can Use these feats to exchange for some rare props or pets on my side."

"Merit?" Wang Shuang asked curiously.

"That's right." Kesma nodded: "According to your credit, you consumed 85 blood of the former head of the Joujin Pirates, Qira, and the former deputy head of the Jojin Pirates, Losako 95. ???Blood, logically speaking, you should be given a reward of 90???...But although some adventurers failed to contribute, they played tactics of delay and siege, so that in the end, Gira and Losako They couldn’t escape, so I awarded them 10??? Honors according to the Kingdom’s military laws.”

"Fuck, you can get 10??? rewards by sieging the boss with a sea of ​​people?" Wang Shuang felt unbalanced for a moment, and quickly asked, "Then how many meritorious rewards do I have left?"

"78??? Sima smiled: "After all, I ended up killing them, so I have to draw 12 from them? ? ? . "

Fuck, you slut dealers, you smoked brother 22 without saying a word? ? ?Let's go!By the way, the Longteng Guild uses those 10? ? ?Xun changed three yellow-level pets, what the fuck, it's so easy to change, so brother 78? ? ?Didn't the honor award detonate on the spot?Thinking of this, Wang Shuang suddenly forgot the troubles just now and became very excited.

"Then how many merits do I have now?" Wang Shuang asked.

"I'll check it out for you." Kesma returned to her seat and flipped through the pages in front of her.



Cool!Not to mention how excited Wang Shuang was when he saw the jewel-like items in the redemption list! 186 million, isn't that brother Ren's random squandering?
Wang Shuang opened the various exchange windows with great interest and glanced. Do you have any equipment?This was the first thing Wang Shuang was concerned about. After looking around, he was surprised to find that there was no such thing. Damn it!Wang Shuang was a little reconciled. Looking at pets, the exchange requirement for a yellow-grade pet is... Nani, one only needs [-] meritorious service!How did the Dragon Soaring Guild get it?
Wang Shuang recalled that besides battlefield meritorious service, there seemed to be other meritorious bonuses. Could it be that the Longteng Guild got a bunch of extra rewards because of the large number of people?Fuck!This is the benefit of the Great Guild, Wang Shuang had to be convinced this time.

Looking at the top, there are three orange-level pets, and each of them needs 8W meritorious deeds to redeem. As for the top... gone?Why is it gone again!There are no red-level pets, no red-level equipment, so what's the use of this feat!
In fact, this is because Wang Shuang is too ambitious. Xingyuan has strict restrictions on red-grade items, and generally they will not be open to players to exchange them casually.At most, it's orange, and now Wang Shuang looks at it all the way, the whole list of oranges... As for red?not a single one.

Why does brother have to be red?At this moment, Wang Shuang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and found the problem. When did he become so fond of pursuing perfection?I thought back then that I was still a set of black and white equipment, and how sad it was to brush deer on the open grassland. I would be happy for a long time when I received a cyan-level task.A week passed in the blink of an eye, but he couldn't even look down on orange pets!

Wang Shuang sighed suddenly, brother, it has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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