It's time to play online

Chapter 123 Attack on Rikus Factory

Chapter 123 Attack on Rikus Factory
When he was about to buy a few orange-grade toys to make up the number, Wang Shuang suddenly thought of Heifengling. The weird boatman seemed to be able to exchange for orange-grade pets, but why didn't he change it?Because I have a more ambitious pursuit: a red-grade pet!
If you empty the boatman's store list, you may have a chance to see red-level pets appear.So now here, can merit exchange be realized through this method?Wang Shuang quickly glanced at the merit list, the list is not long, the most meritorious items at the top are orange-grade equipment and pets, and a few small props.Add up to about 120 million meritorious service can be exchanged.

As for yellow-grade items, although the unit price is not more expensive than orange-grade ones, the advantage is that there are enough of them. A yellow-grade pet egg costs 3 meritorious deeds, and the total sum of zero and zero is more than 80.The lower the grade, the greater the quantity. Wang Shuang pulled the list to the end and totaled up the total value of the entire list—about 350W meritorious deeds can be exchanged!
"Captain Kesma." Wang Shuang said solemnly, "Apart from this time, will we have meritorious missions in the future? I think my current meritorious service is not enough."

Kesma looked at Wang Shuang in surprise: "Not enough? I think if you buy the few better things in front, it's more than enough."

A few things that are better in front?Wang Shuang raised his eyebrows, and his heart began to throb.Why do we say the better few things, not the best few?Because the best he hasn't opened up yet, hasn't he?That brother's guess should be right, this item is also hidden, just like my professional mentor, you need to buy all the items in the list before you can open the right to buy hidden items!
By the way, the items and pets in the entire list need 350W meritorious service, so how much do you need for the few hidden items?Wang Shuang felt a pain in the ass when he counted it. For the first time, he felt that these 180 million merits were not enough to squander.

If it's not enough, don't use it, and change it next time.Wang Shuang closed the transaction list, chuckled and said, "I'll change it next time, so let's not change it this time."

Kesma also smiled slightly, her eyes burning like torches: "It seems that you have a big plan and a far-sighted vision. I like adventurers like you."

Fuck, did you see it?You are indeed changed by the master of the system!Wang Shuang remembered that he still had matters related to job transfer tasks, so he stopped talking to Kesma, and changed the topic: "By the way, I got a letter from the mentor of the Professional Mentor Association. Ask me to come to you with a letter." After finishing speaking, Wang Shuang took out the letter from his backpack and shook it.

"Letter?" Kesma took the letter from Wang Shuang, opened it casually, glanced at it, put down the letter and looked at Wang Shuang, and said indifferently: "Is it about changing jobs?"

"Not bad." Wang Shuang gave an affirmative answer. It seems that my brother is not the first player to change his job.Seeing that Kesma skillfully handed over the letter to one of his subordinates, he sent a strange piece of paper to Wang Shuang: "I marked the location of the Rikuus factory on your map, you take this Proof, go to the Rikus factory and kill their leader, then come back and report the results, I will decide whether you are qualified based on your results."


System prompt: You have obtained the geographic location of Rikus Factory.

System prompt: You have accepted the job transfer task "Deep into the Rikus Factory", please go to the location marked on the map and kill the leader of the Rikus Factory.And based on your performance, determine the effect of your job transfer.The better your performance, the higher your grades and the more careers you can choose from.

Kill the boss?That is to kill the BOSS.Wang Shuang asked anxiously: "Does it depend on how long it takes me to complete the task, or the number of reasonable monsters to judge my grades?"

Kesma shook his head: "We will comprehensively consider you based on the difficulty of the instance you choose, the speed of customs clearance, and the completion of the task. We will not only give you a final score based on your performance in one aspect."

In other words, to test brother's comprehensive strength and attributes?Wang Shuang nodded. If Wang Shuang can do dungeons within the time limit when his talents are triggered, he should choose the dungeons with red difficulty!Wang Shuang suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked, "By the way, what level is this dungeon?"

"Level 50." Kesma replied.

Wang Shuang was stunned for a moment, this is a bit difficult to deal with, it is not difficult for Wang Shuang to fight the red level dungeon at level 35, but it is really hard to say at level [-].But now that the task has been accepted, let's go to the scene to see what kind of copy it is.Just when Wang Shuang was about to leave, Kesma also added: "By the way, the dungeon can be re-acquired multiple times. If you are not satisfied with your first score, you can challenge the more difficult dungeon to ensure your final grade."

So that means this dungeon can be done many times, and the one with the highest score will be taken as the result of the job transfer task!Wang Shuang said in a deep voice, "Okay, then I'll go."

"Walk slowly." The door of Kesma's office closed slowly behind Wang Shuang.

Coming out of the office building of the Legion of Glory, Wang Shuang was also relieved to see that funny man had disappeared.If that Doubi still entangled with him on the road, maybe Wang Shuang would be so annoyed that he would kill him in one go.

Wang Shuang returned to the streets of Saiyan City, because Li Muxuan followed closely behind Wang Shuang at this time, which attracted the attention of many players, and Wang Shuang is now notorious on the forum, and many players also recognized him , Some people are still pointing at Wang Shuang behind his back.

Fortunately, this time there was no funny person who rushed out and clamored to challenge Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang turned a corner, and just as he was about to leave Saiyan City, he heard a system bell.The ringtone was unreasonable as usual, it was a very rapid ringing.Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then opened the friend list, and saw Luoxue Qianli's profile picture beating unhurriedly.

Falling Snow Thousands of Miles: Wang Shuang, I heard that you have returned to Saiyan City?We just planned to have a small meeting, would you like to come over?

meeting!At such a moment, Wang Shuang remembered that another week had passed. According to Luo Xueqianli's past habits, their studio had a regular meeting every week.Last week, Wang Shuang was unable to participate because of the orange-level mission and talent. Is there any reason for him not to participate this time?

Wang Shuang replied immediately: Yes, it is in Saiyan City, and I will be there soon.

Wang Shuang turned his foot, changed direction and continued walking towards the center of Saiyan City.Those players who followed Wang Shuang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after seeing this scene. It turned out that some people had the idea of ​​Wang Shuang's equipment. When they saw Wang Shuang walking alone on the street in Saiyan City, they suddenly had a plan and wanted to follow him. Wang Shuang, wait for him to go out of the city and launch a stormy raid, kill him by surprise, and then take all the good things from him!

It's a pity, if Wang Shuang leaves the city, labor and management guarantee that he will never return.A casual player hiding in the shadows thought so.

Wang Shuang passed by the entrance of the auction house. There were many players setting up street stalls here. Wang Shuang casually glanced at a few of the stalls. They only sold mission materials and purple-level and blue-level equipment.Remembering that I also have a few pieces of orange equipment on my body, I don't know if putting them out will blind the eyes of these players.

"Wang Shuang?" Someone pronounced Wang Shuang's name, and suddenly all the street vendors who were idle raised their heads to look around, and suddenly saw a player in front of a certain booth with the words "Wang Shuang" on his head , They shouted one after another: "Wow, Wang Shuang, he must be very rich after brushing a lot of high-level dungeons!"

Wang Shuang was taken aback, and couldn't help but smiled wryly. The street vendor who was being patronized by Wang Shuang said excitedly, "Wang Shuang? Are you that trash player Wang Shuang on the forum?"

——Ah, can you not mention this?Wang Shuang's face darkened, and he was about to leave, but the player immediately hugged Wang Shuang's thigh: "Oh, no, I don't mean anything else, I just want to explain that I knew you on the forum... I didn't Sorry, you are so rich, buy something from my street stall."

Wang Shuang lowered his head and glanced at him: "I don't like any of the things in your street stall, why should I buy them?"

The stall owner let go of Wang Shuang's thigh as soon as he heard it: "Impossible, I know that you may not like the equipment, but you don't like these skill books either? As far as I know, there are no monsters in the dungeon." As for the skill book, no matter how many copies you have made, it is impossible for you to have a few handy skills—you must not have read what I am selling, have you?"

Fuck, you found out about this. Wang Shuang thought about it, and it seems to be the same. For so long, in addition to the task reward of a meat cut bone, he was also traded to Xue Liwei. Other times Wang Shuang wants to learn skills , They all went to professional tutors to learn.Can monsters explode skill books?Impossible, Wang Shuang has been brushing monsters for so long, even if the drop rate is very low, everything becomes possible under the reversal of Wang Shuang's talent.

Since Wang Shuang didn't explode after his talent was reversed, then he won't explode. Then this guy is very strange: how did he collect so many skills?

Wang Shuang glanced at the basic skill book, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed: the effects of these skills are very single, that is, they purely cause damage, which is slightly higher than normal attacks, but not much higher, and the cooling and mana consumption are not ideal. ——The most important thing is such a bad skill, why do you sell it for more than 100 gold coins?Others spend half an hour working hard to spawn monsters for about 100 gold coins, not counting the cost of red potions and equipment repairs!
Wang Shuang showed regret, shook his head and politely refused: "No, I don't need these skills. The skills I have learned now can be used by me."

"No, I'll lower the price. You can buy one, just one... By the way, this is a passive skill. No matter how many passive skills you have, you won't lose money. Can you buy one?" The master firmly grasped Wang Shuang's armored trousers: "Otherwise, my lunch at noon will be lost."

Brother Tama didn't find lunch at noon, okay?Wang Shuang was so angry that he wanted to kick him away, but found that he couldn't break free—yes, Wang Shuang's strength points were not high enough, and fighting was prohibited in the city, so Wang Shuang had nothing to do with him now.

"Buy, buy, buy, can't I buy it!" Wang Shuang was rubbed by the mangy dog ​​until his hairs were blown up, he grabbed a handful of gold coins from his backpack and threw them in his face: "I bought it, let me go."

"Thank you, thank you, you are worthy of the rubbish of the forum... No, no, you are worthy of the well-known human player Wang Shuang. Now that we have finished buying, we will add a friend and recommend some products to you in the future... No, I need to contact you in the future "The stall owner looked grateful, and stretched out his head to stick his snot into Wang Shuang's leg.

Holy crap, Wang Shuang was so shocked that he struggled with his left leg, and with a sudden jump, he finally got rid of the clutches of the stall owner.Just as he was about to raise his legs and run away, he suddenly glanced at the skill book in the hands of the stall owner. After all, it was something that my brother bought with more than 100 gold coins.Wang Shuang grabbed the cover of the skill book from the stall owner, turned around and wanted to run.

"Wait, rich man, wait, I have good things here too!" When the stall owners around saw the farce of the two of them, they immediately exploded, and they pulled up the stalls one after another to surround them, what the hell!Wang Shuang was so frightened that he threw the skill book into his backpack and ran away.Li Muxuan didn't keep up with Wang Shuang, and was immediately buried by the crowd behind her.Wang Shuan glanced back and opened the follower interface: "Mu Xuan, recall."

With a ding, Li Muxuan's icon lit up on the follower page, what the hell, did she really hear brother's order?Or was it forced back by those players?Hey, no matter what, it's good to be back.

(End of this chapter)

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