Chapter 124

Wang Shuang finally ran out of the siege of street stall players, bypassed the vegetable market, walked across the street corner, and entered a bar.The atmosphere in the bar is simple, the music is elegant, and the lights are not as flashing as other bars.Every customer here tastes wine slowly, beats the rhythm slowly, and the music is slow. Even many players are affected by it. When they act, they should pay attention to controlling their volume and speed so as not to destroy this beautiful scene. atmosphere.

It's a bit early for this meeting.Wang Shuang rubbed his nose, walked back and forth between several tables, and finally had no choice but to send a message to Luoxue Qianli.About ten seconds later, Luoxue Qianli came down from the second floor, saw Wang Shuang who was still wandering around like a headless chicken on the first floor, and patted him on the shoulder from behind.

Wang Shuang turned his head to see Luoxue Qianli, and she also grinned at Wang Shuang.Silently, Wang Shuang followed Luoxue Qianli all the way up to the second floor. In a private room, Wang Shuang saw several other people who hadn't seen him for a long time in the studio, sitting on two long bread sofas and chatting.Including Luoxue Qianli and Wang Shuang, the studio has a total of eight people.

"Haha, I'm sorry for being late." Wang Shuang, who had been silent for a long time, only smiled and opened his mouth until now, his eyes swept over the faces of several people, a little flustered.There were six people sitting on the two long loaves of bread at this time, and the seats were slowly moving. Wang Shuang was confused for a moment, not knowing where to sit down.

"Hey, long time no see Wang Shuang!" When Wang Shuang lowered his head, he saw Drowning Light, whose full name is Drowning Xiaoguang, a female player and warrior.It was also the guy who delivered goods to Wang Shuang and the others on Xianchen Island last time. Wang Shuang is quite familiar with her.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you and the others, but not with you." Wang Shuang laughed and said, "Didn't you just come to deliver gold coins and goods to us last week? It's been a long time since you haven't arrived in a week?"

"I just like to say that it's been a while, do you have any objections? If you have an objection, you will have no place to sit." Yu Guang said fiercely with his waist.

"No, you are my sister, I was wrong." Wang Shuang couldn't bear the power of being yelled at by the girl, so he had to lose.

Yu Guang nodded, the original anger on his face turned into happiness, as if the anger just now was just a play.Seeing Wang Shuang standing beside the table with his head drooping, Yan Guang squeezed his body inside to make a space just enough for someone to sit down.Wang Shuang thanked him and sat down immediately.When she raised her head, she happened to meet Shang Luoxue Qianli's eyes.

Wang Shuang's heart skipped a beat, and he looked away reflexively.That's right, there are two sofas in total, and she sat on one side, so of course she wanted to sit outside on the other side.

Under the auspices of Luoxue Qianli, several people slowly shut up, waiting for the regular meeting of the studio to start.Luoxue Qianli looked around at everyone with a different serious expression on his face.After confirming the number of people, she nodded and whispered:
"Let's summarize as usual first." Luoxue Qianli patted Feixu in June beside her, and said, "Feixu, let's talk about last week's situation."

"Okay, I got it." June Feixu suddenly raised his head and grinned at Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang was so numb from the laughter that he couldn't help knocking his head on the table and quietly listening to June Feixu: "Then last week's meeting was the same as usual, except that there was an absent guy, so it stands to reason that the absent guy this week should make up for the vacant part."

"Okay, I will make up the part I should hand in." Wang Shuang smiled wryly and nodded when he heard that he was called.

"Hmph, that's right." June Feixu chuckled, then cleared his throat suddenly, and his expression became serious.At the regular meeting of the studio, which all the staff attaches great importance to, she did not dare to smile: "Then let me summarize the situation of this week. We have 28 orders this week, and 28 of them have been completed perfectly. Everyone's contribution is indispensable. .”

"Yeah." Everyone nodded together, leaning on the sofa and listening seriously.

"As for the weekly fixed amount of tasks—" June Feixu looked at the first player beside her: "Star Key, this week's fixed amount of tasks is to collect 5600 gold coins and raise your level to level 41. It was completed perfectly, and the extra gold coins paid exceeded 2000. According to the salary rules, the 2000 gold coins can be exchanged for 20??? more money at the time of settlement." June Feixu rubbed her fingers, without a ladylike expression Laughing loudly, the female player named Xingyao also laughed lazily.

Wang Shuang knew her, the only archer in the studio, and the remote output of the second firepower.Although her archery skills are not as terrible as Li Muxuan's, they are considered among the top players.

"Then, did you brush the arena well during our absence?" June Feixu asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes." Xingyao cheered up and nodded at her: "This week, I participated in a total of 35 arenas, and won 21 of them, with a winning percentage of 60???."

"That's right, your performance is very stable." June Feixu laughed happily, and patted Xingyao's head: "28 orders, you also worked hard to take four of them, considering your other aspects of performance, This week was the same as before, steady and perfect!"

"Thank you, Sister Feixu." Xing Yao blushed and said with a faint smile, not sure if it was because he was praised or patted on the head.

"Haha, don't thank me." June Feixu pursed her lips: "It's the boss next to me who pays you wages, Sister Qianli."

"Well, thank you, Sister Feixu, and also Sister Qianli." Xing Yao said with a faint smile.

"Yeah." Luoxue Qianli also looked very happy: "Xiao Key has always been a very stable one among us, this month I will give you a salary increase of [-], and I will continue to work hard in the future."

"Thank you, Sister Qianli!" Xing Yao was so excited that his mouth crooked when he laughed.Hey, sure enough, countless sweet compliments are not as real as a salary increase.

June Feixu continued to comment one by one, and Luoxue Qianli listened quietly by the side, and when she finally reached Wang Shuang's head, June Feixu coughed: "Here, it's up to you, Wang Shuang. Although you said so , but you've been with us this week, so I know what's going on with you."

"Ah, yes." Wang Shuang couldn't help but wryly smiled and said, "I might be helpless for this week's order. I haven't played in the arena, but I have kept up with other aspects."

"Oh, that's right." June Feixu nodded: "Look at the level first, are you... level 50 now? That's right, you guys make announcements every day, and the system has rewarded you for several levels in succession. Qianli also said It seems that there is no need to lower the requirements for you."

That's right, raising 20 levels in a row in a week was something that would have been unthinkable in the past, but Wang Shuang just did it.On the one hand, it has something to do with the fact that he has been brushing bosses to make dungeons, and on the other hand, several levels 1 rewarded by the system are also very important.

There is still a follower holding back my brother, and half of my experience in fighting monsters will be shared with her, otherwise my brother will definitely level up faster!Wang Shuang thought in his heart, and said with a smile on the surface: "If you seize the opportunity, you can create miracles. Isn't everyone like this?"

"Opportunity?" June Feixu said, "By the way, Wang Shuang, what kind of opportunity do you have? Why did it suddenly become so fierce? I was still telling Sister Qianli last week that you are not motivated at work. You were the worst grade this time, and you were the one who bothered me the most, what opportunity made you turn around and become a phoenix all of a sudden?"

The eyes of several other people also gathered together, and being watched by seven people at the same time, Wang Shuang felt a pressure for no reason, and his face became a little hesitant.

"Could it be that, as the forum said, you used a cheat, or got stuck with some kind of bug?" June Feixu said excitedly: "There is such a thing that should be shared, we took advantage of the fact that the official hasn't found it yet, Hurry up to make a wave of money, brush a wave of equipment, come back to sell a lot, and then delete the account and come back. In less than a month, each of us can have a monthly income of more than [-], and even more than [-] is not a problem."

Fuck, I don’t even dare to think so, but it should be possible to earn more than 1500 yuan a month. When I brushed my equipment, I got 17000 soft sister coins every minute. As long as I brushed three times a week, and I brushed for an hour each time, I got [-] !What else do you worry about in life?
Although the equipment will depreciate, my talent will always be like this. If the level 35 orange equipment depreciates, I can go to level 40 or 45.Follow the mainstream of the player level and get the best equipment. As long as the Star Wish Company is not titled, you will have unlimited money.

However, I heard that it has been a while since the video was submitted to Star Wish Company, why has no one come to check Brother?Or have they checked?Hey, if it comes, it will be safe, they can't control it if they check or not, even if they know that he wants to check brother, they can't stop it, it doesn't matter, as much as they can get now.

"Feixu." Just as Wang Shuang was thinking wildly, Luoxue Qianli suddenly said, "Don't doubt the employees of my studio, didn't Wang Shuang clarify that he didn't use any cheats or stuck with any bugs, all of this is reasonable internal affairs."

"Ah, so, what is the reason why you can become stronger?" June Feixu asked unwillingly.

"I think there should be more than one reason." Luoxue Qianli glanced at Wang Shuang lightly, and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, just now we talked about Wang Shuang's level, which has far exceeded the goal we set for him. , Now it’s gold coins. The total amount of gold coins you have to hand over to Wang Shuang in the past two weeks is 12600. This is determined according to your level. Last week your level was low and there were few gold coin tasks. This week your level is higher. Relatively The difficulty of the gold coin task has also increased a bit."

"Understood." Wang Shuang nodded and opened the trading mode: "12600 gold coins? I traded."


System prompt: You have traded 12600 gold coins to the player Luo Xueqianli.

Hey, brother now rewards 8000 gold coins to 1W gold coins for completing a task. To be honest, this 1.2W is really not stressful.What's more, I sold a lot of orange suits before, and now I have a lot of money in my hand.

Luo Xueqianli was also a little surprised to see Wang Shuang being so straightforward, and then she also closed the trading window in front of her: "Okay, I don't expect you to do it in terms of orders, I hope you can continue to maintain this level advantage and gold coin advantage , and be more active on Xianchen Island. If possible, by the way, use forums or other places to create momentum for our studio."

Nani, Wang Shuang was shocked.What is building momentum?Building momentum is publicity, to promote the studio.A studio needs an order to work, so where does the order come from?It is natural to work long hours, deliver the customer's needs within the specified time and satisfy the customer, and slowly gather these stable customers to receive orders continuously.Another way is to advertise.

Is my brother so famous now that he can advertise for a studio?Wang Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still agreed: "Okay, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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