It's time to play online

Chapter 127 Persuasion

Chapter 127 Persuasion
"Why." Wang Shuang said anxiously: "Why did you block my account? Didn't I violate the regulations? This talent was given by the system master. If you want to blame, you can only blame the system master. At worst, change my talent, but Isn't the title inappropriate?"

"Don't worry." The old man waved his hand: "It's just a temporary ban, and it will be lifted later. We won't let you out until you're starving to death."

If that's the case, then brother can rest assured—no, what do you mean you won't wait for me to starve to death, brother is already starving to death, okay?
"Okay, let's get down to business. Although your talent was issued by the system, it seems that it has indeed affected the balance of the game and caused inconvenience to other players. Therefore, we have to withdraw your talent. You should understand it?" the old man said. ask.

"Um, this, understanding is understanding..." As he said this, there was always a strange thought in his heart, as if he was still unwilling, unwilling to give up, and did not want to lose this talent.

That's right, who would give up such a strong talent, and who would easily let the game company delete and recycle it?Wang Shuang suddenly raised his head and asked, "By the way, since we know that this talent affects the balance, why did we design it in the first place?"

The old man shrugged helplessly: "This is not designed by us. It is automatically discovered by the system based on the player's behavior. It belongs to the technology of super artificial intelligence. To be honest, your talents are all automatically generated by the system. Multi-player, all are unique talents, do we have the ability to do it?"

This is true, Wang Shuang nodded, after all, he has never heard of anyone whose talent is repeated, so it seems that it was automatically arranged by the omnipotent system master.

——No, this way of thinking is wrong, I can’t accept his reasoning, I have to resist, I have to fight with reason, I have to keep this talent!

Wang Shuang was so anxious that he was sweating coldly. While listening to the old man's words, he defended himself in his heart. He thought of many bad reasons, but Wang Shuang rejected them one by one in the end.

How to do how to do?Seeing the time passed by every minute and every second, Wang Shuang remembered like an ant on a hot pot, but because the old man was by his side, Wang Shuang didn't dare to show his anxiety and fear at all, otherwise he would be seen through by the old man, and he would only Make him more passive.

Is there any chance? Is there any room for fighting for it? They are currently shutting down the server. Players, NPCs, and even buildings are gone. I have to fight for it, but where can I get it?If you use it, there is no external force to use. Apart from my brother, there is only this old man and the white mist. Tomorrow, I will meet with a few people from the studio. I am also looking forward to their meeting in reality, and then After closing the server together, continue to take them pretending to fly with them——

etc!Suddenly, Wang Shuang had a flash of inspiration and felt that he had grasped the key point—why did Xingyuan Company shut down its servers?I have seen the answer on the forum last time: because the game data needs to be updated, because foreign servers need to be opened, etc.!
What does it mean to open a foreign server?It means to absorb foreign players as fresh nourishment to increase the company's profits.And after that, countries such as Japan and Ben Han will also open up their servers...

What is the most important of these?That's right, Wang Shuang was ecstatic. He could hardly bear the anxiety just now, but now he was all proud.

"So..." The old man seems to have entered the summary stage. After explaining the reasons, he will tell Wang Shuang about their company's decision: "We have decided to recycle your talent, which you cannot refuse..."

"Wait a minute!" Wang Shuang shouted suddenly.

"What's the matter?" The old man was stunned for a moment, startled by Wang Shuang's confident aura at the moment.Whether Wang Shuang is angry, sad or lost, the old man can accept it, even if he kills him.But he alone couldn't figure out why Wang Shuang became confident and smiling.

"First of all, you just said that you gave me such a cheating characteristic, and you will compensate me after that, right?"

"It will be compensated, but not in this way. You have seriously affected the balance of the game. To put it bluntly, you can instantly kill opponents who are far more powerful than you with a single blow. This is also true for other players. It's not fair." The old man quickly explained.

"This is just one of them." Wang Shuang stretched out a finger and shook: "There is also the second reason why you can't recycle my skills—if you recycle or modify my talents, it will actually be very important to your Star Wish Company. Loss is the biggest!"

"What does this have to do with us!" The old man was so angry that his voice began to tremble, and his speech became tense and rapid.

"Think about it, if you sell games, you must have good operability, high playability, beautiful graphics, smooth operation, NPCs with rich expressions and natural personalities, and there are a large number of beautiful followers for players to recruit. And molesting. But if you take back my talent at this time, not only will my compensation not be in place, but also after you take back my talent, doesn’t it mean that there are bugs in your game?”

"This..." The old man frowned and nodded: "Yes, but you need to understand that every game will inevitably have bugs, and unfairness always manifests in every part of life. What we can do is try our best to Maintain fairness. Your behavior seriously undermines our original intention, so we must destroy it."

"You will think so, because you are an insider of Xingyuan. But do foreigners think so? They will think that your company has made such a big mistake and has such a big BUG. Presumably other companies are choosing to buy it. When you play games, you will hesitate for a while, right?"

"You, you..." The old man seemed to be so angry that he couldn't speak. Wang Shuang's analysis seemed simple, but it was like a shining knife, stabbing hard into his fragile heart and stabbing him. The flowers of blood are in full bloom, and the blood is splashed.

"It's usually fine, but what if you take advantage of this bug and take away our league championship?" After recovering, the old man hurriedly said.

"No, have you forgotten, my talent can be controlled by time!" Wang Shuang said anxiously: "My talent is useful one day, but it will be the same as no talent the next day, which means sacrificing one day to enhance the first time. The strength of Ertian. And this talent also has its disadvantages. The probability reversal does not say whether it is reversed in a good way or in a bad way. To give the simplest example, if there is a success rate of item synthesis At 90???, and this item is very important, isn’t it a pain in the ass for me to become 10???

"Stand on the horse and wait until the next day to synthesize it!" the old man sprayed.

"Damn it!" Wang Shuang was shocked: "That makes sense, why are you so witty!"

Grass, that's not the point!Wang Shuang quickly shook his head: "No, no, what I want to say is that this talent has both advantages and disadvantages. The most important role for players is to enhance the output ability. Besides, half of the time, I have one less talent than other players. What about talent! And the luck value is still minus 10. I’m being careless when it comes to this luck value. Is it 10 points lower than others, does this count as a double weakening, it is fair to others if you recover this talent, is it also fair to me?"

This time the old man finally had a thoughtful expression on his face again: "Indeed, according to what you said, what we did was indeed a bit too much..."

"That's right!" Wang Shuang nodded in relief. It's true that I haven't analyzed enough with you.Wang Shuang saw that the old man seemed to be really thinking about what Wang Shuang said, so he continued to add more firewood: "Also, considering the agreed rewards, special accounts, etc., it is reasonable for me to have such a talent. Yes. Even if you don’t believe my analysis, don’t you believe in the analysis of the system gods you personally made? The decision it made should be very reasonable, right? It must have considered everything, right? If you don’t believe Master of the system, what will you use to configure attributes for other players in the future?"

A suddenly enlightened expression appeared on the old man's face.Done?lost?Or did he find a loophole in what brother said?Wang Shuang looked at him nervously, not daring to breathe out.

"You're right." The old man suddenly gave Wang Shuang a thumbs up: "I didn't think carefully, we really should trust the judgment of the system, it can be said that the system of Xingyuan is the most fair and just artificial intelligence in the world. , the decisions he makes are much longer-term than our human brains can see. We can predict the changes in the next year, but he can see the changes in the next ten years, or even a hundred years. Why should we be stubborn? How about understanding the world in your own way?"

Haha, have you finally figured it out?It seems that brother's talent is finally preserved!Wang Shuang's whole body softened like a deflated ball, and he waved his hand: "Okay, now that you understand, please don't take back your talent, and please let me out quickly, I want to eat..."

The old man had already looked at him with an inexplicably complicated expression, and finally he could only nod helplessly: "Yes, I will not take back your talent, but you have to guarantee that you can't use this talent as a means for you to make money."

When Wang Shuang heard this, he said anxiously: "Swiping money? Are you talking about gold coins? What can I do? If the equipment explodes, it can't be thrown to the system for waste, right? Or should it be sold to other players? Brother, I Now rely on this to support yourself, I believe there are many people who rely on gold coins to exchange for soft sister coins, and play games to support themselves. If you cut off this way, we will be very embarrassed."

"But if you go on like this, you will become a rich man very quickly." The old man shook his head: "In short, I have the right to make a special rule. For the sake of fairness, this rule will also take effect for all players."

"What rules?" Wang Shuang asked.

"You'll know when the game is updated." After the old man finished speaking, he glanced at Wang Shuang, and then walked into the white mist without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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