It's time to play online

Chapter 128 Exit the Game

Chapter 128 Exit the Game

Fuck!After saying this, he left. Wang Shuang stared blankly at his back, suddenly Wang Shuang felt a little scary.Why?Star Wish is a helmet game. Everyone knows it. If you wear a helmet, all your actions will become the actions of the characters in the game. In reality, your body can’t move. This is also common sense, even with a special account. As it should be.

But the guy who looked like an insider just now, or the guy who was an insider, old man.When he talked with Wang Shuang from the beginning to the end, he never opened the chat window, or quit the game to discuss with others. Instead, he chatted with Wang Shuang while analyzing, and then he wanted to take back Wang Shuang's talent, and later decided to cancel it. Recycling talent is also agreed with a little chin.This authority, this kind of sweeping momentum, I asked how many people can do it?Even if it is an insider, it is impossible to make decisions and conclusions for Wang Shuang without authorization based on his own judgment, right?

And this guy's age is terribly old, I don't know if it's a game character or a real person.Shen Qingzhu, this name sounds like a real person's name too.why?Fuck, my brother came in with his real name, so he is naturally very sensitive to other people's real names.Could it be that the sense of familiarity just now came from this?
"Hey, Grandpa." Wang Shuang called out before he had gone far, "Who the hell are you?"

The old man stopped and looked back at Wang Shuang for the last time. Wang Shuang saw the other party's lips move, but he couldn't hear it because the distance was too far away. Then the old man waved at Wang Shuang and disappeared into the white mist. not see.There is also a kind of misty fairy air like that of a master who lives in seclusion.

Wang Shuang shook his head and decided not to think about so many useless things. Now that the old man is gone, he should be able to untie him soon.Just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly felt the pressure on his whole body loosen, as if he was suddenly untied by a robber. Wang Shuang immediately opened the game menu and chose to quit the game.

The game screen gradually darkened, and Wang Shuang waited slowly with excitement and he came, his body slowly returned in reality, real touch, real feeling, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, wanting to go to the bathroom ...Holy shit, Wang Shuang took off his gaming helmet, and the cold sweat on his head instantly poured down like a waterfall.Go to the bathroom first, go to the toilet and take a shower, and refresh yourself.Then the feeling of thirst became stronger, because there was no water at home, Wang Shuang grabbed his bank card and wallet, and quickly went downstairs.

"Brother, a bottle of Xiaoming." When he came to the grocery store, Wang Shuang proudly ordered a bottle of expensive drink. Usually, Wang Shuang had seen this bottle of drink displayed in the first row of the freezer countless times, but he was helpless. It is too extravagant to buy a bottle to drink with one's own financial resources.But today, brother can finally feel proud, wow ha ha ha!
The boy in the grocery store quickly grabbed a bottle of drink named Classmate Xiaoming from the refrigerator, and at the same time buckled it on the cash register and scanned it: "Six yuan. Wang Shuang, have you made a fortune recently?"

"No, no." Wang Shuang said with a smile, his face was full of peach blossoms, and he touched his pocket, only to find two coins.Wang Shuang was taken aback, grabbed out his bank card and shook it with the boy in the grocery store: "Brother, do you accept bank cards here?"

"Get out, no charge!" The grocery store boy and Wang Shuang are very familiar, and cast a disdainful look at him: "Maybe you don't have a penny in your card, and the bank will have to tell me your annual fee of ten yuan this year." If you don’t pay it, I’ll have to pay you an extra ten yuan.”

"Haha, no, brother is not what it used to be now." Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing out loud, causing the customers who had just entered the grocery store to pay attention to him frequently.The little brother in the grocery store may feel that something is wrong, so he pushed Wang Shuang aside: "Go, since you have money, you can exchange the money back. I will hold your bottle of drink here first, and you can go directly to it when you come back later." Pay the bill."

"Hey, thank you brother." Wang Shuang rushed out of the grocery store without looking back, and went straight to the nearest bank.

After withdrawing the money, Wang Shuang felt that his wallet suddenly became thicker, and Wang Shuang felt that his whole body was going to fly, and he even felt confident in talking and walking.Is this the style of the rich?Although I can't be considered a rich man now, I have become so rich after only one day of swiping. Who knows what will happen in the future?In short, the impact of the video incident has been eliminated, Star Wish Company should no longer talk about recycling talents to run talents, brother can just play equipment with peace of mind.As for the new rules he said?Tch, do you think you are the boss of Star Wish Company?Even if you are, your employees have to be busy with the server these days, who has the time to formulate a rule for you?
After returning to the grocery store and paying the bill, Wang Shuang happily left the store with a drink.This time the problem of drinking is solved, let's go eat and eat!

After wandering around for a long time, Wang Shuang returned to the snack bar downstairs.Although those big restaurants are not bad, Wang Shuang has long wanted to try them out, but given his current state of wearing slippers, sloppy clothes, and unshaven beard, it is estimated that other restaurants will drive him out as a beggar?Wang Shuang went into the snack bar, although he was also eating, but this time Wang Shuang had to eat in a dignified manner.I usually order mixed noodles and flat food soup. This time I want to try the items under the menu. For example, the braised chicken legs seem to be good, and the mung bean soup looks delicious... Grass, it’s the same, anyway, I have money now.

After receiving Wang Shuang's menu, the proprietress looked a little surprised.Because Wang Shuang doesn't know how to cook, he seldom cooks and eats by himself. Whenever he has money or time, he goes out to eat, and this snack bar is the closest to Wang Shuang's house and has good craftsmanship. Shuang will visit here more often.

Seeing that Wang Shuang ordered so much today, the proprietress was naturally happy. She cooked the soup and served it to Wang Shuang, and then sat on the chair on the other side.

Because it was afternoon and there were no other customers in the shop, the proprietress chatted with Wang Shuang casually: "Wang Shuang, did you win the lottery recently? Why do you order so many at every turn? It's completely different from your usual frugal style. .”

When Wang Shuang heard the local dialect, he naturally responded in the local dialect: "It's okay, what's the lottery ticket, brother is like the kind of opportunistic person?"

The proprietress chuckled: "Isn't it?"

When Wang Shuang thought about it, he seemed to have dreamed of buying lottery tickets to get rich before. When he became poor, he stopped buying lottery tickets. He didn’t make much money from buying lottery tickets until now, but lost thousands of dollars instead.Just thinking about it, you can see how long Wang Shuang bought it, and how serious his opportunistic psychology is.

Wang Shuang also chuckled: "Don't mention the past. Now that I have money, I will buy your shop in the future so that the boss and the boss' wife can rest and enjoy themselves."

The proprietress didn't take it seriously, she laughed a few times, and began to tease Wang Shuang for saying something superficially obedient recently.


He was full, and there were still a few dishes left on the table, but Wang Shuang was not the kind of person who always ate them all.After paying the bill, he wiped his mouth and left the restaurant. He glanced at the time, it was four o'clock in the afternoon!

When turning off the clock, Wang Shuang suddenly found that there were two new text messages in his text message.

Clicking on it, the first message was a condolence message from Luoxue Qianli, and an explanation for the second message.Wang Shuang then clicked on the second text message, which probably meant that his air ticket has been booked, please arrive at XX airport by X o'clock tomorrow, take XX flight to the destination, the arrival time and en route time are XXX... Such a text message.To sum it up, it actually means that Wang Shuang's ticket is booked, and he will be allowed to sit there tomorrow.

Wang Shuang, who had a face-to-face meeting for the first time, was still a little nervous. Although he couldn't help being sleepy at this time, he still managed to go to the nearby clothing store.The shopkeeper is a female shopkeeper who still has a good looks. Seeing Wang Shuang swaying, she thought he had drunk too much. She was so frightened that Huarong turned pale and came up to help Wang Shuang, "Well, this guest...?"

"I'm fine." After calming down for a while, Wang Shuang straightened his spine and stood up straight: "Here, show me the recommended products of this season."

"Okay, okay." When he heard that he was here to buy clothes, the store manager was very enthusiastic. He turned around and went into a row of clothes to choose for a long time, and finally took out a dress and trousers: "Sir, these two are our recent clothes. Men's casual wear is on sale, suitable for outdoor sports and indoor leisure, look at its color matching..."

"Okay, stop." Wang Shuang waved his hand: "Just these two, go get the size 42, and let me know the price by the way."

After all, Wang Shuang only has more than 5 soft sister coins left in his card. He heard that some clothes can easily cost hundreds of thousands. .

"Hey, okay, the two pieces add up to a total of 42 soft sister coins. Is it size [-]? We have it." The female shopkeeper did not go back to pick out a piece of clothing this time, but opened the door of the warehouse. I searched through boxes of clothes, and finally took out two dark brown boxes: "These are the two boxes, sir, is it cash?"

"Swipe my bank card." Wang Shuang handed out the bank card and swiped it on the card machine. More than 2 yuan left him in an instant, but Wang Shuang surprisingly didn't feel any distress.Ma Dan, to be a man is to be straightforward, to play games is to have fun, to spend money is to be bold!In short, the word cool is absolutely indispensable in life!Wa hahaha!

The female shopkeeper was also moved by Wang Shuang's boldness, and she grabbed a lot of clothes from inside to show Wang Shuang: "Wait, sir! Please take a look at our new autumn product. Its shape adopts ..."

"Catch the train, catch the train, I'm leaving!" Wang Shuang couldn't stand the salesman from the female shopkeeper, and ran away with two boxes in his arms, leaving the female shopkeeper sighing with regret.

Back home, Wang Shuang glanced at the time. It was already 04:30 in the afternoon. He had eaten enough, bought clothes, and was waiting for the flight tomorrow morning.For the rest of the time, Wang Shuang just needs to browse the webpage, read novels, wait until night, and whoever sleeps, wake up early tomorrow morning to catch the plane! .

(End of this chapter)

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