It's time to play online

Chapter 129 Meeting

Chapter 129 Meeting
The next morning, Wang Shuang woke up before the alarm clock rang, brushed his loose hair, and leaned against the pillow.The dusty curtains on the windows were shaken by the breeze, and the fine sunlight poured into the room through the gaps in the curtain patterns.Beautiful scales flowed all over the ground like an ocean.

Wang Shuang looked a little dazed.Confused about today's Mian Ji, the time is now six o'clock in the morning.According to yesterday's text message, he will arrive at the airport at 8:28 am today, August 7, to get on the plane.During the period, the time is not to say abundant, but it is also leisurely.Wang Shuang, who had never been on a plane, hurriedly brushed his teeth and went down to buy a piece of bread and a bottle of carbonated drink, and walked all the way to the airport.

Arriving at the airport, he entered his ID number in front of the automatic ticket vending machine, and a ticket to L city was quickly printed out and handed over to Wang Shuang.Clasping the ticket with four fingers and rubbing it with his thumb, feeling the heat on it, Wang Shuang put the ticket and ID card together, and then followed the flow of people into the ticket checking process.

Because according to Luoxue Qianli, they will not stay overnight in L City, so Wang Shuang didn't bring any luggage.Even local specialties... He originally wanted to bring it, but then he thought if he only brought one copy, how would he share it with so many people in the studio?I don't want to bring too much, hey, I struggled for a while, but Wang Shuang, who was afraid of trouble, gave up the idea.

Wang Shuang arrived at the departure hall empty-handed, and then boarded the plane. After an hour's flight, he left the airport. It was already [-]:[-] in the morning.

City L is an inland city with the largest population base in the country, and the infrastructure and high-end consumer clubs are well established.Transportation, food, housing... all seem to be of a higher level than dozens of surrounding cities.

It is indeed a city where many rich people like to live.Wang Shuang sighed as he walked, opened the text message on his mobile phone, and glanced at Luo Xueqianli's instructions. The meeting place seemed to be... Laosai Action Cafe on Nancheng Road.

Wang Shuang has been to the coffee shop. When I was a student, I would occasionally go to the high-end coffee shop once or twice, but after a long time, I lost interest.Wang Shuang checked the map for a long time but couldn't figure out how to get to the cafe on Chengnan Road.

Just when he was feeling irritated, a girl happened to be walking towards him, wearing a straw hat, a shining silver gravel necklace in her hand, and a slender and elegant white dress.A pair of bright and energetic big eyes can be vaguely seen under the sunglasses.

This should be a local person here, she should know how to get there, right?Wang Shuang quickly switched his mobile phone to the map, leaned over to block the girl and forced her to stop a little: "Well, hello, how do I get to Laosai Action Cafe on Chengnan Road?"

The girl took off her sunglasses and glanced at the map, then looked up at Wang Shuang, put on the sunglasses and snorted softly: "Old Sai, you are asking the right person, I usually go to Lao Sai to drink milk tea and read novels every day , you just follow me."

Nani!Wang Shuang was shocked. To meet an elegant girl who drank milk tea in a coffee shop every day, my brother seemed to be lucky.After thanking her repeatedly, Wang Shuang followed her along the street from a distance.The flow of people around her gradually increased, and the girl suddenly turned her head and glanced at Wang Shuang: "Hey, what are you doing so far away, aren't you afraid of being lost?"

"Sorry, sorry." Wang Shuang hurried to catch up, but he didn't dare to walk side by side with the girl, so he could only follow closely behind her left side.The girl turned her sunglasses and looked at Wang Shuang: "Why are you so far away? Are you afraid of me?"

"No." Wang Shuang shook his head: "Just seeing men and women walking on the street, most people will subconsciously think that these two people are boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

"Haha." The girl laughed aloud: "You are from out of town? Besides, I'm not bad looking. Would it be a loss for you to be my boyfriend?"

"No, I don't mean that..." Wang Shuang suddenly felt that this woman was very difficult and difficult to deal with.

"Anyway, you don't think it's good for me to take advantage of you." Wang Shuang finally followed up from behind, carefully looking at her.

"Ji Yao." Suddenly someone shouted.

Wang Shuang felt a blur in front of his eyes, and before he could react, the girl next to him ran away with a bang.Wang Shuang looked forward, only to see that it was another younger girl who stopped her.The two met, ran, hugged, and moved in one go. They seemed to be very proficient in this way of meeting.

"Who is this uncle?" When the two girls turned back, the new girl looked at Wang Shuang and was taken aback.

The smile on Wang Shuang's face collapsed, and he said with a wry smile, "Uncle, I don't look much older than you."

"Hee hee, this uncle is going to Laosai too, I'm just taking him along the way." The girl who brought Wang Shuang all the way just now looked up and smiled at Wang Shuang, and took another girl's hand without hesitation, Bounced forward and walked away.Wang Shuang was speechless, so he had to quickly catch up.

"By the way, uncle, do you have an appointment to meet someone?" asked the girl named Ji Yao just now.

"Yes. Wang Shuang took out his mobile phone and swiped the screen. When he looked up, he met her eyes: "Table 12 on the second floor of Lao Sai Action Cafe. "

"Ah." Ji Yao curled his lips: "That's the place next to the corridor, so I don't need to take you there, as soon as you go up, you can see the table for eight people. We are on the second floor near the inside at table 22, you can ask me if you have anything to do later.”

"Okay, thank you." Wang Shuang hurriedly nodded.

"Uncle is from another place, are you here to meet Ji?" Ji Yao then asked.

Wang Shuang couldn't help feeling a little headache: "Yes. Let me tell you, why are you asking so many questions?"

"Hee hee, just curious, it's rare to encounter something interesting on the road."

Does it look fun bro?Wang Shuang thought for a while and put on a serious face.

"Cut, stingy." Ji Yao pouted dissatisfiedly, while the other girl burst out laughing, covering her mouth lightly with one hand, and turned her head to glance at Wang Shuang, with an even more uncontrollable smile on her face.This action made Wang Shuang even more depressed.

Nancheng Road finally arrived, and the two girls asked questions along the way, which made Wang Shuang's head feel dizzy.

Fuck, if it weren't for the fact that you are girls, my brother would have punched you and told you to leave. Did you check your account? The question is so detailed and so private!After finally finding the coffee shop, Wang Shuang was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After entering the coffee shop, he immediately escaped to the stairs with a sense of relief.

"Hey, uncle!" Ji Yao shouted to him behind him, "You haven't ordered your milk tea yet."

"Order later." Wang Shuang turned around and said, and then rushed up the stairs quickly.

Brother is really embarrassed now, he was forced to jump by two little girls, what about the prestige in the game?Thinking of Wang Shuang, I felt a burst of sadness.On the second floor, Wang Shuang was even more embarrassed.Wang Shuang saw table No. 12 at a glance, because it was placed on the side of the stairs just as Ji Yao downstairs said, and because it seats eight people, its location and shape are very obvious.

At this time, apart from Wang Shuang, there were already five women chatting enthusiastically in the seats.There were already five half-drunk cups of milk tea on the table, some brown and some white.At the next table is a single uncle, who seems to come to work in the cafe.At this time, because of the chattering of the five of them, they covered their heads in distress.

What to do, what to do?How about just walking over boldly like this, or how about showing a little expression on your face and acting a little more excited-I, Hu Hansan, are back again!Fuck, no, brother can't do it!How about a more domineering appearance?My brother's hands are empty, and he didn't even order milk tea, how domineering!
After struggling for a while, Wang Shuang had no choice but to go back to the starting point—to bite the bullet and walk over.

When he sat down, the other five people stopped discussing and stared at Wang Shuang with wide eyes.Wang Shuang raised his head and scanned around. From their eyes, Wang Shuang saw surprise, dullness, and frozen joy... The eyes of several women were all focused on Wang Shuang, and there was an indescribable weirdness in their eyes. .It's like seeing aliens in the panda area when visiting the zoo.

After two seconds of silence, several people screamed in unison.The uncle sitting next to him also covered his ears and screamed in pain.

"Wang, Wang Shuang?" Someone asked tentatively.

"It's me." Wang Shuang nodded.

"It's a real person." A girl poked Wang Shuang, and a woman next to her saw this scene, and immediately reached out and slapped the girl's hand away: "Be careful, it will leak air if you poke it."

Fuck!Wang Shuang's face turned dark, at this time the girl next to him suddenly reached out and shook his hand in front of Wang Shuang, asking, "Wang Shuang, do you know who I am?"

"Drowning light, drowning little light." Wang Shuang said lightly.This is actually not difficult to guess. First of all, although Star Wish did not scan the face, the height data is still based on the player's real height to generate the game model.According to the game company, this is called putting players in a suitable position, and suddenly changing the height and breadth of their field of vision will greatly affect the difficulty of their mastering the game.

"Then what about me!" Another girl raised her hand, and Wang Shuang's eyes fell on her.After a moment of pondering, Wang Shuang snapped his fingers: "Xing Yao, isn't that right?"

"Yeah, that's right." Xing Yao also looked very happy, obviously only happy when mentioning money, Wang Shuang was slightly surprised.

"What about me, can you guess?"


Wang Shuang was a little emotional. He didn't expect that after knowing each other's names, it turned out that it would not be difficult to talk to each other in reality.Different from the silence and neglect that Wang Shuang expected, he seems to have integrated into their circle very smoothly so far.

"It's been a long time sir, your lemon green tea." A waiter put a cup of drink in front of Wang Shuang from the tea tray.

"Me? What did I order?" Wang Shuang looked at the waiter with a confused look on his face: "You can't send it wrong, right? I didn't order it?"

"That's right, it's the lemon green tea delivered to table No. 12." The waiter picked up the receipt and handed it to Wang Shuang: "Look, this slip is also written on No. 12, and it's still paid for."

"Which one of you ordered?" Wang Shuang turned his head to look at the other five people, and the others shook their heads.

"Strange thing..." Wang Shuang was puzzled. At this moment, there was a sound of high-heeled shoes kicking on the side of the stairs.And someone said: "I ordered it. I told you that you left so fast without ordering milk tea, so I just ordered one for you. Thank you, Wang Shuang."

Wang Shuang felt that the voice was a little familiar, and the style of the tone... He turned his head and almost stood up from his seat in shock.Because the person who came up was Ji Yao who brought Wang Shuang all the way here just now. Could it be that the other girl is a thousand miles in the snow?
(End of this chapter)

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