It's time to play online

Chapter 130 Before leaving

Chapter 130 Before leaving
After rounds of introductions, Wang Shuang finally figured out who the few people in front of him were.June Feixu was the first girl Wang Shuang met. She was wearing a long white dress and a straw hat with a blooming jasmine on it.Wang Shuang saw her gently take off her straw hat when she sat down, a waterfall of beautiful hair poured down along with her action of taking off the hat.June Feixu, formerly known as Su Jiyao, is a local and one of the initiators of this gathering.Maybe it's because she likes to have fun by nature, and she also has a little money at home, so she thought of a few people who would come to the Dayan studio to come out to play for a day.

Luo Xueqianli was the second girl Wang Shuang met. Surprisingly, Luoxue Qianli was dressed very ordinary.A light blue dress, a pair of black leather shoes, a string of shell necklaces on his hands, and a peaked cap on his head.Two small cat ears grow on the left and right sides of the peaked cap.Su Wuxue is not a local, but she is quite close.And even though they both have the surname Su, Su Jiyao and Su Wuxue are not from the same family.What was even more unexpected to Wang Shuang was that they had nothing to do with each other. It was only through a transaction that the parents of both parties met that gave them a chance to get to know each other.

As for the others, I will not repeat them one by one.

"Wang Shuang." Wang Shuang was drinking the lemon green tea in his hand when he suddenly heard June Feixu calling him: "You are the only man here, don't you want to say something?"

"What to announce?" Wang Shuang's eyes fluttered on the faces of several people, and finally fell on June Feixu's face pretending to be calm.

"Of course it's to see which of our girls is the most beautiful!" June Feixu reached out and knocked Wang Shuang on the head, making a somewhat annoyed look, but suddenly couldn't hold back her face and smiled, looking up at the other A few people: "Then, who do you think is the most handsome among us?"

"Then whoever pays the wages must be the most handsome." Several beauties laughed, and Wang Shuang shrank his head and drank lemon green tea, laughing awkwardly with them.

I have imagined many times before how it feels to be with a large group of beauties.Regardless of whether Wang Shuang was in elementary school, junior high school or high school, he was surrounded by a group of brothers. He had never been mixed with a group of women like this before.To be honest, there was a sissy in their class before. He ate with a few girls every day. He looked very innocent. When others teased him, he would show his nails like a girl to protect himself.

Wang Shuang was very disdainful at that time, but now he understands that if a man and a group of women gather together, the man will either be silent, or he can only subconsciously be assimilated into a girl, and then blend into the girl in.

Is my brother to be assimilated too?Wang Shuang couldn't help shivering violently when he thought of how he pinched his orchid fingers, and shook his head, unwilling to think about it.

Well, anyway, it was June Feixu who invited him to come and play, so Wang Shuang didn't think so much anymore.After they drank the milk tea, June Feixu took a group of seven people to make up a breakfast together, then strolled around the local playground and went to see a movie.As the afternoon approached, when the sun was about to set, it was time for Wang Shuang to leave.Not only Wang Shuang, but several other people in the studio are also going back to their respective cities.

"Wang Shuang." Several other people got on the plane, Wang Shuang waited for his flight, and suddenly June Feixu grabbed him by the corner of his clothes: "I haven't answered that question just now."

"What's the problem?" Wang Shuang was taken aback.

"Ask you, who is the most beautiful today? How about I ask you another way." June Feixu pushed Luoxue Qianli up, pressed Luoxue Qianli's head and said with a smile: "She is well dressed today. ?"

"This..." Wang Shuang was at a loss for words for a while, and said to him from left to right: "It looks good, and I will miss that one if I don't get on the plane."

"Wang Shuang!" The force coming from the corner of his clothes became stronger, and Wang Shuang looked back at Luoxue Qianli in surprise.I saw her with her head down, her long hair flowing down her forehead, covering her face, her voice was as thin as a mosquito humming: "Speak seriously, do it again, or not in a perfunctory way."

"Very beautiful." Wang Shuang had no choice but to put on a serious tone.

"Yeah." Luoxue Qianli nodded and smiled: "You too, it's not the same as I imagined, I thought you were the kind of fat otaku who focused on playing games at home all day. No Come to think of it... your clothes and pants are new, right? In the future, remember to wash the clothes after buying them before wearing them."

"Oh." The plot turned too fast, Wang Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and nodded quickly when he came back to his senses.

Luo Xueqianli saw him nodding his head, and suddenly laughed: "Wang Shuang, actually, after talking so much, I just wanted to find a reason to say - you are also very handsome today. Just now when everyone was chatting, I didn't catch up with you." Come on, it’s not too late to say it now? You have praised me for being beautiful, so naturally I have to return the gift as a thank you.”

It turned out that I considered my brother's feelings!So, just now, brother's embarrassment in front of several girls was very obvious?Fuck, fail!However, Wang Shuang was still a little moved, scratched his head and laughed, "It's okay, but I really think you are very beautiful today."

"Hey, ah, is that right..." Luoxue was taken aback for a thousand miles, and nodded with a blushing face.

"Hey, Yaoyao Ling, someone here forced me to feed me dog food." June Feixu pretended to be on the phone.

"Ji Yao!" Luo Xueqianli looked back at her angrily, but in June Feixu stood on tiptoe and pointed at Wang Shuang and shouted: "Run away, this guy has run away, hurry up and chase after him."

"What are you chasing, I'm not on the same plane as him, and I'll just go home by car!" Luoxue Qianli complained.

They watched Wang Shuang enter the ticket gate, and suddenly turned around and gave them a thumbs up.

"Sister Wuxue, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously..." After Wang Shuang left, June Feixu's momentum suddenly dropped a lot, and her voice became a little low.Suddenly she raised her head and changed back to her hippie smile just now: "But if you like him, just pretend that you didn't say that."

"I know you." Luoxue Qianli glanced at June Feixu: "You just saw how close I was to him, and it was only the two of us just now, so you couldn't help but make such a joke, right?"

"That's right, that's right!" June Feixu followed Wang Shuang's example and gave her a thumbs up: "Sister Qianli——no, Sister Wuxue is really good, she guessed right right away. So do you like it or not? What about him?"

At this time, the notice of boarding at the airport was broadcast through the platform, and a cheerful and clear melody sounded in the waiting hall.Luoxue Qianli looked up and listened quietly for a while, then suddenly asked, "What's the name of this song?"

"STYX HELIX, the Chinese name is "Styx Helix". It is a work sung by two Japanese singers. It is also the ending song of a certain anime. Do you feel familiar when you suddenly ask this? Do you also watch anime?" June Feixu explained.Although she didn't know why, when Luoxue Qianli heard this song, she felt inexplicably that June Feixu would know.

"No, but I think this song is very good. The rhythm is brisk without falling into the realm, and the voice is bright without losing the rhythm. It seems that life should be like this." After Luo Xueqianli finished speaking, he closed his eyes and listened quietly.

"Rhythm?" June Feixu tilted her head, with that hippie smile still on her face: "Are you implying something, or are you trying to explain something?"

"I didn't think about anything. I just want you to remind me to download this song when you go back." Luoxue Qianli opened her eyes, and June Feixu looked into her eyes. It was still the same pure color as before, unadulterated No impurities.

"It's pretty quick for you to fall in love with something. I don't know if you are so good at music and games, but what kind of people are you?" June Feixu walked while talking, while Luoxue Qianli talked quietly She walked side by side.They seemed to be still in the game, June Feixu talked and walked forward with a smile, while Luoxue Qianli listened silently, laughing softly from time to time, and walked towards the intersection where they parted ways.

At 08:30 in the evening, Wang Shuang returned home exhausted. After taking off his shoes, he threw himself on his little bed, panting.Not only is the body tired, but the heart is also tired.

Today was inexplicable. Wang Shuang was called out to make two meals. At the same time, he went to an amusement park and watched a movie. There was a very touching scene in the middle. Several girls hugged into a ball and cried. Wang Shuang laughed hehehe, thinking that this is not a routine.However, until the end of the movie, apart from a bit of warmth in the final scene, there is nothing else that stands out.

Grass!When Wang Shuang came out of the movie theater, it was a cursive word. When he agreed to watch a movie, the girl would throw herself into the boy's arms and cry. It's all a fairy tale!Ma Dan, he is a virgin who has not spoken a few words to a girl like a liar!

Wang Shuang said that his heart was quite broken at this time. He thought it was a happy thing, but when he really had the opportunity to hang out with a group of women, he found that it was not as interesting as he imagined, but super fun. It's as embarrassing as I imagined... There are still two days left. I don't know how Star Wish Company will upgrade the server, but it will take five days.

Hey, I hope there will be no accidents after the update of Xianchen Island and Bounty Island. Wang Shuang can only pray like this.Opening the game forum, Wang Shuang found that the game forum was not closed. At that time, Wang Shuang could not open the game forum in the game, probably because the game was disconnected from the Internet.And in the past two days, because all the players couldn't play the game, they all gathered on the forum. Compared with the previous time, the number of hot posts on the forum was obviously three or four times higher.

Still those few topics, the orange task of helping the Elf Kingdom, that is, the new crown prince of the Xia Sen Kingdom, the progress of Wang Shuang and his epic teams, the benefits and development prospects of the Longteng Guild, and some messy things about other races Things, the undead, and the dwarf kingdom seem to be making big moves recently, I don't know what the hell is going on.Although I don't know what the situation is, what is certain is that something big is about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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