It's time to play online

Chapter 131 Longteng Liuguang is stubborn

Chapter 131 Longteng Liuguang is stubborn

Wang Shuang, who was flipping through the forum, suddenly saw the official pinned post about Xingyuan Company.The name of the post is clarification post.Wang Shuang suddenly felt a little strange that Wishing Star would also go to the forum to post information that was not a game announcement. What did it want to clarify?Could it be that Star Wish Company had some kind of scandal in the first place?
Clicking on it, Wang Shuang found that the number of replies had exceeded one million in just over an hour. The first floor was the official website of Xingyuan Company. The post started with a few opening remarks, and then changed the topic and cut directly to the topic:

"According to our company's professional investigation, the Terran player Wang Shuang did not use cheats or use BUG to conduct illegal operations. All the current behaviors of this player are in line with the rules set by the system. At the same time, players are also requested to consciously abide by the requirements of the Star Wish system and restrict Your own behavior, and when you encounter players who use cheats or brush bugs, please report them in time, and we will directly give cash rewards."

what does this mean?It means that brother turned over!Wang Shuang laughed out loud, that Shen Zhuqing was really awesome, and even sent a post directly to brother to prove his innocence, okay, now let's see what you guys have to say.

Scrolling down, the first few floors were filled with replies like "Eh?" "No, Wang Shuang is actually innocent." Some people don't even know who Wang Shuang was the instigator of this incident.After all, some people even block the announcements of the whole server.Turning back more than 100 layers, Wang Shuang suddenly felt that the wind direction changed again, and the spearhead of the topic was pointed back at him.

Floor 143: I would like to ask everyone, when you are at level 40, not 45, do you have the confidence to use the yellow or orange dungeon at level 35?Do you dare to take out all kinds of orange equipment with special features and skills, and set up a street stall to sell them like garbage?A few days ago, Wang Shuang was still dressed in black, not even fully equipped, but now he changed into an orange suit for himself and his followers, and there were a lot more.I would like to ask, if this is not counted as cheating, what is cheating?

Floor 144: That’s right, and Wang Shuang’s followers have a conservative physical attack of around 30 when they are at level 2100. The dry goods are in a post made by a certain editor on the forum. The screenshot is not fake, so no matter the equipment Regardless of his attack power, there are too many things wrong with Wang Shuang. If he said he didn't use cheats, I would be the first to not believe it.

Floor 145: I heard that Wang Shuang made 30 sets of purple outfits in one afternoon and sold them to the Bloodseal Guild. It is said that there are 7 sets of purple outfits, so there are 210 pieces in total, and it was still the result of killing wild monsters.Everyone should have brushed purple outfits, and you know the drop rate of purple outfits. Wang Shuang easily swiped 210 pieces in one afternoon. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

All kinds of replies like this are filled in the replies to the post.Wang Shuang was silent for a long time after watching it.Damn, my brother acted too casually at the beginning, so now there are rumors about his disadvantages everywhere, and even many things made out of nothing have been splashed on Wang Shuang.Wang Shuang deliberately sent a post to continue to whitewash himself, but Wang Shuang checked the previous post, which had been deleted by the administrator.The reason is that it seems that a lot of people scolded him with foul language, and the administrator wanted to rectify the atmosphere of the forum, so he deleted his last post.

How can this be good!Wang Shuang stared at the phone, and began to worry for a while.

On the other side, at the same time, the headquarters of the Dragon Soaring Guild.

The third floor is where wage players usually work. They sit neatly in a row, but instead of turning on the computers on the table, they put on their helmets and enter the game to start today's gold coin and equipment farming tasks.The Star Wish server was shut down for the past two days, but they couldn't get two or three days of rest.Even Long Teng Xingchen came down to inspect it in person.

As night approached, Long Teng Xingchen glanced at his watch and sighed, "Everyone work harder today, work overtime until 12 o'clock, and make sure to give Wang Shuang's reputation a bad name."

"Understood the boss." Several salary members who were hired to play games answered in unison.

Satisfied with the strength and attitude of their answers, Long Teng Xingchen nodded towards them.At this time, Bei Jianzhu stood up from a computer, stretched his waist, Long Teng Xingchen glanced at him, and walked quickly: "How is the situation?"

Bei Jianzhu smiled slightly: "It's progressing very well. We have asked several players on the first [-] floors of the post to edit their comments. I believe it will not be long before Wang Shuang will be unable to move an inch in front of ordinary players."

"That's good." Long Teng Xingchen smiled faintly, looked at the quiet night sky outside the window, looked at a faint star, and suddenly murmured to himself: "Even a dragon that is decadent for a while will have a day to soar again. Even if it is a dim star, it will become the moon in someone's eyes. Keep going, our goal is not only to rule the few big guilds of the human race, but also to expand the sphere of influence. Players are now generally ready to start After changing jobs, after passing the threshold of level 50, it is not far from the full level of level 80."

"Ah, yes, I didn't expect this day to come so soon." Bei Jianzhu smiled silently.

Long Teng Xingchen continued to say in a deep voice: "Recently, Star Wish Company has been busy leading several server giants abroad. When they are all ready and the opening of foreign servers has stabilized, the national war will be inevitable. .I hope that even if we are not the guild that leads China, we will be one of the main forces in China. Jianzhu, would you like to accompany us to witness the higher scenery?"

Bei Jianzhu took a deep breath, and said flatly, "I will go through fire and water, and I will do whatever I can."

"President." At this time, Long Teng Liuguang stood up from the computer on one side, with a complicated expression on his face: "Are we really right in doing this? If our actions are revealed, it will deal a huge blow to us. Even if we and Wang Shuang has a conflict, and we can resolve it in a simpler way instead of directly confronting him."

"Liu Guang, there are some things that the plan can't keep up with the changes." Long Teng Xingchen turned his head and shook his head: "In the current Human Race Guild, we have occupied all the available resources in the wild, including bosses, monster spawning areas, and equipment spawning areas .We can’t blatantly book the venue, otherwise it will cause indignation and resistance from other players. So what should we do at this time?”

"Expand outward, target the whole world, or defeat our opponents of the human race." Long Teng Liuguang replied.

"That's right, so what do you say is wrong with what I'm doing now?" Long Teng Xingchen spread his hands towards him.

"I don't know..." Long Teng Liuguang's eyes looked a little confused, but he finally shook his head: "But I don't agree, I will try to get in touch with Wang Shuang, I don't think he is like you guys As you said, he is a garbage player. He can get along well with the presidents and vice presidents of several large guilds, why can't he get along well with us? If possible, I will strive for a peaceful solution to resolve this matter Yes."

"No need." Long Teng Xingchen snorted coldly: "Now we are recruiting players extensively, and the number of benefits to be paid is huge. I can't wait for the day when you convince him. What we need are gold coins, a lot of gold coins! We want to occupy Xianchen Island developed by several of their guilds, and a series of large and small islands around it. Looking at Wang Shuang's mission level, the mission goal is probably to take down all the nearby islands. I'm not in a hurry, I can Act at the moment he completes the orange mission, and send out the main force to destroy him. No matter how strong he is alone, no matter how strong the presidents of several large guilds are, can he still resist all my main forces?"

"Liu Guang." Bei Jianzhu also persuaded him: "Don't be single-minded when you think about things. Benefits are not something that can be transferred to us after discussion. As long as we have the strength, he will naturally obediently transfer those things to us." Leave Katashima to us. If it doesn’t work, we can still attack by force. In short, we are not a charity organization. While we are distributing benefits, we must also expand our own benefits.”

"But, won't the attack on Xianchen Island cause objections from the other guilds?" Long Teng Liuguang asked anxiously.

"I know they will object, but what if they object? Don't tell me we won't fight if they object?"

"No, I mean, although we are very strong now, we are not strong enough to fight against several grand guilds at the same time..."

"We can invite several guilds of the elves, such as the Palace of Archers. I heard that it is a guild composed entirely of elf archers. As long as we share some of the benefits with them, let them help us defeat the other human guilds. Does the grand guild that monopolizes the dragon clan want anything at that time? I wonder how many survivors will be left after those so-called human clan grand guilds shoot a volley?" Long Teng Xingchen sneered.

Long Teng Liuguang was silent this time, speechless.But he turned around and returned to his seat.The reflection of the screen shone on his expressionless face, which made him a little lonely.

A bloody storm is about to unfold, and after reading the forum, Wang Shuang, who feels that his reputation has not recovered, but has fallen, is a little bit heartbroken.Remember what Shen Zhuqing said about 60? ? ?Regarding the account, Wang Shuang shook his head, put down his phone and went to sleep.

Two days passed quickly, at [-]:[-] noon today, Star Wish will reopen the server.

Wang Shuang has adjusted his state to the best, slept enough, ate well, and chatted with his parents in the spare time, cleaned all the curtains and windows at home that hadn't been washed for a long time, and the garbage was gone. After cleaning it up and sweeping the floor, Wang Shuang was not satisfied until this small room was completely refreshed.

Ten minutes earlier, Wang Shuang tried to put on the helmet, and he saw that the character selection interface was ready to enter, but the button to enter the game was still gray, and there was a very conspicuous countdown on it.

Why does it feel like opening a new area, so people can't wait to be the first to rush into the game?Wang Shuang chuckled, watched the countdown count down to zero, and immediately pressed the button to enter the game.


System prompt: Welcome back to Star Wish.

(End of this chapter)

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