It's time to play online

Chapter 132 Special Account

Chapter 132 Special Account
Familiar interface, familiar operation, familiar environment.After Wang Shuang went online, there was a burst of white light flashing around him, and many players went online one after another around him.


System prompt: Please open the mailbox to check the important updates of this release.

Thinking of the new regulations that the old man said before he left, Wang Shuang felt a little flustered in his heart.It's better to check your own situation first, check the equipment and attributes, they are still there, and there are a lot of skills.

Wang Shuang raised his head and found that he was still standing at the entrance of the auction house. The surrounding buildings were no longer in a state of white mist, and Li Muxuan's summoning also returned to normal.Wang Shuang summoned Li Muxuan from the follower panel, which immediately attracted the attention of many players.

"Let's go out of the city." Wang Shuang ignored them and said to Li Muxuan.

"Yes." Li Muxuan didn't question her, she nodded and followed behind Wang Shuang.

Wang Shuang walked all the way, opening the mailbox all the way.Speaking of which, Wang Shuang hadn't used the mailbox function before, and usually had a private chat with him, so when Wang Shuang opened the mailbox this time, he was surprised to find that he had a bunch of letters.

Most of these letters are from Star Wish Company's official function recommendations, as well as event recommendations, and sometimes include announcements that some players are auctioning rare equipment in a certain place... All outdated emails are deleted, leaving only one new email today.

Star Wish 8.30 Update Announcement.

It's you. Wang Shuang opened the letter, and the light yellow letter paper was spread out. On the letter paper, a large article was written in Microsoft Yahei. Although it looked a little dense at first glance, it didn't look too uncomfortable.

Then comes the text:
Dear player, Wang Shuang!

Thank you for supporting us as always, supporting Star Wish, and we welcome your return.

Here are some things about this update.

1. Modifications about the settings of monster death.

As we all know, after the death of monsters, bosses and players, they will turn into white light and disappear after a few seconds. This actually triggers the original setting of Star Wish, and the white light represents the soul of the creature.In the original version, after the players kill the monster, white light will fly out, and the monster's corpse will be refreshed immediately, which is obviously unrealistic.

Our original intention is to save system memory, but we found that this setting has brought a lot of trouble to many skinning players, so we decided to postpone the refresh time of monster corpses to 10 minutes after the white light flew out, so that players can kill After the monster is dead, you can take all the materials you need from the monster calmly.

2. The issue of experience compensation for death has been revised.

In the past, in order to promote players' leveling, our company gave players the authority to not lose experience after being killed by wild monsters, and to lose 20 of their current level every time they were killed by players? ? ?Experience value, but no matter how much experience is lost, it will not affect the level.In our subsequent investigations, we found that this inadvertently promoted players' awareness of mutual PK. At the same time, some players used being killed by monsters as a ticket to return to the city for free, so we decided to make the following adjustments:
We abolished the original setting and started implementing new rules.Now the player will lose experience points regardless of the way of death, and it is 25 of the maximum experience value lost at the current level? ? ?Assuming that you need 8000W experience points to upgrade to a level now, the experience value lost by one death is 2000W. When the current experience is not enough to pay for the death loss, we will deduct your level and use the experience value of the previous level to pay back, and unload more than [-]W. Level equipment, recover the attribute points that have been allocated.

And originally died 10? ? ?The item drop probability is now changed to equipment drop, and no more than three items will be dropped when you die, and the equipment will drop from the lowest grade equipment.For example, player A is wearing 7 pieces of purple clothing, 2 pieces of black clothing, and 1 piece of white clothing. The order in which we drop equipment is white-black-purple. The drop probability and drop quantity will inherit the previous 10? ? ?

All players are requested to consciously abide by the rules of the game, and jointly create a good game atmosphere. It is forbidden to insult and provoke other players.Your understanding will be the greatest support for our work.

3. Restrictions on gold coin transactions and buying and selling.

Starting today, we will prohibit players from directly giving gold coins or equipment items to others, but we will also open the guild warehouse and intra-guild trading mode, and there will be special NPC "guards on duty" in the city to assist. The act of discarding equipment for others to pick up or trade indirectly will be imprisoned for one hour, which is half an hour of inoperable time in reality.

There are NPC "adventurers" outside the city. They are NPCs who shuttle between major maps and grasslands. They are called adventurers just like players, but their action mode is still NPC, and they will also give players Issuing tasks, you can brush copies with players, and of course, monitor the behavior of players at the same time.They can be seen from the uninhabited desert to the high cliffs of the frozen world, please remember the rules of the game.

Regarding the issue of stalls, stalls are now prohibited in safe areas, that is, areas outside the major towns, and the area of ​​stalls in the city has also been greatly reduced. The upper limit of each player's daily stall income

In addition, players are welcome to report BUG phenomena and players who maliciously violate the rules of the game, and players who have made great contributions to the fairness and justice of the game, the company will directly issue cash rewards.

Thank you for your love, the star wishes to shine brightly because of you.The situation of the national war is not far away, please be ready to face players from foreign countries and meet higher challenges.


No, this is gone.Wang Shuang looked at the voluminous letter paper, scratched his head, and sighed: "Damn, there are so many non-existent rules, but they have nothing to do with brother."

Well, the first two are nothing to do, but the last one is really a bit fatal. What does it mean that you can't trade directly?It means that Wang Shuang can no longer sell equipment openly.The direct transaction of gold coins and equipment has been cancelled, and there is still a gold coin limit for street stalls every day.What is the upper limit?Hey, no matter what, it seems like there is no hope for my brother to become a rich man through this.

But Xingyuan introduced so many regulations, prohibiting this and that, isn't it afraid that the players will rebel?Thinking about it, Wang Shuang turned off the mailbox all the way, and opened the forum instead. As soon as he went to the forum, damn it, all the posts changed direction, and they all started to scold Xingyuan for this update.

It is not possible to directly trade and whether to leave a corpse after the monster dies. After all, this is only a problem for a small number of players. Regarding the loss of death, it is a problem for all combat players.Many players have to be tortured to death by wild monsters seven or eight times a day, because they are protected by the rules of Star Wish, they don’t lose experience when they die, and they even have a lot of gold coins. Give up until you finally defeat the BOSS and get the customs clearance reward for the first customs clearance of a certain copy.Full server announcement and level 1.

But now, being killed by monsters will also start to lose experience, gold coins and equipment, what a trough!Wang Shuang has not died for a long time, but he used to be a member of the Death Squad, and he often played the role of cannon fodder at the forefront during group activities in the studio.

If this is the case, it is estimated that the meat shield players will suffer the most.They often only need to make a mistake in operation, and they will be killed by the BOSS in seconds. The gold coins and equipment are okay, and they can be resurrected after resurrection, but they have to continue to swipe if they lose experience.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuang couldn't help laughing bitterly.Just as he was sighing, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder from behind: "How do you feel about the new rules?"

Damn, Wang Shuang turned his head to see, level 0 brother, Shen Zhuqing, that strange internal staff member, the old man.

"It almost broke my dream of becoming a rich man." Wang Shuang turned his head and looked at him: "But, for me alone, is it really okay to implicate so many players? And the first two of you What the hell are the rules? Are you too busy to come out to attract a wave of firepower recently?"

"Hehe." Shen Zhuqing chuckled: "I wrote the reason, and this is just a stopgap measure, and I will make some adjustments later."

Why did you write it?Fuck, who are you?Wang Shuang opened the envelope and glanced up and down, and suddenly saw that the final signer was really——really Shen Zhuqing!You wrote it yourself?
"Old man, don't you see that you are quite powerful." Wang Shuang who noticed it couldn't help but sigh.

"Old man?" The old man looked taken aback: "Am I also so old in the game?"

"No... But you have white hair all over your head, your eyes are still very vicissitudes, and your words are difficult to understand. You subconsciously feel that you are an old man." Wang Shuang shrank his head and looked at the silent man. Old man, my heart was pounding.

This old man can't be that narrow-minded, can't he block my brother's account after a disagreement?
Unexpectedly, after half a minute, the old man suddenly transformed into a boy in his early 20s. He looked at the character panel and seemed very satisfied with his current appearance: "Okay, let's keep it like this. I'm going to start enjoying the game too."

"Nani, the insiders also play games?" Wang Shuang was so startled that he almost jumped up, and his loud voice attracted the attention of several players around him.

"Nonsense, internal staff can't play games anymore." The old man hastily whispered, "Don't spread the word about it, if you let me know, I'll block your account again and talk about life with you what."

Fuck, you will start threatening brother too?But brother also accepted your threat, isn't it okay if brother is wrong?Wang Shuang sighed, "No, I won't go and talk about it."

"That's right." The old man laughed, and suddenly turned his attention to Li Muxuan behind Wang Shuang, stunned for a moment, approached Li Muxuan and looked at her.

"Wang Shuang." The old man turned back again: "You follower, do you have a red-level mission on you?"

"Yes." Wang Shuang nodded.

"And it's still the kind that can't be completed?" The old man who had turned into a young man suddenly laughed.

"...Yeah, I feel like it won't be finished before your company goes bankrupt." Wang Shuang also chuckled.

"As expected of a special account with negative luck." The young man waved his hand, and even after saying goodbye to Wang Shuang, he left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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